File - Mary McCarley


Review for Exam

O B J : I W I L L R E V I E W V O C A B U L A R Y A N D K E Y C O N C E P T S F R O M T H E A N A T O M Y U N I T

Question 1

What are two functions of bones?

Answer 1


PROTECTION for vital structures

SUPPORT for body

Mechanical basis for MOVEMENT

STOREHOUSE for minerals

Continuous supply of new blood cells (PRODUCTION

Question 2

What is this a picture of?

Answer 2


Question 3

How many pairs of ribs are there?

Answer 3

12 pairs

Question 4

What is the name of the part on the sternum that is the landmark for CPR?

Answer 4

Xiphoid Process

Question 5

List the five parts of the vertebrae

Answer 5

   

7 Cervical vertebrae

 Smallest vertebra

12 Thoracic vertebrae

 Articulate with the ribs

5 Lumbar vertebrae

 Supports most of the body’s weight


 Composed of 5 fused vertebrae 


 Composed 4 fused bones  Also called the “tail bone”

Question 6

What two bones make up the shoulder girdle?

Answer 6

Scapula and Clavicle

Question 7

What three bones make up the arm?

Answer 7

Humerus, radius, ulna

Question 8

What three sets of bones make up the hand?

Answer 9 Carpals

 8 small bones that make up the wrist


 5 long bones that make up the palm


 14 bones that make up the fingers

Question 10

What long bone is on the medial aspect of the lower leg?

Answer 10


Question 11

What is the longest and strongest bone in the body?

Answer 11


Question 12

What is the name of the heel bone?

Answer 12


Question 13

What is a break in a bone called?

Answer 13


Question 14

What is the name of this fracture?

It did stay within the skin Clue 3 words

Answer 14

Complete Simple Fracture

Question 15

What is the name of this fracture?

Answer 15

Incomplete simple fracture

Question 16

What is the name of this fracture?

Answer 16

Compound fracture

Question 17

What are 2 causes of a stress fracture?

Answer 17 Overuse Poor muscle balance Lack of flexibility Biomechanical problems Malnutrition

Question 18 What are four signs of a fracture?

Answer 18 Signs & Symptoms  Swelling (edema)  Deformity  Pain  Tenderness  Discoloration  Loss of function

Question 19 What is the name of the treatment option that requires the placement of a cast to keep the bones aligned while natural healing of the bone occurs?

Answer 19 Internal Fixation (Note: When surgery is required with the use of a pin, plate, rod, it is called external fixation)

The Muscles and Bones of the Body Competition

One of your team members will compete against the other team members. The first person to touch the location gets the point.

Question 20 What is the name of this position?

Answer 20 Anatomical Position

Question 21

Sally is doing jumping jacks. What plane is she working in?

Answer 21

Frontal Plane

Question 22 What plane is this?

Answer 22

Saggital Plane

Question 23

What is the name of the plane?

Answer 23

Transverse Plane

Question 24

Make a statement using “Superior” relating 2 bones in the body

Question 25

Make a statement using “Inferior” relating 2 muscles in the body

Question 26

Make a statement using “Anterior” relating 2 muscles in the body

Question 27

Make a statement using “Posterior” relating 2 bones in the body

Question 28

Make a statement using “medial” relating 2 muscles in the body

Question 29

Make a statement using “lateral” relating 2 bones in the body

Question 30

Make a statement using “proximal” relating 2 muscles in the body

Question 31

Make a statement using “distal” relating 2 muscles in the body

Basic Movements Competition One of your team members will compete against the other team members. The first person to correctly show the movement gets the point.

Movements include: Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction, Internal Rotation, External Rotation, Plantarflexion, Dorsiflexion, Pronation, Supination

Muscle Bingo

Use your Muscle Bingo Cards. The focus will be on the role of the muscle, strengthening exercises, and stretches
