Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang

Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang
Chapters 1-8 Quiz
Please complete these questions in your Novel Study scribbler.
1. Why does Jacob say everything twice?
2. List at least two things Jacob cannot do that his older brothers and sisters
CAN do.
3. What country does Jacob live in?
4. What is the name of the store owner who thought Jacob insulted him?
5. Find two comparisons the author uses when describing the store owner’s
appearance (hint – look at the beginning of Chapter 2)
6. Who is Louis Loser?
7. What punishment did the Judge give to Jacob for insulting an adult?
8. What are the nicknames given to Shapiro and O’Toole?
9. Why did Shapiro and O’Toole want Jacob to wear the supersonic bleeper?
10. Name the two guards who escorted Jacob on his journey to the children’s
11. List some of types of transportation used to get to the prison.
12. What is the name of the island where the children’s prison is located?
13. Why does the Hooded Fang hate children so much?
14. On his first night in the prison, what surprise does Jacob find with his
15. What does Mr. Fox do to really upset Jacob?