DO NOT REMOVE FROM ROOM A203. FOR CLASSROOM USE ONLY. Unit 4 Multiple Choice Review 1. A. B. C. D. E. The Election of 1800 centered upon which of the following issues? National debt. Excessive taxes. Expensive government programs. Candidate personality. States' rights. 2. Jefferson's victory over John Adams was dampened by a technical glitch that tied Jefferson with what other individual for the presidency and threw the election to the Federalist controlled House? A. Aaron Burr. B. James Monroe. C. James Madison. D. John Jay. E. Thomas Pinckney. 3. Jefferson's election and first term as president in 1800 was notable for all of the following characteristics EXCEPT? A. Jefferson's victory was a narrow one; indeed, a few votes in New York could have turned the result around. B. First orderly transfer of power from one party to another. C. Adams would be the last Federalist president to sit in office. D. First president to massively use the "spoils system." E. Though Jefferson was expected to be radical, he proved to be moderate. 4. All of the following are examples of the kinds of moderation and efficiency that Jefferson brought to the presidency. Which one would cause him the greatest difficulty as a politician? A. Kept most of the Hamilton economic program intact. B. Pardoned Democratic Republicans who had been convicted under the Sedition Act. C. Refused to fire long-time Federalist federal employees because of their experience. D. Used personality and the informal dinner as a means to woo congressional support. E. Using strict economy, reduced and balancing the national debt. 5. A. B. C. D. E. Each of the following was an economic policy decision of the Jefferson administration EXCEPT? Raised the excise tax. Lowered the national debt. Kept Hamilton's funding of the Revolutionary debt at par value. Continued the protective tariff passed by Hamilton. Affirmed and used the national bank. 6. This individual, appointed late in the Adams administration, would do more to graft Federalist ideas into the national government than anyone else. Who was he? A. John Marshall. DO NOT REMOVE FROM ROOM A203. FOR CLASSROOM USE ONLY. B. C. D. E. James Madison. Albert Gallatin. Aaron Burr. Samuel Chase. 7. A. B. C. D. E. This individual would serve as Jefferson's Secretary of the Treasury. Who was he? John Marshall. James Madison. Albert Gallatin. Aaron Burr. Samuel Chase. 8. A. B. C. D. E. This individual would serve as Jefferson's vice president. Who was he? John Marshall. James Madison. Albert Gallatin. Aaron Burr. Samuel Chase. 9. A. B. C. D. E. This individual would serve as Jefferson's Secretary of State. Who was he? John Marshall. James Madison. Albert Gallatin. Aaron Burr. Samuel Chase. 10. A. B. C. D. E. The case of Marbury v. Madison established which of the following concepts? Individual citizens can not sue the federal government. Judicial review. Checks and balances. Separation of powers. Federalism. 11. Thomas Jefferson urged the impeachment of this individual as a means of bringing the Federalist judiciary under his heel. Who was he? A. John Marshall. B. James Madison. C. Albert Gallatin. D. Aaron Burr. E. Samuel Chase. 12. A. B. Jefferson unwillingly was embroiled in a small naval war with what nation in 1805? Italy. France. DO NOT REMOVE FROM ROOM A203. FOR CLASSROOM USE ONLY. C. D. E. Greece. Tripoli. Morocco. 13. A. B. C. D. E. Which of the following policies best describes how Jefferson dealt with the national army as president? Strengthened military posts on the frontier to protect settlers from Indian attacks. Maintained the military force he had inherited from Adams. Established West Point to train a professional officer corps. Reduced the military establishment to a mere national police force. Unified the state militias into a National Guard. 14. A. B. C. D. E. What was the right of deposit at the port of New Orleans that was so important to the United States? American trading vessels could dock without paying import taxes on their cargo. Frontier farmers could float their crops down Mississippi to port to await transport ships. American merchants could operate businesses in New Orleans without paying special taxes. Reciprocity agreement between Spain and U.S. regarding tariff rates. Banking agreement for international commerce. 15. If France came into control of New Orleans, Jefferson feared what outcome? A. Britain would attack and capture New Orleans establishing a British military presence on the southern border of U.S. B. Napoleon would use New Orleans as a base to attack the American frontier west. C. U.S. would be forced into an alliance with Britain. D. Spain and France would become involved in a war with Britain near U.S. territory. E. Canada might come under French control to surround U.S. with hostile military power. 16. The real hero in providing reasons for Napoleon to dump the Louisiana Territory into American hands was which of the following? A. French Canadians whose rebellion against Britain failed disrupting Napoleon's plans to unify Canada with Louisiana. B. Robert Livingston, U.S. envoy, used personality, bribes, and blackmail to gain access to Napoleon and negotiate the treaty. C. Independent, rebellious Acadians in Louisiana who threatened France's possession of that territory. D. Rebel ex-slaves who attempted to overthrow French control of Santo Domingo. E. A hostile British foreign minister, George Canning. who was maneuvering his nation into a war that France did not want. 17. A. B. C. D. E. Jefferson was faced with a dilemma over the Louisiana Territory. What was that dilemma? To pay the $15 million for the territory, he would have to tax his farmer supporters. He doubted the constitutionality of the treaty and purchase. Strong opposition in the Senate would have to be overcome. Buying Louisiana would raise the slavery issue and threaten the Union. He would have to deal with millions of Indian inhabitants. DO NOT REMOVE FROM ROOM A203. FOR CLASSROOM USE ONLY. 18. Soon after purchasing Louisiana, Jefferson ordered this individual to prepare a trip into the unexplored territory to uncover its resources. Who was that individual? A. Aaron Burr. B. Meriwether Lewis. C. Zebulon Pike. D. Samuel Chase. E. James Wilkinson. 19. Which of the following individuals was sent to explore and map both the headwaters of the Mississippi and the southern borders of Louisiana to Pikes Peak. A. Aaron Burr. B. Meriwether Clark. C. Zebulon Pike. D. Samuel Chase. E. James Wilkinson. 20. After scheming to break New England way from the Union, then killing Alexander Hamilton, this individual fled to Louisiana to attempt another plot, to break away the trans-Mississippi West into his own nation. Who was he? A. Aaron Burr. B. Meriwether Lewis C. Zebulon Pike. D. Samuel Chase. E. James. Wilkinson. 21. A. B. C. D. E. Who used the treason trial of Aaron Burr as an opportunity to embarass Jefferson? John Marshall. Alexander Hamilton. Samuel Chase. James Callendar. James Wilkinson 22. All of the following were problems that faced the United States after war broke out between Napoleon and Britain EXCEPT? A. France sent secret agents into Louisiana to drive up the Mississippi and cause Britain problems in Canada. B. Under the Orders in Council, Britain blockaded all French ports and seized ships trading with those ports. C. Britain seized American sailors claiming them to be British subjects. D. France seized any American vessel that had also traded in a British port. E. Britain attacked and damaged an American naval vessel with loss of life. 23. Jefferson's response to the seizure of American neutral ships by both Britain and France is correctly described by all of the following EXCEPT? A. Damaged the economy of New England. DO NOT REMOVE FROM ROOM A203. FOR CLASSROOM USE ONLY. B. C. D. E. Imposed an embargo on all American shipping freezing U.S. ships in U.S. ports. Hurt his own western farmers who found no outlets for their crops. Revived the Federalist party who threatened nullification of Jefferson's policies. Forced to rebuilt the American army and navy for defense of the nation. 24. A. B. C. D. E. What was accomplished in the Non-Intercourse Act of 1809? U.S. ports closed to all nations of the world. Opened nation to world trade except with Britain and France. Offered to trade with whichever nation, Britain or France, promised to recognize U.S. neutral rights. Reopened trade with all nations Allowed only the export of non-manufactured goods. 25. Why was Jefferson's decision to cut trade with Britain not decisive in forcing that nation to respect U.S. neutral rights? A. Russia moved to the aid of its British ally. B. U.S. produced no manufactured or agricultural products that Britain required. C. Crops from South America and bumper British crops made U.S. agricultural exports unnecessary. D. American shippers smuggled massive amounts of American trade to the British. E. Britain's colonies made her economically self-sufficient. 26. A. B. C. D. E. A serious flaw in Macon's Bill #2 hurt the Americans and James Madison in what way? Required enormous, unnecessary expenditures for rearming the army and navy. Allowed France to deceive the U.S. and draw it into war with Britain. Virtually destroyed the American merchant fleet. Allied the U.S. with unreliable European nations. Hurt American farmers and shippers more than the British. 27. The aggressive western and southern congressmen of the 12th Congress who demanded war with Britain were called? A. Submission men. B. Fire eaters. C. War hawks. D. federalists E. jingoes 28. The governor of Indiana who defeated the Indians and their leader, Tecumseh, at the Battle of Tippecanoe was which of the following? A. William Henry Harrison. B. Aaron Burr. C. Henry Clay. D. Samuel Butler. E. James Madison. 29. The American cause in the War of 1812 at the beginning was handicapped by which of the following decisions? A. Focused American military strength in coastal defense and rebuilding the navy. DO NOT REMOVE FROM ROOM A203. FOR CLASSROOM USE ONLY. B. Instead of a powerful dagger thrust into the nerve center of Canada, U.S. military power was divided into a three-pronged invasion. C. Refused an alliance with Tecumseh's Indian confederacy. D. Spent their efforts on capturing British merchant prizes. E. Placed all military power in a defensive barrier around Washington. 30. The American commander who secured control of the Great Lakes and thus blocked a possible British invasion of the U.S. was whom? A. William Henry Harrison. B. Oliver Hazard Perry. C. Thomas Mcdonough. D. Isaac Brock. E. Andrew Jackson. UNIT 4 MC KEY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 D A CD DB B A BA DC D B B CE AD CD A B AD AB CB AC BA BA DE CD EB D B AC EA B CB