Brad Wescombe Athlete Program 28/5/2014 Athlete Development: Training Program Year: 2014 Pre-Season: On-Season Training: Tuesday/Thursday 4:30-6:00PM 2x Trainings Tuesday/Thursday 4:15-6:00 Feb: Training: 4:306PM Game day: Saturday Term 1 Jan: Preseason Term 2 Mar: Apr: May Term 3 June July Aug Term 4 Sep Oct Nov Dec Name: Bryce William Butler Age: 16 D.O.B: 4/11/1997 Birth Place: North West Regional Hospital Burnie Sporting Background: Basketball since he was 8 till he was 15, Football since he was 10, Soccer since he was 7 till he was 12, Cricket since he was 11 till he was 14. Sporting Achievements: Grade 10 Footy Premiers, 3x North West Cricket Interstate Champions Current Training: Burnie Dockers U17- 4-6:30, Tuesday and Thursday Sunday Game Day Strengths: Cardio, Agility, Speed and Response Time Weakness: Strength and Injury Prone. Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Rest Day Training4:15-6:00 Rest Day Training: 4:15-6:00 Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Rest Day Rest Day Game Day2:00-4:30 Brad Wescombe Warm Up Phase: Athlete Program Main Phase: Skills: 2-3 minutes of jump rope. 20 body weight squats. 10 forward leg swings left and right leg 10 side leg swings- left and right leg. Push Ups: -10 wide -10 normal -10 diamond Agility Ladder X5 -In In Out Out -One Foot in Each -Two Feet in Each -X-Over Zig-Zag -Ickey Shuffle Cool Down Phase: Stretching: 20 left foot kicks. 20 right foot kicks. 20 left handballs. 20 right handballs. 20 moving target hits left. 20 moving target hits right. 20 checksides right 20 checksides left 20 snaps left 20 snaps right 20 ground pick ups 20 ankle pick ups 20 knee pick ups 20 waist pick ups 20 over head markshit target Gym Program: 28/5/2014 6x6 dumbbell squats10kg 2x10 leg curls- max weight 3x10 leg extensionmax weight 3x15 leg press- max weight 3x10 dumbbell lunges6kg 3x10 incline benchpress- max weight 3x12 dips 2x10 barbell dead lift40 kg 2x10 lat pulldownmax weight 2x10 tricep curls- 9kg dumbbells 3x8 long bar bicep curls- max weight 2x2 minute plank hold Shoulder Shrugs Chest / Bicep Stretch Forearm Stretch Arm/Shoulder Stretch Tricep/Lat Stretch Stomach Stretch Calf Stretch Lower back Stretch ITB / Hip Hamstring Stretch Thigh Stretch standing or laying on floor Each stretch goes for 30 seconds, with arm and leg stretches you must do both sides of you body. Brad Wescombe Athlete Program 28/5/2014 2x max chin-ups 2x max push-ups 2x max bench-press Exercise Functions Body Weight Squats: To perform a body weight squat extend or cross your arms out in front of you, your feet should be place a shoulder width apart. Slowly start to lower yourself, bending at the knees, make sure to keep your back straight. Keep lowering yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground, make sure to keep your knees behind the tips of your toes, then push yourself back up. The main function of a body weight squat is to help tone your lower body muscles such as thighs and other muscles in the legs. Forward Leg Swings: To perform a forward leg swing, stand next to a sturdy object and hold the object with your left hand. Raise your right leg as high as you can in front of your body whilst keeping your leg locked straight. When your leg reaches a comfortable height, swing your back as far as it will go and then lower back to starting position. That is one repletion, after completion of one whole set of swings, repeat on other leg. Main function of a forward leg swing is to engage legs muscles such as hamstrings and hip flexors for activity. Side Leg Swings: To perform a side leg swing, find and hold onto a sturdy object, raise your right foot out to the side of you and when a maximum height is reached, swing the leg through to the other side of your body. This is one repetition, after completing one set of repetition swap legs and repeat the same. The main function of a side leg swing is to warmup and activate muscles in and around hip and groin areas for physical activity. Push-Ups: -Diamond: To perform a diamond push-up, lay on the ground and place your hands together so that a diamond shape is formed between the middle of your hands, your hands should be placed in the middle of your chest. Once in this position, explode and push off from the ground as hard as you can until your arms are at lock then slowly lower yourself down until chest touches the ground, this is one repetition, repeat many to perform a set. Diamond push-ups work your chest, deltoids, triceps and abdominal core muscles. -Standard: To perform a standard push-up, lay on the ground and place your hand directly under your shoulders and a little wider than a shoulder width apart. Once in this position push yourself upwards as fast as you can, when arms are at lock lower yourself back to ground until chest touches the ground, this is one repetition, perform multiple of these to complete a set. Standard push-ups work your pectorals, deltoids, triceps and abdominal core muscles. -Wide: To perform a wide push-up, lay on the ground and place your hand directly under your shoulders and two shoulder widths apart. Once in this position push yourself upwards as fast as you can, when arms are at lock lower yourself back to ground until chest touches the ground, this is one repetition, perform multiple of these to complete a set. Wide push-ups work your pectorals, deltoids, triceps and abdominal core muscles. Brad Wescombe Athlete Program 28/5/2014 Agility Ladder: -Ickey Shuffle: Begin standing at the end of the ladder and to the left hand side of the first square. Facing forward step laterally into the first square of the ladder with both feet. Immediately step out with just the right foot. Place the left foot still in the square into the next square of the ladder followed by the right foot on the outside. Immediately step out to the other side with just the left foot. Continue this pattern moving as quickly as possible while maintaining good body control. This is one repetition, complete multiple repetitions to complete a set. Ickey shuffle works your calves, quads, hamstrings, outer thighs, groin, glutes and hip flexors. -In In Out Out: Start by facing the ladder from the side. Step with the inside foot into the first square followed by the second foot. Step back out with the inside foot to the side of the second square followed by the other foot. Repeat the exercise continuously by stepping in with your inside foot followed by the other foot, then stepping out with the inside foot followed by the other until reaching the end of the ladder. This is one repetition, complete multiple of these to complete a set. Side step works your calves, quads, hamstrings, outer thighs, groin, glutes and hip flexors. -One Foot in Each: Start behind the ladder facing down it. Lead with either foot stepping 1 foot per square. This is one repetition, complete multiple of these to complete a set. One Foot in Each works your calves, quads, hamstrings, outer thighs, groin, glutes and hip flexors. -Two Feet in Each: Start behind the ladder facing down it. Step with either foot into the first square, followed by the second foot into the same square all the way down to the end of the ladder. This is one repetition, complete multiple of these to complete a set. Two Feet in Each works your calves, quads, hamstrings, outer thighs, groin, glutes and hip flexors. -X-Over Zig-Zag: Start by facing down ladder and to the side. Step into the first square with the left foot followed by the right foot. Step to the outside of the first square with the left foot followed by the right foot. Step into the second square with the left foot followed by the right foot. Continue repeating this exercise until you get to the end of the ladder. This is one repetition, complete multiple of these to complete a set. X-Over Zig-Zags works your calves, quads, hamstrings, outer thighs, groin, glutes and hip flexors. Dumbbell Squats: To perform a dumbbell place the selected weight dumbbell in your hands and your hands placed directly beside you, your feet should be place a shoulder width apart. Slowly start to lower yourself, bending at the knees, make sure to keep your back straight. Keep lowering yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground, make sure to keep your knees behind the tips of your toes, then push yourself back up. The Brad Wescombe Athlete Program 28/5/2014 main function of a dumbbell squat is to help tone your lower body muscles such as thighs and other muscles in the legs. Leg Curls: The leg curl is a basic isolation exercise targeting the hamstring area of your leg. To perform a leg curl start with a light weight and lie face down on a bench. Adjust the pads so that they are in a comfortable position around the ankles so that there is some heel involvement in the effort. You don't want the pads too high up the calf so that the effort places pressure directly on the calf muscles and achilles tendon. You should adjust the weight so that you can do about 8 to 12 repetitions in each set, lift the pads upward as you flex the knee joints. Lift the pad as far as it will go toward the buttocks. Lift and lower the leg under control. Leg Extensions: Leg extensions are a popular exercise for working out the muscles in and around the thighs. To perform a leg extension sit on a padded seat provided. Initially, select a light weight from the stack. Hook the feet under the bar. When set, choose a weight that enables you to extend the legs straight with effort but not too much strain and extend slowly on the way up and let it down steadily. Do 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions each. Leg Press: To perform a leg press sit on the machine with your back and head against the padded support. Place feet on the foot plate about hip width apart, ensuring the heels are flat. Select a weight that you can push out with your legs with medium difficulty. The legs should form an angle of about 90 degrees at the knee with a little variation either way as long as the heels sit flat on the plate. The knees should be in line with the feet and neither bowed inward nor outward. Your bottom should not be raised from the seat platform. The leg press works your quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. Dumbbell Lunges: To perform dumbbell lunges stand with your body upright holding two dumbbells of selected weight in your hands by your sides. Step forward with your right leg around 2 feet or so from the foot being left stationary behind and lower your upper body down, while keeping the torso upright and maintaining balance. Do not allow your knee to go forward beyond your toes as you come down, as this will put undue stress on the knee joint. Make sure that you keep your front shin perpendicular to the ground. Using mainly the heel of your foot, push up and go back to the starting position as you exhale. Repeat the movement for the recommended amount of repetitions and then perform with the left leg. This exercise works your quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and glutes. Incline Bench Press: To perform an incline bench press lie down with your back on an incline bench. Using a medium-width with a selected weight, lift the bar from the rack and hold it straight over you with your arms locked. This will be your starting position. Bring the bar down slowly until you feel the bar on you upper chest. Once the bar is on your chest, pause for a second before bringing the bar back to the starting. Lock your arms in the contracted position, squeeze your chest, hold for a second and then start coming down slowly again. Repeat the movement for the prescribed amount of repetitions. When you are done, place the bar back in the rack. This exercise uses your chest, shoulder and tricep muscles. Brad Wescombe Athlete Program 28/5/2014 Dips: To perform a dip you need to get into the starting position, to do this you hold your body at arm's length with your arms nearly locked above the bars. Slowly lower yourself downward. Your body should remain upright and your elbows should stay close to your body. This helps to better focus on tricep involvement. Lower yourself until there is a 90 degree angle formed between the upper arm and forearm. Then push your body back up using your triceps to bring your body back to the starting position. Repeat the movement for an amount of repetitions. This exercise works your chest, shoulder and tricep muscles. Barbell Dead Lift: To perform a barbell dead lift keep your back as straight as possible whilst bending at your knees, bend forward and grasp the bar using a shoulder width overhand grip. This is the starting position for the exercise. When holding the bar, start the lift by pushing upwards with your legs while also getting your body to an upright position. In the upright position, stick your chest out and contract the back by bringing the shoulder blades back. This is one repetition, to perform a set repeat multiple repetitions. The barbell dead lift works your lower back, calves, forearms, glutes, hamstrings, lats, middle back, quadriceps and traps. Lat Pull Downs: Grab the bar with the palms facing forward and arms placed a little more than shoulder width apart. Both arms should be fully extended in front of you holding the bar at the chosen grip width, bend your body back around 30 degrees or so while creating a curve on your lower back and sticking your chest out. Bring the bar down until it touches your upper chest by drawing the shoulders and the upper arms down and back. After a second at the pulled down position, slowly raise the bar back to the starting position when your arms are fully extended and the lats are fully stretched. This is one repetition, perform multiple repetitions to complete a set. The lat pull down works your lats, biceps, middle back and shoulders. Tricep Extensions: To perform a tricep extension vertically place your hand with the selected dumbbell above your head. The slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head, whilst keeping the upper portion of your arm stationary. When your triceps are fully flexed, bring your arm back to the starting point by extending your arm. This is one repetition, perform multiple of these to complete a set. The tricep extension works you triceps. Long Bar Bicep Curls: Grab the bar with selected weight with your palms, bring the bar to your chest, flexing your bicep. When at this position, start to lower the bar down slowly until arm is fully extended, when bicep is fully extended bring the bar back to your chest by flexing your bicep. This exercise works your bicep muscles. Plank Hold: Get into a horizontal position on the floor, supporting your weight on your toes and your forearms. Your arms are bent and directly below your shoulders. Keep your body straight at all times, do not bend at the butt region, and hold this position as long as possible. To increase difficulty, an arm or leg can be raised. This exercise works your abdominal core muscles. Chin Ups: To perform a chin up, grab the pull-up bar with the palms facing your body and a grip the bar at about shoulder width length. As you have both arms extended in front of you holding the bar, keep your body as straight as possible while creating a curve in your lower back and sticking your chest out. When in this position, pull your body up until your head is around the level of the pull-up bar. Concentrate on using the biceps muscles in order to perform the movement. Keep the elbows close to your body. When in this Brad Wescombe Athlete Program 28/5/2014 position, hold for two seconds before lowering yourself back to the starting position. This is one repetition, repeat multiple times to complete a set. This exercise works your lats, biceps, forearms and middle back. Bench Press: Lie on your back on a flat bench. Using a shoulder width grip, lift the bar from the rack with a selected weight and hold it straight over your chest region with your arms locked. From this position, begin bringing the bar down slowly until the bar touches your middle chest. After a brief pause, push the bar back to the starting position. This is one repetition, complete multiple of these to complete a set. The bench press works your chest, shoulder and tricep muscles. Reference: Brad Wescombe Athlete Program 28/5/2014