Cheney High School “A Commitment to Excellence” Honors Biology Instructor: E-mail address: Telephone Number: Tom Stralser 559 - 4071 Course Textbook: Concepts and Connections. Neil Campbell Description of Course: This full year (three trimesters) lab class uses a hands on inquiry approach to cover the 3 big ideas in Life Science; ecosystems, structures and functions of living organisms, and biological evolution. General Biology is one of the two required lab sciences which meet high school graduation requirements (physical science is the other lab science requirement). Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed upon the Four Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements in Science. EALR 1. Systems thinking makes is possible to analyze and understand complex phenomena. EALR 2. Inquiry includes investigating and answering a scientifically oriented question, including: systemic observations, field studies, models, open-ended explorations and controlled experiments. EALR 3. Application includes the real world application of science and technology. EALR 4. The Domains of Science focus on nine Big Ideas in Physical, Life and Earth and Space Science. The students will then apply their biology knowledge on the required Washington State Biology End of Course Assessment in the spring (May 21- June 8, 2013). Scientific Concepts: Scientific Method & Experimental Design Ecology and Energy Flow Biochemistry Cell Biology Cellular Reproduction Biotechnology Photosynthesis Cellular Metabolism Genetics Biological Evolution Human Body Systems Science Careers Assessment of Student Learning: 1) Students’ Biology Spiral Notebook: Entry, exit tasks, daily work (notes, homework, in class work, vocabulary, etc.) Laboratory Activities/Experiments & Write Ups Individual/Group Projects 2) Individual assessments (notebook assignments, quizzes, tests) Scale: A 92-100% A- 90-91.9% B+ 88-89.9% B 82-87.9% B- 80-81.9% C+ 78-79.9% C 72-77.9% C- 70-71.9% D+ 68-69.9% D 60-67.9% F 0-59.9% Weighted %'s: 10% Notebook, Daily work and Homework: Will primarily be graded for completion. 30% Labs/Projects: Larger projects and Labs will be graded for content and will receive feedback for students to consider as revisions. 60% Exams and Quizzes: Exams and Quizzes are your opportunity to prove what you have learned in previous work and will accordingly make up the largest portion of the grade. Student Supplies: book cover, 1 subject spiral notebook (70 sheets), highlighter, glue stick, tabs, sticky notes and scientific calculator (a graphing calculator is not required for this course). Makeup Work Policy: All work missed is the responsibility of the student. The student will need to check with the teacher to get the makeup and necessary directions before school, after school or at lunch. Full credit will only be given for excused absences. For every day of class missed, you will be given the same amount of days to make up the work. Students who miss exams will miss out on possible “gift” points. Some labs may not be able to be made up. Revisions: Revisions on Labs/Projects within the unit of study can be revised for additional credit given at the teachers discretion for at most half the points that were missed (i.e. if you got 50% the first time, you can earn up to 25% back after revisions). This is an opportunity for students to improve their understanding and grade prior to the unit assessment. Homework: Students will have biology homework approximately 4–5 nights a week, which will include vocabulary, reading, finishing and refining daily assignments and labs in their notebook and family discussion ?s and preparation for exams. Test Revisions: As tests/quizzes are the major portion of the grade they too are subject to revisions. To qualify for test corrections you must have every assignment submitted first! You may earn up to 10% of the missing credit back for successfully completing your test corrections (i.e. 50% becomes 60%). The test revisions are scheduled before the next unit exam on a few days before/after school and at lunchtime. Class time WILL NOT be used for test revisions. Class Expectations: Student Conduct policy and expectations found in the Student Blackhawk Planner, which each student receives in Blackhawk Connections, are followed. Please read and go over with your son / daughter. Respect towards others and school property Disorderly conduct detracts from the learning environment and will lead to the following actions. 1. Warning to student followed by a teacher/student conference. 2. Teacher will call home to talk with parent after the student/parent discussion. 3. If no change occurs in students behavior, student will be removed from class and earn a referral. Please remember, any conduct that is totally out of line can lead to immediate removal and referral to Assistant Principal. No cell phone use in class. The phone will be taken for the day and student will earn a referral. School policies relating to tardies, absence, and discipline will be followed. (See Student Handbook). Lab Safety: 1. During labs and field work, anyone who puts themselves, others, or property in danger by not following instructions or conducting unauthorized experimentation will be removed from the lab. 2. If an unsafe incident occurs purposefully or repeatedly, you will be deemed a biological hazard and will not continue with labs and/or field work. 3. You are responsible for cleaning up your lab area, equipment, or any mess you make. Remember, I do not look like your mother so it is not my turn to pick up after you! With that said, “We expect active learners because spoon feeding only teaches you the shape of the spoon.” “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new”. Albert Einstein Please sit down with your parents or guardian and read through your biology syllabus. It needs to be signed, dated and brought back to your teacher. 10 pts. PRINT Student name: __________________________ _____________________________ (Student Signature) ____________________________ (Parent or Guardian Signature) Biology period _____ ___________ (Date) Student’s measurable goal for this trimester in Biology: Please sit down with your parents or guardian and read through your biology syllabus. It needs to be signed, dated and brought back to your teacher. 10 pts. PRINT Student name: __________________________ _____________________________ (Student Signature) ____________________________ (Parent or Guardian Signature) Biology period _____ ___________ (Date) Student’s measurable goal for this trimester in Biology: Please sit down with your parents or guardian and read through your biology syllabus. It needs to be signed, dated and brought back to your teacher. 10 pts. PRINT Student name: __________________________ _____________________________ (Student Signature) ____________________________ (Parent or Guardian Signature) Biology period _____ ___________ (Date) Student’s measurable goal for this trimester in Biology: Please sit down with your parents or guardian and read through your biology syllabus. It needs to be signed, dated and brought back to your teacher. 10 pts. PRINT Student name: __________________________ _____________________________ (Student Signature) ____________________________ (Parent or Guardian Signature) Student’s measurable goal for this trimester in Biology: Biology period _____ ___________ (Date)