Course Syllabus: Management Expectations & Policies

Seminar 1
Syllabus and Course Expectations
 Syllabus
 Policies
 Netiquette
 Plagiarism
 Late submissions
 Expectations
 Seminar
 Learning Activity
 Discussion Board
 Weekly Assignments
 Final Project
Helpful Hints:
 Discussion Board
 Final Project
 Final Project Action Items
 Business Simulation
 Articles of Interest
 Contact Information
 Questions/Answers
 Contents
 Course Information
 Course Description
 Textbooks
 This course does not have a
text book.
 Course Calendar
 Assignments
 Tutoring
 Course Objectives
 Course Policies
 Course Guidelines
 Interactions in an online classroom are in written form.
Your comfort level with expressing ideas and feelings in
writing will add to your success in an online course. The
ability to write is necessary, but you also need to
understand what is considered appropriate when
communicating online.
 The word "netiquette" is short for "Internet etiquette."
Rules of netiquette have grown organically with the growth
of the Internet to help users act responsibly when they
access or transmit information online. As a Kaplan
University student, you should be aware of the common
rules of netiquette for the Web and employ a
communication style that follows these guidelines.
Plagiarism Policy
The policy is published in the Kaplan
University Catalog/addendum.
Kaplan University considers
academic honesty to be one of
its highest values. Students are
expected to be the sole authors
of their work. Use of another
person’s work or ideas must be
accompanied by specific
citations and references. If it is
not “Common Knowledge”, it
must be cited.
Sharing assignments.
The lack of citations and references.
Using prior class work.
Late Policy
 Late submissions
 Accepted only in emergency situations.
“I forgot” is not an emergency.
 Deadlines:
Up to one week (1-7 calendar days) late 20% deduction in points
After one week (8-14 calendar days) late 30% deduction in points
No work will be accepted more than two (2) weeks after the due date.
Extenuating Circumstances:
personal/family member hospitalization, death in the family,
weather/environmental evacuation due to fire/hurricane, or active military
assignment where internet connectivity is unavailable for a limited time
No assignments will be accepted late after December 24, 2012.
Final Course Project: no later than December 18, 2012.
In order for you to make up a quiz, exam or discussion thread, you must contact your
instructor by email at least one day prior to the day you want to make up the work so
that access can be provided. Additionally, you must notify your instructor by email when
you have submitted late work.
Assignment and Project
Submissions Policy
 Early submissions
 Not recommended for: discussion threads
 Complete each assignment/project as either a Word, Excel,
or PowerPoint document.
 Upload into the Dropbox
 Submissions accepted by Email Attachments:
 None
 None
 None
 Discussions (Units 1-10)
Unit 10 is not a graded discussion.
 Learning Activity (Unit 2)
 Assignments (Units 1-8)
 Seminars (Units 1-9)
 Final Project (Unit 9)
 Writing Assignment (Unit 10)
A description of all seminars to be held can be found
under each of the units in the course. The date and
time for seminars will be on Sunday each week at 9:00
pm ET. All seminars are graded seminars.
Note: If you cannot attend a seminar, there is an
alternate assignment which is described under the
seminar tab of each unit.
Expectations: Learning Activity
 Due in Unit 2
 Five question matching
 You can complete the
matching as many times
as you wish before
submitting your final
Discussion Guidelines
 Threaded Discussion:
 Expectations
 Answer each question presented.
 Typically 100 words or more.
 Two or more responses to classmates that advance the discussion. Your
comments should be substantial and well-reasoned and should be at least
75 words in length.
 Visit threaded discussion at least 3 days per week. Example: Wednesday,
Friday, and Monday
 Post initial posting (answer to questions) no later than Saturday.
 Grading
 Rubric
 Most common grade deductions:
Answer quality.
All questions not answered.
Same day/Last day postings.
Not posting initial response on or before Saturday.
Expectations: Assignments
 Scenarios and tasks that will demonstrate mastery of the following
Regulations: Recognize the impact of state and federal laws and regulations on business
Management: Define the various tasks and responsibilities of managers in organizations
Marketing: Define marketing principles used in business strategies
Technology: Use technology and software applications appropriate to business
Human Resources: Recognize human resource concepts and activities used in
organizational environments
Business Principles: Apply basic economic, finance, and accounting principles to
organizational environments
 Due in Units 1-8
Be sure to use and review the template which can be found in “doc sharing” for Units 2-7.
For Units 1 and 8, review the Presentation Help document found in “doc sharing”.
Remember to use only third person in all assignments.
Be sure to prove your position with references and in-text citations in all assignments.
Expectations: Final Project
 Use unit assignments and Business Simulation information to
assist you in your evaluation.
In Unit 1, click on Final Project Information for a specific
description of course expectations.
Visit the Business Simulation throughout the course.
Be sure to follow the guidelines for formatting.
This project is due Tuesday 11:59 pm ET in Unit 9.
Expectations: Final Project
 Written portion of the Final Project should include:
 Coversheet: title of your report, the date of submission, and your name.
 Executive Summary: this is an overview of your findings. Should be a couple
of paragraphs.
 Body: explore the four different areas of Tim’s business. For each of these
areas, you will provide a detailed report that contains a title, summary, and
action items.
 Title of Subsections: Name of the business area: Management, HR
Analysis, Market Analysis (SWOT), Economic environment (in the retail
industry in general) and Finance and Accounting.
 Summary: Provide a detailed summary of what you observed in this
particular area of the business. Describe any strengths and weaknesses.
HINT: Be sure to use and review the template titled “AB299 Final Project Template”
which can be found in “doc sharing”.
Discussion-Helpful Hints
 Be clear about which message you're responding to. Refer to specific passages
or ideas in the course or text that have sparked your interest.
 Make sure your contribution adds something new to the discussion. A simple "I
agree" may be your initial response, but think about how you can take the
conversation to the next level.
 Make your posting clear and easy to follow by dividing longer messages into
 Address classmates by name or user name, and sign your own messages.
 Feel free to pose new questions to your classmates within your own message.
 Use correct spelling, capitalization, grammar, syntax, and punctuation.
 If you plan on posting a lengthy response, it is a good idea to type your
response in Word or Notepad, then copy and paste it into the discussion area.
This way you'll always have a record of your communication if for some reason
you lose your connection to the course.
 If you have any questions on these procedures, please contact Kaplan
University Student Services.
Final Project Helpful Hints
View Tim's Coffee Shop scenario, located on the Unit
Home Page. This business simulation will be
referenced throughout this course. You will work on
various aspects of your assignments using this
Final Project Action Items Hints:
Management and Human Resources
1) Management:
 Action items
What should the vision statement be for the coffee shop?
What are good short and long term goals for the coffee shop? Explain how
they will be met.
After studying the simulation what management improvements do you feel
are appropriate for Tim to make to help his business be successful?
Are there any state or federal compliance issues that Tim should address
based on your observations?
2) HR Analysis:
 HR Resources: Look in the file cabinet in the business scenario and
Analyze the current HR information provided
Detail what improvements Tim should make to his Human Resource
management and why
Final Project Action Items Hints:
Marketing and Economic Environment
3) Marketing Analysis:
 Analyze the marketing survey data from the file cabinet in the
business scenario and report your findings in your:
SWOT Analysis – Create a SWOT Analysis
4) Economic environment, Finance and Accounting:
Discuss the Economic environment in the retail industry and its
impact on Tim’s business success
Interpret the Balance Sheet & Profit and Loss Statement in view
of your knowledge of accounting/finance principles (as reviewed in
Unit 6)
Explain action items for improvement
Business Simulation
Business Simulation
Articles of Interest
Click on the
Click on the
article of your
Contact Information
 Email:
 Google user name: vpalzewicz
 Phone: 256-585-0911
 Tech support email:
 Tech support phone number: 866.348.1196 (Toll Free)
 Syllabus
 Expectations
 Seminar
 Policies
 Helpful Hints
 Business Simulation
 Contact Information