MS PE Grade 7 Plan Workouts

Part 1 Cardio Workout
Warm Up (5 minutes):
 March In Place: 30 seconds
 Squat + Knee Pull: Alternate a deep squat, to a stand, then bring one knee up pulling it
to the chest. Repeat for 30 seconds.
 Walk down Plank: Place hands on the floor, walk out to a plank position, hold 3
seconds, and then walk back up to a standing position. Repeat for 30 seconds.
 Flutter Kicks: Laying on back, head off the floor, hands by the side, flutter kicks for 30
 Crunch Jack: Laying on back, head off the floor, extend both legs straight out to six
inches off the floor, both arms extend straight above the head. Pull knees to chest,
bring hands forward to touch the ankles. Repeat for 30 seconds.
 Push Up to Child's Pose: Roll over to a push up position. Complete a push up with knees
touching the floor. Stretch back to sitting on the heels, chest to knees, arms stretched
straight out with hands on the floor, and face to the floor. Repeat for 30 seconds.
 Windmill Turns: From a standing position, keeping legs straight and shoulder width
apart, bend forward at the waist, arms out to the side, twist side to side touching each
hand to the floor for 30 seconds.
 Downward Facing Dog to Back Bow Extensions: Stand up, legs straight, bend forward
until hands touch the floor, walk hands out until the body in in a triangle position with
head between the arms and heels on the floor. Hold for 3 seconds. Walk hands all the
way out to lying flat on the stomach. Stretch arms and legs in opposite directions,
raising them off the floor about 6 inches. Place hands next to the shoulders and walk
back up to the downward dog triangle position. Repeat for 30 seconds.
 Arm Cross Swings: Stand up and step side to side swinging arms and crossing in front of
the chest. Repeat for 30 seconds.
 Front Jacks: Legs jumping out then in. Arms out in front moving from straight down to
straight out in front of the body. Repeat for 30 seconds. (Video available)
Cardio Jump Rope Workout:
Level 1 - Beginner
Level 2 - Intermediate
Level 3 - Advanced
Two Feet Jump: 50
Two Feet Jump: 75
Single leg hop: 25 each foot
Single leg hop: 35 each foot
Two Feet Jump (backward):
Skier Jumps: 50
Skier Jumps: 70
Forward/backward – feet
together: 50
Scissor Jumps: 50
Quick steps: Rt./left: 50
Rocker Jumps: 50
Quick steps: Rt./Lt.: 75
Single leg hop alternating:
10-10, total of 100
Criss-Cross Jumps: 50
Scissor Jumps: 75
Rocker Jumps: 75
Double Unders: 20
Part 2 Cardio Workout
Cardio Jump Rope Workout Continued:
Level 1 - Beginner
Level 2 - Intermediate
Level 3 - Advanced
High Knees: 50
High Knees: 75
Two feet with a twist: 50
Single leg hop: 35 each foot
Two Feet Jump (backward):
Quick steps: Rt./left: 50
Skier Jumps: 70
Forward/backward – feet
together: 50
Scissor Jumps: 50
Skier Jump: 50
Rocker Jumps: 50
Quick steps: Rt./Lt.: 75
Single leg hop alternating:
10-10, total of 100
Criss-Cross Jumps: 50
Scissor Jumps: 75
Rocker Jumps: 75
Double Unders: 20
Cool Down (5 minutes):
 Torso Rotations: Feet apart, hips forward, arms in front, elbows bent, twisting side to
side. 30 seconds
 Rocking Side Kicks: Slow kicks across the front of the body side to side,
 Rocking Butt Kickers + Ventral Pulls: Side to side butt kicks with arms moving from
behind past the hips to straight out in front. Repeat 30 seconds
 Arm Crossover Swings + Lateral Steps: Side to side steps with a toe touch behind the
opposite foot. Arms crossing out in front to an elbow press behind.
 Standing Quadriceps: Standing on one foot, pull the other foot up to a butt touch
behind. Hold 20 seconds. Repeat on the other leg.
 Leaning Hamstring: Extend one leg forward, place the heel on the floor, and pull the
toes upward. Bend the opposite knee, lean forward and grab the ankle area of the leg
that is extended forward. Hold 20 seconds. Repeat on the other leg.
 Rocking Inside Thigh: Legs apart, rocking side to side, with one leg straightening and
toes flexing upward while the other leg bends at the knee. Lean slightly forward,
placing the hands on the thighs hold for 2 seconds. Repeat on the other leg. Continue
for 20 seconds.
 Wall Chest Stretch: Facing the wall, place one hand on the wall, keeping it there, turn
forward as far as you can and hold that stretch for 20 seconds. Repeat with the other
 Rhomboid Pull: Bring one arm across the chest and pull it into the chest with the
opposite hand. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat with the other arm. (Video available)
Part 1 Resistance Workout
Warm Up (6 minutes):
 Lunge with a Twist: A forward lunge and a horizontal twist. As you do the lunge, step forward,
then drop your hips. Do not lunge too far forward so your front knee extends beyond your
toes. After you have lunged, slowly twist toward the side you are lunging. Continue with the
other leg. Repeat side to side for 30 seconds.
 Knee to Chest: While stationary and standing, bring the knee cap into the chest by hugging
your shin while stepping onto your toes with your opposite foot. Continue with the other leg.
Repeat side to side for 30 seconds.
 High Kicks: While stationary and standing, extend your left arm straight out, kick your right leg
up while keeping your leg and hand straight so that your toes hit your palm. Repeat 10 times.
Continue with the other leg, repeating the kick 10 times.
 Hip Stretch with A Twist: From a push up position, bring your right foot up to your right hand
while keeping your hips down and lower back flat. Take your left hand, twist to your left while
extending your arm and reaching toward the sky. Come back to the starting pushup position
and repeat on the other side. Continue with the other leg. Repeat side to side for 30 seconds.
 T-Push-Ups: From a push-up position, lower yourself down towards the ground. As you push
back up, extend your right arm toward the sky while keeping your left arm stable and your
hips from moving down, or up. Bring your arm back to the starting position, do another push
up, and then repeat with the left arm. Repeat side to side for 30 seconds.
 Jump Squats: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart while holding your hands behind your
head, or on your hips. Squat down until the hips are about parallel with the ground, then
forcibly jump off the ground. Land softly and repeat the jump for 30 seconds.
 Jump Lunges: With hands at your sides or behind your head, start with one foot extended
forward and one behind. Drop your hips downward and forcibly jump into the air. While you
are in the air, switch your legs so that your forward leg is now behind you and your back leg is
now in front of you. Continue with the other leg. Repeat side to side for 30 seconds. (Video available)
Resistance Workout:
 Inchworm: Stand up tall with the legs straight, lean forward until the fingertips touch the floor.
Keeping the legs straight (but not locked), slowly lower the torso toward the floor, and then
walk the hands forward. Once in a push-up position, start taking tiny steps so the feet meet
the hands. Continue for 4 repetitions.
 Tuck jump: Standing with the knees slightly bent, jump up as high as possible and bring the
knees in toward the chest while extending the arms straight out. Land with the knees slightly
bent and quickly jump again. Repeat 8 times.
 Mountain Climbers: Starting on your hands and knees, bring the left foot forward directly
under the chest while straightening the right leg. Keeping the hands on the ground and core
tight, jump and switch legs. The left leg should now be extended behind the body with the
right knee forward. Repeat 10 times.
Part 2 Resistance Workout
Continued Resistance Workout:
 Plyometric Push-Up: Start in a push-up position. Then, in an explosive motion, push up hard
enough to come off the floor. Repeat 3 times.
 Prone Walkout: Beginning on all fours, slowly walk the hands forward pass the shoulders, staying
on the toes but not moving them forward. Gradually walk the hands backwards to the starting
position under the shoulders.
 Burpees: Start out in a low squat position with hands on the floor. Kick to a push-up position,
complete one push-up, then immediately return the feet to the squat position. Leap up as high as
possible before squatting and moving back into the push-up. Repeat 5 times.
 Plank: Lie face down with forearms on the floor and hands clasped. Extend the legs behind the
body and rise up on the toes. Keeping the back straight, tighten the core and hold the position for
30 seconds.
 Wall Sit: With the back against a wall, slowly slide the back down the wall until the thighs are
parallel to the ground. Make sure the knees are directly above the ankles and keep the back
straight. Hold for 30 seconds.
 Side Plank: Lie face down, roll to the side and come up on one foot and elbow. Make sure the hips
are lifted and the core is engaged. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
 Shoulder Bridge: Lie on your back with the knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Place arms at your
side and lift up the spine and hips. Only the head, feet, arms, and shoulders should be on the
ground. Then lift one leg upwards, keeping the core tight. Slowly bring the leg back down, then lift
back up. Repeat 8 reps per leg.
 Handstand Push-up: (*If there are no floor mats against a wall, do not complete this.)
Get set in a headstand position against a wall and bend the elbows at a 90-degree angle, doing an
upside down push-up (so the head moves toward the floor and the legs remain against the wall).
Repeat 4 times.
Cool Down: (5 minutes):
 Standing Calf Stretch: In a lunge position, arms out in front, hold the stretch for 20 seconds.
Repeat on the other leg.
 Standing Quad Stretch: Standing on one foot, pull the other foot up to a butt touch behind. Hold
20 seconds. Repeat on the other leg.
 Floor Hamstring Stretch: Lie on the back, keeping both legs extended, bring one leg up to the
ceiling and hold for 20 seconds. Repeat on the other leg.
 Knees to Chest: Lie on the back, bring both knees to the chest and pull knees in with the hands.
Hold for 10 seconds and extend back to starting position. Repeat.
 Child’s Pose: Begin on all fours, stretch back to sitting on the heels, chest to knees, arms stretched
straight out with hands on the floor, and face to the floor. Hold for 20 seconds.
 Chest Stretch: Sitting on the floor with backs straight. Raise the right arm until the elbow is the
height of the shoulder. The hand, elbow and shoulder create a 90% angle. Twist to the right and
bring the left arm across, place the left hand on the right thigh. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat
with the other side.
 Side Head Lean: Stand straight with arms by your side. Keep shoulders relaxed, lean the head to
the side, hold for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side. (video available)