Sociology Final Exam Review Guide

Sociology Final Exam Review Guide
94 multiple choice questions ( 94 points)
2 readings with open-ended questions (16 points)
“Applying Sociology to My Life” (40 points)
Discuss three ways sociological concepts you’ve studied (in the second half of the school year) relate to your life
and help you to understand society. Choose three sociological concepts from the list below to discuss. Include
specific terms and theories that relate to each concept. Explain how the study of sociology helps you to
understand your experiences and your interaction with others.
Social Stratification
Format: 5 paragraphs; introduction with thesis (3 ways/concepts); 1 paragraph for each concept, with details and
examples; a brief conclusion
Chapter 8 Deviance
- primary deviance - white collar crime - criminologist - strain theory - anomie - control theory
- cultural transmission theory - differential association - recidivism - racial profiling - plea bargaining
- police discretion - crime syndicate – crime - stigma - Rules of Sociological Method & deviance
- Robert K. Merton - five modes of adaptation - labeling theory - crime in the U.S. – sanctions
- technique of neutralization
Chapter 9 Social Stratification
- social stratification - caste system - exogamy - endogamy - class system - bourgeoisie - proletariat
- poverty - life chances - social mobility - characteristics of stratification - social class
- wealth, power and prestige – socioeconomic status - functionalist view - conflict view - class in the U.S.
– life expectancy - structural factors affecting mobility - underclass - government responses to poverty
Chapter 11 Gender, Age, and Health
- gender – gender role - gender identity - patriarchy - dependency ratio - baby-boom generation
- graying of America - women’s movement - second shift - Medicare - glass ceiling - health care costs
- U.S. GDP on healthcare - ageism - physician shortage - social status & healthcare - Title IX
- wage gap - women & voting/politics
Chapter 12 The Family
- family
- nuclear family
- family of orientation
- family of procreation
- extended family
- kinship
- marriage
- monogamy - polygamy - polygyny
- polyandry - patrilocality - martrilocality
- bilocality
- neolocality - patrilineal descent
- matrilineal descent - bilateral descent
- patriarchy - matriarchy - voluntary childlessness
- egalitarian - incest taboo - homogamy - heterogamy - sandwich generation
- American marriage patterns - interracial marriage history - factors contributing to heterogamy
- family disruption
- 1975 nationwide study on family violence - functions of the family
- recent trends in family life - women and childbearing
- working women and daughters