FEBRUARY AMERICAN HEART MONTH 29 STEPS ON THE PATH TO A HEART HEALTHY LIFE Feb 1 – February is Heart Health Month. It’s a great time to learn and practice healthy choices every day. Feb 2 – The heart is the strongest muscle in the body and is part of the cardiovascular system. It pumps blood with oxygen from our lungs to our body. Feb 3 – As a muscle, your heart needs exercise too! When you exercise and your heart beats faster, that helps your heart stay strong and efficient. Feb 4 – You should get 60 minutes of physical activity a day. Going up and down stairs and walking up and down the hallway counts as activity. Try to think of new ways to increase being active. Feb 5 – Today is National Wear Red Day. It is a day across America to focus on heart health. When you wear red, you are supporting Heart Health. Today would be a good day to talk to your family about setting a goal for doing heart healthy activities together. Feb 6/7 Exercise during commercials of your favorite TV show Feb 8 – Fat is important for our body, BUT, try to limit the amount of fat in foods to healthy fats. Learn how to read a food label so you know how many calories come from fat. Feb 9 - Don’t add extra salt to your food. Sodium (the scientific name for salt in our body) makes more pressure on your blood vessels. Learn to eat foods lower in salt (sodium) Feb 10 – Eat a well balanced diet of grains, fruits & vegetables protein and dairy. Follow the MyPlate guide for portion control. Feb 11 – Strive for Your Daily Five. Vitamins and Minerals are important for a healthy heart. Keep eating your daily five! Try something new every week. Feb 12 – Brush your teeth twice a day and floss everyday. Sore and infected gums may contribute to heart disease. Feb 13/14/15 Tell someone special how much you love them. And give lots of hugs Feb 16 – Take deep cleansing breaths to bring fresh oxygen to your body. Feb 17 – Practice Mindfulness as often as you need to during the day. Feb 18 – Get at least 9 hours of sleep a night. When you are sleeping, you’re your body functions slow down and your heart gets a rest too. Feb 19 – Make sure to laugh at least once a day. Laughter makes us feel happy and helps promote blood flow. Feb 20/21 Plan a family meal, with each person adding a new dish. Feb 22 – Take care of your pet, or have a special teddy bear. Having something to love and cuddle everyday helps us feel special and needed. If you have a pet, take it for a walk everyday (with an adult). Feb 23 – DRINK WATER to keep your body working well. You should have 6-8 glasses of water a day. Try taking a drink of water first thing in the morning. It wakes your body up on the inside. Feb 24 –Doctor’s visits aren’t always pleasant, but they are very important to make sure you are growing and healthy. Feb 25 –Have an adult teach you how to call 9-1-1. Children as young three have called for an ambulance when someone close to them became sick or hurt. Know how to call on a house phone and cell phone and know your address. Feb 26 – Learn about how your heart works. It’s has 4 chambers and blood flows through it. It pumps blood through your cardiovascular system (veins and arteries) Feb 27/28 – Plan an outing with your family and try an activity that you have not done before (a trip to the zoo, museum, or a hike on a new trial if it is warm enough) Feb 29 – Do something really special today – for yourself or someone else. It’s a day we only get every 4 years.