Airport Compatible Land Use Marlene L. Gafrick, Director City of Houston Planning & Development Department Eric Potts, Deputy Director of Planning, Design & Construction City of Houston, Houston Airport System AIRPORT COMPATIBLE LAND USE STUDY 1 FAA LETTER Federal airport development grant agreements require City to adopt measures to ensure land development compatible with airport operations. Protect FAA’s investment of $667 million since 1983. Federal assistance for future airport development and buy-outs may be limited without controls. AIRPORT COMPATIBLE LAND USE STUDY 2 HOUSTON AIRPORT SYSTEM’S IMPACT The three combined assets of Bush Intercontinental, Hobby and Ellington contribute more than $24 billion to Houston’s economy annually. More than 387,000 metric tons of air cargo and 52 million passengers were served by the Houston Airport System in 2007. 4th-largest multi-airport system in the U.S. and the 6th-largest in the world. $3.6 billion invested through CIP since 1986 and $2.3 billion in projects planned through CIP. AIRPORT COMPATIBLE LAND USE STUDY 3 LEGISLATIVE REVIEW Amended Chapter 211 and 241 of the Local Government Code in 2007 - Clarified no zoning referendum needed to adopt airport land use regulations. Reviewed measures adopted by other airports. Same statute (in place more than 50 years) that allows the City to enact height hazard restrictions allows us to adopt compatible land use restrictions. AIRPORT COMPATIBLE LAND USE STUDY 4 IAH BUSH GROWTH 1955-2006 AIRPORT COMPATIBLE LAND USE STUDY 5 LAND USE CONCERNS IN AIRPORT PROXIMITY At IAH Bush, new residential development encroaches on key runway noise zones. Recent Cases: • Greens Glen. This proposed subdivision will be located on centerline of a future runway, partly within the runway protection zone and mostly within the runway’s future DNL (noise) 65 contour and Tier 1. • Northport Park – This proposed subdivision will be partially located in Tier 2. AIRPORT COMPATIBLE LAND USE STUDY 6 CREATION OF 3 TIERS Tier 1 – Primarily based on future noise contours, including 65 DNL extended to property line boundaries Tier 2 – Followed natural boundaries (i.e. streets, bayous, etc.) Tier 3 – Predefined by state law (3 x 5 mile box) AIRPORT COMPATIBLE LAND USE STUDY 7 Airport Compatible Land Use Planning Tiers DRAFT 6/10/08 IAH – George Bush Intercontinental Airport Legend Tier 1 Tier 2 Northport Park Tier 3 Greens Glen Airport Property Beltway 8 NOTE: All acreage figures are net airport property and net each Tier AIRPORT COMPATIBLE LAND USE STUDY 8 Airport Compatible Land Use Planning Tiers DRAFT 6/10/08 HOU – William P. Hobby Airport Legend Pasadena Fwy Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Airport Property Sam Houston Tollway NOTE: All acreage figures are net airport property and net each Tier AIRPORT COMPATIBLE LAND USE STUDY 9 Airport Compatible Land Use Planning Tiers DRAFT 6/10/08 EFD - Ellington Field Legend Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Airport Property NOTE: All acreage figures are net airport property and net each Tier AIRPORT COMPATIBLE LAND USE STUDY 10 DRAFT – 4/18/08 Land Use Compatibility Matrix Land Uses Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 CONDITIONAL CONDITIONAL YES* NO NO YES* CONDITIONAL CONDITIONAL YES* NO CONDITIONAL YES* Residential Dwellings (Single Family or Multi-Family) A: Enlargement, replacement or substantial renovation B: New Mobile home dwellings C: New construction in existing developed residential areas D: New construction in undeveloped or non-residential areas Noise-Sensitive Public Assembly Uses (Schools, Places of Worship, Movie Theaters, Amphitheaters) A: Enlargement of existing uses NO CONDITIONAL YES* B: New construction NO CONDITIONAL YES* A: Enlargement of existing uses NO NO YES* B: New construction NO NO YES* A: Enlargement of existing uses CONDITIONAL CONDITIONAL YES* B: New construction CONDITIONAL C0NDITIONAL YES* Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Day Care Centers Lodging Commercial and Employment Uses (Retail, Restaurants, Offices, Warehouses, Industrial Uses) A: Enlargement of existing uses YES* YES* YES* B: New construction YES* YES* YES* NO YES* Landfills, Major Water Bodies or other uses attractive for birds in large concentrations A: Enlargement of existing uses or new construction NO Legend: Compatible * with notice Compatible Only With Soundproofing Measures AIRPORT COMPATIBLE LAND USE STUDY Not Compatible 11 SOUNDPROOFING (NOISE ATTENUATION) MEASURES MAY INCLUDE: Use of particular building materials: Windows with specified glazing or double-lite construction Heavier or solid-core doors with full seals and weather stripping Insulation – specific requirements for attic, ceiling and interior wall insulation Noise and vibration controls in residential HVAC systems AIRPORT COMPATIBLE LAND USE STUDY 12 PROCESS June • Council establishes Airport Commission (Houston Planning Commission) June/July • Council District community meetings July/August • Airport Commission public hearings August/September • Council Committee on Transportation, Infrastructure and Aviation September/October • Hearing by the full Council • • Ordinance adopted by Council Implementation AIRPORT COMPATIBLE LAND USE STUDY 13 For more information 281-233-1366 Airport.Landuse.Regulations@CityOfHouston.Net AIRPORT COMPATIBLE LAND USE STUDY 14