Summer Programs 2006 - CMS School Web Sites

Summer Programs 2013
The Student Services Department offers the following list of summer opportunities as a resource
for students and their parents. The Student Services Department does not recommend nor
endorse any particular programs offered. We encourage parents and students to thoroughly
research available programs prior to enrolling. Information listed below may be from last
summer; dates and/or cost will be updated as we receive new information.
Science and Math
Boston University
Catawba College and Rocky
Mount Institute
College of William & Mary
Duke University
NC A & T Earth System
Science Institute
NC Project Seed
Research Internship in Science and
National Environmental Summit for
rising juniors and seniors
Science Training & Research
Program for rising juniors from
disadvantaged backgrounds
Biosciences and engineering camp
Weather forecasting, climate issues
and geoscience careers
Chemistry research internship for
disadvantaged students
NC State
Lab Research Bio-tech
Summer Biotechnology
Earn College credit
NC State University
Agricultural Discovery Camp
The Science House
2 week residential camp to learn
about plant science
NC State College of Ag &
Summer College in Biotechnology
Life Sciences
and Life Sciences (SCIBLS)
UNC Charlotte
For graduating college bound
seniors. 10 week summer research
position in Nanoscale Science
($4000 stipend)
UNC Charlotte STEM
Pre-college program in Science,
Technology, Engineering, Math
University of Notre Dame
Acting, Business, Science, PreLaw, Theology, Filmmaking
Appalachian State University Designed for students with an
Forensic Science Camps
interest in crime scene evidence
Boston University Program
in Mathematics for Young
Contact info.
or call 704-637-4727
nt-programs/ag-discovery-camp or
Two sessions
Six week program for ambitious Ww (deadline May 1)
students to study math
American University
Global Scholars
Lead America
NC Community
Develop Initiative
N.C. State & UNCCharlotte Hugh
Shelton Leadership
Queens College
Brown University
Summer Leadership
Intensive Global Leadership
Contact info.
Ivy League &Top colleges.
Chose a major of study
Youth Leadership Program for rising, 8 weeks, paid experience
development/youth contact Kimberly
Askew 919-835-6072
Strengthen value-based leadership
skills and ethics
Scholarship available
Broyhill Leadership Conference
Courses designed for outstanding
high school students who desire to
challenge themselves intellectually,
socially, physically and emotionally
Law Enforcement/Military
H.S. Police AcademyCMPD
Contact info.
1 week course in law enforcement. Team
Building, Crime Scene Investigation,
Criminal Investigation, Defensive Tactics,
Traffic Stops, Building Searches, Physical
Fitness 704-432-0432
Oak Ridge Military
Leadership Adventure Camp
Academic classes
Click admissions/summer camp
U.S. Military Academy
West Point, NY
US Naval Academy
Summer Leaders Experience for
rising seniors
For high achieving rising seniors to
learn about the Naval Academy
STEM Program for rising 9 - 11th
US Naval Academy
search for STEM
Adelphi University
Appalachian State
Boston University
Brown University
Carleton College
Liberal Arts
Carnegie Mellon
Clemson University
Duke TIP
Davidson College
Duke Summer
Youth Programs
Fletcher School
Summer Program
Furman Summer
George Washington
Junior Statesmen at
Princeton, or UVA
New York
Business, game design,
robotics, nursing, health,
performing arts
Pre-college camps
College courses for credit
and pre-college seminars
Pre-college programs
1 week all expense paid
academic program for
rising juniors interested in
African American culture
Architecture, Art, Design,
Drama, Music
Contact info.
Summer Camps
Identify & develop your
academic talents
Rigorous academic
Scholarships available
Writing, Public
Leadership, College Apps,
Biosciences and
Academic tutoring for
students with learning
disabilities and/or ADHD
Pre-college program 864-656-5535
Medicine, Law, Business,
Forensics, International
Relations, College Prep
Pre-College Programs
search: summer camp
college level courses in
Speech & Government
focus on Politics
Pre-College Program in
New York or Italy
Pre-College Program
College Prep Program
QuestBridge College Full Scholarship for lowPrep
income students to attend
summer programs at
Harvard, Stanford, Notre
St. Andrews
Syracuse Univ.
Summer Coll.
Summer Camps
University of
University of Notre
Wake Forest Univ.
Washington Univ.
St. Louis Summer
Wofford College
Spartanburg, SC
Wofford College
Spartanburg, SC
Dame or Yale, Brandeis,
Emory or Penn.
Writing, fashion design, See Ms. Walker for
veterinary, game art,
$100 disount.
forensics, fine art, business
Explore various majors
Law, lab skills, robotics,
computer science,
entrepreneurship, forensics
Pre-college summer
Acting, Business, Science,
Pre-Law, Theology,
Global Sustainability
Pre-college program
2 week Language
Immersion Camp for
French, German, or
2 week Creative Writing
Children’s Theatre
Summer Camps
Savannah College
of Art & Design
UNC-School of the
Acting, comedy, musical theatre, tech
Contact info.
Theatre, musical theatre camps
Visual Arts summer programs
Summer Intensives in dance, drama,
filmmaking, music, visual art
Research &
NC State
UNC Charlotte
– Aspire!
Summer Engineering
build a “Quadcopter” or
3 D printer
Science Research &
Geomatics Engineering
Engineering Summer
Exploring Engineering
and Robots, Careers in
Motorsports Engineering
Deadline 4/1/13
Health Care
Carolinas Medical
Teen Volunteer Program
Call 704-355-2105 or email
Junior Volunteer
UNC Charlotte
Aspire! Residential
Volunteer in healthcare
Assist staff, patients, &
Explore Healthcare Careers, go to junior
volunteers or email
International Programs
Global Works
Learning Programs
Oxford University
People to People
SYA Summer Study
Abroad Program
Walking Tree
Youth For
Adventures abroad
Abroad cultural exchange &
community service
High school study and
volunteer abroad for college
Summer programs abroad or
in NY
Ambassador Leadership
5 week programs in China,
France, Italy or Spain
Volunteer in foreign
International exchange
Contact info.
CMS Academic Internship
Summer internships in
various fields
Freedom School Partners
Volunteers needed (rising
11th, 12th graders and recent
high school graduates ) to
work with disadvantaged
children 1- 6 weeks
8 week paid internship for 2
rising seniors in CMS
National c onservation
service (tuition free)
This organization is the
largest provider of
international community
Habitat for Humanity CMS Senior
Student Conservation Association
Blyth Education
Search for internships.
Applications accepted from
4/15/13 to 5/15/13.
contact Kim Dickerson
See Ms. Walker for application.
Deadline to apply is March 1, 2013
App State - Martha Guy Summer
Banson NewYork City
Carolina School of Broadcasting
NC Farm Bureau Federation
Charlotte Observer Summer
Camp List
National Whitewater Center
Washington Workshops
Congressional Seminars
Business Institute, includes
trip to New York &
Washington D.C.
Fashion Summer Camps
Learn how to anchor a TV
Newscast at a radio station
Institute for Future
Agricultural Leaders
FREE 1 week camp at NC
State or NC A & T.
Long list of summer camps
offered in the Charlotte
Various outdoor wilderness
Conflict resolution,
congressional seminar,
democracy, internships
Contact info. 917-3281469
Rising seniors in top 1/3 of the class
may apply
Deadline is 4/11/13
(coming soon)
Summer College in Biotechnology and Life Sciences: Four-week residential summer program
oat North Carolina State University for rising junior and senior high school students interested in a
science, technology, engineering or mathematics college major. Students will participate in a
meaningful academic experience through hands-on coursework and research, cutting-edge
scientific techniques in NC State laboratories, meet and interact with undergraduates, graduate
students, postdoctoral scientists and faculty, tour research facilities and enterprises in the
Research Triangle Park and other surrounding areas. The program is an introduction to college
life and the university environment with the goal of easing the transition between high school and
college. For additional information about the program, please visit
Center for the Environment, A National Environmental Summit: A one-week program for
rising junior and senior high school students at the Catawba College campus in Salisbury, NC.
The majority of the summit will occur on Catawba College's 189-acre ecological preserve and in
the labs and classrooms of the Center for the Environment's green facility. For more information
and for an application, please visit
When: July 8-13, 2013
Who: Rising junior and senior high school students
Where: Catawba College
Presbyterian Healthcare Junior Volunteer: 9 week program for students 14-18 years of age
where students will learn about healthcare by assisting staff, visitors and patients with nonmedical tasks. Volunteers must be able to follow directions, accept supervision and work
independently. Volunteers myst be able to commit to one shift per week, three and a half hours
long, for the entire program. Only two absences can be accommodated during the summer
program. There are no evening or weekend shifts available. For more information and an
application, please visit, then follow the link to Junior Volunteers.
When: June 17- August 16, 2013
Who: Students ages 14-18
Deadline: March 31, 2013
2013 Martha Guy Summer Institute for Future Business Leaders: Three-week summer
program for rising senior high school students who have a sincere interest in business as a
college major. 24 students will be able to participate in classroom instruction, an entrepreneurial
project, cultural events, outdoor courses and travel to Washington, D.C. and New York City.
When: July 7-28, 2013
Where: Appalachian State University
Who: Rising senior high school students with an interest in business as a college major
Cost: $1,000
LENS at Wake Forest: Three-week summer program for rising high school juniors and seniors.
Application require an official transcript, two brief essays and a completed LENS application.
Students may download the application and find additional information at . The
2013 them is Sustainability: Operate locally and extend globally.
When: July 13- August 1, 2013
Where: Wake Forest University
Who: Rising junior and senior high school students
Lebanon Valley College Health and Biomedical Sciences Camp: The goal of
the Health and Biomedical Sciences Summer Camp is to provide a window into the
scientific basis of human health. Through lectures and hands-on laboratory
investigations in state-of-the-art laboratories, students will be introduced to the
fundamentals of molecular biology, pharmacology, immunology, biochemistry and
medical ethics. Students will learn how laboratory science can be translated into
improved human health, and they will engage in investigative experiences that will
allow them to apply their laboratory skills to real life problems. In addition, students will
interact with practicing professionals in fields such as medicine, physical therapy,
toxicology, genetic counseling and biomedical laboratory research. The Health and
Biomedical Sciences camp will provide a fun, challenging and engaging college
environment in which students will develop a deeper understanding of what it means to
be a biomedical scientist and health professional. For more information, please visit the
Health and Biomedical Sciences website
When: June 23-28, 2013
Babson College Summer Entrepreneur Development Experience: A five-week, residential
program taking place from July 8-August 9, 2013, encompassing the mindset of Entrepreneurial
Thought and Action. Targeted toward high-achieving students entering their junior or senior year.
For additional information, please visit .
When: July 8- August 9, 2013
Who: Rising junior and senior high school students
UVA: Leadership on the Lawn: A week-long summer program for rising junior and senior high
school student leaders designed to strengthen and develop the skills of students who have
displayed leadership interest and potential in high school. Students who participate in Leadership
on the Lawn will engage with UVA students, staff and faculty through pointed lectures and
interactive problem-based activities. Please email with additional questions or
visit for up-to-date information.
When: July 7th-July 12th, 2013
Cost: $800
Where: The University of Virginia
Who: Rising junior and senior high school students
Deadline to apply: May 1, 2013
Camp Kesem North Carolina (CKNC): a free, weeklong summer camp for children affected by a
parent's cancer. The one-week sleep away camp is open to children ages 6-16 and is held at the
Keyauwee Program Center in Sophia, N.C. Camp Kesem's purpose is to provide its campers with
a fun environment- free from the stressors of cancer- in which to connect with others in similar
situations. Campers participate in a host of fun activities including sports, drama, arts and crafts,
team building, scavenger hunts and talent shows. CKNC is administered and staffed by student
volunteers from Duke University and UNC-Chapel Hill, with help from licensed healthcare
providers. Additional information and applications can be found
at if you have questions, please email
at registration operates on a first-come, first-served basis.
When: August 5-10, 2013 and August 12-17, 2013.
Cost: Free
Who: Students ages 6-16
Institute for Future Agricultural Leaders (IFAL) 2013 NC A&T University: A one-week
residential program designed for rising high school seniors sponsored through the North Carolina
Farm Bureau. Students are exposed to the academic and research programs in the School of
Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, and are familiarized with careers in the food, agricultural
and environmental
sciences. In addition, students gain experiences in leadership by participating in leadership
training seminars, touring the N.C. General Assembly, meeting governmental officials, and
visiting the N.C. Farm Bureau Offices.
When: June 9 -14, 2013
Who: Rising seniors
For more information, please visit:
Summer Institute for the Gifted (SIG): Summer programs for academically advanced students
ages 9-17 will be held at Amherst College, Bryn Mawr College, Emory University, Princeton
University, UC Berkeley, University of Chicago, UCLA, University of Texas-Austin, Vassar
College and Yale University. In addition, there are two new University Prep locations at Yale
University and University of Chicago for students ages 15-18.
For information about the various programs (including cost ,dates and application deadlines)
please visit
UNC-Chapel Hill's Project Uplift 2013: Project Uplift is a special program that enables highachieving rising seniors to experience college life on the Carolina campus. Students spend two
days visiting classes, meeting with faculty and staff, interacting with Carolina students, and
participating in cultural and social activities.
When: May 23-25, May 30-June 1, June 6-8, and June 13-15
Cost: There is a nonrefundable $25 program fee which includes all meals, housing, t-shirt, and
program materials (excludes travel costs). Students with demonstrated financial need may
contact for a fee waiver.
For: High-achieving rising seniors
Global Works-Travel with Purpose: Three week summer program offering a blend of
community service, cultural exchange, language learning and adventure. Students broaden their
world view, improve their language skills and participate in meaningful community service
activities that build confidence, while contributing to the places we immerse ourselves in along the
way. Students can choose between 17 countries.
When: June 27-July 19 (23 days)
Cost: Varies by location
For: Students in grades 9-12
Application and More Information: Global Works Travel or 303.545.2202
Vanderbilt University Pre-College PAVE Program: Six week summer course of study designed
to strengthen the academic skills of students who are planning to enter a college engineering,
pre-medical, science or technology program. If you are an 11th grader and are planning to take
advanced placement or honors mathematics and science courses, the PAVE program will fortify
your senior year and potentially improve your ACT, AP, SAT and TOEFL test scores.
When: June 24- August 2, 2013
Cost: Tuition $4,260, Room $1,775, Campus Debit and ID Card $265, Facility Fee $115
Application and More Information: or or
Phillips Exeter Academy- Summer School- Charles J. Hamm Leadership Program: Five
week residential program open to students in grades 10-12. Students will be immersed in a
learning environment designed to foster opportunities to reflect upon the characteristics and
contexts that enable effective leadership. This program incorporates traditional academic
coursework as well as workshops, speakers, case studies and group projects.
When: July 7- August 10, 2013
Location: Phillips Exeter Academy; 20 Main Street, Exeter, New Hampshire
For: Students in grades 10-12
Cost: $7,600
Application and More Information:
College of Charleston - Senior Project - Senior Project is College of Charleston's summer
preparatory program for rising high school seniors. The program is tailored for multicultural and/or
first generation students who are interested in attending college. Students will stay on campus at
the College of Charleston and participate in on and off-campus events, attend a college class,
take a practice SAT/ACT combination exam, and learn valuable time management and writing
When: TBA
Cost: TBA
For: Rising Seniors who are of diverse backgrounds and/or first generation college in the
top 30% of their class
Deadline: TBA
Application and More
UNC Charlotte - Africana Studies High School Summer Scholars Academy - a four day
Summer Program where high school students entering their sophomore, junior or senior year can
take part in an early college experience with a focus on the field of Africana Studies.
Requirements: Students must hold a B average and be a rising sophomore or junior
Dates: TBA
Location: UNC Charlotte
Cost: None
Application: Student Must be nominated by counselor - Please see Mrs. Roth in Student
Services if interested
Deadline: TBA
UNC Charlotte - Reading Skills and Speed Reading Skills - Program for entering 9th-11th
graders: In these programs. Students make substantial gains in comprehension while doubling
reading speed. They also learn the best way to read textbooks, take notes, and study for tests. As
a result, students complete homework more quickly and easily, get better grades, and enjoy
reading more.
Dates: Varies - June and July
Location: UNCC Charlotte Center City Campus - 320 East Ninth Street
More Information and to Register: 1-800-978-9596
Summer Ventures- Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics (SVSM) is a cost-free, statefunded program for academically talented students who may pursue careers based in science
and mathematics. The program brings rising juniors and seniors together in residential settings
for four weeks of intensive study. Students will be placed in a four week session that, depending
on campus site, will start and end between June 16 and August 3.
Information and application:
Deadline: January 31, 2013
Contact: (919) 416-2876
Davidson College - A three week residential program at Davidson College where students will
take two courses in traditional liberal arts disciplines as well as sit in on seminars to understand
the college admission process, prepare for the college selection process and hone leadership
Deadline: TBA
Dates: TBA
Cost: $3,500
Information and Application:
The Shelton Challenge- a one-week summer experience for rising freshmen, sophomores,
juniors, and seniors in high school. Shelton’s cornerstones of values-based leadership – honesty,
integrity, compassion, diversity and social responsibility – are the foundations of the experience.
Student must have a GPA of 3.0 or better.
Dates: TBA (UNC-Charlotte); TBA (North Carolina State University); TBA (East Carolina
Cost: $575
Information and Application: or 919-513-0148
Wake Forest University LENS Program- is a three-week summer program that equips current
high school students with an academic foundation necessary to become global citizens. The
academic theme for 2013 is Sustainability: Operate locally and extend globally. Wake Forest
University professors and experts will engage students in the biological, ecological, political,
economic, social, and legal aspects of sustainability.
Dates: July 13- August 1, 2013
Cost: $4000
Information and application:
North Carolina State University – summer program for high school students. Offers rising high
school freshmen through seniors the opportunity to experience engineering, science and
technology at NC State. The summer workshops are week-long residential programs through
which students can experience engineering, college life and NC State University. These camps
provide an excellent opportunity for high school students to investigate engineering as a potential
major and career. For Rising Juniors and Seniors.
Dates: TBA (week long camps)
Cost: $675-$775
Information and Application:
CAM Design Camp - Design Camp is a summer design program for high school students
organized by CAM Raleigh
(Contemporary Art Museum) at North Carolina State University’s College of Design. High School
Summer Studios at CAM Raleighare week-long discipline specific art and design workshops held
at the Museum in downtown Raleigh. Registration will begin on TBA for these programs. Open to
rising 9–12th. They can accommodate 80 students in each of the overnight camps (40 females,
40 males).
Location: 409 West Martin St., Raleigh, NC 27603
Cost: $1000
Information and Registration:
Duke Tip Summer Programs- The College Experience: Duke TIP Institutes - experience college
life first-hand. In addition to studying college-level material, you'll spend time attending workships
focused on the college admissions process, touring Duke University's campus, living in residence
halls on West campus and accessing Duke's extensive libraries. Choose from many wonderful
Dates: Session I: TBA; Session II: TBA
Cost: $3,650 (travel, books and some meals not included)
Deadline to Apply: TBA
Information and Application:
Duke University- Creative Writers' Workshop - Improve skills in a community of advanced
writers with individual consultation with instructors. Students can slect instructors who best match
their genre and learning style. Student must be entering grades 10 or 11.
Dates: TBA
Cost: $1810
Information and application:
4 Star Summer Camps – Students entering grades 10, 11, 12 will have morning SAT Prep
and/or stimulating enrichment classes which target the essential skills needed for success in high
school and college with afternoons for a wide range of world class sports camps, recreational
activities and seminars to choose from. Weekends are filled with fun and exciting excursions.
Dates: 2 and 4 week sessions available
Location: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Information and Applications:; 1-800-334-7827
The University of Alabama Capstone Business Leadership Academy- Rising Seniors with a
GPA of 3.4 unweighted and 1210 SAT/140 PSAT; The Capstone Business Academy is a 10-day
residential summer program designed for academically exceptional rising high school seniors
interested in obtaining an education and pursuing a career in business. Participants interact on an
individual basis with University professors and working professionals through a variety of
presentations and experiences.
Dates: TBA
Location: Tuscaloosa, AL
Cost: $350 plus travel and room and board
Information and Application:
American University School of Communication for High School Students – In association
with the American Film Institute and The Newseum, AU is offering high school students
opportunities to explore the filed of communication. Students can commute or live on campus for
these 2 to 4 week programs. Specifically designed for students who have an interest in film,
journalism, multimedia and communication.
Dates: Varies
Cost: Varies – tuition for course + room and board (ranges from $1500-$3000)
Location: Washington, DC – American University
Information and Applications:
Appalachian State - Martha Guy Summer Institute - a unique opportunity for current high
school juniors to gain an immeasurable amount of business knowledge and experience. Students
will spend the first two weeks on the Appalachian State campus learning about business and
developing professional skills. Among the activities is a group project that involves developing a
business plan. Each group presents its plan to a panel at the end of the first two weeks. The final
week will be spent on an exploratory trip to Washington D.C. and New York City.
Location: Boone, NC
Dates: TBA
Deadline: TBA Cost: $1,000 Information and Application:
Appalachian State - Youth Camps- Appalachian State offers various academic camps for rising
9th - 12th grades. Camps include: Anatomy and Physiology ($1,100), Forensic Anthropology
Camp ($700), and Forensic Science Camp ($484).
Dates: Vary
Location: Boone, NC
Application and Information:
ASA (Academic Study Associates) – Offers Pre-College academic enrichment class designed
to prepare students for the transition to college (Umass-Amherst, UC-Berkley, Oxford University,
Cambridge University); Study Abroad and Language Immersion programs (Spain, France, Italy);
and College Admissions Prep programs (Columbia University, Tufts University, UC-Berkeley).
Cost, Dates, Location – Vary
Barnard College – Summer in New York City Pre-College Program – Experience college life and
take college level courses in NYC. Program is open to students who have completed 10th or 11th
grade. Offers one week or four week Liberal Arts programs and a one week Young Women’s
Leadership Institute.
Dates: Liberal Arts Program- TBA; Young Women's Leadership Institute- TBA
Cost: Varies
Location: New York City
Information and Applications:
Blue Ridge Summer Institute for Young Artists- Provides selected high school students an
opportunity to grow in their technical skill and conceptual understanding of the arts, and explore
how making art and thinking creatively improve life. Concentrations in Theatre, Creative Writing
and Visual Arts.
Dates: TBA
Cost: $2995 (includes ipad)
Location: Sweet Briar College
Information and Application:
Boston University High School Programs- Offers a variety of enriching academic
opportunities. You can enroll in BU undergraduate classes for college credit, pursue in-depth
research with a faculty mentor, or choose from a diverse array of stimulating, one-or two week
Dates: Session I - TBA; Session II - TBA; Session III - TBA
Cost: $3410
Location: Boston, MA
Information and Application:
Broadreach Summer Programs - Broadreach programs offer worldwide adventure programs for
high school students. Their 60+ program offerings including marine biology, language immersion,
medicine, culture, arts, community service, scua, sailing training and leadership adventures. Trips
are 14-31 days in length in June, July and August.
Brown University Leadership Institute - helps students make a positive difference in the world.
Students develop and apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes associated with effective and
socially responsible leadership.
Dates: Varies - 1 week through 7 week courses available
Cost: $2,255 - $9,697
Location:Providence, RI
Information and Application:
Broyhill Leadership Conference - Open to rising 10th graders through 2012 high school
graduates who are interested in personal development and leadership training.
Dates: TBA
Cost: $240
Location: Queens University; Charlotte, NC
Information and Application:
Carleton College - Liberal Arts Experience – Students of African American descent or students
who have an interest in African American culture are encouraged to apply for The Carleton
Liberal Arts Experience (CLAE). CLAE will select 50 high school students who are current
sophomores and bring them to Carleton, all expenses paid, for a one-week summer program.
The CLAE program introduces the strengths of a liberal arts education through an array of
courses in science, art, social sciences, and technology.
Location: Northfield, Minnesota
Nomination Submission by Counselor
Deadline: TBA
Dates: TBA
Cost: Free – Full Scholarship
Information and Application:
Carleton College – Summer Science Institute - Students who are currently in 10th and 11th
grade are eligible to apply to this program (rising junior and senior over the summer of the
program). The Carleton Summer Science Institute will help students learn to think and write like a
scientist by doing science. That is, CSSI students, faculty, and Carleton undergraduate research
assistants will engage in classroom and hands-on research related to faculty and student
interests. Students will complete a collaborative guided research project which will culminate in a
presentation at the CSSI Research Symposium held at the end of the program.
Location: Northfield, Minnesota
Dates: TBA
Cost: $3350
Deadline: TBA
Information and Application:
Carleton College – Summer Writing Program – Learn to write effective academic essays; for
college-bound juniors (must have completed junior year by the time program begins) with strong
reading and writing skills; Full and partial scholarships available
Location: Northfield, Minnesota
Dates: TBA
Cost: $2,595
Information and Application:
Carnegie Mellon Summer Pre-College Program – Experience college in a diverse
environment. Advanced Placement/ Early Action is a challenging credit-bearing program in which
students entering junior or senior year in high school take regular Carnegie Mellon classes for full
credit. The credit can be used at Carnegie Mellon or may be transferred to other universities for
advanced placement. Courses include math, science, humanities and social sciences.
Coursework is also available for enrichment purposes in architecture, art, design, drama and
music. Students must be at least 16 years of age.
Information and Application:
Applications Due: May 1, 2013
Cost: approximately $8,000 (cost is for tuition for two classes and room and board)
Dates: June 29- August 9, 2013
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Catholic University – School of Architecture Pre-College Summer Workshop- An intense 3
week workshop for students interested in architecture other design-related fields. Students are
exposed to both the academic and the professional sides of the architecture arena as the city of
Washington, DC becomes their classroom.
Cost: Tuition: $1799 and Room/Board: $1,799
Dates: TBA
Application and Information:
Location: Washington, DC
Cornell University Summer College- Programs designed for sophomores, juniors and seniors
in high school. Students live, study and play on the Cornell campus in Ithaca and take regular
Cornell classes that carry university credit and are taught by Cornell professors. Highlighted
courses are: Art as Experience; College Success; Vetrinary Medicine; Introduction to
Architechture; Design Immersion; and Freedom and Justice.
Dates: 3 or 6 week sessions starting TBA
Cost: 3 weeks - $6,020; 6 weeks - $9,995
Location: Ithaca, NY
Deadline: TBA
Application and
Denison University- Reynolds Young Writers Workshop- An eight day residential summer
program that offers a marvelous opportunity for high school students to work intensively with
professional poets, fiction and nonfiction writers.
Location: Granville, Ohio
Dates: TBA
Deadline: TBA
Cost: $1,200
Application and Information:
Digipen Institute of Technology - the ProjectFUN summer workships engage high school
students in the ars and sciences by immersing them in the tools and techniques of today's hightech careers. Workshops are offered in: Video Game Programming; Multimedia Production,
Engineering, and Game Design.
Location: Redmond, WA and various locations across the US and Canada
Application and Information:
Free Enterprise Leadership Challenge (FELC) - 5-day residential summer program to learn
about entrepreneurship, the important role capitalism plays in our economy, principled leadership
and ethical decision making.
Location: Wingate University Cost: $100 Information and
Furman Summer Scholars- a learning adventure where rising high school seniors and juniors
participate in classes and get a taste of college life on the Furman campus. Classes include:
Leadership Quest, Mock Trial, Writing About Film, Prehealth/Medical Career, Fit for Life, Graphic
Design, Psychology, French, Japanese, Spanish, Scene Painting, and much more!
Information and Application:
Georgetown University Summer Programs for High School Students – Offers full-time
institutes that will take you on an eight-day intensive learning experience exploring a single
subject. You'll learn through an accelerated, hands-on course that integrates field trips and gues
speakers with discussion sessions and collaborative work. Some institute topics include: Medical
Institute; Forensic Science; Entrepreneurship; Sports Industry Management; International
Relations; American Politics; Law Institute; Leadership; Creative Writing and Broadcast
Dates: TBA (each session is 8 days and begin on Sunday)
Cost - $2,395
Location: Washington, DC
George Washington University - Pre-College Program - Provides students (grades 9-11) with
an extraordinary opportunity for a unique summer college experience. Students will experience
immersive, interactive programs that connect academic experience with real-world practice.
Lectures are integrated with applied activities, site visits, and exploration of national institutions.
Dates: Varies through month of July
Cost: Varies
Location: Washington, DC
Deadline to Apply: TBA
Information and Application:
Harvard’s Secondary School Program – Student take college courses for college credit.
Credits earned are recorded on an official Harvard transcript and are transferable toward most
colleges and universities. Students can take classes in Harvard’s writing program, drama
program, or math program. Additionally, students participate in seminars that help students
navigate the college-application process, gain admission to the college of their choice, and
enhance their performance once enrolled in college.
Dates: TBA
Cost: $10,370 (tuition for 2 4-credit courses, room and board)
Deadline: Rolling Admissions
Location: Cambridge, MA
Information and Applications:
Ithaca Summer College for High School Students – offering a variety of courses for students
entering their senior year in college and earn college credit. Get the experience of living and
taking courses on a college campus.
Dates: TBA (one week session) OR TBA (3 week session)
Deadline: May 1
Location: Ithaca, NY
Cost: $1,280 mini-college; $4,980 3 week session
Applications and further information: or 607-274-3143
Landmark College – Summer programs for high school students who learn differently. Students
learn to better understand their personal learning style and differences. They discover: how to
stay focused; how to self-advocate as a learner; how to get help while staying self-directed; how
to develop effective study skills; and how to plan, organize and write with clarity.
Cost: $4,800
Information and
Landry Academy - Summer Camps - Summer Academic Camps at Lees McRae College are
starting in June. Camps include such subjects as: Meteorology, CSI, Computer Game
Programming, Chemistry, Art, Anatomy and Physiology,Theatre, Biology, C.S. Lewis,
Photography, Pre-Law / Mock Trial, Creative Writing / Essay and Architecture. For students
entering 8th - 12th grade.
Cost: $1600
Location: Banner Elk, NC
Applications and more information:
LIFE – Leadership Institute for Entrepreneurship – For high school students entering grades
10 through 12. This is an intense week of education and introspection. You and a team will start
and run your own company…the outcomes depend on the decisions you make.
Dates: TBA
Cost: $795
Location: Susquehanna University, Harrisburg, PA
National Young Leaders Conference – For students entering the 10th, 11th or 12th grade who
have demonstrated leadership potential. This is an intensive and stimulating leadership program
in which scholars examine the concept of leadership in the context of national and global issues,
covering both long-term trends and day-to-day events.
Cost: Varies
Dates: Varies: week long programs - June 10 - August 6, 2012
Location: Washington, D.C.
Naval Academy Summer Seminar – Offers opportunity for high school students about to enter
their senior year to visit the Naval Academy for one week during the summer. Students will
experience all aspects of the Naval Academy including the academic program, physical training
and midshipman life. For students just completing junior year of high school
Dates: TBA
Cost: $350
Location: Annapolis, MD
Naval Academy – STEM - (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) – STEM is designed to
encourage rising 8th – 11th graders to pursue a course of study in engineering and technology.
There will be specific projects in forensics, robotics, mechanics, 3-D simulation, and fabrication
along with tours of labs and research areas, hands on activities, design challenges, and exciting
Dates: one week in June (June TBA for 10th grade); (June TBA for 11th grade)
Deadline: February
Cost: None (must arrange own transportation)
Applications and Information:
New York University - Pre-College Programs for High School Students - For rising high
school juniors and seniors to help immerse students in the college experience with a six-week
program that provides intensive learning opportunities. Students live on campus while they
explore NYU and New York City with other Pre-college students.
Dates: TBA
Cost: $6380 (tuition and housing)
Information and Application:
Pratt Institute's Pre-College Program - The schedule consists of 2 college credit bearing
classes and 2 non-credit, pass/fail courses designed to supplement the core curriculum, as well
as lectures and clutural and social events. Classes meet Monday-Friday 9-5. Extracurricular
activities are scheduled evenings and weekends. Classes may include: Interactive Arts,
Sculpture, Photography, Interior Design, Creative Writing, and Graphic Design.
Location: Manhattan, NY and Brooklyn, NY
Deadline: TBA then rolling admission until June 1
Cost: $1,467
Applications and Information:
PROMYS: Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists – is a 6 week residential program,
that offers an intensive experience in creative mathematical exploration. Its goal is to encourage
habits of thought which lead to scientific independence and creativity and to provide and
environment for young people that will arouse their curiosity and encourage a deep personal
involvement with the creative elements in mathematics. High school students in grades 9 through
12, who will be 14 years old by July 3, may apply.
Dates: TBA
Deadline: TBA
Cost: $2,700
Location: Boston University, Boston, MA
SEED Camp 2013 - The SEED, Students Engaging in Entrepreneurial Development, summer
camp is aimed at high school students considering entrepreneurship as a career option. The
program will allow participants to explore business opportunities and learn essential elements for
launching a successful venture. It is offered by CPCC’s Institute for Entrepreneurship. For rising
juniors and seniors.
Dates: TBA
Location: Central Piedmont Community College, Central Campus
Cost: FREE
Application: - seating is limited
Smith College – Summer science and engineering program for high school girls entering grades
Deadline to Apply: TBA
Cost: $4,850
Dates: TBA
Location: Northampton, MA
Information, Applications and Costs: or 413-585-3068
Stevens Institute Of Technology - offers residential summer programs for talented rising juniors
and seniors who want to experience life on a college campus. Offering such programs as ECOES
(Exploring Career Options in Engineering and Science), Business Program, Computer Science
Program and Multimedica Production Program. Application:
Location: Hoboken, NJ
Cost: varies ($1300 - $2200) Dates: varies Information and
Summer Discovery Programs – Programs offered world-wide (England, Spain, Australia and
Italy) offering academic and cultural opportunities. In addition, they offer the Princeton Review
program to improve SAT scores at Northeastern University, American University and UCLA.
Costs, Dates, Locations: VARY
For additional information or to request brochures:; 1-800-645-6611
Summer Study Programs - Information regarding summer study programs at Penn State
University, University of Colorado at Boulder, University of Vermont, and The Sorbonne (Paris,
France). Each of these campuses offer programs which include 6 1/2 week college credit
programs and 2 week intensive workshops.
Cost: Vary
Dates: Vary
United States Military Academy Summer Leaders Seminar – provides outstanding high school
juniors the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the academic, physical and leadership
development programs at a service academy. Must be in top fifth of class, have strong PSAT
scores and demonstrate leadership potential.
Due: TBA
Cost: $350 (excluding transportation)
Dates: TBA
Location: West Point, NY
University of Dayton – Women In Engineering – Build it, Try it, Test it! See engineering in
action when you work in teams to conduct Experiments in Engineering, the most popular camp
module. You’ll learn first-hand what distinguishes manufacturing, mechanical, civil,
environmental, electrical, computer, chemical, and industrial engineering.
Dates: TBA
Cost: $600
Deadline: TBA
Location: Dayton, OH
Application and Information:
University of Notre Dame Pre-College Programs – Summer Experience challenges students
academically and personally and is open to high school students entering their junior or senior
year who are at least 16 years old. Academic tracks offered: Acting for Stage and Film,
Business/Entrepreneurship, Film and Video Production, Life Sciences, Literature, Policy Debate
& Public Speaking, Pre-Law, Psychology and Theology.
Cost: $2,500
Dates: TBA
Location: Notre Dame, Indiana
Information and Application:
Virginia Commonwealth University- School of the Arts Summer Intensive- Students who
have finished their freshman, sophomore, junior or senior years in high school, and are serious
about improving their artistic abilities, developing portfolios, and/or learning how to audition for
college admission. Information and Application:
Location: Richmond, VA
Dates: TBA
Cost: $2,995 Deadline: TBA
Visions Service Adventures – Offers high school students ages 14 to 18 opportunities for
service work and cross-cultural immersion at home and abroad. Programs blend hands-on work,
intercultural living and learning, and adventurous exploration.Locations include: Alaska,
Mississippi, Montana, British Virgin Islands, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Peru, and
Dates, Locations, Costs: Vary
Information and Applications: or 717-567-7313
Washington Internship Experience – The Washington Workshops arranges Congressional
internships on Capitol Hill or politically related office assignments throughout our nation’s capital.
Participants experience college living and dining on the campus of Marymount University located
in Arlington, VA.
Cost - $3,950 for a three week internship (increases if want to do the internship for longer)
Dates: Varies
Location: Arlington, VA and Washington D.C. area
Application and Information: The Washington Workshops Foundation –;
West Point Track and Field Camp Location: West Point, NY
Registration and Information:
Complete listing of day and overnight camps from the Charlotte's
Parent Paper:
The information in this list is neither endorsed by nor necessarily
reflective on the views of the Board of Education or, the district
or any CMS school.