CPR EXAM REVIEW SHEET What type of signals may help you

What type of signals may help you notice an emergency?
What should you do if the person does not give consent?
What are the steps to follow in an emergency?
When should you call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number?
When should you move an injured or ill person?
By following the standard precautions to protect yourself and the victim, you can do what?
How should you check a conscious person?
You determine that a person may be in shock. What should you do? What should you NOT do?
What is the best way to check if a person is unconscious?
You see a woman collapse in front of you while entering the lobby of your office building. You
check the scene and then check the victim for consciousness, but she does not respond. What
should you do next?
Which of the following are signals of trouble breathing?
What care should you give to a conscious adult who is choking and cannot cough, speak or
How long should you check for signs of life?
When giving a rescue breath to an adult, how long should the breathe last?
If a person is suffering from pain or discomfort in the chest that lasts more than 3 to 5 minutes or
that goes away and comes back, this person is most likely having a what?
About how many cycles of CPR should you perform for an adult in 2 minutes?
What is the cycle of compressions and breaths in CPR for an adult?
About how often should you stop and check for signs of life when performing CPR on an adult?
Early CPR is an important link in the Cardiac Chain of Survival because…..
You should continue CPR until….
Directions: Analyze each of the following scenarios. Respond and explain what you would do if you
were in this situation. You must create a dialogue between a responder and victim, as well as a prompter.
You may use your notes and textbook to assist you with the various situations. Complete on a separate
sheet of paper.
Scenario 1: You are at a conference with several co-workers. One of your co-workers, Mara, has been complaining
of chest pains since lunch, which she blamed on indigestion. Suddenly Mara collapses.
Scenario 2: You are eating dinner at a wedding when you hear a gasp coming from the table behind yours. You
look over and notice a man lying on the ground.
Scenario 3: You are with a friend playing Frisbee at a park. You hear some commotion near the playground. You
run over and see a 10-year-old boy lying motionless on the ground.
Scenario 4: While walking your dog you notice a group of children playing baseball. You see one of the children
get struck with the baseball and then collapse to the ground. You tie your dog up and approach the scene.
Scenario 5: At a family Christmas party you and other adults are sitting around the coffee table talking about your
sister’s 6-month-old daughter who is nearby in the play pen. Your uncle tells a joke and everyone starts laughing.
You look over the play pen and notice that the infant is motionless.
Scenario 6: A new mom is at the park with her 10-month-old infant. She reaches down to put away a toy in her
bag. Afterward, she notices that the infant is motionless. She screams for help and you come over.
Scenario 7: You and a coworker are eating lunch in the cafeteria when you notice a man (or a child) suddenly
collapse. You follow emergency action steps: Check Call Care. You instruct your co-worker to call 911 and get the
AED from the break room while you begin CPR. When your co-worker returns with the AED you are actively
performing CPR. You are both trained in CPR/AED.
Scenario 8: You are working at a clothing store in a busy shopping mall. You notice that several people are
standing around an adult who has collapsed. You and a coworker approach to investigate. You follow the
emergency action steps: Check Call Care. You instruct your coworker to call 911 and get the AED from the break
room while you begin CPR. When your co-worker returns with the AED you are actively performing CPR. You
are both trained in CPR/AED.
Scenario 9: You are talking with a man while waiting in line at the department of motor vehicles. The man drops his
wallet which he was holding with his left hand. He mumbles something but you cannot make out what he says. He
leaves his wallet on the ground and sits down on one of the waiting room chairs. It appears that something is wrong.
Scenario 10: You are sitting on a city bus when you notice a person is slumped over in her seat, sweating and staring
blankly ahead. The person sitting next to her says, “Somebody help, something is wrong.”