Your Name: __________________________ Period 8: 1945-1980 Mark your calendars! Test over Chapters 29-32 will be on ____________________________ Directions: Your answers to the questions below must be handwritten on your own paper and turned in the day of the test for full credit. You DO NOT need to write in complete sentences. Staple all work to this cover sheet and turn in on due date. Chapter 29: The Cold War (my talking points lecture Tuesday will help you with most of this!) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Who met at Yalta and what did they decide? What was decided would happen to Germany? Who met at Potsdam and what did they decide? Who was Chaing Kai Shek? What was the containment doctrine? What was the Marshall Plan? What was NATO? What was the Warsaw Pact? What did the GI Bill do? LIST the things President Truman wanted as part of his “Fair Deal” for Americans? Circle those that passed through Congress. What was the ruling in Shelley vs. Kramer? Summarize the Korean War, including the “firsts” I mention in class lecture with regards to this “police action”. What was the role of HUAC? Who were the Rosenbergs? What is McCarthyism? Who won the election of 1952? Chapter 30: The Affluent Society (I trust you’ll look up “affluent if you don’t know its meaning…) 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. LIST the reasons for the growth of the American economy in the late 1940’s and 1950s. What is Keynsian Economics? (make sure to understand fiscal policy and monetary policy) What was the “postwar contract”? LIST some medical breakthroughs of this time frame and what each accomplished. What is DDT? LIST some electronic advances of this time frame and what each did for Americans. LIST advances in “bombs, rockets, and missiles” and the impact of each. LIST some long term effects of the Federal Highway Act of 1956. What was “Levittown”? What types of social conflict resulted from television? What was the Beat Generation? READ everything about the Civil Rights Movement on pages 809 to 812. No question, since you KNOW you need to know these for the test and you probably already do. KNOW THEM! 29. What happened at the Army McCarthy hearings? 30. LIST the significance of the following events or terms. These MUST come from your textbook reading so you are accurate to their significance of this time period…be specific, don’t just say Dien Bien Phu is a city in Vietnam, EXPLAIN why this is significant during the COLD WAR: Massive retaliation, Dien Bien Phu, Isreal, Fidel Castro,Hungarian Revolution of 1956,U-2 Crisis Chapter 31: Civil Rights, Vietnam, Ordeal of Liberalism! 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Write one sentence summarizing the introduction to Chapter 31. Why did some believe Kennedy won the election of 1960? Who, when and how was Kennedy assassinated? Describe LBJ’s “Great Society”. List at least 5 ways LBJ conducted his “War of Poverty”. Write a short summary of what the program or law did next to the name. What was the legacy (results) of his Great Society programs? Define the significance of the following: SNCC Freedom Rides Bull Connor March on Washington Freedom Summer Voting Rights Act of 1965 Watts Riots Black Power Movement Affirmative action What was Kennedy’s “flexible response”? What happened as a result of the Bay of Pigs invasion? Describe the end result of the Cuban Missle Crisis. READ “The Agony of Vietnam” from pages 834-844. It’s fascinating! I’ll do a Talking Points lecture of the highlights, but you should understand the “big picture” of Vietnam too! What happened to Robert Kennedy? For what reasons did Nixon win the election of 1968? (at least two major reasons factored into this) Chapter 32: The Crisis of Authority 44. Write one sentence summarizing the introduction to Chapter 32. 45. Write at least a quarter of a page summary about the Youth Culture in this time period. Include the following words and highlight them: counterculture, Haight Ashbury, New Left, liberalism 46. Describe a few of the results of the Indian Civil Rights Movement. 47. Describe some of the Latino activism during this time period. Include Cesar Chavez in your summary! 48. What happened at the Stonewall Riots? 49. Write at least a quarter of a page summary about the women’s liberation movement of this time. Include The Feminine Mystique, NOW, and “women’s lib” in your summary. Highlight these terms. 50. Explain the causes of the environmental movement. 51. What was the role of the EPA? 52. Who was Henry Kissinger? 53. What was Vietnamization? 54. What happened at Kent State? 55. Explain how the United States finally extracted itself from the conflict in Vietnam. 56. What progress did Nixon and Kissinger accomplish in Soviet Union? In China? 57. What caused the Arab Oil Embargo? 58. List the major court decisions of the Warren Court and their result of the 1960. (page 875) 59. What was Roe vs Wade (1973)? 60. What was Bakke v Board of Regents of California? 61. What resulted from the Yom Kippur war (for American interests)? 62. What is OPEC? 63. What is “stagflation”? 64. Summarize the role of Nixon during the Watergate scandal and its final results. Include US vs Nixon and Saturday Night Massacre in your summary.