Vocab 1

AP Vocabulary 1
Monday, August 17 – Friday, August 21
Name _______________________________________________
Sheet and paragraph due Friday
Part I: Match the word to the definition, and use a dictionary or thesaurus to write synonyms and other forms of the words.
Word Bank:
Rhetorical Device: Understatement
Pt of
2 Synonyms
Noun, Verb, Adjective, or Adverb form
requiring much time and effort
difficult, painstaking
adverb: laboriously
to stop resisting or fighting against; to
agree to do something or accept the
circumstances [after resisting]
having or showing great intensity or
act of talking or writing in an
unrestrained, excited, enthusiastic
to look over casually
II. Fill in the appropriate words (in the proper form of the word) from the vocabulary list.
Jacob walked around, _______________________ the many hobby displays in the large arena. He stopped at a man building a house of cards that
towered above Jacob’s head. No one else was at the display and the man stood on a ladder, looking down when Jacob spoke.
“Forgive me,” Jacob said, “but I really must ask how you can be so _______________________ about building a giant house of cards. The process
seems so ____________________________________.”
“You don’t understand!” the man replied ______________________________, nearly jumping down the ladder steps. “Take some of these cards
and build a small one yourself!” He shoved several cards into Jacob’s hands.
Jacob backed up. “No. No thank you.”
“You must try it!”
Jacob smiled politely. “I really don’t have time.”
“You will understand if you just try it for a moment.” The man’s eyes shimmered as if he might cry any moment.
Jacob _____________________________ and took some cards. He could not even get three to stand up together.
“Let me show you how. It’s so easy. You—“
“Sarah!” Jacob called, suddenly turning his head. “That’s my girlfriend I am supposed to meet,” he lied. “I’d love to stay. Perhaps another time.”
“Sure,” the man laughed. “Better not disappoint the lady.”
Jacob smiled again politely, rushing back into the crowd.
III. On a separate sheet of paper, type or neatly write a paragraph using and UNDERLINING the new words for this week. In your
paragraph, use understatement and underline or highlight the sentence(s) in which the understatement appears.
Write the definition of understatement here: