AF Tent City, Tallil AB, Iraq – June 03 407th /332nd (EMEDS) PH/Ento tent Two 12K runways 24K US & Coalition (~ 1500 AF) 1000’s of sand flies tested/wk Most with NO PPE…. 1-3% sand flies infected Historically Agricultural Area Tallil AB Working with the ADOS… (BEEs, PHO, Dental, Flt Med) Liason with CE Coalition Forces Other Services What will you do? Commander Driven - Personality & Luck Liaison between CE and EMEDS Oversee and consult on: Established biweekly PM meeting Liaison with CENTAF Aggressive Education Campaign Obtain equipment, pesticides, personnel, vehicles Convince CE CC’s to let CE PM do job Mass bednet, uniform trt with permethin Liaison with other Services and PM Coalition Forces Vector & pest control, habitat destruction, contracts, training “Right Start” Briefings Unit Briefs/visits, Local Newspaper, posters, wallet cards Commander’s/Sr NCO support Surveillance, diagnostics, trainer, identifier What to do… Befriend the flight surgeons, RAMs, other docs, OSI, BMEDS, Loggies, base supply, SF, CE if possible… Get techs and other ADOS personnel involved in what you are doing – buy in… Take them out collecting, teach them to ID SFs, etc. Befriend Coalition forces…Some days are all PR Start a weekly preventive medicine meeting Go with FS during shop visits ADOS, Coalition, Other services, Vets, Contractors, CE New comer briefing… Hand pick your people if possible Keep in contact with PHOs and CE at different bases. Work with Command entos… What not to do… Ease your way in…. Avoid becoming PHO or other position if possible Don’t go outside chain of command Make sure your bosses know if you talking to CENTAF CC your bosses – personality driven Surveillance and Diagnostics Joint Effort – AF arrived with no capability Purpose: Track sand fly populations Evaluate Control effectiveness ID sand fly & disease “hot spots” Determine Leishmania infection rates Amazed at how effective traps w/ NO CO2 were Commanders interested in results…. Didn’t know when Army was leaving Col Swaby and Keith and others – deployed RAPIDS What do I bring with me? -GPS -Digital Camera - Bring it with you… - Leverage resources - Call/write unit weeks before - $ not issue, getting it is… -Loggie and BMEDs guys Sand Fly/Mosquito Collection Equipment Checklist - Iraq Field notebook/clip board Schmidt Boxes GPS (Garmin) with WW software and cables Pins Compass Points/minutins Plastic eye droppers/pipettes Point Maker Turkey baisters and Stump suckers Pinning block Dippers Fine point india ink pens Enamel and plastic pans Lots of sharpies, all sizes, colors Bioquip rearing chambers Label paper Forceps - Fine tipped and Feather-weight Aedes food (rabbit pellets) Culex food (fish food flakes) Clear Nail Polish or “model” glue CDC traps (JH model 1012/1010 -ordered) Ca. 1 gallon 100% ETOH Extra bulbs, motors, ropes, trap hangers Ca. 1 gallon 75% ETOH Extra New style collection cups with Dram specimen vials small mesh screen ID books 6 V - 10 AH batteries & chargers Relevant scientific literature – down load all Alligator clip wires for batteries (32) appropriate sand fly, mosq, insect or LED headlamp + batteries Mid East from DIPMIAC Twine/Rope Microscope slides and cover slips Plastic streamers (assorted colors) Larval mounting media Volt Meter and X-tra 9 V battery Slide spinner Flashlights and X-tra D-Cell batteries Whirl Paks AA batteries Zip lock bags, small and large Coolers Push pins Ice packs Emergent jars and lids Eppendorf tubes (snap caps)- 1000 + Aspirators (HEPA) Sample boxes Aspirator Vials and lids Or Cryovials “Ice cream” cups with screen and dental dam Digital camera with macro mode Flat tupperware containers Silica Gel packs and Desiccant granules Envelopes Stereo microscope (60 X min) Data Collection Forms Goose neck light Counter (mechanical, push button) Eye piece micrometers Carrying case for microscope Hand held “loupe” Regulators/ Tubing/Orifaces/Xtra parts Gaskets/Teflon Tape Tool Kit Cresent wrench and Channel locks Assorted screwdrivers & pliers “Leatherman” Duct tape Misc locks with keys Latex surgical gloves Leather gloves Hand-held/collapsible insect nets Label tape and Tape board VMD determination gear -Teflon coated slides - Stage micrometer - Eye piece micrometer - VMD software Lockable transport trucks Each w/Business cards and copy of passport Sherman Traps (approx 30) Dissection kit Formalin Potassium or sodium hydroxide for clearing specimens Extension cords Power strip(s) Magnifying lamp USB memory stick/thumb drive Laptop computer (minimum CD burner, DVD helpful, member has administrative access so PC can be hooked Roll of duct tape RW CDs and box of 3.5” diskettes Questions?