Looking Back This Month (December)

Looking Back This Month
Quote of Note
“Glory lives only when the past is remembered”
Author – British Prime Minister John Major
Local History
In December 1961, the citizens of Schertz passed its first bond issue ever and thereby
approved the building of a city-wide sanitary sewer system. The general obligation bond
provided for $350 thousand dollars for construction of the system.
Texas History
On December 29, 1845, the U.S. Congress approves, and President James K. Polk signs,
the Joint Resolution for the Admission of the State of Texas into the Union, Texas became
the 28th state. The Texas and Pacific Railroad reached Sierra Blanca in West Texas, about
30 miles east of El Paso, Texas.
Presented by the Schertz Historical Preservation Committee in the interest of historical perspective
and community awareness of local historical legacies.