Powerpoint presentation here

Improovin Kee Stadge Too Spelin!!
Why do we want to do it?
It’s in the 2013-14 School Improvement Plan
Y6 SPAG test results show that 41% failed to get over half marks.
This was spread throughout all abilities. Specific word lists are in the
new curriculum.
Children not transferring spelling in writing or using in context.
Stretches across every part of the curriculum
Essential for oral and written language
Can effect the writer’s self image
Poor spelling is associated to poor writing skills- the less thought put
into spelling, the more time put into what is being written!
A typical week
Revisit – the spelling rule/spellings taught in a previous week
Teach – the rule or the example words
Practise – writing the words
Apply - in context
Give out the words that use the rule for that week on a MONDAY.
TUESDAY- predominantly games based.
WEDNESDAY- revisit the teaching with the more tricky of the words
given from Monday
THURSDAY- predominantly games based.
The words are tested on a FRIDAY through dictation – but not all of
them and ALL in context.
Spellings for homework would possibly be taken from the year group
word list for their set group.
Word lists
Taken from new curriculum- suggested to
start and use these to become familiar and
not to have to change again in future.
Can be linked to topic and be evident on
planning. Y3/4- WW2 bicycle, woman, guard
Y5/6 Topic Ancient Greece- spellings could
include ancient, government, foreign.
Games- Missing Vowels
Write instructions on the board, but leave out all the vowels.
Tk t yr bks.
Pls wrt th dt.
Or write book titles without vowels
Fv Mnts Pc
Dry f _ Wmp Kd
Synonyms / Antonyms
Quick write synonyms / antonyms
 Give children an overused word eg went, said,
big, small, bored, hot, excited etc.
 Write synonyms on the board, but with vowels
 E.g.: for “big” “h _ g _”
“m _ ss _ v _”
Word of the Day
Have a word for day and all pupils have to try
to fit that into a spoken sentence during that
day and earn points for doing so. Have a
witness sign a slip to say they did it.
Circle spelling/ spelling tennis
A spelling game children play in
groups/pairs. A child starts by saying a
spelling word from the list; the children must
each say one letter of the spelling word. For
example if the word was: Alaska The first
student would say capital A, the next student
says l, then a, s, k, a and each student will
continue. To the end the word the person
after the last letter will say Alaska.
Odd one out
Children are presented with a range of words from
the list containing the spelling pattern. Some of the
words are correct, some are spelled incorrectly. Tell
the children how many words are correct and the
children have to find them. Write the words on their
whiteboards – played in pairs.
Leave the incorrect spellings on the board – go
through how to correct them with the children.
Y3/4 spellings
Trialling something new for this half term.
Picking 5 spellings from the new word lists, displayed and
Everyone gets the same.
Constantly referred to throughout the week in all subjects
Get rewarded for attempting the word in writing and able to
spell it correctly
3x for incorrect spellings
Other spellings that children should know by this year group are
also picked up on but nothing else.
Really enjoying it and positive feedback so far!!
Year 5/6 Spelling
Use words to focus on a spelling rule each week;
Three differentiated groups – 3 to 5 spellings each;
Five, twenty minute spelling sessions per week;
Use of games and challenges plus revision of handy
hints to help remember;
Rewarded for use of spellings in everyday writing;
Spelling errors x3 copied out and end of a piece of
Really enjoying games and focus on helping them
like – can you make up a story using all your spelling words?
Y5/6 – Game – Missing vowels
The cyclps gbbld dwn n f dysss mn.
Y cn strggl t ccpy th lng sx wk hlday.
Pls pprch wth sffcnt cr.
Cn y rcmmnd a stble prfssn?
It is ncssry t plsh brss.
Year 5/6 – Handy hints to help you
- Say it as it is spelt.
- Remember the spelling rules - apply them.
- Make up a saying/rhyme/ditty to remember
tricky words that come up lots.
- Say it, Write it, check it, change it.
Any questions?