organisation and critical review

2011 MBBS Honours
Literature Review Structure & Content II
Year 3 Honours Workshop 3C
A/Prof Di Eley, MBBS Research Coordinator
MEDI3009 – Scientific Literature Review
(marks to MEDI 3009 only)
Related to your project’s research question.
Forms the initial component of the final thesis.
DUE ON 29 June 2011
Pose further questions or arguments associated with their
project and research question
Provide evidence that the relevant literature has been
critically analysed and thoughtfully integrated into the review
• i.e. this is not an annotated bibliography.
Thoughtfully argue and/or discuss the literature related to the
project and provide logical conclusions or suggestions based
on the review.
Criteria for Marking: Literature Review
1. The topic is briefly introduced and
provides the reader with the overall context
of the project and a point of reference.
The aims of the project are clearly stated
The research question(s) and/or
hypothesis is clearly stated
Criteria for Marking: Literature Review
2. Referencing is accurate and appropriate
It can be either Vancouver or Harvard style
but must be consistent throughout.
Criteria for Marking: Literature Review
3. The relevant research literature related
to the topic, and the stated research
question, are included.
Criteria for Marking: Literature Review
4. There is evidence that the relevant
literature has been critically analysed.
An outstanding review will thoughtfully
integrate the literature and argue or
discuss the topic(s) related to the project
and how the student’s work will add to this
body of knowledge.
Criteria for Marking: Literature Review
5. Accuracy and consistency in format
•Line spacing of 1.5
•Font can be Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial
•Font size must be 12 point
•All pages numbered consecutively.
•All margins minimum 2.0cm & maximum 2.5cm
•No longer than 5,000 words
•does not include references, tables, figures &
List-like writing that lacks synthesis
Smith (2003) investigated X and found Y. Jones (2000) looked at B and
found C. Adams (1995) verified that M causes N..... ..
Like giving the reader one piece of a jigsaw puzzle at a time.
You must put all the "pieces of the jigsaw puzzle" together and then
describe the resulting picture to the reader.
Point out what parts of the picture are clear, what parts are fuzzy, and
what parts are missing altogether.
Then identify the goal of your research i.e. bring one of the "fuzzy
areas" into "sharper focus", to "fill in one of the holes", or to "develop
the picture into new directions"
Making an "original" contribution
Research is supposed to make an "original" contribution to human
As a writer your challenge is to demonstrate that you are not simply
repeating what has already been done before. If you are – that’s okay
but you need to justify why.
Some doubt about the previous findings,
Methodological weakness,
Need for a confirmatory study with an improved methodology,
Previous results need updating.
As you review the existing literature, you need to identify any
limitations, deficiencies, or gaps in existing knowledge or practice
that need to be addressed.
Not being sufficiently critical
The purpose of a literature review is not just to summarise what is
currently known about a topic.
Also to provide a detailed justification for your research.
Ultimately your review should be in the form of an argument.
Develop the argument by pointing out "holes" in the jigsaw puzzle
that need filling or "fuzzy" parts that need clarifying.
Then frame this within the context of your research and research
question as being a promising line of investigation
Not discriminating between relevant and
irrelevant materials
A literature review is not about demonstrating how much you've read
It should provide a description of how certain parts of what you have
read establish the foundation for, motivate, and frame your research
All literature you cite needs to have clear reason for being there
Background material is important for orienting the reader.
But you must ask yourself: What does the reader really need to
appreciate, what comes next, and what is ‘trivia' or unimportant
and can be left out?
Lack of a clear organisational structure
Using a mind map or plan can help to address this problem.
Exclusion of landmark studies
This suggests to the reader that the student "isn't on top of
the field".
Relying on material that is likely to be out-of-date
Adopting a parochial perspective
(i.e. if you were to mostly cite papers produced by the
research group you are a member of or if you were to look
mainly at the literature on a topic produced in one country or
convince the reader as to the significance, importance of the
research questions being considered.
convince the reader that the thesis will make an original
critically review the different methodological approaches in your
field to investigate questions like yours so as to justify your research.
use the results of previous research to identify a promising
direction for future research.
need to be framed as arguments, not merely summaries.
demonstrate your professional competence in the field.
First pass: familiarisation
•What's been done? What's already known?
Second pass: organisation and critical review
•Organise/sort the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle (your literature) into
piles of similar/related pieces.
•Organise around themes/issues/questions rather than individual
•Critical review means identifying things like:
methodological weaknesses
gaps, controversies, problems
new ways of using things or putting things together.
Third pass: placing your own research within the field
Why Am I Doing This?
Common problems include:
•Getting "buried"
•Losing your way/focus - "How do I know if I'm getting anywhere?“
In addition, the writing process is difficult and messy because:
•You're trying to coordinate many sources
•You're trying to convert a "cobweb" of ideas into a linear sequence
•You may be trying to handle language & ideas you are still yet to fully master
Consequently, expect to have to write many drafts:
•Just start writing – anything
•Outline, outline, outline......
•Create a table of thoughts; a mind map
•Look for repetition, common themes – outline again....
•Approach it as an argument
How much background to provide?
All writing should be purposeful, so ask yourself, "Why does the
reader need to know this particular background?”
Is the work seminal (i.e. original and influential)?
Important to distinguish between papers that do something
important (are highly cited) and those which "merely" fill in the
details ... unless those details are relevant!
Will you build on, improve, extend, or "demolish" their work?
To challenge a common assumption in the literature, you don't
have to list every paper that's ever made that assumption, a
representative list will do. You are only trying to convince the
reader that the assumption is common.
Citing previous research
Two primary ways to cite the work of others authors
Information prominent – focus on the information provided & the
information is given primary importance.
"For viscoelastic fluids, the behaviour of the time-dependent stresses
in the transient shear flows is very important (Boger et al., 1974)."
Author-prominent - the author's name is given more emphasis. It
serves as the subject of the sentence, followed by the citation and
then the information.
"Close (1983) developed a simplified theory using an analogy
between heat and mass transfer." (strong)
"Several authors have suggested that automated testing should be
more readily accepted (Balcer, 1989; Stahl, 1989; Carver and Tai,
1991)." (weak)
When in doubt
Always go back to your
Research Question
Remind yourself
what are you doing, and
why are you doing it