Biology Warren East High School 2011-2012 6867 Louisville Rd 270-781-1277 Ms. Aaron Richmond Mrs. Deborah Romine Mrs. Jessica Sanford Mrs. Jenny Skaggs Mrs. Stephanie Spurlock ext. 3146 ext. 3125 ext. 3121 ext.3120 ext. 3119 General Course Information and Course Objectives The objectives of this Biology course are that each student will: exhibit mastery of the major principles of biology demonstrate laboratory skills by using various types of biological instrumentation and scientific methodologies solve scientific problems by making observations and collecting data, and apply biological knowledge and critical thinking to environmental and social concerns. Biology: Principles and Explorations Textbook and Materials Students will need the following materials in order to be successful in the course: 3-ring binder (s) (minimum of 2” rings) Paper Black or blue pens and No. 2 pencils with erasers Highlighters and colored pencils Instructional Methods / Student Evaluation Students will be evaluated in a variety of ways including: Performance on unit exams Vocabulary / lab quizzes Lab reports Homework (including articles, study guides, reading assignments)) Writing projects; Research papers and presentations Class participation (lecture, group activities) Grading: Grading scale is school policy. Scale: Chemistry of Life Cell Structure Protein Synthesis Evolution A B C D F 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% below 60% Exams and Quizzes– 60 % Lab/Projects/Discussion – 40 % Topics Covered Genetics Adaptation/Behavior Chemical Processes Intro to Chemistry Ecology Cell Transport Cell Division Additional Course Polices and Information Make up work: You have the option to make up work when absent. If you do not make up work, you will receive a zero for that assignment. School policy will be followed for make up work. Excused make up work will receive full credit if turned in according to school policy. Daily make up work can be found in “Make up work” bin in classroom, tests and quizzes will be made up before or after school, not during class. Missed lab activities may be replaced with an alternate assignment at discretion of teacher. Late Work: Assignments are due on the assigned date and should be neat and legible. I will not grade work that I cannot read, and therefore will consider revised work late or assign a zero. Late work will be penalized 50% and will NOT be accepted later than 5 school days past due. Attendance/Tardies: School policy will be used for absences and tardies. Only students with excused absences will be able to make up missed work, quizzes, tests, etc. If you know in advance that you will be absent, please let me know. You will be considered tardy if you are not in the classroom when the bell finishes ringing. (This means standing in the hallway outside the door is tardy) Retakes: Exams may be retaken once if certain guidelines are met. You must retake the test within the given time. You also must have all work in and have no zeros. (No missing or outstanding labs, projects, quizzes, etc…) You must be in good standing in the class in order to retake a test. Things to know: Drinks are NOT allowed during labs; otherwise, the privilege is tentative based on student behavior and cleanliness of the room. I will enforce ALL school policies. This means the school technology policy and dress code will be enforced. School PRIDE is expected in my classroom. I expect students to be attentive and prepared for class. I have a class webpage that will be utilized throughout the year. It is your responsibility to check the webpage for assignments, announcements, and additional help with the course. Plagiarism and cheating: Plagiarism is using someone else’s work as your own. (EX: copying homework) In other words, it is cheating. No form of plagiarism or cheating will be tolerated and will be given a grade of zero. ALL parties involved will receive a zero. Classroom Policies 1. Be prepared— a. Bring materials to class everyday. b. Do not ask to go to your locker to retrieve materials. Bring them with you! c. Go to the bathroom between classes. Use your pass time wisely. You will be given eight bathroom passes for the year. If the passes are not used, each will be worth extra credit points. 2. Be courteous— a. Please do not talk while others are talking (student or teacher). When you want to speak, raise your hand. Do not yell across the room, etc. b. Do not pack up your supplies 5 minutes before the bell rings. Work until the end of class. I will let you know when class is over. Packing up early becomes very distracting to others. c. Do not stand at the door before the bell rings. You will be dismissed when everyone is sitting. d. Keep your hands to yourself. Respect other’s space. Do not go behind my desk unless instructed. e. Do not throw anything to anyone unless instructed, this is a safety issue. f. Please do not swear/use foul language. 3. Be responsible— a. It is your responsibility to make up work when you are absent. b. It is your responsibility to ask questions if you do not understand. c. It is your responsibility to be to class on time, do not be tardy. d. It is your responsibility to follow dress code. e. It is your responsibility to follow the school technology policy. No cell phones, Ipods, etc. ! f. Check your grades. They will be posted weekly. If you believe there is a mistake, ask politely. Double check your belongings to make sure you turned in your work. Know what you are missing when I ask. I can’t read minds. g. If you make a mess, clean it up. DO NOT THROW ANYTHING INTO THE SINKS! h. Do not cheat! i. Use good judgment, if you think what you are doing is wrong, it probably is. ANY OF THE ABOVE CAN BE CHANGED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE TEACHER IF NECESSARY. NOT FOLLOWING ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS WILL LEAD TO A DISCIPLINE PROCEDURE BASED ON THE DISCRETION OF THE TEACHER. **Parents** The best way to contact me is through email. ************************************************************************************************************************************** By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the expectations of this Pre AP Biology class and agree to follow the procedures set forth by the teacher and WEHS. Student signature __________________________________________ Date_________________ Parent/ Guardian signature _________________________________________ Date_________________ Parent’s email address ____________________________________________________________