Training Powerpoint for Returning CAs

Welcome to REFRESHER
C.A.S.H. Advisor Training
Thank you for Volunteering
Please sign in
Take a Training Manual and Handouts
Write your name on a tent card
Show ID to instructor
Welcome and Introductions
Brief C.A.S.H. Overview
C.A.S.H. – What’s New
Volunteer Standards of Conduct
Review the C.A.S.H. tools & CA.S.H.
Advisor Conversation
Sign up for Shifts & Training Evaluation
Welcome & Introductions
Please tell us about yourself:
• Name
• Career interest and/or hobbies
• How did you hear about C.A.S.H.?
• Your expectations
All About C.A.S.H.
Every year, we:
• Recruit & Train nearly 500 Volunteers
• Serve approximately 15,000 low-income
• Help families receive over $25 Million in tax
refunds & credits
• Connect families to community programs,
savings plans, and more
C.A.S.H. 2015 Accomplishments
Since 2002
Households Served
$ Total Returns (including EIC)
$ EIC Benefit Returns
# Volunteers Recruited & Trained
Bank/Direct Deposit Cards
US Savings Bonds Purchased
Tax Preparation Fees Saved
(Avg $250 tax prep fee)
$3,887,750 $36,653,250.
Tips for C.A.S.H. Advisor
Wear casual clothing in line with clients
Arrive early to familiarize yourself with site activity
& pick up weekly news
Wear name tag
Check accordion file for completeness
Be aware of representative/services available during
your shift (interpreters, credit counselors, health
insurance reps)
• If you are working the early shift, begin serving clients
as soon as possible.
Tips for C.A.S.H. Advisor
• Strive to serve 4 clients per hour (average of 15
minutes each). This allows us to cut waiting times
and keep the flow of clients smooth
Tips for C.A.S.H. Advisor
• LISTEN to the client. Use open-ended questions. A
bit of silence is OK
• Do NOT answer questions beyond your scope of
training. Refer ALL tax questions to quality reviewers
or the site manager
• When in doubt – consult your site manager
• Do NOT send anyone away before checking with
your Site Manager
Tips for C.A.S.H. Advisor
• If your availability changes, update schedule on
Volunteer Hub and inform site manager.
(Need help with Volunteer Hub? Call Tracy: 295-5733)
• No clients to meet?
– Help keep areas neat (chairs, toys, paper, trash, snow , etc.)
– Ask the site manager what needs to be done
C.A.S.H. Site Process
C.A.S.H. Staff Contact Information:
Berta Rivera
Tracy Merlau
Susan Bonkowski 295-5805
Volunteer Related Information:
Online Training
Volunteer Hub:
C.A.S.H. Website:
New for 2016
Super Site Locations:
Rochester (Irondequoit + Downtown) NOW ONE HUGE
SITE– Volunteers of America, 214 Lake Avenue (FRONT of
building) double capacity of site managers and volunteers
Henrietta – Kohl’s Plaza (south end, nearest Jefferson Rd.)
New for 2016
C.A.S.H. Super Site Staff and Contact Info
Super Site
Octavio Garcia
Vinie Murphy
Jim Unckless
Gracie Jackson
Asst. Managers
Dave Garretson
Paula Keneally
Tina Bowen
Site Phone Numbers
(Staff available: MonThurs 8am-9pm)
Fri & Sat 8 am -6 pm
Ellen Oberton
Karen Cofield
Cora Jones
(Staff available: Mon-Thu:
Norma Cummings
1pm-6pm), Fri 10-6 pm,
Sat 8am-6 pm)
New for 2016
Partner Sites:
Not Returning in 2016: Heart and Soul Community Church
• Returning Partner Sites
• MCC - Damon Campus (Self-Prep
only) *
• OACES Adult Learning Ctr (Self-Prep
only) *
• Genesee Co-op Federal Credit Union • SEIU 1199
• SUNY Brockport & Drop-off at
• Heritage Christian Services, Inc. *
• Action for a Better Community, Inc.
• Veterans Outreach (Self-Prep only)
• * = Not open to public
What else for 2016?
• Open Mon. Jan. 25 – April 15
• Henrietta site open earlier on Fridays (11 am – 5 pm)
• No appointments again this year (with one exception)*.
• Two Sunday Events for specific groups (not public)
• Work with group homes using drop-off model
• FAST@CASH is now called “Self Prep service”
• GED test replaced with TASC test. Generic term: High
School Equivalency
*Clients who opt for drop-off, but whose return is not
eligible: Drop-off Coordinator will schedule appt.
New for 2016
• NEW Drop-off option at all Super Sites (to address long
wait times)
• New volunteer position of Drop-off Coordinator (DOC)
• Screens interested clients for eligibility
• Makes future appointments if ineligible for drop-off
• Conducts CASH Advisor conversation
• Collects and scans document
• Advises re. pick-up
New for 2016
Continuing “Save Your Refund” Promotion
• $100 weekly prize drawing for taxpayers who split their
• $25,000 Grand Prize at end of season
• Great tool to encourage clients to save
• NO scratch-off cards (last year at Downtown only)
New for 2016
Changes to Intake Paperwork
• IRS Intake Sheet adds questions about Affordable
Health Care coverage.
• No NEW health insurance documentation required
for TY 2015
• If client has 1098 T form (Tuition Statement), they
must have a student billing statement for each
form. (available through their online student
accounts and can be printed at the site.)
New for 2016
Changes to Intake Paperwork (cont.)
• New Consumer Related Problems
question (#22 on C.A.S.H. Intake) with
additional sheet to fill out--in accordion
file-- if there are problems. (p. 34 in
New for 2016
• Client must have all required forms before tax
preparer will begin.
• New “cheat sheet” for CASH Advisors on types of
taxable income.
• Using ESL Pre-paid card - $3 monthly fee.
• No more NYS Pre-paid card.
New for 2016
• All clients and dependents must bring acceptable
forms of ID & social security cards or they will be
turned away.
• SS#s printed on W2 forms IS NO LONGER ENOUGH!
• Accepted forms of verification: Original, copy of SS card
and any government issued letter or statement with SS
number listed.
• If no cards, give instruction sheet on how to get card(s) and
tell them to come back with cards (takes <10 days)
• Clients were informed of this on post cards, CASH
brochure, and large signs at front of site.
Standards of Conduct
IRS Standards of Conduct
1. I will follow the Quality Site Requirements
2. I will not accept payment or solicit donations
for tax return preparation.
3. I will not solicit business from clients, nor
make personal use of anything I learn about
4. I will not knowingly prepare false returns.
5. I will not be dishonest, nor engage in any
conduct which could have a negative effect on
the VITA/TCE Programs.
6. I will treat all taxpayers in a professional,
courteous, and respectful manner.
IRS Standards of Conduct
1. I will follow the Quality Site Requirements
Four QSR Requirements apply to C.A.S.H. Advisors:
• All volunteers must complete VSC training and pass the
VSC test (That’s what you are doing now) QSR #1
• All volunteers must use the IRS interview / intake
process and forms (We all do) QSR #2
• All volunteers must pass the VSC test and complete
form 13615 (That’s what you will do 10 minutes from now) QSR #5
• Guidelines discussed in Publication 4299 must be
followed (Confidentiality – we’ll cover it in today’s session) QSR #10
IRS Standards of Conduct
2. I will not accept payment, nor solicit
donations for tax return preparation.
• Volunteers CANNOT accept gifts or payment from clients
• C.A.S.H. does not accept payments or donations at any of our sites.
• Those who wish to support C.A.S.H. can visit our website to learn
how to make a donation
• To clients who insist on showing their gratitude, tell them cookies,
brownies and pizza are always welcome and appreciated by
C.A.S.H. volunteers!
IRS Standards of Conduct
3. I will not solicit business from clients, nor
make personal use of anything I learn
about them.
• No Avon books, no church literature, no selling for your
kid’s fundraisers, no business cards
• No contacting clients for any reason unrelated to C.A.S.H.
IRS Standards of Conduct
4. I will not knowingly prepare false
• Does not directly apply to C.A.S.H. Advisors, but --• EVERYBODY at C.A.S.H. is responsible for preparation of
accurate & honest tax returns.
• Do not assist clients in attempts to fraudulently increase their
• If you suspect a client is providing false information, notify
your Site Manager.
IRS Standards of Conduct
5. I will not be dishonest, nor engage in any
conduct which could have a negative effect
on the VITA/TCE Programs.
• Every penny of the client’s refund must go directly to
the client, whether by check mailed to their address
or direct-deposited into their own account.
• All C.A.S.H. volunteers must be citizens or legal
residents of the United States.
IRS Standards of Conduct
6. I will treat all taxpayers in a professional,
courteous, and respectful manner.
• Tax preparation can be stressful for our clients, and
wait times can be long. Some clients will be impatient
and testy. Be calm and helpful.
• Treat every C.A.S.H. client like a “paying customer”
• At all times, protect the client’s confidential
information. Do not discuss their situation in a voice
loud enough to be heard by other clients. Do not
leave client paperwork sitting out unattended.
All information
you receive from taxpayers in
your volunteer capacity
is strictly confidential
and should not be disclosed
to unauthorized individuals.
IRS Standards of Conduct
Failure to comply with IRS conduct
standards could result in:
• Ending your participation at C.A.S.H.
• Termination of C.A.S.H.’s partnership with IRS
• Loss of C.A.S.H.’s funding
• Permanent shut-down of C.A.S.H.
• Criminal Investigation
Standards of Conduct Test
Take the test on Page 26. Let the instructor know when you are finished. This
is an open book test. You are free to refer to information in the booklet.
Question: Refer to:
1) Page 5, 7
2) Inside Front Cover
3) Inside Front Cover
4) Page 7, top example
5) Page 25, Answer 3
6) Page 24, “Summary of the Intake/Interview and Quality Review Process”
7) Page 21, “Greet the Taxpayer”
8) Page 24, “Summary of the Intake/Interview and Quality Review Process”
9) Page 3, “QSR #2 Intake and Interview Process”
10) Page 23, “The Quality Review Process”
Please show your
test & Photo ID to instructor
Complete Form 13615, sign it, and give to
Let’s look at the training manual,
beginning on page 6
“The Conversation”
The C.A.S.H. Advisor Conversation
is your main job… make it great!
• Be Friendly – Put your client at ease
• Be Thorough – Pay attention to details
• Be Quick – Complete at least 4 per hour
“At a Glance” Guide to the C.A.S.H
Advisor Conversation is always at
your fingertips
• Page 23-24 of your manual
• Front pocket of your Accordion File
C.A.S.H. Advisor Tools & Materials
• Client Paperwork (White & Salmon)
• Disclosure & Use Consent Form (White)
• CLIENT Envelope
• C.A.S.H. Envelope (cover sheet stapled on)
• Guide to Community Resources
• Accordion File
C.A.S.H. Advisor Tools & Materials
Client’s Paperwork
The client is given paperwork to complete.
The paperwork consist of 2 documents:
The “C.A.S.H. Questionnaire,” 3 pages, printed on
WHITE paper
Form 13614-C, Intake/Interview & Quality Review
Sheet, designed and mandated by the IRS, 4 pages,
printed on SALMON paper
NOTE if client prints forms at home before visit, both will
be white!
C.A.S.H. Advisor Tools & Materials
Client’s Paperwork
CASH Questionnaire (White) Client Interests and Needs
• Top of Page 1: Income Eligibility
• Page 1: Glance for clues of Client’s needs
Q13 – Q 22: Client's interests, opportunities for Asset
Q23 & Checklist on Page 3: Volunteer Use
C.A.S.H. Advisor Tools & Materials
Client’s Paperwork
Form 13614-C (Salmon) IRS Intake Form
Page 1: Name, marital status, address, dependents
• Page 2 & 3: Income, expenses & life circumstances
Page 4 : disregard
6 Steps in C.A.S.H.
Advisor Conversation:
1. Preparing for the Conversation & Introduction.
2. Checking eligibility & documentation.
3. Signing the Consent Forms.
4. Connecting the client to Community Resources
5. Encouraging Direct Deposit and Asset Building.
6. Completing the checklist, closing, and escorting
the client to their next location.
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 1: Preparing for the Conversation & Introduction:
(See pages 6-7 of CASH Advisor Manual)
• Get next client’s packet from Front Desk Manager.
• BRIEFLY Review paperwork to prepare for the
• Go to waiting area and introduce yourself to client.
• Take client to your work station.
• Explain your role and tell client that tax prep will follow.
• If client has urgent tax questions, DO NOT offer tax advice.
If necessary ask a Quality Reviewer or Site Manager for
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 2: Checking Eligibility and Documentation
(See pages 7 - 15 of CASH Advisor Manual)
Check Identification
– Photo ID
– Social Security cards and birth date for every
person on the tax return
– Double-check that client correctly copied
Social Security numbers onto the forms
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 2: Checking Eligibility and Documentation
(See pages 7 – 15 of CASH Advisor Manual)
• SS#s printed on W2 forms IS NO LONGER
• Need Social Security card for each person listed on
IRS Intake or another acceptable form of verification
(listed on next slide)
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 2: Checking Eligibility and Documentation
(See pages 7 – 15 of CASH Advisor Manual)
Acceptable SS verification documents:
Original or copy of Social Security Cards
Military ID with complete SS#
Form 1099‐SSA or Medicare Cards with suffixes A, TA, or WA
Any government issued letter or statement that lists the SS number
Replacement Social Security cards can be obtained in < 10 days. (give
client handout from Accordion file)
• Double‐check that Social Security numbers are
correctly written on the C.A.S.H. Intake Form, p. 3
Check Income Eligibility
• IRS Intake Sheet – Top of page 2 tells you which
income forms to see.
• Review W-2s,1099s -- total up income
CASH Eligibility:
• $40,000 or less without children
• $55,000 or less with children
Not sure about how to read the forms? Check the
Guide to Income Forms on Page 9 of manual, or in
the Front Pocket of your Accordion File and a “cheat
sheet showing what income is taxable
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 2: Checking Eligibility and Documentation
Check other eligibility criteria:
• ownership of a business
(OK if no employees & expenses less than $10,000)
• lived/worked outside NY State last year
• Military service last year
• “Yes” to any Page 2 questions on IRS (salmon)
intake form NOT identified as (A) or (B)
Any of the above –
Notify Site Manager
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 2: Checking Eligibility and Documentation
Special Situation: “Renters Credit”
• C.A.S.H. serves some very low income clients who
do not need to file a tax return, BUT are eligible to
claim the NY State “Renter’s Credit” or IT214.
• They often receive only non-taxable income such
as SSI or other public assistance
• If you believe a clients is ONLY coming to apply
for the Renter’s Credit, NOTIFY THE SITE
MANAGER, who will assess their eligibility so they
do not have to wait if they are not
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 2: Checking Eligibility and Documentation
Documentation of Expenses
Middle Section of Page 2 tells you which forms to see
Mortgage Interest
Real Estate Taxes
College Tuition*
Child Care Expenses
Closing papers for 2014 purchase of home
* If client has 1098 T form (Tuition
Statement), they must have a student billing
statement for each form. (available through
their online student accounts and can be
printed at the site.)
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 2: Checking Eligibility and Documentation
After checking Client’s forms & documents, organize them
for the tax preparer, and put into the CLIENT envelope.
Note “A” or “B’ (or other) on front of C.AS.H. Questionnaire
Notify Site Manager if “Yes” to any question which is NOT
identified as (A) or (B)
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 2: Checking Eligibility and Documentation
A client’s return is:
• B (Basic level) if ONLY (B) boxes are checked on Pages
2-3 of the IRS (salmon) intake form
A (Advanced level) if ANY (A) box is checked, Pages 2-3.
ONE Exception: If the only A box is #11—Distribution
from Pensions, it is still a B (basic) return if any number
appears in box #2a of their 1099R form. This is true for
most C.A.S.H. clients with pensions.
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 2: Checking Eligibility and Documentation
For ANY QUESTION about eligibility,
check with your Site Manager
• Don’t send away people we can help
• Don’t have someone not eligible waiting
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 2: Checking Eligibility and Documentation
Missing documents?
• Some documents are available on line
(see Guide to Online documents, p. 11
of Manual)
• Client may use on-site computer to
access them
• All documents must be there before tax
preparer starts
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 2: Checking Eligibility and Documentation
If client can’t wait, or has missing
documents, and must leave:
• Complete the C.A.S.H. Advisor Conversation
• Ask client to return when paperwork is complete
• DO NOT keep any of the client’s paperwork.
- Give client BOTH envelopes to bring when they return.
- Write “C.A.S.H. Advisor Completed” on the envelope.
- Tell client to show this note to Front Desk Manager when
they return.
NOTE: wait time is not
decreased but just split for
clients who return
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 3: Signing the Consent Forms
(Page 15 of CASH Advisor Manual)
• Privacy:
– We do not share client’s identity unless they ask us to
have someone contact them
• Disclosure Consent allows us to:
– Combine client data with others for reports to our funders
(we need funding to provide free C.A.S.H. services)
• Use Consent allows us to:
– Share information with clients about community
resources & asset building
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 3: Signing the Consent Forms
• If client is eligible, C.A.S.H. will prepare their tax
return, regardless of whether consent is granted.
• Please ENCOURAGE Consent
– Data is essential to continue funding for C.A.S.H.
– Consent helps clients Get, Keep & Grow their money
• If consent is NOT granted, DO NOT continue the
Advisor Conversation. Complete the paper work
and escort the client to the waiting area.
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 3: Signing the Consent Forms
MUST complete BOTH sides of the Form
• Taxpayer Signature, whether granting OR
denying consent
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 4: Connecting the Client to
Community Resources
(Page 15 of Manual)
Community Resources
• Page 2 of C.A.S.H. Questionnaire (WHITE) will
help you understand your client’s needs
• Use the Conversation Guide to identify the
appropriate Community Resources
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 4: Connecting the Client to
Community Resources
On-site information sources:
– Accordion File – for handouts
– CASH Guide to Community Resources – circle items
C.A.S.H. Advisor Tools & Materials
.C.A.S.H Guide to Community Services
Food and Nutrition: Emergency Food, Food Stamps /
SNAP, WIC program, MCLAC Nutrition Outreach, Growing
up Healthy Hotline
Housing: Buying a Home, Low-Cost Rental Properties,
Foreclosure Prevention, Reverse Mortgages, Remodeling
Heating: HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program),
Heating Assistance, Weatherization, NYSERDA Energy
C.A.S.H. Advisor Tools & Materials
.C.A.S.H Guide to Community Services (cont.)
Legal Help: Family Issues/Bankruptcy, Mortgages/Contracts
Child Care: Finding affordable, quality child care
Education: High School Equivalency, College & SAT Prep
Job Training
C.A.S.H. Advisor Tools & Materials
.C.A.S.H Guide to Community Services (cont.)
Computers: Buying a low-cost computer
Credit: Credit & Student Loan Counseling, Free credit
Money Management Training
Tax Problems: IRS and NYS taxpayer advocates
C.A.S.H. Advisor Tools & Materials
Accordion File
Accordion File
• Front Pocket has your “cheat sheets”
• Handouts on Health, Job Training, Credit
Reports & More
• Work-Related Problems Survey
• Consumer Rights Survey
• “Save Your Refund” Promotion
• Volunteer sign-up forms
Special Items on CASH Questionnaire
Page 1, Q 7 & Q 8
If answer to either is “prepare my own taxes,” this client might be a good
candidate for Self-Prep Service, our do-it-yourself option. Ask if the client
would like to try preparing their own tax return today (if the site is busy, it
might be faster). If the client says “yes” or wants to learn more, introduce to
the Assistant Site Manager after your conversation.
Page 1, Q 10
Clients who answer “yes” to becoming a volunteer should fill out the CASH
Volunteer Form. Paper copy in Accordion File can be completed and left
with you. Print your name on the CASH Advisor line on the form.
Special Items on CASH Questionnaire
Page 2, Q 15
Due to the Affordable Care Act, many C.A.S.H. clients will be newly
qualified for Medicaid coverage or subsidized health insurance on the NY
Exchange. Clients should consult a Navigator (handout in Accordion File,
“Health Insurance”)
Page 2, Q 21
Clients who answer “yes” to anything in Q21 should complete the Working
Conditions Survey (Accordion File). Those who wish to receive a free legal
consultation can provide their contact information (optional).
Page 2, Q 22
Clients who answer “yes” to anything in Q22 should complete the
Consumer Rights Survey (Accordion File). Those who wish to receive a
free legal consultation can provide their contact information (optional).
How Empire Justice’s
Workers’ Rights Project helps
With your help last year’s Workers’ Rights Project was very
successful in helping low wage workers and their families:
• Collected over $100,000 in wages, damages and fees
from employers for underpaid workers
• Supported successful statewide campaign to raise
minimum wage to $15/hr. for fast food workers
• Provided free legal services to over 150 people with wage
and employment problems
• Provided 10 workshops on workers’ rights
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
(Pages 16 - 19 of Manual)
WHY do we encourage Asset Building?
• Economists believe lack of assets is a greater barrier
to advancement than low income
• Move beyond living paycheck-to- paycheck
• Break the cycle of poverty; pass wealth and
opportunities to future generations
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
Why at tax time?
• Average tax refund: $2,000
• For a typical client, this is the most money they
will have on hand at any time during the year
• Reinforce savings message for returning clients
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
Pay yourself first
• We encourage our clients to save 10% of their tax refund
-- “Pay Yourself First.” For example – saving $100 from a
$1,000 refund.
• If the client has indicated they plan to save part of their
refund, ask what they would like to save up for. Help them
visualize the benefit.
• Clients can begin a savings program with as little as $50
with a U.S. Savings Bond.
• A new savings account is another way to help
clients save
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
Our Offerings
• Refund Splitting
– Tax refund can be split among multiple options
including savings accounts and savings bonds
– Save some, spend some
• Checking & Saving Bank Accounts
• Prepaid Card
• Series “I” US Savings Bonds
• Free Credit Reports
• Matching Funds via First Home Clubs
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
Refund splitting
• IRS makes it easy for taxpayers to save some of their
refund by allowing direct deposit to multiple accounts.
• Some can go directly to a savings account, and the
rest to checking. Or, part paid by check, part to bank
• Taxpayers can buy up to three Series I U.S. Savings
Bonds with their tax refund.
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
“Save Your Refund” Promotion
• Offered nationwide by Doorways to Dreams Foundation.
• Clients who split their refund are eligible to win $100
weekly prize (10 winners weekly—nationally).
• Time permitting, C.A.S.H. tax preparers will enter clients for
the prize drawing online.
• Afterwards, clients are encouraged enter the $25,000
Grand Prize drawing by submitting a photo showing how
they hope to use money they save or win.
• Client thinking about it? Circle “Save Your Refund”
on Page 3 of the C.A.S.H. Questionnaire
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
“Save Your Refund” Promotion
• Use “Save Your Refund” to encourage savings
• We’ve had many $100. winners at C.A.S.H.!!
• Chance of winning gives an extra push to save
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
Direct Deposit – Why?
Direct Deposit Advantages
• Faster: 2 wks vs. 3 wks
• Safer: No need to carry
large amounts of cash
• Cheaper: No need to
pay for check cashing
Banking Advantages*
• Avoid fees for
– Check cashing
– Money orders
• Access to other services
– Savings
– Credit / Loans
*Bank account fees vary
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
Objections to Direct Deposit
Bank Fees
Overdraft Fears
Loss of Public Benefits
C.A.S.H. ‘s Answer
Fee-free / affordable accounts
Prepaid cards
Exempt Income Protection Act
Refund not treated as income.
Client is allowed time to use
money before it is considered
an asset.
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
Bank Accounts
• About 1 in 6 C.A.S.H. clients has no bank account
• Clients can open an account at a bank or credit union
while at C.A.S.H.
• The accounts are affordable.
• We can often open accounts for those who were denied
in the past.
Benefits of bank accounts:
• Direct deposit of tax refund is faster and safer
• Direct deposit of paycheck is safer and cheaper than
using check-cashers
• Provides access to financial mainstream such as car
loans, home buying, etc.
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
Prepaid Cards
Similar to a debit card, but not connected to bank account.
Avoid ATM fees by getting “cash back” with purchase.
“Everyone is eligible. No CHEX* review.
No overdraft mistakes – can’t use money that isn’t there.
*CHEX System: Bankers’ list of undesirable customers.
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
ESL Prepaid Card
Federal and/or NY refund can be deposited to one card.
$3 per month fee
Reloadable (e.g. with direct deposit of pay check)
Free access to ESL ATM’s (and cash back on purchases)
Online account access & statements
No temporary card issued. Will arrive in 5-7 business days
(before refund arrives)
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
Series “I” US Savings Bonds
• No fees – very safe
• Purchase at face value - minimum of $50
• Interest rate adjusted for inflation twice every year.
Currently 1.64 %
• Easy to buy with tax refund, for taxpayer or others (such as
children or grandchildren)
• If client has interest in Savings Bonds, circle “US Savings
Bonds” on Page 3 of C.A.S.H. Questionnaire
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
Credit Reports
• Directions for obtaining credit reports are in the Accordion File
• Computer-literate clients can get their credit report at C.A.S.H.,
using the public access computer.
• If a client needs help with the computer and if you have time,
help them access their credit report.
• Credit Counselors may be available at your site to help clients
understand their credit report. Otherwise, the report contains
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
First time home buyers
•Potential home buyer attends workshop
•Home Buyer matched with local bank for months of oneon-one counseling
•Home Buyer opens a savings account at the bank, to
save money toward the purchase of home
•Upon completion of program, bank matches savings (up
to 4 to 1) towards purchase of home. This can add up to
as much as $7,500!
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
Who’s the expert at your site?
Super Site
Partner Site**
Assistant Site Mgr
Site Manager
Prepaid Card
Assistant Site Mgr
Site Manager
Savings Bonds
Tax Preparer
Tax Preparer
* Accordion File has information about Banks & Credit Unions
** Partner site, check with Site Manager regarding what is offered
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 5: Encourage Direct Deposit & Asset Building
We’re all part of the Asset Building Team
• Help other C.A.S.H. team members “close the sale”
• Introduce the client to the Assistant Site Manager
• Make a note on Page 3 of the IRS Intake Form (Salmon) to
alert Tax Preparer & Quality Reviewer that the client is
considering a checking or savings account, prepaid card,
or Savings Bond.
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 6: Checklist & Goodbye
(Pages 19 – 20 of Manual)
Be sure to check:
• Both sides of Consent Form are completed and signed
• Client’s paperwork is completed AND readable
• Initial Q23 on Page 2 of the White CA Questionnaire -Print your initials LEGIBLY!
• Complete the checklist on Page 3
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 6: Checklist & Goodbye
• Tell client about 2-1-1 as an everyday resource
• Give the client their envelope containing:
• their documents (such as W-2’s),
• Guide to Community Services
• any forms or flyers you provided.
• Tucked under flap of the C.A.S.H. envelope:
• signed Use and Disclosure Consent (White) and
• client paperwork (Salmon & White)
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 6: Checklist & Goodbye
• If the client wants to meet with an on-site specialist, such as the
Assistant Site Manager, escort them to that person for an
introduction. Notify Front Desk Manager if client is meeting with
a specialist.
• If the client wants to get their credit report, escort them to the
public access computer.
• If not interested in either, escort them to the waiting area
• Give C.A.S.H. envelope to the Front Desk Manager
Engaging in the Conversation
Step 6: Checklist & Goodbye
Remember: If client is leaving
BEFORE tax prep:
• Give the client ALL paperwork – BOTH envelopes
• Write on outside of envelope, boldly, “C.A.S.H. ADVISOR
• Tell client to present envelope to Front Desk Manager
when returning… no need to see C.A.S.H. Advisor again
Have you Scheduled Your Shift?
1. Choose a site
2. Choose the day of the week and time of day
3. Register on-line using the Volunteer Hub.
Separate entry for every shift you work
4. Want help? Call Tracy at 295-5733
Can’t show up?
• If you know more than 24 hours in
Change your schedule on Volunteer Hub
• If you know less than 24 hours in advance:
Call your Site Manager
Mentoring new C.A.S.H.
Please identify new Advisors on your regular
shift and offer to help them
• Let them observe through one or two clients
• Observe them for one or more clients and
give feedback
• Offer to answer their questions as they
come up
Additional Mentoring Needed
in First Two Weeks!
Some shifts have mostly new Advisors
- We may ask you to mentor at a different site,
and/or a different time.
- You don’t need to stay for the whole shift – just
until the new volunteers are comfortable.
If you can help, please fill out the Mentoring
Sign-Up Form and leave with instructor.
Please complete & turn in the
Training Evaluation Form
Thank You for Volunteering
with C.A.S.H.