Zac Epstein Jessica Hudson 1763-1776 1763 Pontiac's Rebellion

Zac Epstein
Jessica Hudson
Pontiac’s Rebellion: multiple Indian tribes came together under Pontiac to rebel against British
Proclamation Line of 1763: Limited white settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains
Treaty of Paris: ended the Great War for Empire, a war in Europe in which British fought
Paxton Boys massacre: a group of Scots-Irish men living on western frontier (called Paxton Boys) killed
twenty of Conestoga tribe, a peaceful one
Currency Act of 1764: banned paper money in America
Sugar Act of 1764: replaces Molasses Act of 1733; raised price of French molasses, encouraged colonists
to buy products from England, hurt those who thrived off importing cheap molasses
Stamp Act of 1765: direct tax put on printed documents
Quartering Act: required colonists provide food and shelter for British troops
First American boycott of British goods
Stamp Act repealed
Declaratory Act passed
Townshend Act of 1767: meant to raise money from colonists
Revenue Act of 1767: meant to “strengthen imperial power”
New Yorkers refused to comply by Quartering Act, etc., ends in Restraining Act (New York assemblies
Second American boycott: British goods boycotted in NY, MA; spreads to VA, PA
development of Daughters of Liberty (women take part in boycott, make own cloth, etc.)
British army occupies Boston
Partial repeal of Townshend Act
Boston “Massacre”: seven civilians killed; intensified by colonist reporters, political cartoonists to gain
resistance to British
Tea Act: gave East India Company government loan, making English tea cheaper than smuggled tea from
the Netherlands
Boston Tea Party: December 16, 1773: artisans and laborers tired of being taken out of economy, dressed
up as Indians and threw 342 tea chests into harbor (about $900,000 today)
Coercive Acts: passed by Parliament, made MA pay for the tea wasted (closed Boston Harbor to shipping,
suspended town meetings, new Quartering Act)
Justice Act: allowed trials to be moved to other colonies and Britain
Quebec Act: Roman Catholicism allowed in Quebec
First Continental Congress (September, Philidelphia): Declaration of Rights and Grievances passed, asked
for King to repeal Coercive Acts; decided to stop accepting British goods in December 1774, if by
September of 1775 Parliament hadn’t repealed acts, vowed to stop exports to Britain and affiliates
Second Continental Congress: created a Continental army
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense published, rapidly gains popularity, mocked British government
Zac Epstein
Jessica Hudson
Declaration of Independence: signed on July 4, 1776; written by Thomas Jefferson, who established the
new nation’s political views