final exam study guide - Strongsville City Schools

Be able to apply the following:
 Theories of punishment
- Incapacitation
- Rehabilitation
- Retribution
- Deterrence
 Theories of Deviance
- Strain Theory
- Control Theory
- Differential Association Theory
- Labeling Theory
 Types of culture
- Elite Culture
- Folk Culture
- Pop Culture
 Types of occupational crime
- State-Based Authority
- Individual
- Professional
- Organizational
Study for the following essay topics
Study for the following short answer topics
Social Change
Social Class in America
Culture and society
Deviant behavior
Ethical research
Types of Families
Social Sanctions
Social Intuition: Sport
Subculture vs. Counterculture
White Collar Crime
Deviant Behavior
Sociological Imagination (Perspective)
Sociology vs. Psychology
Forms of Research and Types of Research
Objective Questions
 Types of Questions
- Open-ended
- Closed-ended
 Analyzing Data
- Generalizations
- Relationships
- Causation
- Correlations
- Variables
 Forms of Social Research
- Qualitative
- Quantitative
 Research Methods
- Survey
- Questionnaire
- Participant Observation
- Natural Observation
- Content Analysis
- Experiment
- Case Study
 Sociological Theories/Perspectives
- Conflict Perspective
Functionalist Perspective
Symbolic Interactionism
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
Verbal and Non-Verbal forms of Culture
- Language
- Symbols
- Gestures
Define Culture
Define Society
- Folkways
- Mores
- Laws
- Taboos
- Formal Sanctions
- Informal Sanctions
Process of Socialization
- Desocialization
- Resocialization
- Anticipatory Socialization
 Define Social Status
- Ascribe Status
- Achieved Status
- Master Status
 Define Roles
- Rights
- Obligations
- Role Conflict
- Role Strain
 Types of Group Social Interaction
- Conflict
- Coercion
- Cooperation
- Conformity
- Social Exchange
 Define Reference Group
 Definition Group
- Primary Group
- Secondary group
 Characteristics of a Group
 Social Category vs. Social Aggregate
 Define Social Stratification
 Dimensions of Stratification
- Income
- Wealth
- Power
- Prestige
 Social Mobility
- Horizontal
- Intergenerational
- Vertical
 Social Inequality and Poverty
- Economic
- Gender
- Racial
- Age
 Define Deviance
 Theories of Deviance
- Strain Theory
- Control Theory
- Differential association theory
- Labeling Theory
 Define Recidivism
 Define and Explain Social Control
 Terms and Impacts of Social Institutions:
- Family
- Peers
- School
- Religion
- Sport
- Government/Economy
Sociological Theoretical Perspectives of
Social Institutions
- Family
- Peers
- School
- Religion
- Sport
- Government/Economy
Sociological Study of Population
Define Urban Ecology
- Suburbanization
- Urbanization
- Gentrification
Define Social Change
Social Processes of Social Change
- Discovery
- Diffusion
- Invention
Collective Behaviors
- Fads
- Fashions
- Urban Legends
- Rumors
- Crowd
- Mob
- Riot
- Social Movement
Types of Crowds
- Casual Crowd
- Conventional Crowd
- Expressive Crowd
- Acting Crowd
Types of Social Movements
- Revolutionary Movement
- Reformative Movement
- Redemptive Movement
- Alternative Movement