Pain Nociceptors Substance P Superficial skin, joint capsules, periostea, blood vessels, deep tissues, visceral organs Large receptive field Sensitive to three things Referred pain Fast Pain Pricking pain Carried by myelinated fibers Injections/deep cuts Specific location Slow Pain Burning/aching pain Carried by unmyelinated fibers Nonspecific location Temperature Thermoreceptors More cold than hot Adjust quickly to differences Tactile Receptors Free nerve endings (epidermis), root hair plexus (hair shafts), Merkel’s disks (deep epidermal), Meissner’s corpuscles (fine touch), lamellated corpuscles (deep pressure), Ruffini Corpuscle (deep dermis) Baroreceptor Pressure changes Distensible organs (GI, Cardiac, Resp., Urinary) Quickly adapt Chemical Detection Chemoreceptors Medulla, carotid bodies, aortic bodies Activity Make a pop through picture. Draw label (location of each type of general sense receptor) the human body. Make sure the labels are towards the edge of the paper. After you are done labeling, cut along the edges of your label Use a second piece of paper and staple it to the back of your picture Under the labels, give a function of each type of receptor Color code each type of receptor