Confidential Health and History Form TODAY’S DATE: ________________________________________ Patient Name: ____________________________ Date of Birth: ______Age:________ Sex: ____Height:_______Weight:_______Primary Care Physician____________________ How did you hear about us?__________________________________________________ Allergies:_______________________________________________________________ Please List ALL medications include the dosages and how often you take them. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Please answer the following questions. Provide estimates for date of occurrence. Past Venous History Have you ever had vein stripping surgery Yes No If yes, when and which leg? ______________________________________ Have you ever had vein injections? Yes No If yes, which leg and where on the leg? _____________________________ Have you ever had a blood clot? Yes No If yes, where and when? _______________________________________ Have you ever had phlebitis? Yes No If yes, which leg and when? ______________________________________ Have you ever had any test(s) done on your veins? Yes No If yes, when and what type of test and where on the leg? _____________________ __________________________________________________________________ Family Vein History Does anyone in your family have (or did have) varicose veins, spider veins, leg ulcers or swollen legs? Father Mother Brother(s) Sister(s) Other _________________ Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No 1 Symptoms Do you experience any of the following in your legs? Aching/pain? Yes No Heaviness? Yes No Tiredness/fatigue? Yes No Itching/burning? Yes No Swollen ankles? Yes No Leg cramps? Yes No Restless legs? Yes No Throbbing? Yes No Other?__________________________________________________________________ Have your veins gotten worse in recent months? Yes No Describe: ________________________________________________________________ Do you take any medication for pain or discomfort in your legs? (i.e., Advil, Motrin) Yes No If yes, what medication do you take and how many times/mgs per day? ________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Do you elevate your legs to relieve discomfort? Yes No If yes, how long per day do you elevate and does it provide relief? ______________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Does walking/exercise relieve your leg discomfort? Yes No Does walking/exercise make your leg discomfort worse? Yes No Do you exercise? Yes No If yes, what kind of exercise and how often? _________________________________________________________________________ Do you wear medical grade compression stockings? Yes No If yes, what type and gradient? How long have you worn them?____________________ _________________________________________________________________________ If yes, what is the name of the physician who prescribed your compression stockings and when were they prescribed? ___________________________________________________ Do you wear light support hose (i.e., Sheer Energy)? If yes, do they provide relief? Yes Yes No No What type of work do you do? ______________________________________________________ How long do you stand (hours per day) at work? ______________ At home?_____________ Please be specific and describe how your symptoms are interfering with your activities of daily living: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2 Past Medical History Do you have a history of? ___Anemia ___Atherosclerosis ___Ankle skin changes ___Bleeding/Blood disorder ___Cancer ___Chest pain or discomfort ___Crohn’s disease/IBS ___Constipation ___Deep Vein Thrombosis/Clot ___Diabetes ___Easy bruising ___Hepatitis ___HIV ___Other__________________________ ___Hypertension ___Kidney disease ___Leg ulcers ___Liver disease ___Lupus ___Migraine headaches ___Myocardial Infarction ___Mitral Valve Prolapse ___Pulmonary Embolus ___Rupture of a vein ___Superficial Thrombophlebitis ___Trauma to your legs Please list any surgeries or injuries you have had. ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Family History Is there a history in your family of venous disease, deep venous thrombosis, stroke, clotting disorders or heart disease? ___Mom _______________________ ___Siblings _______________________ ___Dad ________________________ ___Aunt/Uncle ____________________ ___Grandparents _________________ ___Child _________________________ Social History Who do you live with? __________________ What do/did you do for a living? __________________ Activity level? ____Very active ____ Some activity ____ Sedentary Do you smoke? ___yes ___no If yes, how much? _____________ for how long? _________________ If no, did your ever smoke? _______ When did you quit? _____________________________ Review of Systems Are you currently experiencing or recently experienced any of the following? Please mark yes or no. Cardiovascular: Yes Pulmonary: No Chest pain, pressure Tightness or heaviness in your chest Any of the above with exertion Irregular heart beat High cholesterol Shortness of breath Coughing up blood Asthma or tuberculosis Pneumonia or pleurisy Cough Patient Signature: __________________________________________Date:______________________ 3