High School to College Presentation

By: Liz Diaz
Texas Common Course
Numbering System
 Effort among Texas colleges and universities to
improve the transfer of general academic
 Provides a shared, uniform set of course
numbers to determine course equivalency of
transfer credit in Texas.
 Most colleges have replaced their course
numbering system with TCCNS designations.
Policies of the Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board
 Each public institution must identify at least
42 semester credit hours of academic courses
that fulfill their Core Curriculum.
 A student who successfully completes the
entire Core Curriculum at one institution may
transfer those courses to meet the core
requirements at the receiving institution.
Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board (cont.)
 An institution may deny the transfer of credit in
courses in which a student received a grade of a
 No university shall be required to accept in
transfer or toward a degree, more than 66 credit
hours of academic credits earned at a college.
Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board (cont.)
Excess Credit Hours Rule
 Students first enrolled in Fall 2006 or later will
be charged additional fees for attempted
college credit hours above the 30 hour cap.
 Attempted hours includes classes that were
dropped, repeated or not needed on a degree
plan except for developmental, technical or
dual enrollment courses.
EX: 120 hours + 30 hours = 150 hours
Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board (cont.)
Six Course Drop Rule
 Applies to students first enrolled in Fall 2007 or
 An institution may not permit a student to drop
more than 6 courses. Includes any course
dropped at other institutions except for dual
enrollment or developmental classes.
 After the student has reached the drop limit,
s(he) will not be allowed to drop a course.
How Credits Transfer
 General Education Credits – Meet the core
curriculum requirements for many degrees;
include courses in English, history, science, and
 Field of Study Courses – Meet the lower level
requirements for the major at the receiving
 Elective Credits – Courses that count towards
completing the total number of credits needed
for a degree.
Articulation Agreements
STC and several universities have
established Articulation
Agreements to develop and
maintain transfer options for
students. These partnerships allow a
smooth transition from STC into
baccalaureate programs.
STC has Articulation Agreements with
Several Universities Including:
 Midwestern State University
 Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi
 Texas A&M University – Kingsville
 Texas State University – San Marcos
 UT – Brownsville
 UT – Dallas
 UT – San Antonio
 UT – Pan American
 University of Houston – Clear Lake
Transferability of Courses
To find out if a course will
transfer from South Texas
College to another Texas college
or university, go to:
 Program that provides STC students an
opportunity to meet with representatives from
 Students receive information about academic
programs, applications, and brochures.
Step 1: Find Out Which
Universities Offer Your Major
Search for institutions using the following web sites:
o www.your-college-search.com
o www.collegeforalltexans.com
Step 2: Consider These Factors
 Location – in Texas or out-of-state
 Size – small (less than 5,000), medium
(5,000 – 10,000) and large (10,000+).
 Public or Private – Public institutions
are supported by state tax dollars.
Private institutions are independent and
 Costs – Tuition costs in Texas can
range from $1,500 to over $20,000 per
semester. Also, housing costs (dorm or
apartment) can vary.
Step 3: Learn About the Admission
 Deadlines for Admissions, Financial Aid
and Housing
 Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA)
 Additional Requirements for Major
 Test Scores
Step 4: Find Out About
Financial Assistance
 FAFSA – Federal student aid that
includes grants, loans and workstudy.
 Scholarships – Based on merit,
need or athletic criteria; funded by
universities, departments,
companies and alumni.
 Veterans’ Programs – Students
who have served in the U.S. armed
forces may be eligible for
educational benefits.
Step 5: Plan Ahead
 Admissions Application – Deadlines vary.
Usually the larger the institution, the earlier
the date.
 Financial Aid – Awarded on an academic
year basis. Complete the FAFSA early for
the upcoming academic year.
 Scholarships – Generally have an earlier
deadline than for grants or loans.
Step 6: Complete and Send
 Admissions Application & Fee
 Financial Aid/Scholarship Applications
 Official College Transcript & High School
Transcript (if required)
 Test Scores – TSI, THEA, Accuplacer, ACT
or SAT
 Housing Application (if applicable)
Step 7: Get Organized
 Keep Records – Make copies of
everything you submit. When you talk with
someone on the phone, note the name,
date, and the subject matter.
 Develop a Backup Plan – In case you
aren’t admitted, the financial aid doesn’t
work out, or you change your mind.
Step 8: Be Successful
• Learn about student support services and where
they are located.
Set up a daily schedule and stick to it.
If you’re attending classes full time, try to limit
your hours at work.
Develop good study habits.
Talk to your instructors if you have any concerns
about your classes.