CET 2675C * Voice over IP (VoIP)

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Department of Network Engineering Technology | Division of
Engineering, Computer Programming, and Technology
Valencia College
CET 2675C – Voice over IP
Course Syllabus
Wael Yousif
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Course Description:
Course Prerequisite: CET1610C
This course is designed to provide students with a working knowledge of the Cisco Unified
Communications solutions including architecture, components, functionalities, and features. The
VoIP course is designed to help students master the knowledge needed to perform tasks such as
system monitoring, moves, additions and changes on Cisco Unified Communications Manager,
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express, Cisco Unity Connection, and Cisco Unified
This course covers the Cisco CCNA Voice Exam objectives. The Cisco Certified Network
Associate Voice (CCNA Voice) validates associate-level knowledge and skills required to
administer a voice network. The Cisco® CCNA Voice certification confirms that the required
skill set for specialized job roles in voice technologies such as voice technologies administrator,
voice engineer, and voice manager. It validates skills in VoIP technologies such as IP PBX, IP
telephony, handset, call control, and voicemail solutions.
Mode of Delivery: This Class is offered in online mode. All meetings and laboratory
experiments will take place online.
Facilitator: Dr. Yousif, Net+, CCNA, CCDA, CCAI, GCFW, C|EH
Office: 11-312
Email: wyousif@valenciacollege.edu
Skype: professoryousif
Twitter: @professoryousif
YouTube: http://bit.ly/cyberdefender
Telephone Number: 407-582-1064
Office Hours:
Monday 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM AND 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM (Netlab/Skype)
Tuesday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Wednesday 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Netlab/Skype)
Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Friday 9:00 AM– 10:00 AM (Netlab/Skype)
*In order to provide you with adequate support, setting up and using Skype is a requirement for
this course. Please ensure that your PC/Laptop is equipped with a microphone.
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A syllabus is a roadmap for success in a particular course and is a contract between the
student and the instructor. By participating in this course, the student agrees to and accepts the
terms and conditions of this contract. It is student’s responsibility to carefully read this syllabus,
and to adhere to all college policies and course procedures within. The following information
provides an overview of the course and class practices.
Major Topics/ Concepts/ Skills/ Learning Outcomes
Voice and data convergence
IP phone connections to the LAN infrastructure
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
CUCM Express IP phone configuration and voice productivity features
Gateways and trunks
Cisco Unity Express
Smart Business Communications System
UC500 series for voice
Student Core Competencies
The faculty of Valencia College have established four Core Competencies that
describe the learning outcomes for a Valencia graduate. They are: Think, Value, Act, and
Communicate. These general competencies can be applied in many contexts and must be
developed over a lifetime. They specify how learning can be expressed and assessed in
practice. They enable students and faculty to set learning goals and assess learning within
and across the many disciplines of human inquiry. First and foremost, the activities and
assignments in this course are designed to help students meet Valencia’s student core
competencies: http://valenciacollege.edu/competencies/
Quality Expectations, Late Work, Missed Deadlines:
All students in this course are future networking professionals and candidates for an
Associate in Science degree in Network Engineering Technology. You might be the best
networking technologist on the planet, but all I know about you is the quality of the work
you produce in our class. Your work is a direct reflection of you as a professional.
I understand that occasionally our real lives overtake our school life so there is leeway for
one late assignment. I will accept a one-time-only late assignment. The late assignment
starts with 1/2 credit. Then as I grade it you might lose more points if the quality is poor.
After the first late assignment, the next late assignment will NOT be accepted for
grading. Failure to upload an assignment correctly is the same as late.
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All tests must be taken during the open window. Once the exam window closes no makeup exams.
Make up exceptions,
o If Blackboard or Netlab goes down or there’s a similar technical glitch, then I'll
adjust the due dates.
o If you have an emergency, health issue, extenuating circumstance, jury duty,
military duty, contact me. I will need documentation from you before I allow any
There is no extra credit anticipated in this course.
Exams, including a final examination, are online and open-book. The purpose of this
course is to prepare you for reading and understanding technical concepts in the domain
of IP Communications.
Our class calendar on Blackboard will help you keep on track. Please be sure to
check the classroom calendar at least twice a week.
Academic Honesty:
Valencia college policies are addressed in the Student Handbook and our College wide Policy
Manual, including the college's computer usage policies. Cheating and plagiarism are both
considered forms of academic dishonesty as are forms of electronic sharing of answers (e.g., text
messaging answers during a test, wireless phone cheating, etc.). If I discover that your work is
plagiarized I will assign a zero for that assignment. If you are discovered to have plagiarized a
second time, your course grade will be an “F”. Furthermore, you may be referred to the Dean of
Students for disciplinary action.
Laboratory Remote-Access with Netlab
All laboratory assignments will be completed using the Netlab Server. The server
address is: or
 Temp password for all: netpass
 User ID: your Atlas username
 After you have logged in for the first time, change your password to match
that of your Atlas account.
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Required Textbooks & Learning Materials:
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Course Agenda:
Assigned Reading(s)
Week 1 to
Week 4
Lesson 1: Understanding Basic
Voice Communications
Technology (52 minutes)
January 14
to Feb 4
Chapters 1, 2, and 3
Lesson 1.1: Traditional
Networks Overview (10
Voice Prospectives
1. Traditional Voice Versus
Unified Voice
Lesson 1.2: Understanding
VoIP Elements and
Technology (20 minutes)
2. Understanding the Pieces of
Cisco Unified
Lesson 1.3: Elements of Voice
Traffic (22 minutes)
Week 5 to 9
Feb 11 to
Mar 11
Lesson 5: Understanding Cisco
Unified Communications
Manager Express (CME) and
Unity Express (87 minutes)
Lesson 5.1: Introducing Cisco
Unified Communications
Manager Express (CME) (19
3. Understanding the Cisco IP
phone Concepts and
Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7
Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Express
4. Getting Familiar with CME
Lesson 5.2: Configuring Users
and Phones in
Communications Manager
Express (CME) (26 minutes)
5. Managing Endpoints and End
Users with CME
Lesson 5.3: Introducing Cisco
Unity Express (CUE) (20
7. Configuring Cisco CME Voice
Productivity Features
Lesson 5.4: Configuring Voice
Mail in Cisco Unity Express
(CUE) (22 minutes)
6. Understanding the CME DialPlan
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Assigned Reading(s)
Week 10 to
Week 14
Lesson 2: Introducing Cisco
Unified Communications
Manager (103 minutes)
March 18 to
April 15
Lesson 2.1: Introducing Cisco
Unified Communications
Manager (20 minutes)
Lesson 2.2: Logging into Cisco
Unified Communications
Manager (36 minutes)
Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
Cisco Unified Communications
8. Administering End User
9. Managing End Points and End
Users in CUCM
Lesson 2.3: Configuring Users
in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager (21
10. Understanding CUCM DialPlan Elements and Interactions
Lesson 2.4: Configuring
Phones in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager (26
12. Enabling Mobility Features in
11. Enabling Telephony Features
with CUCM
Week 15
April 22
Final Exam –Hands-on/Skills-Based
Week 16
April 29
Final Exam –Multiple Choice
Student Performance Assessment:
Quizzes -------------------------------------------------------- 15%
Laboratory Assignments
---------------------------- 55%
Final Project (Must pass to pass the course)
Final Exam-MC (Must pass to pass the course)
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All deadlines for laboratory assignments and exams will be recorded in the course
calendar. Please be certain to check the class calendar on Blackboard at least twice a
week—once toward the beginning of the week and again toward the end of the week
This course is offered in hybrid mode and will NOT have weekly face-to-face meetings. There
will be Missing a weekly assignment (lab assignment/chapter test) will count as an absence from
class. Missing three assignments will count as 3 absences and will lead to automatic withdrawal
from class.
Per Valencia Policy 4-07 (Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and
Withdrawals), a student who withdraws from class before the established deadline for a
particular term will receive a grade of “W.” A student is not permitted to withdraw after the
withdrawal deadline. A faculty member MAY withdraw a student up to the beginning of the final
exam period for violation of the class attendance policy. A student who is withdrawn by faculty
for violation of the class attendance policy will receive a grade of “W”. Any student who
withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course
will be assigned a grade of “F”. For a complete policy and procedure overview on Valencia
Policy 4-07 please go to:
Please check the school’s calendar at:
Rules and Comments
More than three unexcused absences could result in grade F or Withdrawal from class.
The final exam is comprehensive. Failing to take the final exam will result in grade F.
It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from the course. Any withdrawal after the
withdraw deadline could result in F.
No make-up labs, Quizzes, Homework, or exams are permitted unless prior arrangement
with the instructor has been made.
You must satisfactorily complete all course requirements in order to receive a passing
grade including.
Laboratory Assignments, Exams, Quizzes, and Projects.
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All assignments, examinations, and assessments are to be completed individually.
Cheating is prohibited: An incident of academic dishonesty would lead to withdrawing
the student from the course with grade letter “F” and may also result in recommendation
for expulsion from the program.
In order to provide you with adequate support, contacting the instructor via Skype is a
requirement for this course.
Keep all email communications within the Blackboard email facility unless your email is
about communicating an emergency and/or about a situation of great urgency.
Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations
must provide a notification from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss
specific needs with the instructor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for
Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of
disabilities. OSD is located on each campus http://valenciacollege.edu/osd/
Disclaimer Statement: This syllabus may change, at the instructor’s discretion, during the
course of the term. It is the student’s responsibility to make any adjustments as announced.