Name: _____________________________________________________ Per: ______ Learning Targets: - Describe and draw the shape, structure and parts of DNA - Explain how DNA replicates and the role of proteins in replication - Describe gene expression - Explain transcription and translation, and how they relate to gene expression Date 2/26 -Thursday 3/2- Monday 3/3- Tuesday 3/5-Thursday 3/9- Monday 3/10- Tuesday Vocabulary: - Gene - DNA - Nucleotide - Nitrogen base - Hydrogen Bond - Phosphate group Activity Lecture: DNA & Genes Activity: Make DNA Model Worksheet: Parts of DNA Lecture: DNA Replication Foldable: DNA Replication Worksheet: Replication Review Quiz: DNA and DNA Replication Lecture: Proteins, Transcription, Translation Protein Synthesis Practice LAB: How Does DNA Make Protein? Worksheet: Proteins Lecture: Mutations Mutation worksheet & review time Quiz: Proteins, transcription and translation 20 Questions Reading and Questions Packet Time DNA TEST All assignments Due CSI- DNA - Sugar (deoxyribose) Purines Pyrimidines DNA Replication DNA Helicase DNA Polymerase - Transcription Translation RNA Gene expression Codon Mutation ____________________________- Deoxyribonucleic Acid • The instructions for inherited traits like eye color or height are called _____________. • Genes were discovered by a cool scientist named Mendel (we will learn about him next semester) • Scientists knew they existed, but didn’t know ___________ genes came from. • We now know that genes are made of small segments of_____________. • DNA is the primary material that causes recognizable, inheritable ________________________ in _______________ groups of organisms. Structure of DNA - The sides of DNA is made of sugar and a phosphate group - The middle of DNA is made of nitrogen bases (nucleotides) - _______________________ - _______________________ What goes together? • • • • - _______________________ _______________________ ____________________ and Thymine always join with each other ____________________ and Guanine always join with each other DNA is a ________________________________________________ Double Helix- DNA is two strands twisted together its shape is called a double helix (helix means coiled like a spring) DNA-Genes- Chromosomes • • • • • Chromosomes are made of genes Genes are made of ___________________ DNA is made of a ____________________________________ backbone (side) DNA is made of nitrogen bases in the middle DNA Replication: _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ When DNA replicates two molecules are formed. Each new molecule has one _______________________________________________________________________ DNA Replication- Step 1 __________________________________________________________ DNA starts to separate at the ______________________________ As the DNA molecule unzips the nucleotides are exposed DNA Replication-Step 2 __________________________________________ Free nucleotides, base pair with exposed nucleotides They pair thymine with adenine and cytosine with guanine DNA Replication- Step 3 _________________________________________________ The sugar and phosphate part of the nucleotides bond together to form the backbone of the new strand Each original strand is bonded to a new strand DNA Replication- Step 4 ___________________________________________________ The process of replication produces two molecules of DNA One strand of the DNA is original and one strand is new From DNA to Proteins • • • • The sequences in DNA contain information This information is put to work through the ___________________________________ Proteins form complex shapes to become key cell structures and regulators of cell _________________________________ Proteins become a variety of things like muscle, veins, skin… __________________ (enzymes control all chemical reactions in an organism…very important How does DNA make proteins? __________________- similar to DNA with a few differences 1. ____________________________, not double 2. RNA has ribose, DNA has deoxyribose 3. RNA has ______________________________________________________ (________________) Types of RNA _______________- Messenger RNA, brings ____________________________ from the DNA in the nucleus to the cell’s factory floor (the cytoplasm), then becomes part of the assembly line -rRNA-__________________________________, clamps onto the mRNA and use its information to assemble amino acids (amino acids are building blocks of proteins) in the correct order _________________- transfer RNA, transports the ____________________________ to the ribosome to be made into ___________________________ Transcription • • In the nucleus, enzymes make an RNA copy of a portion of the _____________________ In transcription a single stranded RNA is made, in replication a _____________________ _____________________________________________ The Genetic Code • The _____________________________ sequence transcribed from DNA to a strand of messenger RNA acts like a genetic code message, the complete information for building that protein… – __________ makes the amino acid phenylalanine – AGC makes the amino acid serine – UGA tells the DNA to stop and start a new amino acid • The set of 3 nitrogen bases that code for amino acids are called _________ Translation • Converting the information in ___________________ into a sequence of amino acids that make a protein • Board Demo: Genetic Changes _________________________in sex cellsIn sex cells a gene that is incorrect will get passed to offspring and the “bad” gene will be a part of the genetic make up of the ___________________________ ___________________________________________________If the DNA is changed in a body cell, it will not be passed to the offspring. It may cause problems for the individual with the changed ____________________ Mutations-__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________-A change in a single base pair in the DNA. Changing one base pair can change the whole structure of an amino acid. Example- THE DOG BIT HER THE DOG HIT HER ______________________________________________: A mutation in which a single base pair is added or deleted from the DNA These can be very bad for the organism. A point mutation only changes one codon, a frameshift mutation changes every codon in the sequence after the problem Example: THE DOG BIT HER THE OGB ITH ER _____________________________________-changes in the chromosomes Sometime parts of the chromosome breaks off in mitosis and is lost Often chromosomes break and rejoin incorrectly. Sometimes they rejoin backwards or to the wrong ________________________________ Most times the offspring dies or is sterile and cannot pass the mutation to ________________ Repairing DNA • Much like a book editor, _______________________ “proofread” the DNA and replace incorrect nucleotides with correct ones • This repair mechanism works extremely well, but isn’t perfect. • Because the process isn’t perfect, it is wise for people to limit exposure to __________________________________ Mutagens Any agent that can cause a change in ___________________ -radiation from the sun -_______________________________ -extreme ________________________