CHAPTER 5: TISSUES - Ashland Independent Schools

The Tissue Level Of Organization
BIO 137: Anatomy & Physiology I
• Tissues are a group of cells with a common
embryonic origin that function together to
carry out specialized activities.
– They include various types,
ranging from hard (bone)
to semisolid (fat) to
liquid (blood).
Intercellular Junctions
• Tissues are formed by
grouping cells together using a
variety of Intercellular
Junctions .
– Intracellular Junctions
connect adjacent cells
mechanically at the cell
membranes or through
cytoskeletal elements
within and between cells.
Intercellular Junctions
• Tight Junctions are
found where a leakproof
seal is needed between
– They keep materials from
leaking out of organs like
the stomach and bladder.
Intercellular Junctions
• Adherens Junctions make an adhesion belt (like
the belt on your pants) that keeps tissues from
separating as they stretch and contract.
• Cadherin is a
glycoprotein that forms
the belt-like “plaque”.
Intercellular Junctions
• Desmosomes act as “spot welds”. They also
use cadherin glycoprotein (plus intermediate
filaments) to hook into the cytoplasm.
Intercellular Junctions
• Hemidesmosomes are half-welds that join cells
to the basement membrane.
Intercellular Junctions
• Gap Junctions are
pores (connexons)
that allow small
substances like ions
to pass between
cells. If one of the
cells gets sick or dies,
these seal like a
hatch to prevent
damage to other
The 4 Basic Tissues
• Of all the cells in the body, they combine to
make only 4 basic tissue types:
– Epithelial tissues
– Connective tissues
– Muscular tissues
– Nervous tissues
Epithelial Characteristics
Cover body surfaces, form glands, line hollow organs,
body cavities and ducts.
• Tightly packed sheets of
cells w/ little intercellular
• All epithelia have a free
surface that faces an
opening and an attached
basal surface
– Basement membrane
• May possess cilia or
microvilli on free surface
• Avascular
• Readily divide
Epithelial Locations & Functions
• Epidermis
• Protection
• Covers ventral body
organs (serous
• Absorption
• Lines body cavities
(parietal membranes)
• Excretion
• Lines exocrine glands
• Lines hollow organs
• Lines capillaries
• Secretion
• Filtration
• Diffusion
Classification of Epithelium
• Number of Layers
• Simple
• Stratified
• Pseudostratified
• Shape of Cells
• Squamous
• Cuboidal
• Columnar
Epithelium Classification
Epithelium Studied in BIO 137
• Simple Squamous ET (lung alveoli)
• Simple Cuboidal ET (thyroid gland)
• Simple Columnar ET (duodenum)
• Pseudostratified Columnar ET (trachea)
• Stratified Squamous ET (skin)
• Transitional ET (ureter)
• Glandular ET (not studied in lab)
Simple Squamous Epithelium
single layer of thin, flattened cells
• Locations:
*Lining air sacs (alveoli)
Lining capillaries
Kidney glomeruli
Lining vessels
• Functions:
– Diffusion (exchange of
gases, nutrients, wastes)
– Filtration
Simple Squamous Epithelium
(a) Simple squamous epithelium
Description: Single layer of
flattened cells with disc-shaped
central nuclei and sparse cytoplasm;
the simplest of the epithelia.
Function: Allows passage of
materials by diffusion and
filtration in sites where protection
is not important; secretes
lubricating substances in serosae.
Location: Kidney glomeruli; air
sacs of lungs; lining of heart,
blood vessels, and lymphatic
vessels; lining of ventral body
cavity (serosae).
Air sacs of
lung tissue
Nuclei of
Photomicrograph: Simple squamous epithelium
forming part of the alveolar (air sac) walls (400x).
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
• A single layer of cube-shaped cells with large
prominent nuclei
• Locations:
– Lining kidney tubules
– Lining the ducts of
exocrine and endocrine glands
• Functions:
– Secretion (exocrine and endocrine glands)
– Secretion and Reabsorption (kidney tubules)
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
(b) Simple cuboidal epithelium
Description: Single layer of
cubelike cells with large,
spherical central nuclei.
Function: Secretion and
Location: Kidney tubules; ducts
and secretory portions of small
glands; ovary surface.
Photomicrograph: Simple cuboidal epithelium
in kidney tubules (400x).
Simple Columnar Epithelium
• A single layer of column like cells, with nuclei located near the
basement membrane
• Other structures of interest:
– Goblet cells - mucus
– Microvilli – increase surface area for absorption
– May be ciliated
• Location: Intestinal lining
(Villi), uterus
• Functions:
– Protection
– Absorption
– Secretion
Intestinal Villi: Simple Columnar
Ciliated Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
• A single layer of elongated cells
– Nuclei dispersed throughout the cytoplasm (appears to
have layers)
• Other structures of interest:
– Cilia
– Goblet cells
• Location: Lining of trachea
• Functions:
– Secretion
– Protection
Ciliated Pseudostratified Columnar
• Stratified Squamous Epithelium has an apical
surface that is made up of squamous (flat) cells.
– The other layers have different
shapes, but the name is based
on the apical layer.
– The many layers are ideal for
protection against
strong friction
Transitional Epithelium
• Multilayered cells that change shape due to
changes in pressure in the tissue
• Locations:
– Lining of Urinary bladder
– Lining of Ureter
• Function:
– Distensibility
Copyright 2006 Dr. Mary Cat Flath
• Although epithelia are found throughout the
body, certain ones are associated with specific
body locations.
Connective Tissue
• Includes bones, adipose, blood, cartilage and
other connective tissues
• Functions: support, framework for
attachment, hematopoiesis, energy stores,
Connective Tissue
• Connective Tissues are the most abundant
and widely distributed tissues in the body
• Sparse cells separated by
intercellular material called
• Can usually divide
Connective Tissues
• Collagen is the main protein of C.T. and the most
abundant protein in the body, making up about
25% of total protein content.
• Connective tissue is usually
highly vascular and supplied
with many nerves.
– The exception is cartilage and
tendon - both have little or no
blood supply and no nerves.
Connective Tissue Matrix
• Found between cells, secreted by immature blast
• 2 components of matrix
– Protein Fibers – 3 types of fibers
• Secreted by fibroblasts
• Fiber types vary among CT
– Ground substance – fluid, semi-fluid, gelatinous or
• Material in CT that provides a media for movement of
nutrients and gases & binds CT components together
Connective Tissue Fibers
• Collagen
– Give a tissue High tensile
strength and resists pulling
– Found in ligaments and tendons
• Elastic Fibers
– Composed of elastin protein
– Give a tissue Elasticity
– Fibers are easily stretched and
– Found in Vocal cords, external
ear and air passages
• Reticular Fibers
– Composed of collagen fibers
called reticulin
– Found in basement membrane,
also support capillaries and
nerve fibers
Cell Types Found in CT
• Fibroblasts
– Most abundant, produce
fibers of matrix
• White Blood Cells
– Macrophages phagocytosis
– Mast Cells - Release heparin
and histamine for Tissue
repair and healing
• Chondrocytes - cartilages
• Osteocytes – bone
Connective Tissue Classification
• Embryonic connective tissue
– Mesenchyme
– Mucous connective tissue
• Mature connective tissue
– Loose connective tissue
– Dense connective tissue
– Cartilage
– Bone
– Liquid
Embryonic Connective Tissues
• There are 2 Embryonic Connective Tissues:
– Mesenchyme gives rise to all other connective tissues.
– Mucous C.T. (Wharton's Jelly) is a gelatinous substance
within the umbilical cord and is a rich source of stem cells.
CT Studied in Bio 137
Loose Areolar CT
Adipose Tissue
Dense Regular CT (White fibrous CT)
Hyaline Cartilage
Elastic Cartilage
Loose Areolar Connective Tissue
• The most widely distributed in the body.
• Contains several types of cells and all three
fiber types.
• Location: papillary layer of dermis,
Component of basement membrane,
Between muscles, between other tissues
• Functions:
– Diffusion & Cushioning
– Binds skin to underlying tissues
Loose Areolar Connective Tissue
Loose Areolar Connective Tissue
(a) Connective tissue proper: loose connective tissue, areolar
Photomicrograph: Areolar connective tissue,
a soft packaging tissue of the body (400x).
Adipose Tissue
• Cells: Adipocytes filled with fat globules
• Locations:
– Subcutaneous layer
– Around organs and joints
• Functions:
Energy Store
Adipose Tissue
Mature Connective Tissues
• Dense Connective Tissues
– Dense Irregular Connective Tissue consists
predominantly of fibroblasts and collagen fibers
randomly arranged.
• It provides strength when forces are pulling from many
different directions.
– Dense regular
– Elastic
Dense Regular Connective Tissue
• Matrix of tightly packed collagen fibers with
few fibroblasts
• Lacks a direct blood supply
• Locations:
– Tendons Ligaments
• Functions:
– Attachment/ High tensile strength
Dense Regular Connective Tissue
• Rigid connective tissue with a poor direct
blood supply
• Abundant collagen and/or elastic fibers in gellike ground substance
• Primary cell is chondrocyte
• Do not divide often
• Classified by type of matrix
Hyaline Cartilage
• Most abundant type of cartilage in the body
• Locations:
– Wall of trachea and larynx
– Nose
– Embryonic Skeleton
– Costal cartilages
– Ends of long bones
• Function: Support and protection
Hyaline Cartilage
• Thick bundles of collagen fibers
• A very strong, tough cartilage.
• Locations:
– Intervertebral spaces
– Knee joints
• Support
Elastic Cartilage
• Chondrocytes surrounded by matrix filled
with elastic fibers
• Locations:
– Auricle or Pinna of External Ear
– Epiglottis
• Function:
– Flexibility with maintenance of shape
Elastic Cartilage
(g) Cartilage: elastic
Note the presence
of elastic fibers
Photomicrograph: Elastic cartilage from
the human ear pinna; forms the flexible
skeleton of the ear (640x).
• The only liquid connective tissue
• Blood cells (Erythrocytes, leukocytes, and
thrombocytes) in a liquid matrix of plasma
• Location:
– Heart and blood vessels
• Function:
– Transport of gases,
nutrients and wastes
Compact Bone
• Osteocytes surrounded by a solid matrix of
calcium phosphate and collagen
• Location: skeleton
• Functions:
– Support
– Protection
– Movement
– Hematopoiesis
– Calcium (mineral) Store
Figure 4.9i: Connective tissues (continued), pp. 137-138.
(i) Others: bone (osseous tissue)
Description: Hard, calcified matrix
containing many collagen fibers;
osteocytes lie in lacunae. Very well
Function: Bone supports and protects
(by enclosing); provides levers for the
muscles to act on; stores calcium and
other minerals and fat; marrow inside
bones is the site for blood cell
formation (hematopoiesis).
Location: Bones
Photomicrograph: Cross-sectional view
of bone (70x).
Summary of Mature Connective Tissues
Muscle Tissues
• Long, thin fibers that shorten and contract to
allow movement
• Three types:
– Skeletal muscle
– Smooth muscle
– Cardiac muscle
• Will be studied in greater detail during the
muscular and cardiovascular systems
Muscle Tissue
Nervous Tissue
• Neurons (nerve cells) with multiple
extensions surrounded by neuroglial cells
• Locations:
– Brain and spinal cord (CNS)
– Nerves (PNS)
• No reproduction of cells
• Function:
– Integration and coordination of all body parts
Nervous Tissue
Epithelial Membranes
• A layer of epithelium that lies over a layer of
connective tissue
• Three types of epithelial membranes:
– Serous Membranes
– Mucous Membranes
– Cutaneous Membranes
Serous Membranes
• Thoracic and Abdominopelvic Membranes
– Line the walls of body cavities and fold back to cover
the organs
– Secrete serous fluid for lubrication
• Visceral layer – covers an organ
• Parietal layer – lines a cavity or body wall
Serous Membranes
• Thoracic Membranes: Lungs
– Visceral Pleura
– Parietal Pleura
• Thoracic Membranes: Heart
– Visceral Pericardium
– Parietal Pericardium
• Abdominopelvic Membranes
– Visceral Peritoneum
– Parietal Peritoneum
Mucous Membranes
• Mucous membranes line interior body
surfaces open to the outside
– Digestive tract lining
– Respiratory Tract
– Reproductive Tract
• Functions:
– Protection
– Lubrication
Cutaneous Membrane
• Location: Skin
• Function:
– Protection
• Will be studied further in Chapter 5
Glandular Epithelium
• Composed of cells specialized that produce &
secrete substances into ducts or body fluids
• Usually simple cuboidal or simple columnar ET
• Function: Secretion
• Include exocrine and endocrine glands
Exocrine Glands
• Exocrine glands secrete substances through ducts to
the surface of the skin or into the lumen of a hollow
• Secretions of the exocrine gland include mucus,
sweat, oil, earwax, saliva, and digestive enzymes.
Exocrine Glands
• Merocrine secretion is the most common
manner of secretion.
– The gland releases its product by exocytosis and no
part of the gland is lost or damaged .
– Salivary gland
Exocrine Glands
• Apocrine glands “bud” their secretions off
through the plasma membrane, producing
membrane-bound vesicles in the lumen of the
– The end of the cell breaks off by “decapitation”,
leaving a milky, viscous odorless fluid.
– Mammary gland
Exocrine Glands
• Holocrine secretions are produced by rupture
of the plasma membrane, releasing the entire
cellular contents into the lumen and killing the
cell (cells are replaced by rapid division of stem
– Sebaceous gland
Aging and Tissues
• Tissue heals faster in young adults.
• Surgery of a fetus normally leaves no scars.
• Young tissues have a better nutritional state,
blood supply, and higher metabolic rate.
• Extracellular components also change with
• Changes in the body’s use of glucose,
collagen, and elastic fibers contribute to the
aging process.