NH HIGHER EDUCATION STEM AUDIT 11/20/2015 Partnerships & Activities (DRAFT) Colby-Sawyer College STEM Faculty/Contact: Nick Baer Chair of Natural Sciences nbaer@colby-sawyer.edu 603-526-3066 Semra Kilic-Bahi Associate Prof of Natural Sciences | Math Circle coordinator for NH skilic-bahi@colby-sawyer.edu 603-526-3633 Leon Malan Professor, Environmental Studies lmalan@colby-sawyer.edu 603-526-3632 Program Circle Around Math Summer Camp Sequencing and analysis of the gut microbiome of flat headed mayflies and brook trout from a mercury-impacted stream of the Lake Sunapee watershed. Soil Science and Service Learning at the Sycamore Community Garden in Concord, NH Website https://sites.google.com/s ite/circlearoundmath/ho me (In Development: https://circlearoundmath. wordpress.com/) Description One week summer camps for middle school students held at Academy for Science and Design. Each day students will explore one theme and its relation to mathematics through interactive, fun-filled activities. Circle Around Math is an outreach and enrichment program designed to provide an informal setting for college and pre-college students to explore, communicate, learn, appreciate, and enjoy Mathematics. This initiative is a part of the National Association of Math Circles organization. A collaboration between CSC, Keene State College, University of NH, and Dartmouth College to study microbiomes of Mayflies and Brook Trout in a mercury impacted stream. Presented a workshop for high school science teachers on environmental genomics in biology. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2012 to help fund the program. KSC is the lead institution. This project is a collaboration between Colby-Sawyer and NHTI: Concord's Community College, in which students will have the opportunity to learn field collection methods by collecting soil and water samples at the Sycamore Community Garden at NHTI. The garden's mission is to enhance opportunities for growing organic food and provides a place for refugees to do so. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2015 to help fund the program. NHTI is the lead institution. Page 1 of 50 Contact Semra Kilic-Bahi Nick Baer Leon Malan Dartmouth College STEM Faculty/Contact: Alden Adolph Ph.D. Student, Environmental Engineering alden.c.adolph@dartmouth.edu Celia Chen Research Professor Department of Biological Sciences Celia.Y.Chen@gartmouth.edu 603-646-2376 Kim DeLong Greenhouse Curator and Manager greenhouse@dartmouth.edu 603-646-2382 Ann Lavanway Research Support Specialist Department of Biological Sciences ann.m.lavanway@dartmouth.edu 603-646-2679 Tracy Moloney Administrative Assistant Department of Mathematics tfmoloney@math.dartmouth.edu 603-646-2415 Amy Potter Graduate Program Administrator Department of Mathematics Amy.L.Potter@dartmouth.edu 603-646-2415 Carol Renshaw Principal Investigator, Chair, Earth Sciences Carl.Renshaw@dartmouth.edu 603-646-2655 Sarah Riordan Science Outreach Coordinator sara.a.riordan@dartmouth.edu 603-646-0397 Page 2 of 50 Dartmouth College Nancy Serrell Director of Science and Technology Outreach nancy.serrell@dartmouth.edu 603-646-9756 Karen Thurston Administrative Assistant, Academic Assistant design.it.build.it@dartmouth.edu 603-646-3276 Cindy Tobery Associate Director, Professional Development Programs at DCAL cindy.tobery@dartmouth.edu 603-646-9750 Haley Tucker Administrative Assistant, Academic and Student Affairs Haley.Tucker@Dartmouth.edu 603-646-2606 Douglas Van Citters Assistant Professor of Engineering douglas.van.citters@dartmouth.edu 603-646-6406 Kathy Weaver Assistant Director, Undergraduate Advising and Research kathy.s.weaver@dartmouth.edu 603-646-3685 Page 3 of 50 Dartmouth College DMAX Digital Music and Arts Expo dmax@dali.dartmouth.edu GWISE Graduate Women in Science and Engineering gwise.dartmouth@gmail.com ISTS Institute for Security, Technology, and Society info.ists@dartmouth.edu 603-646-0700 LEGO Dartmouth LEGO League Dartmouth.LEGO.League@Dartmouth.edu NACLO North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad naclo@cs.dartmouth.edu TNCD Neuroscience Center at Dartmouth tncd@dartmouth.edu 603-650-8561 Page 4 of 50 Dartmouth College Program Cell Biology and Light Microscopy Lab Website http://www.dartmouth.ed u/~academicoutreach/pro grams/scienrichment.html School Science Café http://www.dartmouth.ed u/~academicoutreach/pro grams/scienrichment.html Mini-Poster Sessions http://www.dartmouth.ed u/~academicoutreach/pro grams/scienrichment.html GK-12 Project-Fostering Scientific Creativity http://www.dartmouth.ed u/~academicoutreach/gk 12/index.html The Department of Biological Sciences Greenhouse Exploring Mathematics Workshops http://www.dartmouth.ed u/~grnhouse/index.shtml Junior Solar Sprint http://www.dartmouth.ed u/~academicoutreach/pro grams/scienrichment.html Design It! Build It! Summer Engineering Workshop http://engineering.dartm outh.edu/summerworkshop/index.html Security, Technology & Society High School Summer Workshop http://www.ists.dartmout h.edu/events/summerca mp.html http://www.dartmouth.ed u/~academicoutreach/pro grams/scienrichment.html Description The 60 -90 minute sessions - lead by graduate students, faculty, and staff - are developed in collaboration with the classroom teacher and can be designed for middle school or high school students. These classes work well for students who are learning about cell biology and how microscopes are used to study cells. School-based program for sixth to high school level students held in a school cafeteria during lunch period or classroom time. These sessions involve a guest scientist — a Dartmouth graduate student or postdoc in the “STEM” disciplines — who talks with students about his or her research and career path in science. This science enrichment activity is designed to support students who are learning to create highschool level science posters describing their research projects. Involves five to six graduate students and postdoctoral who give a short (5-6 minute) poster talk then respond to student questions. Dartmouth’s GK-12, is focusing on fostering scientific creativity in school children and in graduate students. Graduate Fellows will also develop afterschool activities, arrange field trips and visits from Dartmouth faculty, and facilitate other STEM enrichment. Funded by the National Science Foundation, through its Graduate STEM Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) program. The living botanical museum is available for community and school tours. Contact Ann Lavanway & Nancy Serrell Two week-long summer programs open to all interested students in the region who have had at least 1 year of high school algebra. Instructors are currently enrolled as Ph.D. candidates in mathematics, have completed their Masters degree, and have had two years of tutoring experience. Junior Solar Sprint is a model solar car competition for middle school students that is sponsored by the US Army Educational Outreach Program. The Thayer School of Engineering chapter of Tau Beta Pi works with engineers in the local community to host the competition for Upper Valley schools. High school students will work collaboratively with Dartmouth faculty, staff, and students to design, build, and test engineering prototypes. This is primarily a residential program but a few students will be admitted as day students. Summer day workshop for high school students. The workshop explores current interdisciplinary research in cyber security and privacy. The program is a mixture of lectures with hands-on and interactive activities, augmented with field trips and guest speakers. Members of the College's computing services staff will provide a "behind the scenes" look at security. Amy Potter Page 5 of 50 Sarah Riordan & Nancy Serrell & Cindy Tobery Nancy Serrell Carol Renshaw Kim DeLong Douglas Van Citters Karen Thurston ISTS Dartmouth College After School Science and Engineering http://engineering.dartm outh.edu/afterschoolscie nce Science Day at Dartmouth https://gwisedartmouth. wordpress.com/scienceday-at-dartmouth-2015/ Upper Valley Brain Bee http://geiselmed.dartmou th.edu/ncd/brainbee/ Karen E. Wetterhahn Science Poster Symposium http://www.dartmouth.ed u/~ugar/wetterhahn Dartmouth LEGO League http://engineering.dartm outh.edu/lego/ Thayer School of Engineering Annual Open House http://engineering.dartm outh.edu/events/openhouse/ Sonia Kovalevsky Math Day https://math.dartmouth.e du/~orellana/SKMD201 2.html North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad (Upper Valley) Digital Music and Arts Expo at Dartmouth (DMAX) http://www.cs.dartmouth .edu/~naclo/ Sequencing and analysis of the gut microbiome of flat headed mayflies and brook trout from a mercury-impacted stream of the Lake Sunapee http://www.cs.dartmouth .edu/~dmax 1 hour hands-on sessions once a week in an attempt to increase exposure and spark an interest in science related topics. Thayer School students have been running this program at local elementary and middle schools since 2007. Graduate students from Dartmouth College invite area 6th-9th grade students (with an accompanying adult) to visit labs on campus, meet real scientists-intraining, and learn about a wide variety of fields of scientific research. A fun and educational neuroscience competition for high school students living in the Upper Valley. Show students the fun in learning about the brain and provide an opportunity to experience what the field of neuroscience is all about! Dartmouth College celebrates scientific research on campus with a science symposium. The Symposium, usually held the last Thursday in May, features a prominent woman scientist as keynote speaker and showcases the work of 80-100 enthusiastic undergraduate Dartmouth women and men across all of the sciences and engineering. Open to the public. Dartmouth LEGO League, which is run by students from the Thayer School of Engineering, sets up mentoring partnerships between Dartmouth students and local FIRST LEGO League teams (grades 4-8) each year for the entire season — September through November. Each spring Thayer School welcomes the public into their laboratories and work areas to see how engineering prepares students to innovate in medicine, public policy, law, architecture, design, technology, entrepreneurship, and more. This is a program of hands-on workshops and talks for middle and high school female students and their teachers, both women and men. The purpose of the day is to encourage young women to continue their study of mathematics and to assist the teachers of female mathematics students. NACLO is an olympiad consisting of language puzzles, conducted across the US and Canada for students in grades 6-12. 2015 is the first time a test site will be hosted in the Upper Valley. The Dartmouth FAB Lab and Make-A-Thon, are part of the DMAX Festival. The FAB Lab offers an opportunity for students and adults from the Upper Valley to participate in a variety of hands-on workshops related to technology, fabrication, electronics, science, music and art. It will culminate in a 24 hour Make-A-Thon event. A collaboration between DC, Keene State, Colby Sawyer, and University of NH to study microbiomes of Mayflies and Brook Trout in a mercury impacted stream. Presented a workshop for high school science teachers on environmental genomics in biology. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2012 to help fund the Page 6 of 50 Alden Adolph GWISE TNCD Kathy Weaver LEGO Haley Tucker Tracy Moloney NACLO DMAX Celia Chen watershed. program. KSC is the lead institution. Granite State College STEM Faculty/Contact: School of Education 603-822-5431 Program Ed Tech Symposium Website http://www.digitalopport unityforall.org/nh-edtech-symposia.html Ed Tech Workshops http://www.granite.edu/a cademics/teachers/profes sionaldevelopment.php Description Professional development about exciting strategies for utilizing open educational materials in both K12 instruction and teacher education, mobilizing the community's linguistically diverse youths to lead the charge in closing the digital divide at home for lowincome children and families while developing their own STEM skills and careers. FREE Professional Development Workshop for Educators focused on the use of technology in the K12 classrooms, with specific emphasis on Mathematics. Page 7 of 50 Contact School of Education School of Education Great Bay Community College STEM Faculty/Contact: Deb Audino Co-Program Coordinator/Professor - Biotechnology daudino@ccsnh.edu 603-427-7659 Natalie Girouard Admissions Counselor ngirouard@ccsnh.edu 603-427-7607 Mary Rudis Associate Professor of Mathematics mrudis@ccsnh.edu 603-427-0000 Program College STEM Club Website https://www.facebook.co m/gbccstem Camp College N/A Moody's Math Challenge http://greatbay.edu/about /news/gbcc-professorprepares-high-schoolteams-to-compete-innational-math-challenge Description The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Club provides a forum to learn more about the exciting and growing STEM fields and careers. The club also provides student leadership opportunities related to the sciences. The STEM mentor program with Seacoast School of Technology (SST) allows GBCC STEM students to serve as mentors to SST Biotechnology students. The goal of camp college is to expose 8th graders to college (specifically GBCC). This is done by following an agenda that includes attending 2 of a variety of career demos (programs asked to come up with an interactive demo) and 4 sessions/workshops each, during the day long event. Internet based math challenge for teams of 3-5 high school juniors & seniors in 46 states to solve a 14 hour open-ended problem using applied math modeling and mind mapping. GBCC to help prepare first 6 responding teams through 2 day long "camps" & host High School teams for Moody's Math Challenge. Free to participate. Page 8 of 50 Contact Deb Audino Natalie Girouard Mary Rudis Keene State College STEM Faculty/Contact: Christopher Brehme Assistant Professor of Geography cbrehme@keene.edu 603-358-2197 Loren Launen Associate Professor of Biology llaunen@keene.edu 603-358-2574 Donna Paley Associate Professor of Architecture Department of Technology, Design, and Safety dpaley@keene.edu 603-358-2312 Kristen Porter-Utley Professor of Biology and Assistant Dean of Sciences kporterutley@keene.edu 603-358-2576 Bartlomiej Sapeta Assistant Professor of Architecture Department of Technology, Design, and Safety bsapeta@keene.edu 603-358-2847 Nora Traviss Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies ntraviss@keene.edu 603-358-2974 Page 9 of 50 Keene State College Program Building Excellence in Science and Technology (BEST) program Sequencing and analysis of the gut microbiome of flat headed mayflies and brook trout from a mercury-impacted stream of the Lake Sunapee watershed. Scaled Testing Bay for the Technology, Design and Safety Department Center Keene Air Quality Project Website http://www.keene.edu/ac ademics/liberal-arts/best/ Description Students in Keene State’s BEST program, will have access to mentoring, one-on-one contact with faculty in their field of study, transformative teaching practices, community service, leadership development, alumni networking, and field trips. A collaboration between KSC, Colby Sawyer College, University of NH, and Dartmouth College to study microbiomes of Mayflies and Brook Trout in a mercury impacted stream. Presented a workshop for high school science teachers on environmental genomics in biology. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2012 to help fund the program. KSC is the lead institution. Allows Architectural faculty members, working with students in the design and technology related programs, to test sensors and software for training purposes. Successful completion of the scaled version will allow members to apply for necessary funding of a full scale Testing Bay module which will expand the applied and experiential learning opportunities. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2012 to help fund the program. The study addresses data gaps in previous air pollution studies by connecting STEM students and community stakeholders to develop effective policy relevant scientific research addressing the issue of wintertime air pollution in Keene, NH. Engaged students from Keene High School who made videos to raise awareness of the found issue. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2012 to help fund the program. Page 10 of 50 Contact Kristen PorterUtley Loren Launen Bartlomiej Sapeta & Donna Paley Nora Traviss & Christopher Brehme Lakes Region Community College STEM Faculty/Contact: Kalene Barney Running Start Coordinator kbarney@ccsnh.edu 603-366-5272 Andrew Duncan Energy Trainings Manager aduncan@ccsnh.edu 603-524-3207 x6629 Program Advisory Board Website http://www.lrcc.edu/abo ut-lrcc/adivsory-board2013-2014 Project Running Start http://www.lrcc.edu/acad emics/running-startprogram On Campus Meetings for HS Faculty H.S. student field trips H.S. Summer Scholarship Lakes Region Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Committee Energy and Sustainability Collaboration http://www.nhsaa.org/ Description Some twenty-odd local technology companies are members of LRCC’s advisory boards, and routinely send representatives to oversee the programs in Advanced Manufacturing, Computer Technologies, Automotive Technologies, Marine Technology, Energy Service Technologies, and Electro-Mechanical Technologies. In many cases LRCC reciprocates by having workshops and certification activities for their employees. Running Start courses where students receive college credit for STEM courses. Bringing H.S. faculty onto the campus for meetings including STEM. H.S. student field trips where LRCC highlights programs including STEM. Conducting a H.S. Summer Scholars program wherein two-dozen students take a course in Anatomy & Physiology with LRCC - this is sponsored by Lakes Region General Hospital. Member of the New Hampshire School Administrators Association - Lakes Region Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment Committee to bring awareness of STEM to 17 local SAUs. The collaboration will broaden participation in STEM fields and develop research capacity at LRCC and Plymouth State University. The project would specifically strengthen energy and environmental science ties between students and faculty at both institutions. It endeavors to broaden participation in STEM among women students and those from rural communities. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2015 to help fund the program. LRCC is the lead institution. Page 11 of 50 Contact Kalene Barney Andrew Duncan Manchester Community College STEM Faculty/Contact: Deborah Booker MCC Camp Director, Child Development Center Director dbooker@ccsnh.edu 603-206-8098 John Cook Vice President of Academic Affairs jcook@ccsnh.edu 603-206-8010 Kathy DesRoches Director, Workforce Development Center kdesroches@ccsnh.edu 603-206-8161 Kate Guerdat Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs kguerdat@ccsnh.edu 603-206-8010 Todd Guerdat Life Sciences Professor tguerdat@ccsnh.edu 603-206-8063 Pamela Lamontagne Science, Engineering, & Mathematics Department Chair palamontagne@ccsnh.edu 603-206-8075 Page 12 of 50 Manchester Community College Program Girls Technology Day Website https://sites.google.com/s ite/gtd2015nh/ Camp Construction http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps Science Camp http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps Camp Invention http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps Girl's Career Camp http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps Graphic Design Camp http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps Nuts, Bolts and Thingamajigs http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps Advanced Nuts and Bolts http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps Robotics Camp http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps STEM Camp http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps Description The NH Department of Education co-sponsors the annual Girls Technology Day in partnership with the NH Community College System. Freshman and Sophomore girls have a chance to participate in workshops led by educators and industry leaders from the local community, attend a vendor fair, and learn about college options. Week long day camp for children entering grades 1 through 5. Campers will build with materials ranging from Legos and K’nex to real wood. Week long day camp for children entering grades 1 through 5. Campers will explore science topics such as geology, meteorology, astronomy biology and chemistry in this fun-filled hands-on week! Week long day camp for children entering grades 1 through 5. Campers will use their creativity and imagination in this hands-on camp creating their own inventions from blueprints to the tangible invention! Week long day camp for youth entering 6th through 8th grades. Girls will explore Computer-Aided Design (CAD), 3D printing, automotive technology, reverse engineering, and app programming for an exciting and varied experience. Week long day camp for youth entering 6th through 8th grades. Campers will develop their own “mock” pet or sport-supply company. Students will perform market research, create a company logo, and a sale flyer using Adobe Illustrator. The culminating project is to design, print, and assemble a shopping bag. Week long day camp for youth entering 6th through 8th grades. Campers will design their own projects as well as manufacture and assemble their creation. This camp includes an introduction to blue print reading, use of solid works to design 3D models, work with robotics, and CNC lathes. Students will also tour Manchester-area companies. Week long day camp for youth entering 6th through 8th grades. In this advanced camp (designed for students who have successfully completed the Nuts, Bolts and Thingamajigs camp) students will work with 3D modeling and printing, as well as ER9 Robotics. Week long day camp for youth entering 6th through 8th grades. Campers will construct and program a robot to compete in an agility-style activity. This team-based activity will follow the design, construction, electronics, control systems, gearing, and programming of a robot. Week long day camp for youth entering 6th through 8th grades. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) camp uses fun activities to explore engineering design. Students will learn about thermal dynamics, insulation, and food technology. Page 13 of 50 Contact Kate Guerdat Deborah Booker Deborah Booker Deborah Booker Kathy DesRoches Kathy DesRoches Kathy DesRoches Kathy DesRoches Kathy DesRoches Kathy DesRoches Manchester Community College Minecraft Designers http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps Make Your First Video Game! http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps Minecraft Modders http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps Make Your First 3D Video Game! http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps App Attack! http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps Video Game Odyssey http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps Code Breakers http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps App Adventures http://www.mccnh.edu/s ummer-camps Project to create a mini Camp-Design-Lab Cold-water Stream Vulnerability to Climate Change Week long half-day camp for youth entering 6th through 8th grades. Campers will learn the basics of creating 3D models using a new software to design their very own objects, create skins for characters, and import them into their favorite Minecraft games. Week long half-day camp for youth entering 6th through 8th grades. Make a first video game in this one-of-a-kind class that shows students the keys to designing ones first 2D game. Conceptualization, play experience, challenge levels, graphics, sounds, and simple coding are concepts that will be explored. Week long half-day camp for youth entering 6th through 8th grades. Campers learn scripting and logic statements as they create their first mod! Introductory coding will be taught through a simulated environment inspired by Minecraft. Week long half-day camp for youth entering 6th through 8th grades. Students will learn the physics behind 3D games, explore beginner event scripting, level design, controlling flow of gameplay, and story telling. Week long half-day camp for youth entering 6th through 8th grades. Using a specialized app and game development tool, students will explore the world of web-based apps. In addition to learning the basics of mobile app design and game development, they will also see firsthand how the world of App publishing functions. Week long half-day camp for youth entering 6th through 8th grades. Unlike any other Black Rocket game design course, students in this program will make special top-down adventure games like Pokemon or Zelda to compete with their friends. Week long half-day camp for youth entering 6th through 8th grades. Campers learn the basics of coding languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS through a series of web projects and design challenges each day. Week long half-day camp for youth entering 6th through 8th grades. All students will choose from a selection of different mobile app types and explore more in-depth programming concepts. Week long "mini" Camp-Design-Lab (MCC-CDL) in the Summer for Manchester public school students in grades 6th through 8th, offering exposure to the Advanced Manufacturing Lab. Also fosters a deeper partnership between MCC and the Manchester School of Technology. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2012 to help fund the program. Joint project between Saint Anselm College and MCC to build research capacity and student opportunities by networking faculty scientists and students. The project will broaden student participation in STEM research and educate students and the community about climate change science and the impact on river health. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2014 to Page 14 of 50 Kathy DesRoches Kathy DesRoches Kathy DesRoches Kathy DesRoches Kathy DesRoches Kathy DesRoches Kathy DesRoches Kathy DesRoches John Cook & Pamela Lamontagne Todd Guerdat help fund the program. SAC is the lead institution. MCPHS-University STEM Faculty/Contact: Carroll Goldsmith Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Carroll-Ann.Goldsmith@mcphs.edu 603-314-1719 Program McLaughlin Middle School Event Website Description Each year in the fall, members of the student body, staff, and faculty host up to forty under-represented 7th graders from Manchester's McLaughlin Middle School on the MCPHS campus. The 7th graders spend a half-day of hands-on learning and discussion about careers in the allied health sciences with members of the MCPHS community. McLaughlin students learn how to make gummy bears (without medicine) in the Pharmacy lab and how to conduct some physical assessments (such as checking blood pressure, pulse, reflexes) in the Physician Assistant (PA) lab. McLaughlin students also spend time talking with PA and Pharmacy students about their experiences, backgrounds, and educational goals. Page 15 of 50 Contact Carroll Goldsmith New England College STEM Faculty/Contact: Cyndy Carlson Associate Professor of Environmental Science ccarlson@nec.edu 603-428-2272 Maria Colby Part Time Lecturer/Greenhouse Manager/Lab Assistant mcolby@nec.edu 603-428-2464 Debra Dunlop Associate Dean of Natural & Social Sciences Division ddunlop@nec.edu 603-428-2233 Mark Mitch Associate Professor of Environmental Science mmitch@nec.edu 603-428-2354 James Newcomb Associate Professor of Biology jnewcomb@nec.edu 603-428-2374 Eric Simon Professor of Biology esimon@nec.edu 603-428-2271 Page 16 of 50 New England College Program Henniker Community School Fourth Grader Science Field Trips Snacking on Science Seminars Spring or Winter Harvest Fest 2013-2014 EPSCoR River Study NH Envirothron participation Website http://nhenvirothon.org/ Army Corps of Engineers Summer Forester program participation NH Lotic Volunteer TECS (LoVo TECS) http://lovotecs.sr.unh.edu / Henniker Conservation Commission Lake Monitoring participation http://www.henniker.org/ general/page/conservatio n-commission-247 Deering Conservation Commission Member http://www.deering.nh.u s/public_documents/Dee ringNH_Conservation/in dex Well School Science Fair, Peterborough, NH Contoocook and North Branch Rivers Local Advisory Committee http://www.townofjaffre y.com/Pages/JaffreyNH_ Bcomm/CNBR/index Description Biannual visits from 4th graders for hands-on work in the NEC Science laboratory. Contact James Newcomb Bimonthly seminars for campus and community on science topic. Environmental Action Committee hosts biannual community event to show case local farm products. NEC partnership with John Stark High School river macroinvertebrate study. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2013 to help fund the program. NEC faculty member involvement. Every year, volunteer advisors coach teams with assistance from local conservation districts, forestry associations, and participating natural resource agencies. Students are tested on their knowledge in five topic areas: aquatics, forestry, soils and land use, wildlife, and current environmental issues. NEC faculty member involvement. James Newcomb NEC faculty member involvement. The network is coordinated by a group of researchers, staff and students at Plymouth State University and implemented by a broad group of partners, including educators, researchers, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and citizen scientists. The goal is to improve the understanding of NH's water resources and help develop a technically advanced workforce by providing educational opportunities to interact with large data sets. NEC faculty member involvement. The Commission's role is to ensure the proper utilization and protection of the natural resources of the town. The Conservation Commission is the only local board specifically charged with protecting Henniker’s natural resources. NEC faculty member involvement. The Conservation Commission is responsible for: Walking and monitoring the town easements annually, Care of the duck boxes, Submitting and reviewing wetland applications, Town-wide spring clean-up, and Lake water testing. NEC faculty member involvement as head judge. Students will have their science projects on display and will also have science projects that children from preschool through eighth grade can participate in. NEC faculty member involvement. The CNBRLAC meets the 3rd Monday of each month, except when a holiday falls on that Monday, at the Monadnock Paper Mills in Bennington, NH at 7:00PM. Cyndy Carlson Page 17 of 50 Mark Mitch Debra Dunlop & Cyndy Carlson Maria Colby Maria Colby Mark Mitch Eric Simon Eric Simon Mark Mitch NHTI STEM Faculty/Contact: Bob Arredondo MET Department Head rarredondo@ccsnh.edu 603-271-6484 x4105 Liaquat Khan Architectural Engineering Technology Department Head lkhan@ccsnh.edu 603-271-6484 x4221 Tracey Lesser Interim Department Chair Associate Professor of Chemistry Tlesser@ccsnh.edu 603-271-6484 x4423 Chuck Lloyd Associate Vice President of Student Affairs clloyd@ccsnh.edu 603-230-4045 Mary Snyder Running Start Coordinator msnyder@ccsnh.edu 603-230-4029 Page 18 of 50 NHTI Program Girls Technology Day Website https://sites.google.com/s ite/gtd2015nh/ FIRST and VEX Robotics Competitions www.robotevents.com/re -vrc-15-2515.html & www.usfirst.org https://www.nhti.edu/ad missions/generaladmissionrequirements/collaborati ve-high-schoolprograms/project-leadway-and http://www.tracrides.org/ Project Lead the Way (PLTW) & Running Start TRAC (Transportation and Civil Engineering) Bridge Building Competition Soil Science and Service Learning at the Sycamore Community Garden in Concord, NH Description Hosted by NHTI for freshman & sophomore H.S. girls, run by the NH Dept. of Education, and includes participation by engineering, gaming and graphics programming, and IT departments at NHTI. Female faculty and students in these departments participate in the program and serve as positive role models for female students. NHTI engineering programs participate in these robotic competitions, which involve both middle and high school students. This K-12 engineering program seeks to introduce all students to engineering fields and to increase the number of female students taking courses in and becoming involved with STEM programs. Contact Chuck Lloyd This bridge building competition is held at NHTI with the NHDOT and exposes many non-traditional students to the architectural and civil engineering fields. This project is a collaboration between NHTI and Colby-Sawyer College in which students will have the opportunity to learn field collection methods by collecting soil and water samples at the Sycamore Community Garden at NHTI. The garden's mission is to enhance opportunities for growing organic food and provides a place for refugees to do so. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2015 to help fund the program. NHTI is the lead institution. Liaquat Khan Page 19 of 50 Bob Arredondo Bob Arredondo & Mary Snyder Tracey Lesser Plymouth State University STEM Faculty/Contact: Ben Amsden Director, Center for Rural Partnerships blamsden@plymouth.edu 603-535-3276 Cheryl Baker Graduate Teaching Lecturer, Educational Leadership Graduate Program Coordinator for Curriculum and Instruction Programs and Partnerships cbaker@plymouth.edu 603-535-2737 Rebecca Basanich Associate Director of Plymouth State University’s Center for Active Living and Healthy Communities rlbusanich@plymouth.edu 603-535-2043 Marcia Blaine Professor of History Department Chair, Department of History and Philosophy Interim Director of the Museum of the White Mountains mblaine@plymouth.edu 603-535-2347 Joe Boyer Director, Center for the Environment jnboyer@plymouth.edu 603-535-2926 Mardie Burckes-Miller Professor of Health Education Director of the Eating Disorders Institute Graduate Program Coordinator for Eating Disorders margaret@plymouth.edu 603-535-2515 Kathleen Bush Senior Management Analyst Bureau of Public Health Statistics and Informatics, Division of Public Health Services kfbush@mail.plymouth.edu 603-271-1106 Dan Caron Bedford High School Technology/Engineering Teacher dwcaron@hotmail.com Page 20 of 50 Page 21 of 50 Plymouth State University Chris Chabot Professor of Biology chrisc@plymouth.edu 603-535-2864 Sarah Cormeia Lisa Doner Research Assistant Professor, Center for the Environment ladoner@plymouth.edu 603-535-2245 John Donovan Associate Professor of Mathematics Education jedonovan@plymouth.edu 603-535-2881 Doug Earick Research Assistant Professor dlearick@plymouth.edu 603-535-2343 Brian Eisenhauer Associate Professor of Sociology, Social Science Department bweisenhauer@plymouth.edu 603-535-2497 Kelsey Gadwah Graduate Student ('16G) Mark Green Associate Professor of Hydrology mbgreen@plymouth.edu 603-535-3095 Thaddeus Guldbrandsen Vice Provost for Research and Engagement tcguldbrandsen@plymouth.edu 603-535-3434 Shawn Hackshaw Contract Faculty, Mathematics s_hackshaw@plymouth.edu 603-535-2729 Page 22 of 50 Plymouth State University Eric Hoffman Professor of Meteorology ehoffman@plymouth.edu 603-535-2321 Linda Levy Undergraduate Program Director Department of Health and Human Performance levy@plymouth.edu 603-535-2577 Rachelle Lyons Agriculture and Environment Coordinator rllyons@plymouth.edu 603-535-3270 Dennis Machnik Associate Professor of Physics Director, Mark Sylvester Planetarium dennisma@plymouth.edu 603-535-2748 Barbara McCahan Director of the Center for Active Living and Healthy Communities and Chair Associate Professor, Department of Health and Human Performance bmccahan@plymouth.edu 603-535-2578 James McGarry Professor of Psychology jamesm@plymouth.edu 603-535-2365 Mark Okrant Professor of Tourism Management mokrant@plymouth.edu 603-535-2364 Julie Panus STEM Teacher at Plymouth Elementary School JPanus@pes.sau48.org 603-536-1152 x192 Laurie Reed Administrative Assistant, Nursing Department lreed@plymouth.edu 603-535-2115 Page 23 of 50 Plymouth State University Christian Roberson Associate Professor of Computer Science, Department Chair caroberson@plymouth.edu 603-535-2307 June Hammond Rowan Associate Director and Research Assistant Professor jhammondrowan@plymouth.edu 603-535-3218 Mike Son Assistant Professor of Microbiology msson@plymouth.edu 603-535-3199 Jamie Stalnaker Administrative Assistant Department of Health and Human Performance jvstalnaker@plymouth.edu 603-535-2293 Evelyn Stiller Professor of Digital Media estiller@plymouth.edu 603-535-2531 Vlad Vascak Computer/Integration/STEM educator at Gilford School District Natalya Vinogradova Associate Professor of Mathematics Education K-12 nvinogradova@plymouth.edu 603-535-3235 Errin Volitis Research Technician ebvolitis@plymouth.edu 603-960-4413 Marsi Wisniewski Administrative Assistant Department of Atmospheric Science & Chemistry marsi@plymouth.edu 603-535-2325 Page 24 of 50 Plymouth State University Kerry Yurewicz Associate Professor of Ecology, Department of Biological Sciences klyurewicz@plymouth.edu 603-535-3197 CfALHC Center for Active Living & Healthy Communities 603-535-2578 Healthy PSU healthy-psu@plymouth.edu 603-535-2195 Page 25 of 50 Plymouth State University Program Center for the Environment Website https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-theenvironment/projects/ Center for the Environment: LoVoTECS Network https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-theenvironment/projects/eco systems-and-society-nhepscor/nh-lovotecsnetwork/ Center for the Environment: Ecosystems and Society (NH EPSCoR) https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-theenvironment/projects/eco systems-and-society-nhepscor/ Center for the Environment: Understanding Aluminum Mobilization in the White Mountain National Forest https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-theenvironment/projects/mo nitoring-aluminummobilization-in-thewhite-mountainnational-forest/ https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-theenvironment/projects/usi ng-community-basedsocial-marketing-toimprove-anglerretention-in-newhampshire/ Center for the Environment: Using Community Based Social Marketing to Improve Angler Retention in NH Center for the Environment: STEM K12 Project https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-theenvironment/educationoutreach-2/stem-k-12/ Center for the Environment: Science Colloquium https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-theenvironment/educationoutreach-2/sciencecolloquium/ Description The Center for the Environment is engaged in a number of research projects. Work with partners, both on and off campus, to define ways in which PSU work can help address regional issue. The network is coordinated by a group of researchers, staff and students at Plymouth State University and implemented by a broad group of partners, including educators, researchers, government agencies, nonprofit organizations and citizen scientist. Goal is to improve understanding of NH’s water resources and help develop a technically advanced workforce by providing educational opportunities to interact with large data sets. Environmental Education: The data collected from NH LoVoTECS is being used to assist local schools in environmental education and the dissemination of the science. Through teacher summer institutes and partnerships with other 2-year/4-year institutions, public/private and formal/non-formal education providers throughout the state. Aluminum from forest soils can enter stream water and harm aquatic biota. CFE is working with the U.S Forest Service Northern Research Station, Keene State College, and White Mountain National Forest (WMNF) to understand how this aluminum is liberated in soils and then transported to forest streams. Partnered with the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF), New Hampshire Fish and Game Department (NHFGD) to conduct research to assist the NH angler program in more effectively reaching fishing participants to encourage license sales to promote conservation. This project involves a focused assessment of the NH angler population to identify perceived barriers to and attitudes about purchasing a license. This work will contribute to an understanding of the specific dynamics of fishing license purchasing and perceptions of NHFGD conservation efforts in NH. The STEM K-12 Project links PSU students and faculty with teachers and youth scientists in the community. Ideas for this project include: giving a science-based lesson to a class at Plymouth Elementary School or nearby elementary/middle schools, acting as a “science fair judge,” taking part in a “Science Nights” at a nearby elementary school, and helping with an after school program involving faculty and STEM related activities. Each term the Center for the Environment sponsors a science colloquium series. Talks are on Wednesday afternoons in Boyd Science Center Room 001 at 4 -5 pm. Sessions are free and open to the public. Page 26 of 50 Contact Joe Boyer & June Hammond Rowan Errin Volitis & Mark Green Doug Earick Mark Green Brian Eisenhauer Joe Boyer Lisa Doner Plymouth State University Center for the Environment: Science Brew Café https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-theenvironment/educationoutreach-2/science-brewcafes/ Center for the Environment: Hydrology Workshops Center for the Environment: 20% Project https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-theenvironment/educationoutreach-2/asdf/ Center for the Environment: E & O Videos https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-theenvironment/educationoutreach-2/videos/ https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-ruralpartnerships/ https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-ruralpartnerships/cooscounty-outreachinitiative/2011/03/17/the -program-acommitment-to-coos/ Center for Rural Partnerships Center for Rural Partnerships: Coös County Outreach Initiative Center for Rural Partnerships: Community Research Experience Course https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-ruralpartnerships/academics/ Center for Rural Partnerships: Field Engagement Program https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-ruralpartnerships/ruralcommunity-field-studiespromoting-citizenengagement/ Science Brew Cafés are an informal way to communicate research with the public. Sitting down in a cozy atmosphere, drink in hand, and holding a conversation on a scientific topic is a relaxing and intellectually stimulating way to spend an evening. CfE Hydrology workshops for K-14 educators provide an opportunity for teachers and students to participate in research experiences through the gathering and analysis of water quality data, promoting important scientific process skills and inquiry. The “20% Project”, links Plymouth State University students and faculty with teachers and youth scientists in the community. Expect to learn new modes of communication through hands-on projects, develop collaborative and organizational skills, and contribute in significant ways to environmental science through inquiry and engaging with the K-12 youth who represent the future of science. Informational YouTube videos enable communication of scientific research to a broad audience, that can be tapped at any place and time with internet access. Links to videos created by PSU students and faculty. The Center for Rural Partnerships connects the needs and goals of rural communities to the research, outreach, and educational capacity of the University. The Coös County Outreach Initiative (CCOI) program supports PSU’s faculty, staff, and students in innovative economic development partnerships in Coös County. The project types range from business and tourism development, to strategic educational programming, economic indexing, impact assessments, and cultural heritage artifact restoration, preservation, and exhibition—as well as general project assistance for Coös County partners. PSU students in the Community Research Experience class receive focused training in applied research, team-based problem solving, and professional communications. Each week, students meet in seminar that operates as a quasi-consulting firm and think tank, while student teams work in collaboration with off-campus “clients” (nonprofit organizations, community groups, government agencies, private companies, etc.) to conduct research, craft educational materials, or address a problem of regional concern. The Center for Rural Partnerships, Field Engagement Program is designed to help students and faculty enthusiastically create learning experiences that serve the region while acknowledging the experience, perspective, and success of PSU partners. Working with communities and professional partners, and more than 30 students from 5 different majors. Page 27 of 50 Joe Boyer Joe Boyer Doug Earick Joe Boyer Ben Amsden & Rachelle Lyons Ben Amsden Mark Okrant & Thaddeus Guldbrandsen Ben Amsden & Rachelle Lyons Plymouth State University Summer Science Explorers https://www.plymouth.e du/communityeducation/2731/summerscience-explorers/ Jr. Lego Engineering Camp https://www.plymouth.e du/communityeducation/2734/jr-legoengineering-camp/ Summer Science Investigators https://www.plymouth.e du/communityeducation/2736/summerscience-investigators2015/ https://www.plymouth.e du/communityeducation/2758/legoengineering-camp/ Lego Engineering Camp Mindstorm Madness Camp https://www.plymouth.e du/communityeducation/2760/mindstor m-madness/ Aviation Exploration Camp http://thisweek.blogs.ply mouth.edu/2014/05/19/a viation-adventure-anfaa-ace-academy/ http://thisweek.blogs.ply mouth.edu/2014/05/19/di gital-animation-for-highschool-girls/ Animation for High School Girls Engaging Young Minds at PES through Science Mindflight Summer Enrichment Program http://jupiter.plymouth.e du/~msson/Mike_Sons_ Webpage/News/News.ht ml http://mindflight.plymou th.edu/mindflight.html A one-week summer science camp designed to introduce kids entering grades 1 through 3 to the world of science. They will explore everything from growing plants and amazing animals that you can see, to the magic of chemistry and the world of germs you can not. Using advanced Lego parts, campers going into grades 2 & 3 will learn about working in partnership with fellow participants and experiment with power systems, sequence and control, pressure prototyping, kinetic and potential energy. The day is balanced with walking field trips, including an outing to the PSU Ice Arena. Campers leave tired and excited for more. An intense week of summer science designed to introduce students in grades 6 through 8 to a world of microorganisms. Takes place in a fully functional research laboratory on the PSU campus in the Boyd Science Center. Campers going into grades 3 & 4 will be challenged to use science, engineering, problem solving, critical thinking skills, and ingenuity to solve a variety of challenges using Lego systems that include solar power, simple machines, pneumatics and more through design builds and real world challenges. The end of the week will culminate with an introduction to Lego Mindstorm robotics and a showcase for parents. A week of science, engineering, and fun for campers going into grades 5 through 7. Using the LEGO Mindstorms, teams will be challenged to solve realworld problems with their ‘bots, in both cooperative and competitive challenges. The week will culminate with a grand challenge designed to showcase the ingenuity and engineering skills of the campers! Students going into grades 6 through 9 will spend 5 days exploring STEM related careers in aviation. Mike Son Students going into grades 9 -12 will learn how to create graphic artifacts to be used in animation; the basic elements of animation software including timelines, frames, key frames, the stage, and drawing tools and more. STEM related workshops at Plymouth Elementary School to engage the young students and promote Science as part of PSU’s STEM Outreach. Evelyn Stiller Mindflight is a residential program at PSU for middleschool students. Mindflight offers enriching, interdisciplinary experiences taught by teams of university faculty, classroom teachers, and artists. Mindflight is open to high achieving, motivated students currently completing the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Selection for participation will be based on each student’s academic performance and teacher recommendations. James McGarry Page 28 of 50 Kelsey Gadwah & Sarah Cormeia Mike Son Kelsey Gadwah & Sarah Cormeia Julie Panus Dan Caron & Vlad Vascak Mike Son Page 29 of 50 Plymouth State University Integrated Curriculum & Education Technology (ICE-T) http://mindflight.plymou th.edu/icet/icet.html Squam Lake crayfish contamination project Collaborations to advance research in climate change and human health Energy and Sustainability Collaboration Center for Active Living & Healthy Communities (CfALHC): Healthy PSU https://www.plymouth.e du/healthy-psu/ Center for Active Living & Healthy Communities (CfALHC): Conference Presenter & Author Center for Active Living & Healthy Communities (CfALHC): Adaptive Sports Partners of the North Country https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-activeliving-and-healthycommunities/research/di sability-adaptive-sports/ The ICE-T program is an intensive week-long professional development opportunity for teams of teachers to develop interdisciplinary, multimedia curricular materials for use in their classrooms. The program is a three credit graduate course in computer education and consists of pre-training in the various applications that the teams will use during an intensive summer institute in July as well as follow-up technical support during the school year. Collaboration with biologists at the Loon Preservation Committee and PSU faculty and students. Research contaminant levels in crayfish from different loon territories in Squam Lake. Results presented to the broader public through multiple means. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2012 to help fund the program. Collaboration between PSU - Center for the Environment, NH Department of Health and Human Services (NH-DHHS), and White Mountain Community College (WMCC) STEM Health Camp. STEM research and education partnership focused on increasing understanding of climate change and human health in NH. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2013 to help fund the program. PSU is the lead institution. The collaboration will broaden participation in STEM fields and develop research capacity at PSU and Lakes Region Community College. The project would specifically strengthen energy and environmental science ties between students and faculty at both institutions. It endeavors to broaden participation in STEM among women students and those from rural communities. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2015 to help fund the program. LRCC is the lead institution. The CfALHC took the lead in developing, managing, and evaluating a worksite wellness program at Plymouth State, which was awarded the American Heart Association Gold Fit Friendly Award in June 2014 Dr. Rebecca Busanich has been actively involved in cultural health and exercise psychology research and published 1 book chapter, 4 scholarly journal articles and presented at 2 national conferences in FY13 and FY14. She was awarded the Outstanding Paper of the Year in 2013 from the Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research for one of her co-authored publications. Undergraduate research project working with Adaptive Sports Partners of the North Country, studying narratives around disability and adaptive sport. Page 30 of 50 James McGarry Kerry Yurewicz Kathleen Bush Brian Eisenhauer Healthy PSU Rebecca Basanich Rebecca Basanich Plymouth State University Center for Active Living & Healthy Communities (CfALHC): Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL-NH) Center for Active Living & Healthy Communities (CfALHC): Plymouth Area Senior Fitness & Balance Testing Project Center for Active Living & Healthy Communities (CfALHC): health promotion consulting, education, and resources Nursing Department: Regional Flu Clinics Nursing Department: STEM Fair and Academic Showcase Nursing Department: Operation Vaccine http://www.healnh.org/ https://www.plymouth.e du/center-for-activeliving-and-healthycommunities/ Dr. Barbara McCahan, participates in regional public health networks through consulting and professional workshops and has acted in a consulting role for the HEAL-NH 5-year Strategic Plan (Healthy People Healthy Places Plan) focusing on health, equity and statewide policy changes to guide healthy eating and active living in NH. Twelve students were supervised in the fall of 2014 in a community project providing Senior Fitness Testing and balance assessments for older adults followed by personalized exercise program design. Barbara McCahan Provided to various local non-profit organizations and community schools. This includes nutrition consulting at the Holderness School, physical self-esteem workshops at the Plymouth Elementary School, community trail mapping to increase access to outdoor recreation, and serving on various advisory boards (i.e., Local Foods Plymouth, Circle Program). Such collaborations led to the CfALHC and the Circle Program being honored with the Presidents’ Community Partner Award in 2014. Students under the supervision of faculty and in conjunction with their Community Clinic participated in Flu Clinics at regional public schools. Nursing students were responsible for reviewing health care information of students and administering the flu vaccine. The Flu Clinics are part of NH’s primary prevention initiatives to reduce the incidence of flu across the state. The clinics are planned and funded by the Public Health Network of Central New Hampshire through the Regional Public Health Administrator’s Office. Faculty were asked to participate in the Plymouth Elementary School STEM Fair activities by volunteering as reviewers for 5th grade infomercial projects on infectious diseases. The reviewers were given a rubric and provided student groups feedback on their projects. Mary Bantell participated as one of the reviewers. PSU in collaboration with the Central NH Public Health Network planned and implemented a community flu clinic. The flu clinic served as a vaccination drill to determine the number of people who can be vaccinated in one hour. The drill is significant to the health and well-being of NH communities should an epidemic or other incidents arise where large populations need to be vaccinated in a short period of time. PSU nursing students, supervised by nursing faculty, participated in the vaccination drill by staffing some of the vaccination stations and administering the vaccinations. The flu shot immunization was free to the university community as a result of a grant obtained through the Central NH Public Health Network. CfALHC Page 31 of 50 Barbara McCahan Laurie Reed Laurie Reed Laurie Reed Plymouth State University Nursing Department: Bone Marrow Donor Drive Health and Human Performance Department: Athletic Training Health and Human Performance Department: Exercise & Sport Physiology Senior Research Class Health and Human Performance Department: Exercise & Sport Physiology hosts Holderness School Health and Human Performance Department: Health Education & Promotion Eating Disorder Conference Health and Human Performance Department: Health Education & Promotion Eating Disorder Team Training Biological Sciences Department: Chris Chabot's Outreach https://www.plymouth.e du/department/biology/fa culty/profile/christopherc-chabot/ Students in the PSU Student Nurses’ Association planned and implemented a Bone Marrow Drive at PSU to determine potential donors for bone marrow diseases. Throughout the athletic training curriculum, students complete 5 clinical education experiences providing injury care to various populations. Students complete these clinical education experiences with the PSU’s athletic teams, with 4 local public and private high schools, and with students at PSU Health Services. Students and Dr. Linda Levy provide workshops to the Elliot Hospital Medical Explorers where participants learn about the field of athletic training and concussion assessment. Engaged in a service learning project with a local middle school where they assessed the functional movement of approximately (160) 7th and 8th grade physical education students using the Functional Movement Screen. Following a pretest conducted in October, the middle school physical educator incorporated a variety of stretching and mobility exercises to improve students’ functional movements and the senior research class performed a reassessment in December. A follow up assessment scheduled for April. The Exercise and Sport Physiology (ESP) program hosts The Holderness School twice a year. The senior students from ESP conduct physiological testing including aerobic and anaerobic assessments on the student athletes. This opportunity gives the ESP students experience working with community members and it provides data to the Holderness student athletes which they can use to improve their understanding of physiology. Dr. Mardie Burckes-Miller and students in the Health Education & Promotion major host the annual NH Eating Disorders Conference. This 2-day conference attracted therapists, physicians, nurses, dieticians, therapists, and school professionals for eating disorders knowledge and skill acquisition. Eating Disorders team training took place on Sept. 1517, 2014. This 100 hour eating disorders education trains professional teams in Plymouth, Conway, Berlin, Colebrook, and Littleton, NH. The teams include three professionals, including a therapist, a medical provider, a registered dietician/nutritionist and possibly a school professional. Conveys his research to a middle school in Littlestown, PA. Has given several interviews about his research to media outlets, including an interview by Philip Sherwell, the Chief US Correspondent for The (London) Daily Telegraph. A student from Plymouth Regional HS "shadowed" him. Has been contacted to help out with efforts “aimed at recovering horseshoe crab and shorebird populations while building public support” by Joe Smith, who is Page 32 of 50 Laurie Reed Linda Levy Jamie Stalnaker Jamie Stalnaker Mardie BurckesMiller Jamie Stalnaker Chris Chabot working with Larry Niles and several non-profits. Page 33 of 50 Plymouth State University Biological Sciences Department: Quincy Bog Computer Science Department: Senior Projects https://www.plymouth.e du/department/computerscience/senior-projects/ STEM Professional Development Activities Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) Program STEM Professional Development Institute Annual State Mathematics Contest MATHCOUNTS Museum of the White Mountains https://www.plymouth.e du/museum-of-thewhite-mountains/ Kerry Yurewicz serves on the Board of Directors for Quincy Bog Natural Area/Pemi-Baker Land Trust, a local non-profit conservation organization whose tagline is “Conserving Land, Connecting People with Nature.” As a member of the Program Committee, she helps plan and host the annual series of naturethemed public talks at Quincy Bog (in Rumney, NH) each summer. She also serves as co-editor of the biannual newsletter that is distributed to friends and supporters of the organization regionally as well as across the country. Students have done senior projects working with organizations like FORGES Inshuti, Optical Design Manufacturing, Inc., Ringit Manchester, TotalScope Marketing, and Fabyoulous Breast Cancer Survivors Online Exchange. Cheryl is working with PSU faculty and with Schools and SAU’s across the state to identify and develop innovative professional development opportunities and to custom design professional development to meet contextualized SAU and school based needs. Please contact Cheryl with ideas, needs, and opportunities for collaboration. NH Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) program, funded by the National Science Foundation. RET gives teachers experience into how scientific research is conducted and where knowledge comes from. Knowledge comes from this scientific practice of collaboration, critical thinking, trial and error, frustration—all of the things that go into research. RET brings teachers onto college campuses to experience that. Shawn Hackshaw is being trained to become a train the trainer and instructor for a new PSU STEM PEDAGOGY Institute in partnership with Parametrics Corporation that will address Pedagogy and Curriculum for integrative K-12 STEM education across disciplines. Innovative software that complements the curricula will be provided to participants by Parametrics. Mathematics Contest (sponsored by NHTM) held at Plymouth State University. This event has been held annually at PSU since 1998 for HS students from around the state. 55 high schools compete in the 42nd competition in 2014. MATHCOUNTS regional and state competition for middle school students held at PSU. The Museum preserves and promotes the history, culture, and environmental legacy of the region; as well as provides unique collections-based, archival, and digital learning resources serving students, researchers and the public. Provides a monthly STEM lecture series for middle school home-schoolers. Speakers have a range of backgrounds. Each presentation is followed by lively Q and A sessions. Page 34 of 50 Kerry Yurewicz Christian Roberson Cheryl Baker June Hammond Rowan Shawn Hackshaw John Donovan John Donovan Marcia Blaine Plymouth State University The Judd Gregg Meteorology Institute (JGMI) https://www.plymouth.e du/department/asc/jgmi/ The Judd Gregg Meteorology Institute: The Plymouth State Weather Center The Judd Gregg Meteorology Institute: K-12 Field Trips The Judd Gregg Meteorology Institute: Projects and Partnerships http://vortex.plymouth.e du/ The Judd Gregg Meteorology Institute: NHDOT Agreement The Judd Gregg Meteorology Institute: Teacher Workshops Mark Sylvestre Planetarium NH Impact Center https://www.plymouth.e du/department/asc/planet arium/ https://www.plymouth.e du/outreach/impactcenter/ The JGMI is a center for applied atmospheric science research and outreach focused on serving and educating the New England region to provide knowledge that improves people’s lives. Through a diversity of expertise, faculty and staff work independently and in collaboration with partners to address real-world weather and climate issues. JGMI activities regularly involve students, providing graduates with a strong foundation in atmospheric science, and preparing them for diverse range of careers. One of the most sophisticated weather centers in the country, which provides comprehensive weather information, including observations, tutorials, satellite and radar data, and more. Field Trips for K-12 students. Eric Hoffman Projects and partnerships with the National Weather Center, University of New Hampshire, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Air Force, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Federal Aviation Administration, Mount Washington Observatory, U.S. Army Cold Regions Research Engineering Laboratory and many other agencies A 10-year agreement with the New Hampshire Department of Transportation to deploy over 50 weather observation stations throughout the state to measure road surface and subsurface temperature and ozone concentrations Workshops for K-12 teachers. Eric Hoffman The Planetarium in Boyd Science Center provides a window on the universe. With programs presented by NASA Solar System Ambassador Sally Jean Jensen and Planetarium Director Dennis Machnik, the planetarium is a resource for the entire community. Portable planetarium for off-site presentations at schools and other organizations (made possible by a gift from Verizon) The NH Impact Center offers a wide array of services to schools and districts including: Professional development programs in mathematics that increase teacher content and pedagogical knowledge and improve classroom instruction; assistance for school districts in the selection and implementation of standards-based, research-based curricula; a Curriculum Resource Room for mathematics; direct or participate in grant-funded projects that aim to improve mathematics instruction. Dennis Machnik Page 35 of 50 Eric Hoffman Marsi Wisniewski Eric Hoffman Eric Hoffman Natalya Vinogradova River Valley Community College STEM Faculty/Contact: Bonnie Akerman Associate Professor - Science bakerman@ccsnh.edu 603-542-7744 x5404 Jo-Ann Clifford Professor of Science, Department Chair of Math & Science jclifford@ccsnh.edu 603-542-7744 x5407 Program Family Science Night STEM day camp Website http://www.rivervalley.e du/rvcccommunity/campusnews/family-sciencenight Description Generally 2x per year, to encourage family engagement over fun topics in science it is for all ages. The activities are geared for ages 3-15yrs. Contact Jo-Ann Clifford A STEM day camp for middle schoolers. (Started summer 2014.) Bonnie Akerman Page 36 of 50 Rivier University STEM Faculty/Contact: Susan Barbaro Associate Professor of Biology sbarbaro@rivier.edu 603-897-8261 Ben Philip Associate Professor of Biology bphilip@rivier.edu 603-897-8585 Joel Stake Biology Department Coordinator, Associate Professor jstake@rivier.edu 603-897-8291 Program Bicentennial Elementary STEM NIGHT Presentation of Mary Academy Science Fair Judging Website http://www.nashuatelegr aph.com/news/999255469/bicentennial-stemnight-aims-toinspire.html Description Elementary STEM Night held to encourage students to get involved in science, technology, engineering and math. Contact Joel Stake & Ben Philip Science Fair Judges. Joel Stake & Ben Philip & Susan Barbaro Page 37 of 50 Saint Anselm College STEM Faculty/Contact: Dan Forbes Director, Meelia Center for Community Engagement meeliacenter@anselm.edu 603-641-7108 Rajesh Prasad Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science rprasad@anselm.edu 603-641-7145 Carol Traynor Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science ctraynor@anselm.edu 603-656-6021 Program Access Academy: Environmental Studies (formerly GPS/Biodiversity) After School Program Website http://www.anselm.edu/ meelia Access Academy: Computer Construction and Literacy After School Program http://www.anselm.edu/ meelia Cold-water Stream Vulnerability to Climate Change Description On campus based educational programming for refugee, immigrant, and underrepresented H.S. students in Manchester. Provides students with a basic, functional understanding of ecology and environmental studies with some exploration of environmental issues and their importance in the world. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2012 to help initially fund the program. On campus based educational programming for refugee, immigrant, and underrepresented H.S. students in Manchester. Learn about basic technology, maintenance, simple programming. Students will build their own personal computers with help from computer science professors. Joint project between SAC and Manchester Community College to build research capacity and student opportunities by networking faculty scientists and students. The project will broaden student participation in STEM research and educate students and the community about climate change science and the impact of climate change on river health. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2014 to help fund the program. SAC is the lead institution. Page 38 of 50 Contact Dan Forbes & Carol Traynor & Rajesh Prasad Dan Forbes Rajesh Prasad Southern New Hampshire University STEM Faculty/Contact: Center for Community Engaged Learning serve@snhu.edu 603-314-7965 Program Rain Garden: ServiceLearning Project with Beech Street Elementary School YMCA STAY program Service-Learning course: Math for Elementary Education Website http://academicarchive.s nhu.edu/handle/10474/2 460?show=full Description Led by a team of faculty and service staff and provided SNHU students with opportunities to complete valuable fieldwork, mentor local elementary schoolchildren, and address a pressing environmental need. Focused on increasing science education for kids and also on providing opportunities to bring the kids to campus so they’re exposed to campus life. SNHU students enrolled in this course provide math support at several after school programs for kids who have been identified as in need of support by their teachers. Page 39 of 50 Contact Center for Community Engaged Learning Center for Community Engaged Learning Center for Community Engaged Learning University of New Hampshire STEM Faculty/Contact: Carmela Amato-Wierda Associate Professor, Materials Science Program ccaw@unh.edu 603-862-2526 Malin Clyde Project Manager, Stewardship Network: New England; UNH Cooperative Extension Specialist malin.clyde@unh.edu 603-862-2166 Sandy Coit Program Support Assistant sandy.coit@unh.edu 603-862-0718 Lara Gengarelly Extension Specialist, Science Education & Outreach lara.gengarelly@unh.edu 603-862-2995 Sarah Grosvenor Field Specialist, Youth & Family – Science Literacy sarah.grosvenor@unh.edu 603-641-6060 Stephen Hale Research Associate steve.hale@unh.edu 603-862-4758 Karen Jin Lecturer, Department of Computer Science jin@cs.unh.edu 603-862- 2980 Tara Hicks Johnson Outreach Specialist Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center tjohnson@ccom.unh.edu 603-862-1417 Carolyn Kirkpatrick Administrative Assistant, Department of Computer Science carolyn@cs.unh.edu 603-862-3778 Page 40 of 50 University of New Hampshire Cathy Leach UNH Summer Youth Programs Assistant Athletic Director for Academic Support/Compliance cathy.leach@unh.edu 603-862-3205 Subhash Minocha Professor of Plant Biology and Genetics Director of Biology Program, Director of Project Smart sminocha@unh.edu 603-862-3840 Claes Thelemarck Extension Field Specialist, 4-H/Youth & Family claes.thelemarck@unh.edu 603-447-3834 Kelley Thomas Hubbard Professor in Genomics and Director Kelley.Thomas@unh.edu 603-862-2470 Ruth Varner Director, Associate Professor, Biochemistry ruth.varner@unh.edu 603-862-0718 Dari Ward Program Associate, Youth & Family/Marine Science Education dari.ward@unh.edu 603-862-6701 Page 41 of 50 University of New Hampshire GIS Geospatial Technologies Training Center gis@unh.edu 603-862-1029 Reception Desk The Children's Museum of NH questions@childrens-museum.org 603-742-2002 x100 State Office UNH Cooperative Extension ce.webinfo@unh.edu 603-862-1520 STEM-TC stem.teachers.collaborative@unh.edu UNH-IOL UNH InterOperability Laboratory "Contact Us" form on website 603-862-0090 Page 42 of 50 University of New Hampshire Program SPIRALS Website http://www.spirals.unh.e du/ Family Creative Learning Inquiry Teaching Methods: Grounding STEM programs in Inquiry Stream Safari: an outreach program of NH EPSCoR and UNH Cooperative Extension http://nhepscor.org/strea m-safari 4-H Makers Challenge Sea Treks SeaPerch UNH Tech Camp (Engineeristas, Techsplorers, Techventures) http://seagrant.unh.edu/s eatrek http://ccom.unh.edu/seap erch http://ceps.unh.edu/unhte chcamp Climate and Carbon Investigations for STEM teachers Joan and James Leitzel Center http://leitzelcenter.unh.e du Leitzel Center: KEEPERs for Kids http://leitzelcenter.unh.e du/keepers/index.html Description SPIRALS stands for Supporting and Promoting Indigenous and Rural Adolescents' Learning of Science. Outreach program focused on environmental sustainability for 11-14 year olds. A workshop series that engages children and their parents to learn together, as designers and inventors through the use of creative technologies. Partnering with Families in Transition on this project. Workshops offered to informal and formal educators that focuses on using the NGSS science and engineering practices with inquiry in their classrooms and programs. The Stream Safari program is designed to reach youth, their adult mentors, teachers and their families, particularly from underrepresented audiences, primarily through informal education settings such as afterschool and summer and youth group programs. Stream Safari investigations include hands-on learning experiences in the field and the afterschool site/classroom. A yearly summertime STEM event. Families and 4-H clubs are encouraged to “make” a contraption (2014 was trebuchets, 2015 is water rockets) and bring what they have made to a friendly competition. Marine education outreach program for upper elementary school students. An underwater ROV program offered through the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping on the Durham Campus. This program is offered to be run by classroom teachers, after-school organizations, 4-H clubs, homeschoolers, etc. Teachers attend a training and are provided materials and support. Statewide. Sarah Grosvenor teaches a program yearly to youth in the Manchester area. Engineeristas is a one-week camp experience for girls entering grades 6 and 7. Techsplorers is a two-week coed camp for first-time campers entering grades 6 8. Techventures is a two-week coed camp designed for returning UNH Tech campers and new campers entering grades 9 - 10. All camps explore a wide range of engineering and science topics. A professional development week-long workshop for secondary science teachers focused on bringing authentic research on terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycling into the classroom. The Joan and James Leitzel Center works to transform education in mathematics, science, and engineering at the University of New Hampshire, in elementary and secondary schools, and in informal settings through high quality research, carefully examined practice, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Summer weeklong, half-day camp experience involving hands-on, minds-on challenges focused on engineering for campers entering grades 2-5. Page 43 of 50 Contact Claes Thelemarck Sarah Grosvenor Sarah Grosvenor Sarah Grosvenor Sarah Grosvenor Dari Ward Tara Hicks Johnson Carmela AmatoWierda Lara Gengarelly Ruth Varner Sandy Coit University of New Hampshire Leitzel Center: KEEPERSs for Teachers http://leitzelcenter.unh.e du/keepers/index.html Leitzel Center: Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) http://www.epscor.unh.e du/research-experiencesteachers Litzel Center: STEM Teachers Collaborative http://leitzelcenter.unh.e du/STEM-TeachersCollaborative/index.html EPIC Week of Computer Camp http://www.cs.unh.edu/E PIC-camp-2015 #GoCode http://www.unh.edu/unht oday/2014/12/codecomfort-0 http://www.cs.unh.edu/hi gh-tech-day High Tech Day UNH Cooperative Extension http://extension.unh.edu/ The Stewardship Network: Citizen Science and Internships (EPSCOR and UNH Cooperative Extension) http://newengland.stewar dshipnetwork.org/ Geospatial 101 (UNH Cooperative Extension) http://extension.unh.edu/ Geospatial-101-2015 Writing Geospatial Lessons (UNH Cooperative Extension) http://extension.unh.edu/ Geospatial-LessonDesign-2015 One-week professional development experience for K-8 teachers, held in conjunction with KEEPERS for Kids camp. Teachers attend KEEPERS for Kids camp, interacting with campers and staff while learning about the design process, gauging student understanding, testing, and making literature connections. Funded by NH EPSCoR, 6-8 week summer program that builds learning communities and assists middle school, high school, and 2-year college teachers with incorporating research into classroom curriculum. STEM-TC is an interdisciplinary effort across the University to coordinate and enhance capacity to strengthen the STEM pipeline, with the primary goal of increasing K-12 teachers’ expertise in computing, engineering and technology and extending the impact of excellent STEM teachers to more students throughout the state. Week long Elementary Program Introducing Computing (EPIC) summer camp for students entering Grades 4-6 in the Fall. The camp will show why computer science is fun and how it helps in everyday life through innovations and technologies. Event during Computer Science Education Week in December for elementary school students, hosted by the computer science department. The goal is to portray to high school students, through demonstrations and hands-on workshops, how exciting high-tech projects and careers can be. The day takes place in March and will consists of five, 50minute sessions plus a free lunch. UNHCE provides NH citizens with research-based education and information to enhance their ability to make informed decisions that strengthen youth, families and communities, sustain natural resources, and improve the economy. UNHCE specialists and Extension educators serve as an outreach arm for UNH with a network of professionals located in all 10 NH counties. This NH EPSCoR Internship is an opportunity to work with staff and researchers from the University of New Hampshire, the New England Sustainability Consortium, the Stewardship Network: New England, NH Sea Grant, and UNH Cooperative Extension on 1) Citizen Science Field Work; 2) Coastal Pollution Lab Work; and 3) Community Engagement. Geospatial 101 will provide an introduction to geospatial tools such as GPS, GIS and remote sensing, primarily for elementary and middle-school teachers (with adaptations for older students). The institute will also introduce participants to local data collection projects and local data sets. This institute is designed to support experienced geospatial educators as they develop content and skill focused lessons for classroom implementation. Page 44 of 50 Sandy Coit Stephen Hale STEM-TC Karen Jin Karen Jin Carolyn Kirkpatrick State Office Malin Clyde GIS GIS University of New Hampshire Mapping with Mobile Devices (UNH Cooperative Extension) http://extension.unh.edu/ Mapping-MobileDevices-2015 Watershed Ecology Institute (UNH Cooperative Extension) http://extension.unh.edu/ Watershed-EcologyInstitute-2015 ArcGIS Online for Organizations (UNH Cooperative Extension) http://extension.unh.edu/ ArcGIS-Online-2015 Geospatial Curriculum Development (UNH Cooperative Extension) http://extension.unh.edu/ Geospatial-CurriculumWork-Days-2015 Civil War Era History & GIS (UNH Cooperative Extension) http://extension.unh.edu/ US-History-GIS-2015 Project SMART http://www.smart.unh.ed u/ Robo-Palooza http://childrensmuseum.org/cmnh2010/ content.aspx?id=748 Sequencing and analysis of the gut microbiome of flat headed mayflies and brook trout from a mercury-impacted stream of the Lake Sunapee watershed. Use the power of smartphones and tablets to make maps! In this institute, teachers will learn how to take thier students into the field and have them collect data about a variety of topics. Teacher Workshop. In the field: learn data gathering protocols for water quality, macroinvertebrates, fresh water fish, and coastal rocky shore plants and animals. In the classroom: learn how to use ArcGIS online accounts (free to all NH educators) to map, analyze and share data within and between watersheds. Teacher Workshop. This institute will help fully understand how ArcGIS Online can be used in classroom and in school! The use of ArcGIS Online through a subscription account (free for all K-12 schools or K-12 informal programs) expands basic online mapping to include tools using analysis, collaboration, and the creation of engaging interactive maps. This institute provides the perfect environment for designing ones approach to using GIS and GPS in their teaching. This institute will feature teachers experienced with GIS offering guidance on integration of geospatial topics into their classes. It will also provide teachers with help planning their Community Atlas projects. This workshop will provide teachers with GIS skills and effective lessons to use in a U.S. History classroom, with a summer institute focus on Civil War–era history. Discover ready-made history lessons available through ArcGIS Online—free for NH educators—and learn to collect and create ones own historic data layers. Project SMART is a Summer Institute at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) that challenges, educates, and motivates talented high school students in science and mathematics while acquainting them with the environment and resources of the University as a place for higher education and research. Co-hosted by Seacoast Robotics and the University of New Hampshire’s Luna Cats at the Children’s Museum of NH in Dover. The annual event serves as a venue for introducing children to concepts of STEM while also allowing college students, graduates, and other professionals who are involved in robotics a chance to network. A collaboration between UNH, Keene State College, Colby Sawyer College, and Dartmouth College to study microbiomes of Mayflies and Brook Trout in a mercury impacted stream. Presented a workshop for high school science teachers on environmental genomics in biology. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2012 to help fund the program. KSC is the lead institution. Page 45 of 50 GIS GIS GIS GIS GIS Subhash Minocha & Cathy Leach Reception Desk Kelley Thomas University of New Hampshire University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL) https://www.iol.unh.edu/ STEM Educators Summit www. leitzelcenter.unh.edu Tests networking and data communications products. The UNH-IOL is the only full-scale, non-profit test lab in the world that balances industry expertise with the real-world training of future engineers. Offer graduate and undergraduate students employment, internships for High School students, and offers STEM outreach to classrooms. Day long conference for STEM educators with Keynote Speaker, morning and afternoon workshops, and Panel Discussion. Sponsored by the UNH Joan and James Leitzel Center for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Education. First annual summit held spring 2015. Page 46 of 50 UNH-IOL Sandy Coit University of New Hampshire at Manchester STEM Faculty/Contact: Melissa Gould STEM Discovery Lab, Operations Coordinator Melissa.Gould@unh.edu 603-641-4320 Patricia Halpin Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Patricia.Halpin@unh.edu 603-641-4140 R. Michael Pugh Senior Lecturer in English and ESOL Robert.Pugh@unh.edu 603-641-4155 Mihaela Sabin Program Coordinator and Associate Professor of Computer Science Mihaela.Sabin@unh.edu 603-641-4144 Karen Sullivan Education Consultant and coordinator of the FIRST WIST Forum ksullivan@usfirst.org Page 47 of 50 University of New Hampshire at Manchester Program UNH STEM Discovery Lab Website http://manchester.unh.ed u/outreach/stemdiscovery-lab FIRST Women in Science and Technology (WIST) Forum http://www.usfirst.org/ro boticsprograms/firstplace /first-women-in-scienceand-technology-forum STEM Ambassadors http://manchester.unh.ed u/outreach/stemdiscovery-lab/upcoming Design Made Code http://manchester.unh.ed u/outreach/stemdiscovery-lab/upcoming Mobile App Inventor http://manchester.unh.ed u/outreach/stemdiscovery-lab/upcoming STEM Foundations Explore Earths Wonders http://manchester.unh.ed u/outreach/stemdiscovery-lab/upcoming Description The STEM Discovery Lab is a challenging, hands-on learning community where K-12 students and their teachers engage in the authentic integration of STEM and language arts through a research-based curriculum. The STEM Discovery Lab just started in 2014/15. Conducted at UNHM campus and at local schools. The FIRST WIST Forum, offered every other year since 2000, is a one day networking opportunity for high school girls to learn more about careers in science and technology directly from successful women in STEM fields. Presented in conjunction with FIRST Place & sponsored by NH Space Grant Consortium. This year-long enrichment program takes place onsite at Manchester School District’s Memorial and Central High Schools for academically at-risk, English Language Learner (ELL) students in grade 10. The program builds and supports STEM pathways for talent currently underrepresented in the STEM fields. Design Make Code engages 6th-8th grade students in exploratory activities to design and prototype their own computing and engineering inventions. Focusing on collaborative and project work, students will learn how to create mechanical models with simple machines and mechanisms; design digital fashion using the Scratch programming environment; create electronics inventions with littleBits; and control Finchrobots to test computational designs. There are two, week long day sessions. This is a partnership with the Granite United Way’s BRING IT!!! 9th through 12th grade students experience computational practices and discover foundational concepts of computer science by inventing their own mobile apps. Using App Inventor development platform and Android devices, students will design and prototype apps that solve real problems. Students will also be introduced to computing careers and college fields of study by meeting engineers and computing professionals from Manchester high-tech companies. There are two, week long day sessions. In the STEM Foundations program, students in grades K-2 learn through the eyes of the Quinks, alien creatures exploring earth for the first time, exciting STEM concepts such as motion, force and materials through hands-on learning experiences. There are four morning sessions. Page 48 of 50 Contact Mihaela Sabin Karen Sullivan Melissa Gould Melissa Gould Melissa Gould Melissa Gould University of New Hampshire at Manchester EXCELL in STEM http://manchester.unh.ed u/outreach/stemdiscovery-lab/upcoming Ecosystem Computing Challenge http://manchester.unh.ed u/outreach/stemdiscovery-lab/upcoming Aspirations in Computing - ME, NH, VT Affiliate Award http://www.aspirations.o rg/aspirationscommunity/maine-newhampshire-vermont Texas Instruments Kids Technology Day http://manchester.unh.ed u/outreach/stemdiscovery-lab/upcoming PhUn Week (Physiology Understanding) http://www.theaps.org/mm/Education/K 12/EducationProjects/Ph Un-Week Girls Technology Day https://sites.google.com/s ite/gtd2015nh/ EXCELL in STEM brings middle school and high school English Language Learners to the UNH Manchester campus and STEM Discovery Lab for a five-week program that combines hands-on science and computing activities with pre-college English Language practice. Students conduct Biology experiments, solve Computer Science challenges, and take part in STEM-focused field trips, all emphasizing inquiry, observation, analysis of data, design, and coding. Each STEM leaning activity incorporates English Language tasks in academic reading and research, vocabulary building, writing, listening, and speaking. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2013 to help expand the program. Ecosystem Computing Challenge (ECC) is a New Hampshire-wide professional development (PD) program for Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers committed to teach a rigorous and engaging computing curriculum to a diverse student population. The ECC curriculum is introduced through 5-day ECC summer camps and ECC-enhanced coursework during the academic year at participating CTE centers. Aspirations in Computing is a national and regional award competition of the National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT). STEM Discovery Lab sponsors the award ceremony of the NCWIT’s Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont Aspirations in Computing Affiliate. The event is scheduled in May and includes an invited speaker’s presentation, two-hour workshop of design and computing activities, panel discussion with participation of women professionals, luncheon, and award ceremony. Half-day event held yearly in August by Texas Instruments (TI) in conjunction with the STEM Discovery Lab for the children of TI employees to explore UNH Manchester, future STEM field experiences, and STEM programming. During PhUn Week elementary school classroom visits in November, APS members engage students in interactive, hands-on physiology activities. Through this real-life, face-to-face encounter with practicing biomedical researchers, students learn about how their bodies function and how scientific discoveries are made. Originally hosted at NHTI for 8th, 9th, and 10th grade girls, through a collaboration between UNHM, Information Technology and Manufacturing (ITM) Partnership, and the NH DOE Career Development Office. Objective to engage the girls in meaningful activities that demonstrate STEM competencies and showcase academic and career opportunities. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2013 to help continue and expand the program. Page 49 of 50 R. Michael Pugh Melissa Gould Melissa Gould Melissa Gould Patricia Halpin Mihaela Sabin White Mountains Community College STEM Faculty/Contact: Tamara Roberge Project Manager, Community and Corporate Affairs troberge@ccsnh.edu 603-752-1113 x3062 Rachel Whitaker Assistant Professor of Environmental Science rwhitaker@ccsnh.edu 603-752-1113 x3023 Program Women in Science and Technology (WIST) STEM-Health Careers camp STEM-Creator camp Collaborations to advance research in climate change and human health Website http://www.wmcc.edu/w orkforcedevelopment/stemactivities http://www.wmcc.edu/w orkforcedevelopment/stemactivities http://www.wmcc.edu/w orkforcedevelopment/stemactivities Description WIST showcases achievements by women working in STEM fields. High School girls meet and talk with successful New Hampshire women, who encourage the girls to pursue their own STEM interests. STEM-Health Careers camp, designed for students entering grades 6 through 8, provides hands-on, funfilled activities that are meant to be introductory, interactive, and project - based in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Health professions. Campers entering grades 9 through 11 will learn how to do CAD design and operate a CNC Plasma Table, weld, and operate other manufacturing equipment. They will also tour a local manufacturing facility & more. Collaboration between Plymouth State University Center for the Environment, NH Department of Health and Human Services (NH-DHHS) and WMCC STEM Health Camp. STEM research and education partnership focused on increasing understanding of climate change and human health in NH. Won a grant from NH EPSCoR in 2013 to help fund the program. PSU is the lead institution. Page 50 of 50 Contact Rachel Whitaker & Tamara Roberge Rachel Whitaker & Tamara Roberge Rachel Whitaker & Tamara Roberge Rachel Whitaker