Idrija, march 2003 HEALTH SAFETY PROGRAMME FOR WORKERS EXPOSED TO HG° ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION IN THE IDRIJA REGION AND OVER A BROAD AREA Tatjana Dizdarevic, B.S.M.E. Idrija Mercury Mine 1 Idrija 2 Introduction Mercury was discovered in y. 1490 500 years of mining and smelting In y. 1994 the ore excavation and Hg production stoped The Mine will be shut down in 2006 3 Important data Hg content in ore: 0,1 – 10% monomineral ore deposit: 70% HgS and 30%Hg 12 mill. tons of ore was excavated 153.309 tons of Hg was extracted 107.692 tons of commercial Hg losses: 44.616 tons of Hg 4 Closing-down Programme The Long-term closing down Programme for the gradual, complete and permanent shut down of the Idrija Mine was prepared in 1986, addopted in 1987 and approved in 1989 The results of investigations and closing down works through last few years indicate that the concept of the mine’s shutdown, was wll chosen thus ensuring the safety of the town above the pit 5 Closing-down works in the mine gradually from the lowest level upwards towards the surface backfilling (20.512 m of galleries, 120.785 m3 concrete) injecting (37 locations 43.856 m of boreholes, 70.177 m3 of grout) flooding of the pit (up to the 4th level) 6 WORKING LOADS AND MERCURY CONCENTRATIONS IN THE PIT AND IN THE SMELTING PLANT Physical loads (dynamic and static) Pulmonal ventilation Air temperature Relative humidity Effective temperature Dust concentration (respirable part) % free SiO2 in dust Ionising radiation Gama dose-rate Carboniferous shale Bituminous shale 5 - 9 Kcal.min-1 Radon concentrations Radon daughters 700 - 1500 Bq.m-3 1.5 J.m-3 (0.07 WL) 24 - 33 L air.min-1 15 - 30 oC 70 - 92 % 15 - 27.8 30 - 70 mg.m-3 10 - 30 % 0.15 -0.20 Gy.h-1 up to 1 Gy.h-1 7 WORKING LOADS AND MERCURY CONCENTRATIONS IN THE PIT AND IN THE SMELTING PLANT Mercury concentrations in the pit and in the smelting plant The pit cinnabar ore (HgS) excavations native mercury ore excavations The smelting plant “less hazardous jobs” “more hazardous jobs” 0.10 mgHg0.m-3 0.10 - 1.00 2.00 mgHg0.m-3 0.00-0.10 mgHg0.m-3 0.10 -2.50 3.00 mgHg0.m-3 Type of workers’ exposure intermittent workers’ exposure to high Hgo concentr. 8 MAJOR PROBLEMS RELATED TO THE TECHNICAL AND HEALTH PROTECTION OF MINERS AGAINST MERCURY HAZARDS IN THE PERIOD BEFORE 1964 In this period Hg concentrations (mg.m-3) were not regularly monitored at all workplaces in mine areas with native Hg by means of measurements; workers were assigned to workplaces with increased Hg concentrations without consideration for their previous exposure to Hg; deficient technical protective measures; workers did not use personal safety equipment; the Technical Service assigned workers to workplaces with increased Hg concentrations without consulting the Health Service; the Health Service did not monitor the state of health of workers during regular exposure; health supervision did not include biological monitoring. 9 HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAMME FOR WORKERS EXPOSED TO ELEMENTAL MERCURY AT THE IDRIJA MERCURY MINE (Kobal, Dizdarevič, 1997) Regular monitoring of mercury concentrations at workplaces in the pit and smelting plant; Improvement of technical measures for the reduction of mercury concentrations at workplaces in areas with native mercury; Continuous use of personal safety equipment by workers exposed to mercury; Regular and controlled rotation of workers from hazardous to nonhazardous workplaces and reduction of their exposure to mercury from 8 to 6 and even 4 hours daily; Regular monitoring of external exposure of individual workers and estimation of cumulative monthly external exposure; Medical surveilance and estimation of workers’ specific ability for work at workplaces with increased concentrations of Hg vapours. 10 CONTROL OF WORKING ENVIRONMENT Air Measurements and Mercury Emission Controls Instant reading methods (quantification of mercury vapours): Mercury vapour Meter - Beckmann K-23 range 0.005-0.1 mg.m-1, and 0.003-3.0 mg.m-3 repeatability + 10% Mercury vapour Indicator - MVI Shawcity range 0.00 - 2.00 mg.m-3, sensitivity 1g.m-3 repeatability + 5 % Methods with separate sampling (quantification of total mercury): acido-oxidising media (KMnO4), hopcalite, activated charcoal, gold traps. Samples are analised with cold vapour atomic absorbtion spectrometrie (CVAAS) and with neutronic activation analizes (NAA). 11 TECHNICAL PRECAUTIONS Ventilation This technical measure includes: efficient front area ventilation and indirectly a reduction of the temperature of air in the pit. Q 300 - 400 m3 air ..... air quantitiy F 10 m2 .... the cross-section of mine’s gallery T ... (oC) as low as possible temperature of the input air) (the l = 4F .... (m) the distance between the front area and the ventilation pipe 12 TECHNICAL PRECAUTIONS Ore processing technology Developement of a new underhand mining method with cemented backfill for extracting mercury ore from carboniferous shale containing native mercury. With the introduction of a new method of excavation, the mercury concentrations in the pit air decreased for about 30%. The reduction of the active vaporization surface reduces the emission of vaporized mercury, which essentialy contributes to the reduction of mercury concentrations in pit air. 13 TECHNICAL PRECAUTIONS Calcium polysulphide solution (CaSn) Hg + CaSn HgS + CaSn-1 14 TECHNICAL PRECAUTIONS Personal protection equipment introduction of mask with mercury vapour filter for hazardous works in the smelting plant after 1952; use of isolating apparatures in particularly hazardous works; after 1965 the introduction of Dr ger half-masks with M 105 St. filters at all workplaces in the pit where Hg concentrations in air exceeded 0.1 mg.m-3; in 1984 AH6-Airstream Racal safety helmets with AS60502 filters comprised of two layers of active charcoal began to be used at all workplaces with increased concentrations of Hg vapours. 15 TECHNICAL PRECAUTIONS Personal safety equipment Air-purifing helmet absorbing filter AH6-Airstream, RACAL, with mercury Calculation of useful life of filter AS60502 (estimation of load): The cumulative load is: Bmax = cn tn cn ....... daily concentrations of Hg vapours tn ...... duration of filter’s(miner’s) exposure to a certain Hg concentration When 1200 points are attained, the filter is to be replaced. 16 EXTERNAL MONTHLY EXPOSURE INTENSITY (AMI) The Allowable Monthly exposure Intensity (AMI) is determined on the basis of the assumption that a worker can work in an area with concentrations of Hg vapours up to 0.1 mg.m-3 air without safety equipment for a period of 8 hours daily for an average period of 26 days (the basis of calculating AMI was the maximum allowable daily exposure to Hg): AMI = 0.1 mg.m-3 8 hours 26 days/month = = 20.8 points The allowable monthly exposure intensity is thus assessed at 20.8 points, which a worker is not allowed to exceed while working in hazardous areas. In practise, the mine’s Technical Service calculated the monthly allowable exposure time (MI) in the following way: MI = cn tn cn ....... daily concentrations of Hg vapours tn ....... duration of miner’s exposure to a certain Hg concentration 17 MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE OF WORKERS EXPOSED TO ELEMENTAL MERCURY Target medical examination (screening test) Evaluation of typical nonspecific symptoms and signs (related to “micromercurialism”); Evaluation of current health contraindications to Hg exposure; Timing of evaluation: before, during (once per week) and after exposure. External exposure evaluation Annual exposure data • (time, concentration, Alowable Monthly exposure Intensity AMI); Current exposure data • (time, concentration, Monthly exposure Intensity- MI); Timing of evaluation: before, during and after exposure. 18 MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE OF WORKERS EXPOSED TO ELEMENTAL MERCURY Biological monitoring Cumulative internal dose evaluation Urine mercury: morning urine, 18 or 24-hour urine samples; timing of evaluation: before exposure. Current internal dose evaluation Urine mercury: post-shift urine spot samples; timing of evaluation: during exposure 1 - 2 times per week; Blood mercury (workplaces with high mercury concentrations); timing of evaluation: during exposure - at the end of the week. 19 MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE OF WORKERS EXPOSED TO ELEMENTAL MERCURY Biological monitoring Our recommended temporary Health based Biological Limit Value (BLV) BLV for workers intermittently exposed to Hg - 4 hours per day at average pulmonal ventilation 27 L.min-1 (Kobal 1991). Blood mercury: 35 g/L Urine mercury*: at 68% confidence limit at 95% confidence limit 60 g/L 100 g/L** 135 g/L** (upper limit) (upper limit) _______________________ * Correction of urine mercury concentration for specific gravity 1024 (Barber, Wallis 1986). ** U-Hg prediction based on B-Hg value 35 g/L, yU-Hg= 1.35 x + 14.3, r = 0.68, P = 0.000, standard error of predictions sy= + 37.7 g/L. 20 Environmental pollution The realities of mercury pollution The ecolgical flap over mercury poisoning has already cut deeply into the metal’s traditional markets …. Lesson of Minamata Disease Mercury Contamination in Iraq Mercury Contamination in the Amazon (Another Minamata?) 21 Environmental pollution in Idrija Region (monitored since 1970) Hg in air Hg in water Hg in sediments Hg in soil Hg in plants Hg in animals Hg in humans Hg in old dust 22 Environmental pollution in Idrija Region 500 years of mining activity 3.000.000 m3 of ore and gangue total production of 150.000 tons of Hg 110.000 tons (commercial Hg ) 40.000 tons (disipated into the environment, i.e. 20 kg Hg/day) 23 Hg production in Idrija Mercury Mine 1490 - 1995 (Mlakar 1974, Cigale 1997) Ore (t) Period 1490-1580 1509-1785 1786-1945 1946-1960 1961-1977 1983-1995 1490-1995 Hg in ore (%) 36 000 217 867 5 892 113 1 871 054 3 957 911 231 279 12 206 224 1.00 17.00 1.48 0.42 0.23 0.24 Recovery (%) 50 65 75 85 91 92 Hgcomm (t) 180 24 074 59 350 6 693 9 230 547 100 074 Total Hg production in Idrija Mercury Mine 1490 - 1995 (Cigale 1997) Hg production Hg (cinn. & other prod.) TOTAL Ore (t) 12 206 224 551 508 12 575 732 Hg in ore (t) Hgcomm (t) 134 313 100 074 10 516 7 618 144 829 107 692 24 Average mercury concentrations in the air in Idrija Year ngHg/m3 air 1971 1972 1974 1986 1990 1991 1992 1994 1999 2000 2001 2002 2000 4535 435 290 57 250 101 2158 20 14 10 12 20 25 Distribution of Mercury in the Athmosphere over Idrija (M. Gosar et al., 1997) Hg ( ng/ m3) Idrija FROM: Gosar, M., Pirc, S., Šajn, R., Bidovec, M., Mashyanov, N.R. & Sholupov S.E. 1997: Distribution of mercury in the atmosphere over Idrija, Slovenia, Environmental geochemistry and health, 19, 101-110. 26 Average mercury concentrations in soil in Idrija (mgHg/kg) Earth crust 0.02 Slovenia 0.16 IDRIJA 1970 (Byrne & Kosta) 1991 (Hess) 52 - 315 0.2 - 148 1999 (Mercury Mine) 4 - 222 27 Hg in soil (Gosar M., PHD thesis, 1997) Hg in soil SP. IDRIJA IDRIJA data from Hess, 1992 geochemical map from Gosar., 1997 (Unpubl. PhD. thesis) 28 Pollution of Pit and Surface Waters Pit water Period 1994 1999 2000 2001 2002 ngHg/L 2 - 547 1102 428 468 428 mgFetot/L 0.02 - 15 1.97 1.11 1.44 1.73 mgSO4/L 16 - 6400 1647 888 894 588 MAC 10.000 2.0 1000 Location Idrijca River – 200 m before pit water outlet Pit water Idrijca River – 500 m after pit water outlet unpolluted underground waters (Rose,1979) Year 1999 2002 1999 2002 1999 2002 ngHg/L 14 34 1102 428 103 62 mgFe/L mgSO4/L 0.06 4 0.04 8 1.97 1647 1.73 588 0.08 34 0.07 18 20 29 Mercury (dissolved) in the Surface Water of Gulf of Trieste (M. Horvat et al. Sept. 1995, surface water,) N 0 10 km ITALY 45.50 SLOVENIA Isonzo river 45.45 4.50 4.00 45.40 3.50 TRIESTE 3.00 2.50 45.35 2.00 Koper 1.50 Piran 1.00 45.30 Drag o 13.25 13.30 13.35 0.50 nja 13.40 13.45 13.50 30 Smelting plant 1860 - 1970 31 Smelting plant 1980 - 1995 32 Mercury in Air - smeltery Year ngHg/m3 air Author 1971 1972 20 000 8 500 Byrne& Costa 1970 Inst.Jožef Stefan 196971 Kavčič 1974 1986 ~290 Mercury Mine 1990-92 1994 1998 1999 ~150 4 078 400 – 3 000 114 Miklavčič 1991 1 000 Mašjanov & Šolupov Mercury Mine Mercury Mine WHO* *the limit value of Hg in air for residential areas 33 Smelting plant today 34 Remediation 35 Pront area – outcrop of ore deposit 36 Pront area (1999) Location non contaminated area Pront area Near smeltery smokestack mgHg/kg soil ngHg/m3 air 4.03 4.4 721.7 10.2 212.9 114.5 37 Mercury in plants Plant Carrot Onion Potatoe Bean Beetroot Tomatoe Cabbage ngHg/g fresh weight 800 – 89 68,7 – 3,9 37,4 – 3,6 16,9 – 1,3 13,9 – 1,9 17,1 – 3,3 10,8 – 9,3 38 Mercury in animals tissues Animal Hgtot (ppm) MeHg (ppm) Fish 1.45 0.92 MAC 0.50 Roe deer tissues and hairs: 100-times higher values of Hgtot and MeHg in comparison with control group. 39 Conclusions Results Environment rehabilitation measures Reduction of loads on the population 40 41