China Vocabulary 1. Make a key for the following categories: GRAPES G=red R= blue A= Green etc… 2. Write the definition, or a biography for each word (put it in your own words) 3. Copy and paste a simple picture that reminds you of or defines the word. 4. Highlight THE WORD with the correct highlighter color Words 1. Period of Disunion 17. Moveable Type 18. Mongols 19. Kublai Khan 20. Zheng He 6. Empress Wu 21. Isolationism 7. Porcelain 22. Confucianism 8. Woodblock printing 23. Neo-Confucianism 9. Silk 24. Forbidden City 25. Dynasty 26. Tang Dynasty 27. Sui Dynasty 28. Ming Dynasty 29. Song Dynasty 30. Yuan Dynasty 2. Buddhism 3. Dragon Backbone Pump 4. Grand Canal 5. Chang’an 10. Paper money 11. Gunpowder 12. Li Bo 13. bureaucracy 14. civil service 15. scholar official 16. Ghengis Khan