

107 Minerals Minerals


EQ: How can comparing and contrasting help me to understand how matter physically or chemically changes?


Minerals WS





Name some things that you have that are made of minerals

Exit : Summarize notes


Notes : minerals




20 ml

1000 grams15

Because it expands when it freezes


1. Starter

2. Minerals Notes

3.Minerals Ws

4. Exit

Table of Contents

Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab Page

10/27 Writing Chemical Formulas 81-82

10/28 Ionic Bonding 83-84

10/29 ChemicalEquations and the Conservation of Mass 85-86

10/30 Balancing Act 87-88

11/02 Balancing Chemical Equations Activity 89-90

91-92 11/03 See Saw Poster

11/4 Law of Conservation of Mass Lab 93-94

11/5 Balancing Equations Review 95-96

11/6 Physical and Chemical Changes Notes 97-98

11/9 Physical and Chemical Properties Lab 99-100

11/10 Balancing Chemical Equations Writing 101-102

11/12 Signs of a Chemical change Video Quiz 103-104

11/13 Physical and Chemical Ws 105-106

11/16 Minerals 107-108


What is a Mineral?

 It must be inorganic – not formed from living things.

 It must be found naturally.

 It must have a definite chemical composition.

 It must be formed of crystals.(# of faces and angles)

 Must be a solid

Types of Minerals

 Silicates

Minerals that contain silicon and oxygen

– 90% of the earth’s crust are made of these type of minerals

Ex. Quartz, mica

 Non-silicates

Minerals that contain no silicon and oxygen

Ex. Halite, calcite

Properties of Minerals

 Color

The color of a mineral is not the best way to identify it.

Color depends on many factors and can change from sample to sample .

Mineral Properties

 Luster

Metallic luster; shiny, looks like a metal (gold, silver, copper)

Sub-metallic luster; dull metal finish(lead, hematite)

Non-metallic; waxy, glassy, dull, pearly(quartz, calcite, sulfur)

Types of Luster


Sub Metallic


Mineral Properties

 Streak

– color of a mineral in powdered form

– the streak is always the same for a mineral no matter what the surface color is.

– streak plates are used to determine the color

– some minerals leave no streak

Mineral Properties

 Cleavage

The tendency of a mineral to break along specific planes.

 Fracture

When a mineral breaks with no set planes.

Mineral Properties

 Density

Each mineral has a specific density

Density is the amount of matter in a given space

The more matter in a smaller space the higher the density.


Mineral Properties

 Hardness

Hardness is the ability of a mineral to resist being scratched.

Mohs scale of hardness developed by German mineralogist Friedrich

Mohs organizes minerals by hardness.

Mohs Scale of Hardness in order from softest to hardest

1 – Talc

2 – Gypsum

3 – Calcite

Mohs Scale of Hardness

4 – Fluorite

5 – Apatite

6 – Orthoclase

Mohs Scale of Hardness

7 – Quartz

8 – Topaz

9 – Corundum

10 – Diamond

Field Hardness Test

 1

– easily scratched by fingernail

 2

– scratched by fingernail

 3

– easily scratched by nail, won’t scratch a copper penny

 5

– Hard to scratch with a nail; won’t scratch glass

 7

– scratches glass

 8-10

– scratches steel

Special Properties of Some minerals

 Fluorescence (glows)

 Chemical reaction (produces bubbles)

 Radioactivity (gives off energy)

 Optical properties (can see through them)

 Magnetism (attracts things)

 Taste(You should never use taste to identify an unknown mineral)


 Is a combination of minerals that has enough of one type of metal or mineral that it can be extracted.

Example: Galena is an ore for Lead

107 Minerals Minerals


EQ: How can comparing and contrasting help me to understand how matter physically or chemically changes?


Minerals WS





Name some things that you have that are made of minerals

Exit : Summarize notes


Notes : minerals
