Rheanna Lawrence Period 3 Bio- Medical study of animal activity in the past recovery and analysis of material culture Micro paleontologist microscopic fossils Vertebrate and Invertebrate Paleontologists primitive fishes to mammals mollusks and echinoderms Taphonomist processes of decay, preservation and how fossils are formed Paleoecologist ecology and climate of the past Ichnologist fossil tracks Paleobotanist fossil plants Palynologist living and fossilized pollen and spores Paleoanthropologist prehistoric human High School basic skills like Math, Science, English, and History College study for a double major biology and geology a year of physics, chemistry and mathematics An interest in the past history of life vast knowledge of computer modeling, data analysis and integration Geographic Information Systems communication skills and good interpersonal skills fluent in a second language Yale University University of Chicago University of California, Berkeley Harvard University Virginia Tech Brown Mackie College - Phoenix Teaching Highly competitive generally more qualified applicants available jobs. Museums positions rare and often difficult to obtain. $44.57 per hour $92,710 per year increase 21 percent from 33,800 to 40,900 by 2020 Jay, Fancher. "Do Archaeologists Dig Dinosaur Bones?." Archaeology for the public. SAA. Web. 30 May 2013. <http://www.saa.org/publicftp/public/fun/dinosaurs.html>. "Archaeology Jobs." Archaeology Jobs. JobMonkey. Web. 31 May 2013. <http://www.jobmonkey.com/archaeology/>. http://www.prospects.ac.uk/archaeologist_job_description.htm "What is Paleontology." What is Paleontology. N.p.. Web. 31 May 2013. <http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/paleo/paleowhat.html>. Paleontology. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 31 May 2013. <http://www.briegull.com/waldren/images/2PIF.jpg>. htfossil leaf. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 31 May 2013. <http://www.isgs.illinois.edu/research/coal/fossilforest/images/26_neuropteris_2_riola.JPG>. tp://www.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/user13/harvard_shield_wreath.png