
Building Wealth
Stock Portfolio Simulation
We will be using for our portfolio simulation. Please follow
the process below to sign up.
DON’T USE CHROME! Use Firefox!
Select the link from my website for YOUR CLASS.
Select the appropriate game. Enter the password for the game - hasseld
If you don’t have a Market Watch account it will require you to make an
account. Make the account. Write down your login and password.
5. You will get a confirmation email sent to your address. Make sure you click
the link they send you to finish set up of your portfolio.
6. Once you are signed in, you will be taken to the main screen. Select “trade
now” to begin to select your portfolio.
7. Select ten stocks.
a. NOTE: LOOK up the ticker symbol for the stock if you haven’t already.
It’s WAY easier to enter ticker symbols than to attempt to search for
a stock using the company name.
b. Wait to choose how much stock to purchase until you have selected
all ten stocks. Then, choose “distribute evenly”. You will want to use
ALL $100,000.
c. Afterwards, you can change the amount of each stock you purchase
however you please.
d. After entering your stocks, go to Hasseld’s Building Wealth web page,
and save the portfolio transaction record to your student drive.
Enter in the ten stocks you bought today.
Now that you have created your portfolio, let the competition begin! Here are
the guidelines:
1. Competition begins 2/12/14 and ends 5/2/14.
2. You may change your holdings at any time. EVERY transaction must be recorded on the
portfolio transaction spreadsheet.
3. You must maintain at LEAST ten stocks and no more than twenty stocks at any given
4. Every two weeks you must summarize your current portfolio standings. You will create
a google doc in your BW folder to summarize your current portfolio.
a. Create the document in your BW folder. Name it:
b. You will include:
ii. Portfolio Summary: My portfolio increased/decreased from $ (start
amount) to $ (end amount) which is a percentage increase/decrease of
iii. I executed the following transactions these past two weeks:
1. Sold AA stock
2. Bought BB stock
iv. The reasons why I believe my portfolio is doing well/poorly are …. (You
need to include logical, well thought out reasons)
5. Example:
My portfolio increased from $100,000 to $105,000. This is an increase of 5%.
I executed the following transactions:
1. Sold Apple, IBM, Ford
2. Bought Microsoft, Nuskin, Toyota, Merck
I believe my stock increased because I got rid of stocks that were not performing, like Apple,
and I bought stocks in Microsoft, Nuskin, Toyota, Merck. I researched those stocks and saw they
were performing the best in their category, and they have already risen since purchase just last
6. You must complete all the Investment activities assigned.
7. The student with the largest gain between all Building Wealth classes will receive a $25
gift card.