What kinds of organic molecules do you see in peanuts

Plant Unit
LS1A Matter & Energy in
I can identify inputs and/or outputs of matter and/or energy in photosynthesis using words
and/or chemical formulas (i.e., inputs are carbon dioxide/CO2, water/H20, light energy;
outputs include glucose/C6H12O6, oxygen/O2).
I can describe the rearrangement of atoms during photosynthesis using the chemical
equation for photosynthesis.
I can explain the role of photosynthesis in the life of plants (e.g., photosynthesis is the only
source of glucose that provides chemical energy or is incorporated into large molecules).
I can explain the role of photosynthesis in the life of animals (e.g., photosynthesis is the
source of the chemical energy animals require to live and grow; photosynthesis provides
I can describe the essential function(s) of structures within cells (i.e., cellular membrane,
cell wall, nucleus, chromosome, chloroplast, mitochondrion, ribosome, cytoplasm).
Materials Plants Are Made of Worksheet
A. What are plants made of? Use the nutrition labels below to find out what kinds of organic molecules are in different
parts of plants.
What kinds of organic molecules do you see in spinach (plant leaves)?
What atoms are those molecules made of?
What kinds of organic molecules do you see in peanuts (plant seeds)?
What atoms are those molecules made of?
What kinds of organic molecules do you see in celery (plant leaf stems)?
What atoms are those molecules made of?
What kinds of organic molecules do you see in carrots (plant roots)?
What atoms are those molecules made of?
B. Using nutrition labels to learn about water and energy
The nutrition label for celery shows that 100 grams of raw celery have 3 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of protein?
The rest of the weight of the celery is mostly what substance? __________________________
What percent of the weight of a stick of celery is this substance? _________%
Circle the plant food that has the most stored chemical energy.
What part of the nutrition label tells about chemical energy? ________________________
C. Where does the matter and energy in plants come from?
1. Two construction workers, Luis and Ana, were having a discussion while they were building a log house one day. Ana
said, “Isn’t it amazing that the mass of these heavy logs came originally from a gas, carbon dioxide in the air?” Luis
couldn’t believe his ears. He said, “There’s no way that the mass of these logs came from the air. Air doesn’t weigh
anything. You are absolutely crazy Ana! The mass of these logs came from water and nutrients in the soil.” Do you agree
with Ana or Luis?
Explain your ideas about what provides most of the mass that makes up a log.
2. You modeled that photosynthesis is a process where plant cells take inorganic matter (water and carbon dioxide
molecules) and rearrange the atoms in these molecules into high-energy organic matter (glucose) plus oxygen. Where
do plant cells get energy for this process and how does the energy change during photosynthesis?
3. Do plants create energy during photosynthesis? Explain why you think they do or do not.
Materials in Plants Notes– Answer using notes @ lab group table
1. What molecules are plants made from?
2. What atoms are plants made from?
3. What is a mineral?
4. What minerals are plants made from?
5. What atoms make up a plant’s minerals?
6. Any other Molecules?
7. Where do the atoms that make up carbohydrates, fats, and proteins come from? (a data table might help!)
8. Where does the chemical energy in the high-energy (C-C and C-H) bonds of carbohydrates, fats, and
proteins come from?
Check for Understanding – Photosynthesis Quiz Thurs 11/13
1. What is the purpose of photosynthesis?
2. What are the inputs and outputs for photosynthesis?
3. Describe the molecules that carbon atoms are part of before and after photosynthesis?
4. How do plants build biomolecules? What is this process called?
5. Classify the following as organic or inorganic:
a. Carbohydrates
b. Sodium
c. Water
d. Proteins
e. Calcium
1. Name three organisms that have the ability to perform photosynthesis.
2. Why do plants appear green?
3. Study and read the figure on page 367, what is the spectrum of light energy used in photosynthesis?
From the diagram, what information do you know about the size the wavelength and energy level of
this spectrum?
4. What is the role of chlorophyll? How is chlorophyll related to potential energy?
5. What are the three major events/reactions, which take place during photosynthesis?
6. Carbohydrates are created during photosynthesis. How do you think plants and animals that eat plants
benefit from the carbohydrates produced in photosynthesis?
7. Create a sketch, which fills the box, of the organelle in which photosynthesis takes place. Below the
sketch write the name of the organelle.
a. Label the thylakoids.
b. Label the stroma.
c. Label the chlorophyll.
8. List two variables that will affect the rate of photosynthesis.
Friday 11/14 Eyewitness – Plants Video
1. Where are the oldest working gardens? ___ ________________________
2. Chlorophyll makes plants ________ ______________________
3. Kelp can grow _____________ inches per day.
4. (Myth) A woman who plants too much lettuce will __________________________
5. (Myth) Smelling basil will cause ______________________________
6. List 3 weapons used by plants:
7. In Victorian times, yellow roses meant _________________________________
8. Bee orchids imitate ____________________________
9. Flowers that smell like rotting meat attract what type of insect? __________________
10. How do animals help plants disperse their seeds?
11. Plants are nature’s ________________ conditioners.