Moles - Valhalla High School

Monoatomic one atom of an element
that’s stable enough to stand on its own (very
rare)- not bonded to anything
Diatomic (diatoms) elements whose atoms
always travel in pairs (N2, O2, F2 etc.) bonded
to another atom of the same element
What would be the mass of one molecule of
oxygen (O2)?
O2 subscript tells you the total # of atoms in
▪ O2= 2 x 16 amu = 32 amu
Formula Mass the mass of an atom,
molecule or compound in atomic mass units
Gram Formula Mass the mass of one mole
of an atom, molecule or compound in grams
Mole 6.02 x 1023 units of a substance
Step 1: calculate the GFM for the compound
Ex. CaCl2
 Ca = 1 x 40.08 = 40.08
 Cl= 2 x 35. 453 = 70.906
Formula % composition by mass = mass of part x 100
Mass of whole
* Find the percent composition to the nearest 0.1%
A hydrate is a crystalline compound in which
ions are attached to one or more water
Ex. Na2CO3 10H2O
Notice how water molecules are built into the formula
Substances without water built into the formula are called
How many moles are in 4.75 g of sodium
hydroxide (NaOH)?
Na 1 x 22.98 = 22.98
GFM = 39.977 g/mol
O 1 x 15.99 =
H 1 x 1.007 = 1.007
Plug in the given value and the GFM into the
“mole calculations” formula and solve for
# of moles = 4.75 g
= .119 mol
39.977 g/mol
What is the mass of 4.5 moles of KOH?
Mass KOH = 4.5 moles x 56.087 g/mol
mass KOH = 252.39 g
A chemical equation is a set of symbols that
state the products and reactants in a
chemical reaction
Reactants the starting substances in a
chemical reaction (left side of arrow)
Products a substance produced by a
chemical reaction (right side of arrow)
2Na + 2H2O  2NaOH + H2
Chemical equations must be balanced
Law of conservation of mass: mass can
neither be created nor destroyed in a
chemical reaction
The number of moles of each element on the
reactants side must be the same as the
number of moles of each element on the
products side
Coefficients and subscripts tell us how many
moles of each element we have
Ex. Balanced Equation
C + O2  CO2
1 mol of Carbon
Each side of the arrow
2 mol of Oxygen
This means the equation is balanced
Ex. Unbalanced Equation
 H2 + O2  H2O
Coefficient= integer in front of an element or
compound which indicates the # of moles present
 Subscript = the integer to the lower right of an
element which indicates # of atoms present
 Species= the individual reactants and products in a
chemical reaction
Ex. Unbalanced Equation
 H2 + O2  H2O
What do we use to balance equations?
 Coefficients
* we never change the subscripts in a formula
Balanced equation: 2H2 + O2  2H2O
When balancing chemical equations,
polyatomic ions may be balanced as a single
element rather than as separate elements as
long as they stay intact during the reaction
Al2(SO4)3 + Ca(OH)2  Al(OH)3 + CaSO4
Polyatomic ions= sulfate and hydroxide
Polyatomic ions remain intact during the
reaction, can be considered one unit
Balance the equation:
Al2(SO4)3 + 3Ca(OH)2  2Al(OH)3 + 3CaSO4
Type 1: Single Replacement
Reaction where one species replaces another
(one species alone on one side and combined
on the other)
Ex. 3Ag + AuCl3  3AgCl + Au
2Cr + 3H2SO4  Cr2(SO4)3 + 3H2
Type 2: Double Replacement
Reaction where compounds react, switch
partners and produce 2 new compounds
Pb(NO3)2 + 2 NaCl  PbCl2 + 2 NaNO3
Na3PO4 + 3 Ag NO3  Ag3PO4 + 3NaNO3
K2CO3 + 2AgNO3  Ag2CO3 + 2KNO3
Type 3: Synthesis
Reaction where we take more than one
reactant and create one product
4Al + 3O2  2Al2O3
2H2 + O2  2H2O
Type 4: Decomposition
Reaction where we take one reactant and
create 2 products
BaCO3  BaO + CO2
2H2O2  2H2O + O2
2Bi(OH)3 Bi2O3 + 3H2O
A chemical equation = recipe for reaction
Coefficients= tell the amount of reactants
and products needed
Reactants in an equation react in specific
ratios to produce specific amounts of
Method for solving mole-mole problems
Set up a proportion using your known and
unknown values
Cross multiply and solve for your unknown
Always check to make the equation is
Empirical formula= the reduced formula; a
formula whose subscripts cannot be reduced
any further
Molecular formula= the actual formula for a
compound; subscripts represent actual
quantity of atoms present
Step 1: always assume you have 100 g sample
(the total % for the compound must = 100, so
we can just change the units from % to g)
Step 2: convert grams to moles
Step 3: divide all mole numbers by the
smallest mole number
ex. a compound is 46.2% mass carbon and
53.8% mass nitrogen. What is its empirical
Step 1: assume 100 g sample
46.2 % C = 46.2 g C
53.8 % N= 53.8 g N
Step 2: Convert grams to moles (have g need
46. 2 g C= 3.85 mol C
12 g/mol C
* must have whole numbers for subscripts
53.8 g N = 3.84
14 g/mol
Step 3: divide each mole number by the
smallest mole number (we will round in this
step to the nearest integer)
3.85 mol C = 1
3.84 mol N
Empirical formula: CN
3.84 mol N = 1
3.84 mol N
We know how to:
1. find an empirical formula from % mass
2. find an empirical formula from molecular
Next how do we find out the molecular
formula from an empirical formula?
Ex. a compound is 80.0% C and 20.0% H by
mass. If its molecular mass is 75.0 g, what is
its empirical formula? What is its molecular
First, determine the empirical formula using
the 3 step process
Step 1: assume a 100 g sample
80.0 % C= 80.0 g C
20.0 % H = 20.0 g H
Step 2: convert g to moles
80.0 g C = 6.66 mol C 20.0 g H= 20 mol H
12 g/mol C
1 g/mol
Step 3: divide each by the smallest number of
moles and round to the nearest whole
C= 6.66 = 1
Empirical formula: CH3
H= 20.0 = 3.00
Empirical mass (the mass of 1 mol of CH3)= 15 g
Molecular mass = 75 g
Molecular mass is 5 times larger than empirical
Molecular formula must be 5 times larger than
empirical formula
Multiply all subscripts in our empirical
formula by 5
Molecular formula (CH3)= C5H15