Position Paper Rubric for Immigration Reform D Mechanics Content Appearance Effort Creativity C Serious errors; makes reading difficult 6 points Needs more information Frequent errors, but readable 12 points Inadequate; not neat; little care evident 3 points Apathetic; shows little effort 16 points Adequate; needs more attention to detail 4 points Incomplete or inadequate for task 4 points Little original thinking 8 points 3 points Used ideas of others only 6 points 8 points Valid content, but little elaboration B A Minimal errors; typical for grade level 9 points Accurate content; well developed topic 18 points Attractive product; neat and appealing 4.5 points Appropriate effort; successful 4.5 points Creative integration 9 points Flow of paper is enhanced by mechanics 10 points Precise data; extended and complex content 20 points Eye-catching; pleasing beyond expectations 5 points Extensive effort; autonomous The position paper will be worth 50 points! 5 points Unique ideas; fresh perspective 10 points