An Introduction to LMAO! Anatomic reference systems describe the location and functions of body parts. The basic reference systems are: body planes body directions body regions body cavities understand the how 3 body planes divide the human body Be able to use directional terminology in describing different areas of the body Identify and recognize body regions Gain a working understanding of body cavities and the organs they house Person stands erect with feet together and eyes forward Palms face anteriorly with thumbs pointed away from the body Right and left always refers to the sides belonging to the person or specimen being viewed – never to the viewer Note: four legged animals have a different anatomical position than humans Their ventral is on the inferior side and dorsal in on the superior side In humans ventral and anterior is the same and so is dorsal and posterior 1. Anterior = body parts on the front of the body 2. Posterior = body parts on the back of the body The frontal plane divides the body into “anterior” and “posterior” regions. Cranial or Superior = body parts near the head Caudal or Inferior = body parts located near the sacrum, or tail bone. Cranial Caudal 1. Medial = body parts located near the middle or midline of the body 2. Lateral = body parts located away from the midline or middle of the body Lateral referrs to Proximal = body parts close to the point of reference Distal = body parts away from the point of reference In Summary… A “body plane”is an imaginary line drawn through the body which separates it into sections. -The Sagittal Plane Divides the body into right and left sides The “Frontal Plane” divides the body into front and back section. The frontal plane is sometimes called the “Coronal Plane.” The “transverse Plane” divides the body into sections above and below the midline. Use a marker to label the top and bottom of your orange. Draw a line around the orange which represents the transverse plane. Label. Draw a line around the orange which represents the frontal or coronal plane. Label. Draw a line around the orange which represents the Sagittal Plane. Label. Cut the orange in half along the transverse plane. When Finished, use a toothpick to put the orange back together. Cut the orange in half along coronal plane. When Finished, use toothpicks to put the orange back together. Cut the orange in half along the Sagittal Plane. When Finished, use toothpicks to put the orange back together. 1. Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ) 2. Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ) 3. Right Lower Quadrant (RLQ) 4. Left Lower Quadrant (LLQ) Epigastric Umbilical Pelvic Hypochondriac Lateral Inguinal -A long continuous cavity that is located on the back (or posterior) of the body, divided into two sections Cranial Cavity = contains the brain Spinal Cavity = contains the spinal cord Cervical vertebrae: C Thoracic vertebrae: T Lumbar vertebrae: L Sacrum: S Larger and separated into 2 distinct cavities by a dome-shaped muscle called the diaphragm, which is important for breathing. Thoracic Cavity = located in the chest, contains the heart, lungs, and the large blood vessels Figure 1.7 2. Abdominal Cavity = divided into quadrants… Upper part contains the stomach, small intestines, most of the large intestines, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen 3. Pelvic Cavity = lower abdominal cavity containing urinary bladder, the reproductive organs, and last part of the large intestines Cranial Thoracic Spinal Diaphragm Adbdominal Pelvic That’s all Folks! Traditional more non-invasive method of diagnosis X-rays (electromagnetic waves) directed at the body Some x-rays are absorbed: amount of absorption depends on the density of matter encountered Radiograph image: negative Darker exposed areas represent soft organs (easily penetrated) Light, unexposed areas correspond to denser structures such as bones Contrast medium: solution with heavy elements (i.e. barium) Used to view soft tissue organs Advanced X-Ray techniques use computerassisted imaging technologies X ray: electromagnetic waves of very short length Best for visualizing bones and abnormal dense structures Clavicles (collarbones) Ribs Air in lungs (black )Heart Diaphragm (a) Radiograph of the chest (b)Mammogram (cancerou tumor at arrow) Figure 1.10 Takes successive X rays around a person’s circumference Right View Translates recorded information into a detailed picture of the section Left Liver Stomach Colon Inferior vena cava Aorta Spleen Left kidney Thoracic vertebra Contrast media make hollow or fluid-filled structures visible Media can be introduced by injection, orally, or rectally Depends on the structure imaged Barium contrast x-ray showing a cancer of the ascending colon (arrow) A contrast medium given: images taken ‘before’ and ‘after’ Computer processes the x-ray images and subtracts the differences Eliminates all traces of body structures that obscure the vessel Identify blockages of arteries that supply the heart or brain Figure 1.12 • Produces images by detecting radioactive isotopes injected into the body • Decaying isotopes emits gamma rays Detected by sensors, translated into impulses and sent to a computer • Active areas receiving more blood light up Figure 1.13 Figure 1.14 Pulses of high frequency (ultrasonic) sound waves reflect (echo) off tissue Computer analyzes the echoes to construct sectional images Inexpensive/safer technique but not used for viewing air-filled structures or structures surrounded by bone High-energy magnetic field causes protons (H+) in tissues and fluids to align in relation to the field Pulse of radio waves emitted to misalign H+ As they realign with the magnet a radio wave is again emitted Sensors ‘read’ these ion patterns, computerized signals produce detailed images of soft tissues Endoscope: lighted instrument with lenses Used for visual examination of the inside of body organs or cavities Colonoscopy: interior of the colon Arthroscopy: interior of a joint Interior view of the Laparoscopy: interior colon as shown by of abdominopelvic colonoscopy organs