
Anumeha Singh
 Measurement of failure/ success
 4 main factor domains
 Hyped up innovations
 Innovations which failed earlier but were
accepted later
Qualitative  emotional, psychological
Quantitative total population of end users
Financial revenue generated
Technical failure
Social reasons
(nature of failure under each of the domain is different for different cases)
Presence of Technical Glitch
Technological limitation or support system default :
Electric vehicle, Iridium phone
Not well tested before moving into market
Too advance technology to be accepted
Design Defect
- innovation by APPLE(Newton)
- Electronic Pricing machine
Inadequate market analysis
 Poor understanding of competitors strength
 Inadequate assessment of market potential
 Failure to perform adequate market research
 Bad timing of introduction(Launch)
Higher cost than estimated
Inadequate marketing effort and efficiency
Inadequate sales resource
Inaccurate product pricing
Lack of infrastructure
Inadequate capacity in firms for transition
Lock-in into existing trajectory or regime
Inadequate institutional framework:
 Weak networks and flow of knowledge
 Segway
 New coke
 Iridium Satellite Phone
 Amphibious Car
 Color Photo Copy Machine
 Electronic Pricing machine
 Water fuelled cars
A brilliant and novel technological
device (rated as breakthrough on
the novelty scale).
 Its failing was the closed nature of
its development.
 No prototypes were tested in the
 Very little market research was
 Segway was launched into a
marketplace that simply didn't
need it, or didn't need it at that
 Innovated by a Japanese company Genepax.
 First concept released in Philippines 30 years ago, not much of
its design is so far made public.
 Unrealistic claims by the manufacturer.
 The conversion to hydrogen from water is very inefficient and
 Safety issues.
First of its kind implemented
in Singapore for congestion
Technology loopholes were
Causes traffic bottlenecks
along smaller roads.
Payment uneasy.
Invented by 3M in 1972. Taken over
by Xerox.
 Very high expectations.
Inadequate market research
Too advanced for its time.
Expensive as well as impractical.
Major marketing failure.
Step taken to outsell Pepsi sales.
Completely replaced the flagship
brand ‘Coke Classic’.
Well researched for customer
feedback, still failed.
‘Coke Classic’ relaunched within 3
months of the introduction of ‘New
Coke’ due to complete failure.
 Unrealistic planning, insufficient
management control, bungled marketing
and a technological disaster.
 Stiff price. Iridium handsets were priced
as pounds 1,900 and calls were as much as
pounds 5 per minute.
 Mounting technical problems and an
unrealistic launch timetable led inevitably
to poor execution when it came to
Internal Refueling of Aircraft
Napster (business model)
THE Million dollar Homepage
“It is not the strongest of the species
that survives, nor the most intelligent,
but the one most responsive
to change.”
—Charles Darwin