Homework due: Freewrite (can turn in online or on paper) Meeting 2: Tosspon’s English 105 Building Foundations Review: Diagnostic Thesis Statements – Chpt 2 Narrative – Chpt 12 Reading/Writing Connection – Chpt 8 Grammar Log Overview 1. Collect supplies: – syllabus, handbook, Grammar Log (digital or hard copy), Writing utensil, and the .docx file (from your email or http://healdlogin.com ). 2. Use the “Review” tab and click “next” to look at each comment. 3. For the comments that have “#” symbols, write the # on the grammar log. 4. Write the sentence on the grammar log. 5. Correct the sentence on the grammar log. – Use the green handbook, the internet, and classmates to help you figure out how to change. Your Diagnostic Essays • Open the attachment. – You should be able to open it in word by right clicking on it, or by simply clicking on it. • Review my comments by clicking on “Review” and then clicking “Next” or “Accept” on the menu bar. Grammar Log • For each # error (not ALL comments), correct using the Grammar Log, Syllabus pg 7, + green handbook – In this example, the error is #5 • This is worth 10 points per paper. No errors means you automatically get the 10 points. Correct the error #5 In the beginning the dog wasn’t sure what he wanted to do. In the beginning, the dog wasn’t sure what he wanted to do. Find how to Correct your Errors by using the syllabus (pg 7) and the green handbook. Common Errors We will be adding one of these “cracks in our foundation” to our lesson each week. • Confused words – there=/= their • • • • • • Fragments/Run Ons Professional Language Hook/Introductions Wordiness Semicolons ESL? Verb Tense Shifts? See pages 337-358 (handbook) Include: Each type of error you tend to make How to Correct that type of error Sample sentences w/ the corrections Awesome. PreWrites, etc REVIEW CHPT 1 When You Write Narrow a large topic Start early Select something in which you currently have a strong interest Select a subject Find the best space for you Discover your Audience • Identify your readers Why are they reading it – what do Who is the audience? they hope to gain? What knowledge does your audience have about the subject? What is your audience’s attitude towards your subject? Special qualities of your audience? 1. They don’t like to be bored. (if you are bored writing it, they’ll be bored reading it) 2. They hate confusion and disorder 3. They WANT to think and learn 4. They want to see/feel what YOU see/feel 5. They are turned off by pretentious/phony voices. Chapter 2 Thesis! Pg 31 The Thesis • A thesis MUST tell the reader what they’re going to be reading. • Can change/be refined between draft and final! Working thesis! • All of your main points must fall under it! • It is your topic + your point about it. JigSaw: Chpt 1 • Each group assigned a section • Read the section • Develop a “Poster” w/ graphic to Explain your section to the class • class, as group explains, read along, highlight, or take notes. – We will be playing a game w/ this info next week Good thesis -States opinion (pg 33) -Asserts 1 idea (pg 33-34) -Has something to say (pg 34-35) -Is limited to fit (pg 35-36) -Clearly/specifically stated (36) -1st or 2nd paragraph (36-37) Avoid Common Errors 1. Don’t just announce topic (37) 2. Don’t clutter with “I think” (37) 3. Don’t just state a fact (38) 4. Don’t ask it as a question (38) Game! Pin the Thesis • Groups each will get a set of thesis statements. Record the #’s you have! • Decide which are “adequate” and which are “inadequate” – Use tape to put statements onto the corresponding location. – Be prepared to justify your choice to the class. • On 1 page per group, rewrite the inadequate thesis statements. Guidelines for a good thesis (pg 33) • States the writer’s clearly defined opinion on some subject • Assert ONE main idea • Have something worthwhile to say • Limit thesis to fit the assignment • State thesis clearly, in specific terms • In first or second paragraph. Thesis Statement Answers • Identify whether each is adequate or not, explain the problem 1. Adequate 2. Inadequate 3. Inadequate 4. Inadequate 5. Adequate 6. Adequate 7. Inadequate 8. Inadequate 9. Adequate 10.Inadequate 11.Adequate 12.Inadequate 13.Adequate 14.Inadequate 15.Inadequate 16.Inadequate 17.Inadequate 18.Adequate 19.Inadequate 20.Inadequate 21.Inadequate 22.Adequate 23.Inadequate 24.Inadequate 25.Inadequate 26.Adequate 27.Inadequate 28.Inadequate 29.Inadequate 30.Inadequate 31.Adequate 32.Inadequate 33.Inadequate Chapter 12 Narrative: Telling a story What is Poverty… Read the narrative With a partner, answer these questions (1 paper per group, titled “Components of Narrative”) 1. What is the purpose of this writing? The subject? 2. Who is the INTENDED audience? 3. What is the scope? (1 incident? A series of incidents?) 4. When and where was this set? How do you know? 5. List 2 sensory details – smells, tastes, textures, sounds 6. Describe the main character. Is there one? More? 7. What % of the story is dialogue (speaking, look for “ “) 8. Did you enjoy the story? Why/why not? Narrative (Chpt 12 pg 343) • A narrative is a story with characters and there is a definite plot line. A narrative normally has a beginning, a middle and an end. • It can also be used in pieces to make a point or support a point Telling a storycan be fact or fiction. Writing the Narrative Essay • • • • Know your purpose Make your main point clear Follow a logical time sequence Use sensory details to hold interest • Create authentic characters • Use dialogue realistically (pg 344-345, Green handbook pg 100) Problems to avoid • Choose your subject carefully • Limit your scope • Don’t let your story lag with insignificant detail Practice a Pre-Write: Looping! • Freewrite for 5 minutes: Topic: best vacation Loop it! Choose 1 sentence from your paragraph. Use that “center of gravity” sentence. Freewrite a paragraph using THAT as your jumping-off point. Review the 2nd freewrite. Find another “center of gravity”. Begin a 3rd Freewrite using that paragraph. Narrative Pre-Write • Do a pre-write of your choice (see Chpt 1) • Choose your own story (fiction, non-fiction, doesn’t matter!) • Things to consider as you write • • • • • Describe the setting and character’s appearance What unusual noises, colors, smells What does facial expression show? What might each person SAY What mood/tone will you create? Narrative essay assignment • Tell a story. • Can base it on your painting OR one of the topics on pg 347-348, OR propose a topic to me – Note, if you’re using the tornado painting, PLEASE do research (even watch Twister!) rather than making assumptions about how people would talk, how scared people would be, etc. • Essay worth 100 points • Rough Draft (2 printed copies) due next week • Final draft due the following week Homework • Narrative Essay 1st Draft (2 printed copies) DUE @ beginning of NEXT MEETING (50 points) – Final draft due in 2 weeks submitted to http://healdlogin.com – Name file: Lastname_Narrative.docx • Please note: Do NOT type .doc or .docx, those are file types to choose when you “save as” • Grammar log for Diagnostic Essay • Read: Book pgs 349-353 (sample narratives) • Vocabulary 1 –(10 points each): Select 10 words from your narrative. Try to challenge yourself, use your thesaurus! What definitions do we need to read your narrative? • May get in groups of 4, each person may use 1 item from this list: notes/book/syllabus/handouts Categories: • Syllabus, Chpt 1, Chpt 2 (Thesis), Narratives, Classmates