ARTERIAL EXAMINATION OF THE LOWER LIMB History: Pain in the legs? Site/Quality/Intensity/Timing etc Is onset of pain associated with exercise? Exercise tolerance before the onset of pain? Amount of time resting before pain subsides? Can the patient walk through the pain Duration of symptoms, have they improved or worsened over time. Lifestyle: smoking, diet, EtOH, Occupation. Rest Pain? How does patient relieve rest pain (?leg over side of bed etc.) Ulcers/sores. PMHx/PSHx: enquire about all arteriopathic conditions. Atherosclerotic Risk Factors. Examination: Performed with the patient lying down comfortably. Trousera and socks removed. Inspection: General: Features of Cigarette Smoking CVS disease e.g. GTN Spray by bedside DM e.g. glucometer at bedside Legs: Pallor Guttering of veins Discolouration Shiny/thin skin Loss of hairs Scars suggestive of previous surgery. Feet: Ulcers on pressure areas: o Heels o Malleoli o Head of 5th metatarsal o Tips of toes o Between toes o Ball of foot. Palpation: Run dorsum of hands down legs, assessing for temperature change (cooler below a significant vascular lesion). Capillary refill time Pulses: (palpate and Doppler) o ?AAA o Femoral o Popliteal o Dorsalis pedis o Posterior tibial Auscultate: For bruits: o AAA o Renal Arteries o Femoral Arteries o Adductor Hiatus o Popiteal Arteries. Buergers Test: From a lying position, raise the lower limb slowly. Watch the leg/foot carefully for: o Blanching o Guttering of veins. (Up to 900 is normal. <500 severe ischaemia, <250 critical ischaemia) Lower the leg steadily and allow it to swing down the floor (sitting the patient up as you go). Observe the foot for a red/purple discoluration. This is reactive hyperaemia and represents gravity assisting in returning blood to the foot. To Complete the Examination: Examination of the heart and carotids. ECG (AF predisposes to distal embolisation). BP in both arms. Measure ANKLE BRACHIAL PRESSURE INDICES.