Final Exam Review

Final Exam Review
Exam Format: The Final Exam will have a total of 100 points. It will be broken down into three parts.
Part 1 - Multiple Choice:
* 80 Multiple Choice questions / 1 point each
Part 2 – Matching/Fill in the blank:
* 20 matching questions / 1 point each
* You will be given a word bank to choose from.
How to STUDY
1. Begin with reviewing the textbook reading. Review whatever you may have taken notes over in each chapter. Don’t forget
to make use of the online textbook companion study site for chapter outlines, learning objectives and practice questions.
2. Review your class notes. Consider where these notes help explain material in the text and also where they complement the
text by adding more detail. When you review your notes look for new connections and meanings.
3. Use the online chapter outlines to check yourself on facts, places, people, events, concepts, etc.. These outlines are very
thorough and useful as study tools so make good use of them.
4. Review your reading quizzes and tests. During our in-class review days you may look over each of these.
What do you need to STUDY?
Review Terms and People: Look for these terms in your reading and class notes.
1. Gilgamesh
34. Knossos
2. Mesopotamia
35. Crete
3. Hammurabi
36. Sparta
4. Moses
37. Athens
5. Hittites
38. Troy
6. Hyksos
39. Helots
7. Assyrians
40. Solon
8. Babylonians
41. Socrates
9. Hebrews
42. Aristotle
10. Cuneiform
43. Plato
11. Hieroglyphs
44. Pericles
12. Egypt/Nile
45. Persian War (battles)
13. China/Huang He
46. Cleisthenes
14. India/Indus
47. Xerxes
15. Mesopotamia/Tigris-Euphrates
48. Peloponnesian War
16. Shang dynasty
49. Delian League
17. Zhou dynasty
50. Philip II of Macedonia
18. Olmec
51. Alexander the Great
19. Mayan
52. Hellenism or Hellenistic
20. Chavin
53. Ptolemy
21. Teotihuacan
54. Zeus
22. Chichen Itza
55. Skeptics
23. Aboriginal Australians
56. Stoics
24. Iliad
57. Platonists
25. Sappho
58. Epicureans
26. Plato
59. Etruscans
27. Xeno
60. Patricians
28. Homer
61. Plebeians
29. Herodotus
62. Carthaginians
30. City-states
63. Punic Wars Mongols
31. Polis
64. Saljuq Turks
32. Myceanaeans
65. Sultan
33. Minoans
66. Chinggis Khan
67. Khubilai Khan
68. Khanbaliq
69. Marco Polo
70. Golden Horde
71. Tamerlane
72. Samarkand
73. Ottoman Turks
74. Osman
75. Constantine
76. Diocletian
77. Theodosius
78. Zhang Qian
79. Alaric
80. Attila
81. “tetrarchs”
82. “barracks emperors”
83. Manichaeism
84. Essenes
85. Epictetus
86. Patricians
87. Plebeians
88. Tiberius Gracchus
89. Carthage
90. Paul of Tarsus
91. St. Augustine
92. St. Cyprian
93. Latifundia
94. Pax Romana
95. Stoicism
96. Legalism
97. Neo-Platonism
98. Twelve Tables
99. Ten Commandments
100. Sinicization- pax sinifica
101. Dar al-Islam
102. Hijra
103. Muhammad
104. Abu Bakr
105. Ali
106. Abbasid
107. Byzantine empire
108. Ottoman Turkish Empire
109. Sasanid Empire
110. Saljuq Turks
111. Sufi
112. Sunni
113. The Rubaiyat
114. The Quran (all aspects)
115. Sundiata
116. Jenne
117. Niani
118. Kongo
119. Ghana
120. Bantu
121. Axum
122. Swahili
123. Songhay
124. Mali
125. Ibn Battuta
126. Mansa Musa
127. Zimbabwe
128. importance of camels
129. importance of bananas in Afirca
130. Islam
131. Ramadan
132. Hajj
133. Jihad
134. Trans-Saharan and Indian Ocean Trade
135. Qin Shihuangdi
136. Grand Canal
137. Confucius
138. Equal field system
139. Civil service examinations
140. Tang Dynasty (formation, expansion, fall)
141. Song Dynasty (formation, expansion, fall)
142. Sui Dynasty (formation, expansion, fall)
143. Fast ripening rice
144. Foot binding
145. Magnetic compass
146. Tang and Song Banking practices
147. Dunhuang
148. Dharma = Dao
149. Japanese Zen Buddhism
150. Shintoism
151. Kamakura shogunate
152. Heian period
153. Shogun
154. Samurai
155. Tang shogunate
156. Viet people relations with China
157. Fall of the Gupta dynasty (reunited India when?)
158. Ashoka
159. the Delhi sultanate.
160. the kingdom of Angkor
161. Role of Hindu Temples
162. Establishment of caste system in southern India
163. Ramayana
164. bhakti movement
165. Funan
166. Rivers: Mekong, Irrawaddy, Salween, Huang He,
167. Angkor Thom and Angkor Wat
168. Paramesvara
169. “middle ages”
170. Byzantine Empire
171. Caesaropapism
172. Justinian
173. Theodora
174. Constantinople
175. Hagia Sophia
176. Charlemagne
177. Corpus iuris civilis
178. Vikings
179. Feudalism
180. Lord
181. Vassal
182. Serf
183. Pope Leo III
184. Pope Gregory I
185. Pope Benedict II
186. St. Augustine
187. St. Basil
188. Holy Roman Empire
189. Hugh Capet
190. William the Conqueror
191. Norman Invasion
192. Hanseatic League
193. Guilds (merchant and craft)
194. Apprenticeship system
195. Dominican order- maybe missionary groups?
196. Franciscan order
197. Waldensian order
198. Reconquista
199. Castille
200. Aragon
201. Granada
202. Templars
203. Hospitallers
204. Teutonic Knights
205. Pope Urban II
206. The Crusades
207. Aristotle (rediscovery in Enlightenment)
208. Medieval Universities
209. the great dying
210. Columbian Exchange
211. peninsulares
212. mestizo
213. mulattoes
214. plantation complex
215. settler colonies
216. Siberia
217. yasak
218. Qing dynasty
219. Mughal Empire
220. Akbar
221. Aurangzeb
222. Ottoman Empire
223. Constantinople, 1453
224. devshirme
225. Indian Ocean commercial network
226. trading post empire
227. Philippines (Spanish)
228. British/Dutch East Indian Companies
229. Tokugawa shogunate
230. “silver drain”
231. Potosí
232. “soft gold”
233. African Diaspora
234. Benin
235. Dahomey
236. Protestant Reformation
237. Counter-Reformation
238. Taki Onqoy
239. Jesuits in China
240. Wahhabi Islam
241. Wang Yangmin
242. kaozheng
243. Sikhism
244. Copernicus
245. Newton
246. European Enlightenment
247. Voltaire
248. Condorcet and the idea of progress
Review Questions:
1. During what early Chinese dynasty was there a first attempt to organize public life on a large scale?
2. What was the “Period of the Warring States”?
3. What Chinese dynasty/ruler was responsible for burning much of early Chinese literature?
4. What was the largest single building in Mesoamerica?
5. What was the basis of many Oceanic languages, including Malayan, Filipino, Polynesian, etc.?
6. What was the most important port in the Hellenistic world?
7. What was the eastern most point of Alexander the Great’s conquests?
8. Which Hellenistic empire had the greatest Greek influence? And was the wealthiest Hellenistic empire?
9. Why was St. Paul’s case deferred to Rome?
10. According to legend who founded Rome?
11. What was the title of the two leaders elected by patricians in the early stages of the Roman Republic?
12. What was unique about the status of Roman policy towards conquered peoples?
13. Who was the major rival to Rome during its early period of expansion?
14. What island was the focal point of the Punic wars?
15. What was the impact of Mongol domination on long distance trade?
16. The Ottoman campaign culminated in 1453 when what leader captured the Byzantine capital of Constantinople?
17. Explain the process of “wandering” by nomadic peoples.
18. In 1295, the Ilkhan Ghazan converted to which religion, causing it to become the favored religion in Persia?
19. What dynasty did Khubilai Khan proclaim or create in 1279?
20. List the things done by Julius Cesar after naming himself dictator in 46 BCE.
21. By the second century CE, how much of Rome’s imperial population were slaves?
22. What was the easternmost point of the Silk Road?
What was the westernmost point of the Silk Road?
What can we learn from the fact that some Southeast Asian kings called themselves Rajas?
What prophet promoted a syncretic blend of Zoroastrian, Christian, and Buddhist elements?
Peasant discontent in China led to an uprising known as what? When did this take place?
Which Germanic tribe played the most important role in establishing the foundations of European development?
What event took place in 1054 between the Pope and the Patriarch of Constantinople?
What Russian leader converted to Orthodox Christianity in 989?
Which early European state developed the most centralized political structure?
What factors helped to increase agricultural production in the high Middle Ages?
What was the population in Europe around 1300?
Explain the rise of urban society in the high middle ages.
Who discovered Newfoundland in 1000 CE?
Which Crusade recaptured Jerusalem?
Which Muslim leader recaptured Jerusalem in 1187?
What impact did the growth of towns and cities have on labor?
Which European power established hegemony over the Indian Ocean trade during the 1500s?
What was the Treaty of Tordesillas and why was it important?
Explain the shift of European commercial activity from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic during the 16 th century.
Explain the extent of Westernization in Russia, including changes to dress, grooming, education, etc.
What was the larger significance of Magellan’s ship and crew’s return to Spain in 1522?
Why were the Portuguese able to assert control over trade in the Indian Ocean?
List all the factors that contributed to Spain’s ability to quickly create a vast empire in the Americas.
What was the emphasis of the Renaissance philosophy of humanism?
What changes took place in the shape of government in Great Britain and France during the period 1450-1750?
Explain what an Absolute Monarchy is and list several examples of such a governmental system. Also what were the
characteristics of these monarchies?
What were the immediate reasons given by Martin Luther as his protest against the Catholic Church? Also what was his main
philosophical or theological disagreement with the Church?
When was the Spanish Armada defeated? What did this signal for both Spain and for Great Britain?
Why did the Copernican explanation for the universe find more critics than supporters when it was first put forward?
Explain how the period of 1450-1750 saw the balance of world power shift to Europe. What factors helped to facilitate this
What were the various social groups in New Spain? Which groups held the highest status? Which groups held the lowest?
What factors helped the Muscovite Russians to initially form political states in Eastern Europe?
Comparing the epidemics of the 1500s in Mesoamerica with other epidemics (the Black Death in Europe, global flu pandemics of
1918-1919, the spread of AIDS in 20th century sub-Saharan Africa), explain why that in Mesoamerica caused a great decline in
global population.
During the period 1600-1700 which product was the principle product (most traded) of the Atlantic trade?
What was the outcome of the introduction of the Incan staple crop of potatoes outside of South America?
What was the “Columbian Exchange” and what products were native to each hemisphere that had the greatest impact on the
opposite hemisphere?