Committee on World Food Security Monitoring Food Security Comments on Session 4: Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? Paulo Jannuzzi Secretariat of Evaluation and Information Management of Ministry of Social Development and the Fight against Hunger (SAGI/MDS) SAGI–-Secretariat Secretaria de Avaliação eand Gestão da Informação SAGI of Evaluation Information Management My comments aims also to contribute to the questions raised in the first panel • Developing a suite of indicators – Dimensions to be monitored – Which indicators – How to select them • Platform for commom dissemination – An Interactive Tool to present and analyze the indicators – Suite vs. Composite Index • International standards on food measurement – International cooperation on designing Surveys and Registers, organizing existing data on monitoring panels and using them as tools for policy and program improvements. SAGI - Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? • Evidence based Policy-makers and program managers need a suite of indicators that reflect key dimensions of a normative or logical framework of Food Policy on food production/distribution, food access/consumption and food diversity, quantitative and qualitative intake, to allow the improvement of public initiatives - as programs and legislationand the achievement of goals on one or more of the policy objectives as alleviate of hunger, guarantee adequate nourishment and promote food and nutrition security. SAGI - Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? • Evidence based Policy-makers and program managers do not need an exhaustive suite of indicators, but mainly relevant, valid, consistent and easy-to-understand indicators , organized by the operational aspect, geographical and decision-level they are involved, in a timely and costly basis, build by means of information available on different sources– national census and household surveys, administrative registers, data produced by programs, contracted specific surveys etc- that can answer the questions they have over the Policy-Program Cycle (indicators for Diagnosing the problem, Planning the programs, Monitoring the public actions, Evaluating the overall effort). SAGI - Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? A Possible Logical Framework on Food Policy-Making Policy instruments: programs and legislation Policy objectives/impacts Food Production Food Avaliability Alleviate Hunger Food Intern. Trade Food equipaments Family income Food Access Food consumption Garantee adequate nourishment Food and Nutrition Security External factors not or not totally controled by Food Policy-Makers SAGI - Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? Key indicators chain based on Logical Framework on Food Policy-Making Policy, Program and Context indicators Environment ind Crop production ind Impacts indicators Commodities Stos ind Food stocks ind Extreme poverty ind Ethanol internal demand ind China´s food demand ind Govern Cash Tranfers ind Food prices ind Anthropometric ind Food sales ind Nutrition surveys ind Food purchases Unemployment ind SAGI - Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação The impact measure depends on the nature of public intervention Brazil´s experience on Indicators for Food Related Policy-Making Institutional framework – National Policy on Food and Nutrition Security Law – Food Security National Information System – National Council composed by civil society and governmental institutions representatives, supported by Presidency Technical aspects – 7 dimensions: Production, Avaliability, Income, Access, Health, Education, Public Policy Efforts – More than 50 indicators – National, state and local indicators – More than 20 sources of information (Statistical Agency, Public Registers, Program data etc) SAGI–-Secretariat Secretaria de Avaliação eand Gestão da Informação SAGI of Evaluation Information Management Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? Evidence based Policy-Makers and Program Managers do not need a exhaustive set of indicators, but set of indicators on context, input, resource, process, intermediate, output and impact dimensions, to follow the Public Budget and resources being transformed into social well-being. Budget and Resource indicators refleting the public effort on food programs Process and Output indicators refleting the products and deliveries of food programs Effect and Impact indicators Context indicators that may affect Food programs achievements SAGI - Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? Evidence based Policy-Makers and Program Managers do not need a exhaustive set of indicators, but a set of indicators organized in panels of level of relevance for decision making and explicative power. Key indicators for action 2nd level Indicators for first understanding 3rd level Indic for explication the whole picture Key indicators, sensitive and timely avaliable Could be the FAO/CFS´s priority indicators A broader set of indicators, to help to understand the evolution of the key ones An even broader set of indicators to contextualize, diagnose and analyze the previous, computed in more detailed geography SAGI - Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? Evidence based Policy-Makers and Program Managers need easy-tounderstand indicators, that can be very complex to build but catches/points what they are suppose to mean, and which limitations are clearly known. Suite of good Indicators Reality of Food Related Problems SAGI - Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação Composite Indicators Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? Evidence based Policy-Makers and Program Managers need a different set of indicators- with specific properties- depending on their step on Policy cycle Public agenda A broad set of indicators to quantify, qualify and localize the food problem Food related problems Formulation Ad hoc Indicators to help program design Sistema indicators de M&A needs Decision making Multicriteria or composite indicators to help choosing alternatives Evaluation Specific measures built by surveys designed to evaluate the program impact and its improvements SAGI–-Secretariat Secretaria de Avaliação eand Gestão da Informação SAGI of Evaluation Information Management Implementation Timely indicators to monitor implementation process Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? Evidence based Policy-Makers and Program Managers may need indicators from different sources, because of costs and timeliness, but also because they need to get a better comprehension of the food issues phenomena. Measure Triangulation should not be a problem, if they know the potential and limitations of each indicator. FAO undernourishment indicator Extreme poverty and consumption ind Hunger Household Food Security Scale ind SAGI - Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? • Evidence based Policy-makers and program managers do not blame for too many indicators or a single composite one, but ask for : – a normative or logical framework to understand the whole picture – indicators of some key dimensions of this framework – detailed information for diagnosing population vulnerability and for policy/program formulation, which takes time, large budget and less frequent data collection – monitoring indicators, timely, based on low-costly official records, quick data collecting strategies or simplified surveys – evaluation indicators, carried on a reasonable period of time, including specific population and geographical areas, balancing internal/external validity and costs – cost-efectiveness measures, as food programs get maturity, to support budget allocation discussion – analytical tools to investigate relations not just to check goals SAGI - Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? • Some of the Brazilian institutions, research centers and agencies that produce data, information and studies on Food Policy Agenda Institution Food Related Themes/Surveys IBGE – Brazilian Statistical Agency •Crop and Cattle annual surveys (Food production) •Food products quaterly surveys (Food avaliability) •Crops Prospective estimates (Food production in near future) •Price Consumer Index (Food costs, monthly basis for 11 major areas) •Price Producer Index (Commodities costs, planned for next years) •Market and sales annual and monthly surveys (Food sales) •Agriculture-Cattle-Farm Census (Food production, area used, 10/10-year) •Decennial Demographic Census (Water,Sewage, Poverty/Income in very small areas ) •HHold surveys (Water, Sewage/Pov/Income, state-lev, on 3-month basis (2011 on) •Expenditure and Income Survey (Food acquisition and intake, poverty subjective indicators, anthropometric and food security ind, 5/5-year, state, urban, rural) •Students Health National Survey (Anthopometric indicators, 2009 ) Information for mainly Diagnosis and Monitoring, feed Logical Framework at macro-level, evaluate overall Policy (not programs) SAGI - Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? • Some of the Brazilian institutions, research centers and agencies that produce data, information and studies on Food Policy Agenda Institution Food Related Themes/Surveys Ministry of Social Delopment and the Fight against Hunger •Bolsa Familia Longitudinal Impact Evaluation Study (Food acquisition, access to health services, subjective poverty, sewage, anthropometric indicators, national, 3-macroareas, 2005, 2009 and planned 2013) •National HH Supplement questionnaire on Food Security done with IBGE ( Food Security Scale, state, urban, rural areas, 2004 and 2009) •Nutrition Surveys (Anthropometric indicators, live conditions, access to programs) Information for mainly evaluation of deliveries and impact of specific MDS programs – Semiárido (deprived region in Northern ) : 2005 , planned 2012 – Quilombola (originated by refugee slaves in last centuries): 2006/07, current 2011 – Urban Amazonas State: 2006/07 – Ribeirinhos (familes living over Amazonia rivers): planned 2012/13 • Milk Acquisition/Distribution Program Evaluation ( Food production, beneficiares´s profile and satisfaction) •Food Equipament Evaluations (Food quantity and diversity offering, user´s profile and satisfaction) SAGI - Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação Evaluation studies on Social Programs and Food Security Agenda MDS Experience on Evaluation Studies – Since 2004 till september 2011, 88 evaluation studies done – Mainly done by external contracted studies, as IBGE, universities, research centers, NGOs, consultancy firms – Tight supervision on sample planning, questionnaire design, field operations, final report, microdata provision – Mix-methods approach: quantitative, qualitative, quasi-experimental techniques – Developing Tools for Information Gathering and Program Monitoring SAGI–-Secretariat Secretaria de Avaliação eand Gestão da Informação SAGI of Evaluation Information Management Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? • Some of the Brazilian institutions, research centers and agencies that produce data, information and studies on Food Policy Agenda Institution Ministry of Health br Information for mainly monitoring health programs Food Related Themes/Surveys/Registers • National Demographic and Health Surveys ( Anthropometric ind, Women and Children Health Status, HH Food Security Scale, national, 5 macro-areas, 1996/2006) •National Health Survey, partnership with IBGE (Health indicators, feeding habbits, anthropometry, morbidity indicators, state level, each 5 years) •Health National Registers with information organized in a user-friendly web plataform to gather micro-local-data – Basic attendance made by Household-attedance-teams (Children malnutrition ind, locallevel , monthly basis ) –Hospitalization attendance (Malnutrition-caused hospitalization, local-level , monthly basis ) –Vital Statistics Registers (7-day, 28-day, 1-year Child mortality measures, local level, yearly basis) SAGI - Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? • Figures on Food Security in Brazil: data from Food Security Scale Supplement SAGI–-Secretariat Secretaria de Avaliação eand Gestão da Informação SAGI of Evaluation Information Management Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? on Food Security in Brazil: data from Consumer Expenditure Survey SAGI–-Secretariat Secretaria de Avaliação eand Gestão da Informação SAGI of Evaluation Information Management Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? n Food Security in Brazil: data from National Students Heath Survey SAGI–-Secretariat Secretaria de Avaliação eand Gestão da Informação SAGI of Evaluation Information Management Measuring Hunger: what is required for policy-making ? • Figures on Food Security in Brazil: data from HHold Socioeconomic Survey SAGI–-Secretariat Secretaria de Avaliação eand Gestão da Informação SAGI of Evaluation Information Management Thank you !! SAGI–-Secretariat Secretaria de Avaliação eand Gestão da Informação SAGI of Evaluation Information Management