Organic Chemistry, 5th Edition L. G. Wade, Jr. Chapter 8 Reactions of Alkenes Jo Blackburn Richland College, Dallas, TX Dallas County Community College District 2003, Prentice Hall Reactivity of C=C • Electrons in pi bond are loosely held. • Electrophiles are attracted to the pi electrons. • Carbocation intermediate forms. • Nucleophile adds to the carbocation. • Net result is addition to the double bond. => Chapter 8 2 Electrophilic Addition • Step 1: Pi electrons attack the electrophile. E C C + + E C C + • Step 2: Nucleophile attacks the carbocation. E C C+ + _ Nuc: Chapter 8 E Nuc C C 3 => Types of Additions => Chapter 8 4 Addition of HX (1) Protonation of double bond yields the most stable carbocation. Positive charge goes to the carbon that was not protonated. CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 + H CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 H Br + Br X _ CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 + H Chapter 8 => 5 Addition of HX (2) CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 H Br CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 + H CH3 + Br _ CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 + H _ Br CH3 C CH CH3 => Br H Chapter 8 6 Regiospecificity • Markovnikov’s Rule: The proton of an acid adds to the carbon in the double bond that already has the most H’s. “Rich get richer.” • More general Markovnikov’s Rule: In an electrophilic addition to an alkene, the electrophile adds in such a way as to form the most stable intermediate. • HCl, HBr, and HI add to alkenes to form Markovnikov products. => Chapter 8 7 Free-Radical Addition of HBr • In the presence of peroxides, HBr adds to an alkene to form the “antiMarkovnikov” product. • Only HBr has the right bond energy. • HCl bond is too strong. • HI bond tends to break heterolytically to form ions. => Chapter 8 8 Free Radical Initiation • Peroxide O-O bond breaks easily to form free radicals. R O O R heat R O + O R • Hydrogen is abstracted from HBr. R O R O H + H Br + Br => Chapter 8 Electrophile 9 Propagation Steps • Bromine adds to the double bond. Br + C C C C Br • Hydrogen is abstracted from HBr. C C + H Br C C Br + Br Br H Chapter 8 Electrophile => 10 Anti-Markovnikov ?? CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 Br + Br X CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 Br • Tertiary radical is more stable, so that intermediate forms faster. => Chapter 8 11 Hydration of Alkenes + H C C + H2O H OH C C alkene alcohol • Reverse of dehydration of alcohol • Use very dilute solutions of H2SO4 or H3PO4 to drive equilibrium toward hydration. => Chapter 8 12 Mechanism for Hydration H H C C + C C + H O H + H2O H + H O H H + C C + H2O C C H + H O H C C + H H O + H2O C C Chapter 8 + H3O + => 13 Orientation for Hydration • Markovnikov product is formed. H CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 + H O+ H CH3 CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 H CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 + H2O + H H2O CH3 C CH CH3 +O H H H H2O => O H Chapter 8 14 Indirect Hydration • Oxymercuration-Demercuration Markovnikov product formed Anti addition of H-OH No rearrangements • Hydroboration Anti-Markovnikov product formed Syn addition of H-OH => Chapter 8 15 Oxymercuration (1) • Reagent is mercury(II) acetate which dissociates slightly to form +Hg(OAc). • +Hg(OAc) is the electrophile that attacks the pi bond. O CH3 O O C O Hg O C CH3 CH3 _ C O O + Hg O C CH3 => Chapter 8 16 Oxymercuration (2) The intermediate is a cyclic mercurinium ion, a three-membered ring with a positive charge. OAc + C C + Hg(OAc) Hg C C => Chapter 8 17 Oxymercuration (3) • Water approaches the mercurinium ion from the side opposite the ring (anti addition). • Water adds to the more substituted carbon to form the Markovnikov product. OAc + Hg C C OAc Hg Hg C C + H2O OAc H2O C C H O O H H Chapter 8 => 18 Demercuration Sodium borohydride, a reducing agent, replaces the mercury with hydrogen. OAc Hg 4 C C H _ 4 + NaBH4 + 4 OH C C O O H H + NaB(OH) 4 _ + 4 Hg + 4 OAc => Chapter 8 19 Predict the Product Predict the product when the given alkene reacts with aqueous mercuric acetate, followed by reduction with sodium borohydride. CH3 D (1) Hg(OAc) 2, H2O (2) NaBH4 anti addition Chapter 8 OH CH3 D H => 20 Alkoxymercuration Demercuration If the nucleophile is an alcohol, ROH, instead of water, HOH, the product is an ether. C C (1) Hg(OAc) 2, CH 3OH Hg(OAc) H3C H (2) NaBH4 C C C C O O H3C => Chapter 8 21 Hydroboration • Borane, BH3, adds a hydrogen to the most substituted carbon in the double bond. • The alkylborane is then oxidized to the alcohol which is the anti-Mark product. C C (1) BH3 (2) H2O2, OH - C C C C H BH2 H OH => Chapter 8 22 Borane Reagent • Borane exists as a dimer, B2H6, in equilibrium with its monomer. • Borane is a toxic, flammable, explosive gas. • Safe when complexed with tetrahydrofuran. H 2 O + 2 B2H6 + - O B H => H THF . BH3 THF Chapter 8 23 Mechanism • The electron-deficient borane adds to the least-substituted carbon. • The other carbon acquires a positive charge. • H adds to adjacent C on same side (syn). => Chapter 8 24 Actually, Trialkyl CH3 H H3C C C H H3C H C C 3 H3C H + BH3 H B H H C H3C C H C H CH3 H H C CH3 CH3 Borane prefers least-substituted carbon due to steric hindrance as well as charge distribution. => 25 Chapter 8 Oxidation to Alcohol • Oxidation of the alkyl borane with basic hydrogen peroxide produces the alcohol. • Orientation is anti-Markovnikov. CH3 H CH3 C C H B H CH3 H H2O2, NaOH H2O CH3 C C H OH H => Chapter 8 26 Predict the Product Predict the product when the given alkene reacts with borane in THF, followed by oxidation with basic hydrogen peroxide. CH3 (1) BH3, THF - D (2) H2O2, OH syn addition Chapter 8 H CH3 OH D => 27 Hydrogenation • • • • Alkene + H2 Alkane Catalyst required, usually Pt, Pd, or Ni. Finely divided metal, heterogeneous Syn addition Chapter 8 => 28 Addition of Carbenes • Insertion of -CH2 group into a double bond produces a cyclopropane ring. • Three methods: Diazomethane Simmons-Smith: methylene iodide and Zn(Cu) Alpha elimination, haloform => Chapter 8 29 Diazomethane N N CH2 N N CH2 diazomethane N N heat or uv light CH2 H N2 + C H carbene C C H C H C C H C H Extremely toxic and explosive. Chapter 8 => 30 Simmons-Smith Best method for preparing cyclopropanes. CH2I2 + Zn(Cu) ICH2ZnI a carbenoid CH2I2 => Zn, CuCl Chapter 8 31 Alpha Elimination • Haloform reacts with base. • H and X taken from same carbon +- CHCl3 + KOH Cl K CCl3 + H2O C C Cl Cl Cl Cl + - Cl CHCl3 Cl KOH, H2O Cl Chapter 8 => 32 Stereospecificity Cis-trans isomerism maintained around carbons that were in the double bond. H C C H3C H CH3 CHBr3 NaOH, H2O H C C H3C Br H CH3 Br => Chapter 8 33 Addition of Halogens • Cl2, Br2, and sometimes I2 add to a double bond to form a vicinal dibromide. • Anti addition, so reaction is stereospecific. Br C C + Br2 C C => Br Chapter 8 34 Mechanism for Halogenation • Pi electrons attack the bromine molecule. • A bromide ion splits off. • Intermediate is a cyclic bromonium ion. C C + Br Br Chapter 8 Br C C => + Br 35 Mechanism (2) Halide ion approaches from side opposite the three-membered ring. Br Br C C C C Br Br => Chapter 8 36 Examples of Stereospecificity => Chapter 8 37 Test for Unsaturation • Add Br2 in CCl4 (dark, red-brown color) to an alkene in the presence of light. • The color quickly disappears as the bromine adds to the double bond. • “Decolorizing bromine” is the chemical test for the presence of a double bond. => Chapter 8 38 Formation of Halohydrin • If a halogen is added in the presence of water, a halohydrin is formed. • Water is the nucleophile, instead of halide. • Product is Markovnikov and anti. Br C C H2O Br Br C C C C O O H H H + + H3O => H2O Chapter 8 39 Regiospecificity The most highly substituted carbon has the most positive charge, so nucleophile attacks there. => Chapter 8 40 Predict the Product Predict the product when the given alkene reacts with chlorine in water. CH3 Cl2, H2O D OH CH3 D Cl => Chapter 8 41 Epoxidation • Alkene reacts with a peroxyacid to form an epoxide (also called oxirane). • Usual reagent is peroxybenzoic acid. O C C + R C O O H O O C C + R C O H => Chapter 8 42 Mechanism One-step concerted reaction. Several bonds break and form simultaneously. O C O C C O C R O H O C + H C R O => Chapter 8 43 Epoxide Stereochemistry Since there is no opportunity for rotation around the double-bonded carbons, cis or trans stereochemistry is maintained. O H CH3 C C H Ph C O O H CH3 H CH3 Chapter 8 O C C => H CH3 44 Opening the Epoxide Ring • Acid catalyzed. • Water attacks the protonated epoxide. • Trans diol is formed. OH C C O H + H3O O O C C C C OH H C C => O H2O H Chapter 8 H H2O 45 One-Step Reaction • To synthesize the glycol without isolating the epoxide, use aqueous peroxyacetic acid or peroxyformic acid. • The reaction is stereospecific. O OH CH3COOH H H Chapter 8 OH => 46 Syn Hydroxylation of Alkenes • Alkene is converted to a cis-1,2-diol, • Two reagents: Osmium tetroxide (expensive!), followed by hydrogen peroxide or Cold, dilute aqueous potassium permanganate, followed by hydrolysis with base => Chapter 8 47 Mechanism with OsO4 Concerted syn addition of two oxygens to form a cyclic ester. O C O O C Os C O Os C O O O H2O2 C OH C OH Chapter 8 O + OsO4 => 48 Stereospecificity If a chiral carbon is formed, only one stereoisomer will be produced (or a pair of enantiomers). H CH2CH3 (1) OsO4 C (2) H2O2 C H CH2CH3 H C OH H C OH => CH2CH3 CH2CH3 meso-3,4-hexanediol cis-3-hexene Chapter 8 49 Oxidative Cleavage • Both the pi and sigma bonds break. • C=C becomes C=O. • Two methods: Warm or concentrated or acidic KMnO4. Ozonolysis • Used to determine the position of a double bond in an unknown. => Chapter 8 50 Cleavage with MnO4• Permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent. • Glycol initially formed is further oxidized. • Disubstituted carbons become ketones. • Monosubstituted carbons become carboxylic acids. • Terminal =CH2 becomes CO2. => Chapter 8 51 Example H CH3 C C CH3 CH3 H CH3 KMnO4 (warm, conc.) H3C C C CH3 OH OH H H3C C CH3 + O O H3C C Chapter 8 C CH3 O OH => 52 Ozonolysis • Reaction with ozone forms an ozonide. • Ozonides are not isolated, but are treated with a mild reducing agent like Zn or dimethyl sulfide. • Milder oxidation than permanganate. • Products formed are ketones or aldehydes. => Chapter 8 53 Ozonolysis Example H CH3 C C CH3 O H O3 C C CH3 H3C CH3 O O CH3 Ozonide (CH3)2S H C O H3C O C O CH3 + CH3 Chapter 8 CH3 S CH3 => DMSO 54 Polymerization • An alkene (monomer) can add to another molecule like itself to form a chain (polymer). • Three methods: Cationic, a carbocation intermediate Free radical Anionic, a carbanion intermediate (rare) => Chapter 8 55 Cationic Polymerization Electrophile, like H+ or BF3, adds to the least substituted carbon of an alkene, forming the most stable carbocation. H H C C CH3 H H H + H C C H H O CH3 H H H C C CH3 H H CH3 H CH3 H C C C C H H H H Chapter 8 => H 56 Radical Polymerization In the presence of a free radical initiator, like peroxide, free radical polymerization occurs. H H C C Ph H H + RO C C H H Ph H RO H C C Ph H H Ph H Ph RO C C C C H H H Chapter 8 => H 57 Anionic Polymerization For an alkene to gain electrons, strong electron-withdrawing groups such as nitro, cyano, or carbonyl must be attached to the carbons in the double bond. O O - OH H H C C COCH3 CN H COCH3 HO C C H O + CN H H C C COCH3 CN O OCH3 O H C H COCH3 HO C C C C Chapter 8 H CN H CN => 58 End of Chapter 8 Chapter 8 59