
Early Childhood
and Assistive
Use of This Power Point Presentation
The information in this presentation is accurate
and current as of November 2011. You may
copy and distribute portions of the Power
Point without prior consent. Of course, we
would appreciate attribution to the Family
Center on Technology and Disability, under
U.S. Department of Education Grant
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Identification of Products
Products that are identified in this presentation
are meant only as examples. The Family
Center on Technology and Disability and the
U.S. Department of Education do not endorse
specific products. There are many other fine
AT devices and resources available in addition
to those discussed and pictured in this tutorial.
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What Is Assistive Technology?
“. . . any item, piece of
equipment, or product system,
whether bought off the shelf,
modified, or customized, used to
increase, maintain, or improve
the functional capabilities of
students with disabilities.”
“. . . any service that directly
assists an individual with a
disability in the selection,
acquisition or use of assistive
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AT Continuum
No Tech
Medium Tech
Simple Modifications
Without Technology
Relatively Complicated
Mechanical Devices
Low Tech
High Tech
Less Sophisticated
Low-cost Tools
Very Advanced
Computers and Digital
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Categories of AT for Young Children
• Adapted & Universally
Designed Toys
• Communication Tools
• Computer Access
• Daily Living Aids
• Educational Aids
• Mobility Aids
• Sensory Aids
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Examples of Daily Living and Mobility Aids
Daily Living Aids
-Utensil cuff
-Sippy Cup
-Pediatric reacher
Mobility and Ambulation Aids
-Manual/Power Wheelchairs
-Leg Braces
-Platform Walker
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Seating and Positioning Supports
In getting ready for play, make sure that children have
the necessary physical supports so that all their efforts
can focus on playful interactions.
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Seating and Positioning Supports
• Motor and positioning supports include items
that stabilize a position, i.e. sitting or standing
and allow a learner to be independent in a
learning activity, i.e. reading or writing.
• An occupational or physical therapist can
provide valuable input regarding seating and
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Seating and Positioning Supports
• Supports include:
– Seat and table at correct height and depth
– Modifications to standard seat or desk
– Alternate seating
– Adapted seating or stander
– Custom fitted wheelchair or insert
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Sensory Aids
• Make simple low-tech adaptations to
sensory materials and look for tools that
meet children’s individual needs by:
- Increasing attention
- Eliminating distractions
- Improving focus
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Examples of sensory aids
• Device that provides
sensory input to help the
learner to attend (Pictured
– Disco Sit)
• Aid may have heightened
or lessened sensations of
taste, touch, vision,
accompanied by examples
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Communication is Power!
The ability to make choices is a powerful
method of communication!
- Alleviates frustration
- Provides an outlet for
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• Sometimes a child is born with little or no
speech abilities.
• Children with little or no speech need a way to
communicate their wants, needs and desires.
• Tools for communication provide a way for
these children to interact with their
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Tools for Communication
• Tools can be as simple as a gesture or paper
symbol or as complex as a computer system
with a digitized voice.
• Often more than one tool or strategy will be
used to create a language-rich environment.
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Tools for Communication
• Sometimes parents and teachers are afraid
that if their child uses an alternate tool to
communicate that regular speech will never
• Research has consistently shown that the use
of alternative or augmented communication
tools will not hurt, and will often help, the
development of normal speech.
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Communication & Social Interaction
• Young children benefit from using communication symbols
and communication devices as a bridge to language.
• Make sure that children have the necessary communication
supports to be a play partner.
• Consider how the child will make choices and communicate
their wants and needs during play.
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Communication Tools
• Picture Symbols:
- May be organized as symbol
- Can be used to create simple
activity boards
- Reinforce basic literacy skills
• Voice Output Devices:
- Range from mid-tech to hightech
- Allow a child to have a “voice”
Boardmaker Symbols
by Mayer-Johnson
BIGMack by AbleNet
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Low-Tech Communication Boards
• Inexpensive
• Easy to Use
• Require little
• Portable
• Durable
• Flexible
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Low Tech Options
Use picture communication symbols to…..
Make communication boards
Create calendars
Design schedules
Enhance IEP’s and progress reports
Create worksheets, flash cards, and symbol cards
And much, much more. . .
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Examples of Symbol Making Tools
Pogo Boards
Mrs. Riley
Symbol Mate
Picture This
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Toy Selection
• Select developmentally
appropriate materials and
• Work with the child’s team to
develop strategies and
address challenges
• Look for qualities of
“Universal Design”
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Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): The design
of products to be useable by all people without
the need for adaptation
Toys that are universally designed might have one
or more of the following features:
• Sound
• Color
• Texture
• Manipulatives
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Educational Aids
- Cause & Effect Software
- Early Literacy Software
- Writing Aids
- Stamps
- Pencil grips
- Slant board
Early Learning 1
by Marblesoft
Stamping Sticks by
Discount School Supply
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Computer Access Adaptations
• Neurotypical children generally access the
computer via a mouse.
• When a child cannot access the computer via a
mouse then an alternate way is needed, such
as a switch.
• A switch is a way for the user to take control of
the computer.
• A switch generally requires less manual
dexterity than a mouse.
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Computer Access Adaptations
Switch Considerations
• Style & Type
• Size
• Placement
• Switch Interface
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Computer Access Adaptations
Mouse Alternatives
• Touch Screen
• Trackball/Joystick
• Pointing Devices
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Computer Access Adaptations
Alternative Keyboards
• Different Key
• Variable Sizes
• Programmable
• Availability of OnScreen Keyboards
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When used appropriately, technology can…
• Provide support for
• Engage all learning styles
• Reduce distraction
• Develop social skills
• Promote active learning
and inclusion
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How does AT support inclusion?
Technology can provide a bridge for students to
Communicate, Participate, and Learn along with their
typically developing peers.
• Communicate: Through
augmentative and alternative
communication (AAC) devices
and methods
• Participate: Through inclusive
• Learn: Through adapted
curriculum and materials
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What is the process for choosing AT for
young children?
• Individual Family Service
Plan (IFSP) teams for
children ages 0-3 and
Individual Education Plan
(IEP) teams for children 421 consider and select
appropriate assistive
technology for each child
with a disability.
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What is the process for choosing AT for
young children?
• ISFP and IEP teams:
– Consider whether AT is needed to assist in the
student’s educational development
– Identify AT devices and services and any training
needed for the child, family, school, therapists, or
support staff
• School districts may have their own consideration
processes and forms
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Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA)
• IDEA is the Federal special education law concerned
with educational outcomes for students with special
• IDEA requires that schools track the educational
progress of children with identified disabilities.
• IDEA requires that assistive technology must be
considered for all students with disabilities. This
does not mean that it must be provided, but a
meaningful consideration process must take place.
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What is “Consideration?”
• Consideration is not defined by law. It is
usually part of the process of developing a
child’s annual IEP or IFSP.
• The IEP/IFSP team members consider
whether assistive technology and related
services are needed by the student to
achieve the developmental and educational
goals identified in the plan.
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Documenting AT in the plan
IFSP/IEP sections most likely to include AT are:
• Special Education and related services
• Present level of performance/strengths
• Annual goals and objectives
• Transition goals and objectives
• Comprehensive evaluation
• Adaptations and modifications
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How to pay for AT
Evaluation and Devices
• Schools are required to provide AT devices, including
assessment, training, and evaluation, if the device is
included in the child’s IEP/IFSP. The school then owns the
device, even if it has been customized for the child.
• If an AT device is paid for by a child’s parents or their
insurance plan, the family owns the device. Medicare
will only pay for devices that have been documented as
“durable medical equipment.”
• Community Service groups, such as Lions or Elks clubs,
may offer partial or total funding.
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Additional Resources
• -
• Center for Early Literacy Learning
• Family Center on Technology and Disability
(FCTD) –
Additional Resources
• Infinitec -
• National Assistive Technology Technology
Assistance Partnership (NATTAP)
• PACER Center -
• Tots-n-Tech –
Family Center on Technology and Disability
1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20009-5721
phone: (202) 884-8217
fax: (202) 884-8441