Dr. Seuss's Amendment Picture Book

Dr. Seuss's
Amendment Picture Book
A tribute to Dr. Seuss
By Sarah Basile, Jenny Pedersen, Ava
Scott, Riley Byrd, and Brendan Farah
Table of Content
Title ……………………………………………….…….Page 1
Table of Content……………………………....…..Page 2
1st Amendment…………………………………..…Page 3
2nd Amendment………………………………….…Page 4
3rd Amendment…………………………..…………Page 5
4th Amendment……………………………………..Page 6
5th Amendment……………………………………..Page 7
6th Amendment……………………………………..Page 8
7th Amendment……………………………………..Page 9
8th Amendment……………………….......…….Page 10
9th Amendment…………………………………..Page 11
10th Amendment………………….…………….Page 11
11th Amendment……………………..………….Page 12
12th Amendment…………………………………Page 12
13th Amendment…………………………………Page 13
14th Amendment………………………………...Page 15
15th Amendment…………………………………Page 14
16th Amendment…………………………………Page 16
17th Amendment…………………………………Page 17
18th Amendment………………………………..Page 18
19th Amendment………………………………..Page 29
20th Amendment………………………………..Page 20
21st Amendment………………………………..Page 21
22nd Amendment………………………………..Page 22
23rd Amendment…………………………………Page 23
24th Amendment…………………………….…..Page 24
25th Amendment………………………………...Page 25
26th Amendment……………………………….Page 23
27th Amendment…………………………..……Page 26
Glossary ………………………..…………Page 27-28
Citations………….…………………………Page 29-30
The 1st Amendment
Oh the places you go,
The things you say,
The First Amendment
Says that’s okay.
When Mac spoke up
To the king of all turtles
Mac could say all he wanted
To King Yurtle.
The Whos celebrated Christmas
though the Grinch tried to ruin it.
We can practice any religion we want
thanks to the First Amendment.
We’ve all been to parades
and presentations for school too
thanks to the First Amendment
these things we can continue to do.
The 2nd Amendment
Amendment two says
You have the
Right to bear arms,
So you can have a
Weapon to protect
You from all harm.
The 3rd Amendment
When smog was dumped
Into Lake Erie
The fish had to leave
And were very weary.
The 3rd Amendment
Prevents soldiers in our home
So we don’t have to leave
Just like the fish and their domes.
The 4th Amendment
The fish was right
To have the Cat go away
But the Cat in the Hat
Played anyways.
The 4th Amendment says
The Cat cannot barge in to play
Or can’t search the house
Without a warrant for the day.
The 5th Amendment
Amendment 5 says the government
can’t just take your land.
They need to pay for it. Land is precious.
Just ask the Lorax. He’ll understand.
When the sun gets up,
The citizens jump,
There’s a grand jury today
That they can’t delay
Amendment 5
Wakes them up
With a jive,
Protects Americans from double jeopardy,
And for all to have a big party!
Self-incrimination doesn’t have to happen
The prosecution doesn’t have to leave
Unless it is absolutely voluntary.
One cannot be
Deprived of life or liberty
Or property
Without due process of law.
The 6th Amendment
Amendment 6 states
That we have the right
To fair a trial
That won’t take awhile.
Like in Go, Dog, Go!
When they drive in their cars.
When accused of a crime you have the right to
a lawyer
No matter who you are.
If no one wants to be
a witness for you
You can force them
You tell them what to do.
The charges you are given
Must be told to you
Or else
Your argument won’t be true.
The 7th Amendment
Amendment 7 says
Everyone has the right to trial by jury
Makes a professional decision
In a hurry
Just as fast as Go, Dog, Go!
The trial begins now!
Ready, set go!
The 8th Amendment
Amendment 8
Is really great
It protects you
And others too
From unreasonable punishments
From bad mistakes.
The 9th and 10th
Amendment 10 gives people the
As does Amendment Nine.
Nine gives some power to the states
It’s that just divine?
The 11th and 12th
Amendment 11
Says you can’t sue another state
Because you won’t be able
To put up a debate.
Amendment 12
Is about presidential elections
That makes electors meet
in their own state
To vote for representatives
And then celebrate
Once they have won
And are number one.
The 13th Amendment
Amendment 13
Says no more slavery
You don’t have to work for anyone
Unless its voluntarily.
The poor dog has to
Work for the Grinch
No matter what.
But Amendment 13
Had the chains of slaves cut.
The 15th Amendment
The Sneeches divided themselves
by whose bellies had stars
Amendment 15 says you can’t be
no matter how different you are.
The 14th Amendment
Amendment 14 defines citizenship and
protects citizens rights
We all have equal protection of laws
Making it easier to sleep at night.
When we are born in the glamorous
“I’m a United States citizen!”
Is something you can say.
The 16th Amendment
Amendment 16 approves the income
So the federal ship can stay afloat
And keep our government
With the Federal Reserve notes.
The 17th Amendment
Amendment 17 says the Senators get
elected directly
Not just appointed by their state
That way we can inaugurate.
The 18th Amendment
Everyone knows the story
Of Sam-I-Am,
And how he tried to get his friend
To eat green eggs and ham
But he said no just like the
In the U.S. alcohol ban.
The 19th Amendment
Amendment 18 give equality
To women and their voting rights
So Cindy Lu Who can
Celebrate tonight.
The 20th Amendment
Amendment number 20 says the
president starts to work on 20th of
Congress on the 3rd
That way we can keep law word-forword.
The 21st Amendment
In Amendment 21
Alcohol was back
It was no longer illegal
In the brown paper sack
It’s like in Green Eggs and Ham
When he finally said,
“I do. I do like them Sam-I-Am.”
The 22nd Amendment
Amendment 22 says the president
can’t be
Elected more than two times
Or he will be
Committing a crime.
The 23rd and 26th
Amendment 23
gives the right to vote
To the District of Columbia
And all those folks.
Amendment 26 moves
The voting age down
To eighteen
Without a frown.
The 24th Amendment
Amendment 24 says
You don’t have to pay to vote
Everybody has a say no matter
How much bling you tote.
The 25th Amendment
Amendment 25 says
If the president dies
We don’t have to compromise
Because the vice president is next in
The 27th Amendment
Amendment 26 moves
The voting age down
To eighteen
Without a frown.
Amendment- a change to the Constitution
Petition-a formal written request, typically one signed by many people appealing to authority with respect
to a particular cause.
Warrant-an order from a judge that authorizes police or other officials to take certain action, such as
searching someone’s property.
Congress-the law making body for the United States
Inaugurate-Is the operation of starting a practice or operation
Senators-representatives in the Senate. There are two senators for each state in the Senate.
Federal-pertaining to or of the nature of a union of states under a central government distinct from the
individual governments of the separate states
Federal Reserve-The federal authority in the US that performs the functions of a central bank and is used
to implement the countries monetary
Slavery-the treatment of people as property for the purpose of forcing them to do labor.
Trial-a judicial examination of issues of fact or law disputed by parties for the purpose of determining the
right of the parties
Jury- a group of persons sworn to render a verdict or true answer on a question or questions officially
submitted to them.
grand jury hearing- A grand jury, which normally consists of 16 to 23 members, has a more
specialized function. The United States attorney, the prosecutor in federal criminal cases, presents
evidence to the grand jury for them to determine whether there is "probable cause" to believe that an
individual has committed a crime and should be put on trial. If the grand jury decides there is
enough evidence, it will issue an indictment against the defendant. Grand jury proceedings are not
open for public observation.
double jeopardy-when you’re tried for the same crime twice
Self-incrimination-the act of giving testimony that can be used against oneself
Prosecution-the party instituting or conducting legal proceeding against someone in a lawsuit.
due process of law-the administration of justice according to established rules and principles.
Witness-a person who gives testimony, as in a court of law.
Charges-to make an accusation against someone in order to bring to trial
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