ALCOHOLS, ETHERS AND THIOLS MATERIAL ADAPTED FROM: INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL, O R G A N I C A N D B I O C H E M I S T R Y 7 TH E D . BY: HEIN, BEST, PATTISON, ARENA FUNCTIONAL GROUPS • Alcohols –OH group • Phenol- OH group off of an aromatic ring • Ethers- R-O-R, where R is an alkyl group or aromatic ring • Aldehydes- *terminal H • Ketones- *no terminal H MORE FUNCTIONAL GROUPS • Thiols- R-SH *thio means sulfur! • Ester- R-COO-R • Carboxylic acid- R-COOH • Amines- R-NH2, R2NH, or R3N • Amides- R-CON-R CONNECTION BETWEEN ALCOHOLS, ETHERS, THIOLS AND PHENOLS • All of these groups are derived from the structure of water, with a few substitutions. • Alcohols- remove one H from water and add an alkyl group • Thiols- replace the O in an alcohol with an S • Ethers- remove both H atoms from water and add two alkyl groups in their place • Phenols- replace the alkyl group from alcohols with an aromatic ring • *Functional groups are important because they determine the “function” and properties of the molecule ALCOHOLS • Classified as primary, secondary and tertiary, depending on whether the carbon attached to the OH group is connected to 1, 2 or 3 other carbon atoms. • Polyhydroxy alcohols or polyols- molecules that have more than 1 –OH group per molecule PRACTICE • For the following, determine if they are primary, secondary or tertiary alcohols: • 1) CH3OH • 2) CH3CH(OH)CH3 • 3)CH3CH(CH3)CH2OH • 4) CH3C(CH3)2OH IUPAC NAMING OF ALCOHOLS • 1) Select the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms containing the hydroxyl (OH) group. • 2) Number the carbons so that the lowest number carbon is closest to the –OH group. • 3) Name the parent alcohol by replacing the –e at the end of the alkane name with an –ol. • Designate the position of the –OH group by placing the hyphenated carbon number in front of the parent alcohol name. • 4) Name each side chain or branch alphabetically, and use numbers to designate its position off the main chain. PRACTICE NAMING AND DRAWING ALCOHOLS • 1) • 2) • 3) • 4)3,3-dimethyl-2hexanol • 5) 2-ethyl-1pentanol • 6) 2-bromo-4-ethyl3-heptanol COMMON NAMES • Alcohols have a lot of common names so it is important to recognize these for safety in lab. • Examples: • 1) isopropyl alcohol • 2) n-butyl alcohol • 3) sec-butyl alcohol • 4) tert-butyl alcohol PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ALCOHOLS • High boiling points compared to their alkanes • Example: Methane -162°C Methanol 65°C • Boiling points of alcohols increases with the increasing number of carbon atoms. • What part of their structure accounts for their high boiling points? • Most are soluble in water. Solubility becomes lessened as the carbon chain lengthens. WHY? • Predict the effect of dihydroxy alcohols on solubility in water. ACIDIC/BASIC PROPERTIES OF ALIPHATIC ALCOHOLS • Similar to water… which is amphiprotic or amphoteric, which means it can act as an acid OR base in solution. • In strong acids, it will accept a proton and become an oxonium ion. • Small alcohols, like methanol and ethanol, have same acid strength as water. Larger acids are weaker. REACTION WITH ALKALI METALS • Just like water, alcohols react with group 1 metals to form an anion and hydrogen gas. • Example: 2 CH3CH2OH + 2 Na 2 Na+ + -OCH2CH3 + H2(g) • The resulting anion is called an alkoxide ion (RO-) and is a stronger base than hydroxide! These are used in industry when a strong base is required. • Primary>secondary>tertiary alcohols as far as reaction with sodium and potassium. As molar mass of alcohol increases, the reactivity decreases. OXIDATION OF ALCOHOLS • Carbon atoms exist in progressively higher stages of oxidation in different functional groups: Alkanes Alcohols aldehydes and ketones carboxylic acids carbon dioxide • Converting alcohols to aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids allows scientists to make plastics, antibiotics, fertilizers, etc. • Common oxidizing agents: oxygen from the air, KMnO4 in basic solution, K2Cr2O7 in acidic solution. OXIDATION OF ALCOHOLS Source: /~rdixon/classes/chem120b99/lectures/chpt-14/chpt-14.html PRACTICE • 1) Determine the products when the following react with potassium dichromate and concentrated sulfuric acid: • A) 1-propanol • B) 2-propanol • C) cyclohexanol DEHYDRATION OF ALCOHOLS 2 types: 1) Intramolecular dehydration of alcohols forms alkenes Sulfuric acid is used as well as heating up the reaction Water is removed from a single alcohol molecule Secondary and tertiary alcohols yield alkenes If there are two neighboring carbons that have hydrogens that may leave with the OH group, follow Saytzeff’s rule. • Saytzeff’s rule: If there is a choice of positions for the carbon-carbon double bond, the preferred location is the one that gives the more highly substituted alkene. • Example: 2-butanol 2-butene + 1-butene • • • • • • DEHYDRATION OF ALCOHOLS • 2) Intermolecular dehydration of alcohols forms ethers • Two alcohol molecules come together, eliminate water and form an ether…(called a condensation reaction) • ONLY works for primary alcohols!!!! • Depends on temperature and number of reactant molecules…lower temps and higher concentration of alcohol yield ethers. ESTERIFICATION • Alcohols can react with carboxylic acids to form esters and water. • Important reaction…discussed more in later chapter. Photo Source: General%20Chemistry%20Textbook/1352/properties-organic-compounds-andother-covalent-substances&title=CoreChem:Esters HYDROXYL GROUP IMPORTANCE • The –OH group is a gateway to many organic reaction AND biochemical reactions as well. • Example: Fats are degraded from alkanes to alkenes…then hydrated to form an alcohol. • Then, the alcohol is oxidized to form a ketone. This process is necessary to use energy from fats. • 10% of infants that die of SIDS cannot degrade fats. It is hypothesized that this lack of ability to use fat for energy may be a leading cause of SIDS. MAKING ALCOHOLS • Generally, the reverse of the reactions that we have discussed so far are the ones used to make alcohols. • 1) Hydrolysis of esters • 2) Alkaline hydrolysis of an alkyl halide (primary and secondary alcohols only) • 3) Catalytic reduction of aldehydes and ketones to make primary and secondary alcohols. • These starting materials are expensive, so specific methods are devised for specific alcohols. METHANOL • Used to be made by heating wood in a non-oxygen atmosphere…called destructive distillation. • Early 1920s, began catalytic hydrogenation of carbon monoxide… • CO + 2 H2 CH3OH • Requires catalysts, high temp and high pressure • Can be made from coal as well, significant as a non-petroleum source • Is useful in conversion to manufacture of other chemicals, polymers, etc. ETHANOL • Aka: grain alcohol, ethyl alcohol, spirit • Earliest and most widely known alcohol • Prepared by fermentation of starch and sugar (for drinking) • Pure ethanol is hygroscopic (water seeking), reaches equilibrium at 95.6% ethanol. • For industrial uses, it is made by acid-catalyzed addition of water to ethylene. • Uses: intermediate in manufacture of acetaldehyde, acetic acid, ethyl acetate and diethyl ether • Ethanol for industrial use is usually denatured by adding small amounts of methanol and other chemicals that are hard to remove and cannot be consumed. ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL (2PROPANOL) • Synthesized from propene and water, catalyzed by acid…2 propanol, not 1-propanol, is produced because of Markovnikov’s rule. • Low-cost alcohol, used in production of acetone • Principle component in rubbing alcohol • Also used as an industrial solvent ETHYLENE GLYCOL (1,2-ETHANEDIOL) • • • • • • • • Simplest alcohol containing 2 –OH groups Prepared from ethylene, derived from petroleum Common uses: Preparation of synthetic fibers such as Dacron and Mylar Major ingredient in “permanent” antifreeze for vehicles As a solvent in paint and plastics industries In the formulation of printing ink and ballpoint pen ink EXTREMELY TOXIC IF INGESTED!!!!! GLYCEROL (1,2,3-PROPANETRIOL) • Also known as glycerine • Syrupy liquid with a super sweet taste, about 0.6 times as sweet as cane sugar. • It’s a by-product of processing animal and vegetable fats to make soap and other products. • Made commercially from propene • Uses: • Raw material in manufacture of polymers and explosives • An emollient in cosmetics • Humectant in tobacco products • Sweetener PHENOLS • Naming: • Most are named as derivatives of the parent compound, much like aromatics • Para, Meta and Ortho apply here too • Examples: A FEW COMMON PHENOLS Vanillin PROPERTIES OF PHENOLS • In its pure state, phenol is a colorless, crystalline solid with a melting point at 41°C and a characteristic odor. • Highly poisonous…can cause nausea, vomiting and death from respiratory collapse. • Weak acid… • Widely used as an antiseptic and disinfectant…one of the first used in hospitals as a disinfectant. MAKING PHENOLS • Benzene and propene are mixed in the presence of acid to form cumene. • Cumene is then oxidized to form cumene hydroperoxide, which is then treated with dilute acid to form phenol and acetone. ETHERS • IUPAC rules for naming ethers: • 1) Select the longest carbon chain and label it with the name of the corresponding alkane. • 2) Change the –yl ending of the other hydrocarbon group to –oxy to obtain the alkoxy group name. • Examples: CH3O- methoxy • CH3CH2O- ethoxy • Phenyl phenoxy • 3) Combine the two names from step 1 and 2, giving the alkoxy name and its position on the longest carbon chain first, to form the ether name. PRACTICE • 1) • 4) ethoxyethane • 5) 2-methyl-2-propoxy-2methylpropane • 2) • 6) ethoxybenzene • 3) STRUCTURES AND PROPERTIES OF ETHERS • Ether molecules have a bent shape, much like that of water. • More polar than alkanes, but less polar than alcohols, since no H is attached to the O. • Can hydrogen bond with water molecules and acids, which accounts for its solubility in these substances. • Ethers are very good solvents for organic compounds. Both polar and nonpolar substances can dissolve in ethers. • Little chemical reactivity, but they have a great value as solvents. • Use can be dangerous because of their volatility and creation of explosive vapors with air. • Oxygen slowly reacts with ethers to form unstable peroxides. PREPARATION OF ETHERS • Intermolecular dehydration of alcohols- (we already did this!) • Williamson synthesisalkyl halides can react with sodium alkoxides • The alkyl halide can be primary or methyl but NOT secondary or tertiary. • The alkoxide can be methyl, primary, secondary, or tertiary. • Write equations for the preparation of: • A) 1-propoxybutane B) Methyl phenyl ether C) Benzyl ethyl ether THIOLS