Bones of the Human Body

Journal: What bones can you name in the
human body?
Division of Skeleton
• Axial skeleton –
skull, spine, chest,
hyoid bone (80
• Appendicular
skeleton – upper and
lower extremities
(126 bones)
• 8 cranium bones, 14 face
bones, 6 tiny ear bones
• Sutures –immovable joints
• Fontanels – “soft spots” on
baby’s skull
– Fuse by 2 yrs
• Sinuses – spaces/cavities
inside skull
– Paranasal – opens into
• Vertebrae- irregular
shaped spine bones
– Cervical 7, Thoracic 12,
Lumbar 5, Sacrum 1,
Coccyx 1
• Although irregular shape,
have defined parts
– Spinous process (spine)
– Vertebral foramen (location
of spinal cord)
• Curves of spine support
and balance weight of
• Sternum – breastbone
• 12 pairs of ribs –
attach to vertebra
– 14 True ribs upper seven pairs
attached by costal
– 10 False ribs lowest 2 pairs not
attached to
sternum “floating”;
next three pair are
attached to 7th rib
Upper extremities
• Scapula – shoulder blade
• Clavicle – collar bone
• Sternoclavicular joint – joint btw clavicle and
• Humerus – upper bone in arm, long bone,
attached to scapula
• Radius/Ulna – forearm bones
• 8 Carpals – wrist bones
• 5 Metacarpals – palm bones
• 28 Phalanges – finger bones
• Connects legs to trunk
• 2 large coxal bones made up of:
– illium, ischium, and pubis
• Grow together in an adult to make up
coxal bone
Lower Extremities
• Femur – upper bone in leg, long bone (longest
bone in body)
Patella – knee cap
Tibia – shin bone
Fibula – outer lower leg bone
7 Tarsals – ankle bones
– Largest is heel bone – Calcaneus
• 5 Metatarsals – foot bones
• 28 Phalanges – toe bones
Foot Arches
• Foot bones form springy arches
– Provide supporting strength and
stable base
• Medial Longitudinal Arch Inside of foot
• Lateral Longitudinal Arch Outside of foot
• Transverse (metatarsal) Arch extends on the ball of the foot
• When foot ligaments flatten and
tendons weaken, arches flatten
– Flatfeet or Fallen arches