Video Production Timeline

By: Kelli Jack
1872 - 1877
series of photographs can be viewed
by stroboscopic disc.
 George
Eastman invents flexible
photographic film
 Thomas
Edison patents motion picture
 Edison
attempts to record picture photos
onto a wax cylinder
1891 - 1895
 Dickson
shoots numerous 15 second
motion pictures using Edison’s
kinetograph, his motion picture camera
 First
public demonstration of motion
pictures displayed in France
 Development
of Cathode Ray Tube
Ferdinand Braun
 Use
of Cathode Ray Tube to produce
television images
 Patent
for the iconoscope, the forerunner
of the picture tube.
 Talking
films begin with Al Jolson in "The
Jazz Singer".
Early 1930s
conducts black and white
broadcasting experiments.
 First
television broadcast made available
in London.
 Initial
proposal for color TV broadcast
made by George Valensi.
There were fewer than 7,000 working TV sets in the
country and only nine stations on the air; three in
New York, two each in Chicago and Los Angeles,
and one each in Philadelphia and Schenectady,
RCA symbol RCA that same month holds its first
public demonstration of a new TV camera offering a
sharper image than those then in use.
Near the end of October, Gimbel's Department Store
in Philadelphia holds the first large-scale TV
demonstration. More than 25,000 people come over
three weeks for a chance to watch NBC programs
from New York and local shows sent out by Philco's
Philadelphia station.
Kraft Television Theater
The Blue Network, part of NBC, officially
becomes the ABC network. A 1941 FCC ruling required RCA to
divest itself of one of its two networks; NBC Blue was sold in 1943 to
Edward Noble for $8 million, and becomes ABC in 1945.
NBC and Gillette stage what's billed as the first "television sports
extravaganza" -- the Joe Louis-Billy Conn heavyweight fight at
Yankee Stadium -- in June. The fight is a viewing success with an
estimated audience of 150,000 watching 5,000 sets. For every TV set
tuned into the fight, there are, on average, 30 people watching,
many seeing an event on TV for the first time.
In October, the Television Broadcasters Association declares
"television is ready to proceed on an expanded basis," and that the
new industry is "well on the way to becoming one of the most
important in the nation."
"Howdy Doody," a children's series, premieres live on
NBC in December as a one-hour Saturday program.
Symbolic of the first generation nurtured on TV, the show
remains on the air until 1960.
In May, live theater equivalent to the Broadway stage
comes to TV on a regular, commercially sponsored basis
with the premiere of "Kraft Television Theatre."
In March, FCC postpones final decisions on Color TV but
reaffirms a go-ahead on existing standards.
NBC debuts "Meet the Press," a kind of made-for-TV news
conference. It goes on to become the oldest series on
network TV.
The Ed Sullivan Show "The Ed Sullivan Show" (originally "Toast of the Town") makes its debut in
June. Sponsored by Lincoln-Mercury, the show becomes one of TV's longest-running and
most successful variety series. The show airs on CBS into 1971, spurring the advancement of
scores of show business careers.
Advertisers accept the medium: Throughout the year, 933 sponsors buy TV time, a rise of
515% over 1947.
By the fall, FCC has issued 108 licenses for new stations, with hundreds more applications
pending across the nation.
The earliest cable systems are born in remote areas of Pennsylvania and Oregon. Known
then as Community Antenna Television, its function was simply to bring TV signals into
communities where off-air reception was either non-existent or poor because of interfering
mountains or distance.
George Burns And Gracie Allen
B.F. Goodrich sponsors the new TV series of radio
comedy team George Burns and Gracie Allen.
Milton Berle Milton Berle makes his TV debut in September as the master of ceremonies on
"The Texaco Star Theater," which runs until 1956. By November, Mr. Berle is so popular the
show earns the highest rating yet -- 86.7% of all TV households.
By January, number of TV stations grows to 98 in 58 market areas.
A special broadcast in January inaugurates East-Midwest TV linkage. Included in the
broadcast is a one-hour sampler with the networks displaying their best: Arthur Godfrey for
CBS, Ted Steele for DuPont, Milton Berle and Harry Richman for NBC, and for ABC a mystery
show called "Stand By for Crime." The event moves Chicago Tribune to report: "The end of
dull sustaining filler on television screens appears to be in sight."
FCC adopts the Fairness Doctrine, making broadcasters responsible for seeking out and
presenting all sides of an issue when covering controversy. (Earlier in the Communications
Act of 1934 broadcasters were required to give "equal air time" to candidates running in
U.S. Dept. of Commerce confirms TV's selling power when it reports in May: "Television's
combination of moving pictures, sound and immediacy produces an impact that extends
television as an advertising medium into the realm of personal sales solicitation."
Betty Furness starts pitching refrigerators and appliances in TV spots for Westinghouse,
launching a relationship that lasts more than 11 years and makes her one of the first stars
created for commercial TV.
 Arthur
Godfrey In January, Arthur
Godfrey and Faye Emerson are named
most pleasing personalities in Look's TV
awards show on CBS.
 National sponsors exit radio for TV at
record rates, moving Variety to describe
the exodus as "the greatest exhibition of
mass hysteria in biz annals."
Alistair Cooke "Omnibus," one of commercial TV's most honored
cultural series, debuts. Hosted by Alistair Cooke, the program takes
in $5.5 million in advertising revenues during five years on the air,
against $8.5 million in costs.
"I Love Lucy," a half-hour filmed TV sitcom, is born. The show, unlike
the live TV productions typical of the time, ranks No. 1 in the nation
for four of its first six full seasons. It is sponsored by Philip Morris.
Love Lucy
CBS broadcasts the first color program on June 21, but only 25
receivers can accommodate mechanical color. Viewers of 12
million existing sets see only a blank screen.
"Hallmark Hall of Fame" series launches in December with "Amahl
and the Night Visitors."
National Association of Radio & Television Broadcasters ratifies a new Television Code
establishing guidelines for content and addressing the concerns of social critics. Nearly half
the code is devoted to advertising.
In response to protests about program content, a House subcommittee investigates
"offensive" and "immoral" TV programs and touches on wide range of topics -- from beer
spots to dramas depicting suicide.
Bob Hope takes his comedy from radio to TV when "The Bob Hope Show" debuts in October.
Elsie the Cow
Borden's Elsie the Cow beats out actor Van Johnson and U.S. Sen.
Robert Taft in recognition polls as one of America's most familiar faces.
NBC's "Today" show, first and longest-running early-morning network show, bows with host
Dave Garroway and chimpanzee sidekick J. Fred Muggs.
By year's end, the number of TV households grows to 20 million, up 33% from previous year.
U.S. advertisers spend a record $288 million on TV time, an increase of 38.8% from 1951.
 Color
broadcasting officially arrives in the
U.S. on Dec. 17, when FCC approves
modified version of an RCA system.
The "Captain Kangaroo"
the first network kids show, begins on CBS.
The Hamm's bear is introduced in a TV spot that
initially runs as a sequel to a 1953 Hamm's
commercial that featured beavers beating on tomtoms.Hamms Bear
The first color commercial televised in a local show
was commissioned in March by Castro Decorators,
New York, in a contract with WNBT. It was first telecast
on Aug. 6.
 Steve
NBC launches "The
Tonight Show," featuring comedian Steve
Allen, on Sept. 27. For nearly four decades
-- until CBS' "Late Show With David
Letterman" enters the scene in 1993 -- the
show dominates late night.
 In April, groundwork is laid for the
Television Advertising Bureau. For the first
time, television is the leading medium for
national advertising.
Immensely popular daytime radio show "Queen For A Day" shifts to TV in
January. Between radio and TV, the show had a run of nearly 20 years,
although widely criticized as an exploitation of human misery, wrapped in
commercial plugs. At the peak of popularity, NBC increased the show's length
from 30 to 45 minutes to gain time to sell at the premium ad rate of $4,000 per
Future U.S. President Ronald Reagan becomes host of "General Electric
Theater," long-running anthology series on CBS (1953-61) in which many top
Hollywood film stars appeared.
One of NBC's perennial specials -- "Peter Pan" with Mary Martin and Cyril
Richard -- first telecast in March as a live production. It's billed as the first
network presentation of a full Broadway production. Videotape later makes it
possible to present the show annually for several years.
The classic Western series "Gunsmoke" begins its 20-year run on CBS. "The
$64,000 Question," sponsored by Revlon, premieres in June on CBS, igniting a
U.S. game show craze.
Videotape is introduced by Ampex Corp. at a
CBS-TV affiliates' session. Most TV shows at the
time are produced by the kinescope process.
The 1939 movie "Wizard of Oz" debuts in
November on CBS's "Ford Star Jubilee." After
more than three decades of exposure, the
feature is considered one of the most
successful single programs in TV history and
the longest continually sponsored theatrical
movie on TV.
 Digital
satellite dishes that are only 18
inches in diameter hit the market. They
become the biggest selling electronic
item in history next to the VCR.
Flat screen TV's & HDTV are the "In" thing of the
year. Almost all televisions sold are now flat LCD
and Plasma screens. Some are only a few inches
thick. Large screen Plasma and LCD TV's are also
well within the reach of the average consumer. A
42" Plasma screen retails for as low as $1400.00
with prices getting lower as the year progresses. Hi
Definition TV's, (known as HDTV) are also the big
seller for 2005. A 42" Plasma HDTV usually retails for
$4500.00 - $7000.00. Some new 42" TV's even sell for
as low as $999.00. By 2006 all television stations will
switch to a HiDef broadcast.
Click Here for more information on HDTV
3D movies and 3D television sets arrive. It started with
James Cameron's blockbuster "Avatar". 3D has been
around for decades, but this time it seems as though it is
here to stay. Numerous movies have come out and all TV
manufactures have released high definition 3D sets.
Instead of those funky red/green cardboard glasses
you now wear a modern hi-tech LCD pair that let's you
watch the new sets with incredible clarity. Never before has
3D been so vivid. The images truly appear to jump off of the
New 3D Blu-ray players have also been introduced so you
can watch your favorite movie (as soon as it's released on
disc) in 3D at home. Several cable stations and networks
are starting to deliver programs in 3D.
 The
history of Film, Television, and Video