From a good school to a GREAT school… Principal: Assistant Principal Science RT Math RT Arts RT Resource Counselor Arts & Humanities Coordinator STARS Coordinator AOIT Coordinator Dr. Doran Mr. Du Boyce Ms. Alton Mr. Tucker Ms. Ingram Ms. Taylor Ms. Hanson Ms. Nostrand Ms. Mattey Wootton Basics •Opened in 1970 •Comprehensive HS serving Rockville community and students in grades 9-12 •Current enrollment – 2, 344 students •School day begins at 7:25 and ends at 2:10 •School day consists of eight class periods, which includes lunch •Students may NOT leave campus for lunch Example Student Schedule A PERIOD COURSE TEACHER ROOM 1 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1A P. KIRK 129 2 H ENGLISH 9A K. BOLDON 234 3 H SPANISH 3A M. SALZMAN 149 4 H US HISTORY A A. STEPPLING 167 5 LUNCH D. GOMEZ CAFE 6 H MATTER & ENERGY A K. SCHWARZ 208 quarters/marking periods. (MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4) 7 CONCERT BAND A C. HERMAN 29 •All periods are 45 minutes in 8 H GEOMETRY A C. TUCKER 285 •Student schedules have 8 periods •Lunch is part of a students schedule. It is an important part of balancing a students workload •Lunches are either 4th, 5th, or 6th periods •Classes are divided into two semesters. (Either section A or B, 1 or 2) •Semesters are divided into 2 length Example Student Schedule B PERIOD COURSE TEACHER ROOM towards a students weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) 1 AP NSL HISTORY B CRESHAM 168 •Second Semester classes. 2 ALGEBRA 2 W/ ANALYSIS B TUCKER 292 3 HONORS ENGLISH 9B DICKEL 278 4 LUNCH D. GOMEZ CAFÉ 5 HONORS CHEMISTRY B CHARUHAS 114 6 HONORS SPANISH 3B SALZMAN 145 7 WEIGHT TRAINING LONG 16 8 FOUNDATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY B DENTON 13 •Advanced courses count Most classes culminate in a final exam or final project depending on the curriculum. Population * 2012-13 2013-14 Total 2297 2344 Freshman 584 647 Sophomore 574 548 Junior 563 588 Senior 576 561 SAT Mean Scores* Graduation Rate: 99% Attending College or Military: 98% Verbal Math Writing National 496 514 488 Montgomery County 545 561 545 Wootton 594 634 608 Data: *Schools at a Glance 2012-2013 2012-2013 SAT Data* 2012Critical 2013 % Reading/ Verbal Popula Tested Mean Score tion Wootton Richard Montgomery Montgomery Blair Poolesville Math Mean Score Writing Mean Score 2,297 83.7 594 634 608 2,124 79.5 591 595 589 2,806 74.8 555 568 547 1,170 * 86.2 521 634 614 *2012-2013School Profile Richard Montgomery Poolesville Montgomery Blair Spring 2012 Data Wootton No. AP Exams Given 2,772 2,073 2,080 1,750 Total No. Students Tested 1,350 949 896 556 52.1 % 45.8 % 30.4 % 48.5 % No. Tests Scoring 3 and higher 2,465 1,749 1,793 1,530 Percentage Scoring 3 and higher 88.9% 84.4% 86.2% 87.4% Percentage Tested within Total Population (2010-2011 data) Data: 2011-2012 MCPS AP Testing Data Report Wootton Richard Montgomery Graduation Rate >95.0 % 90.3% 85.8 % >95.0% Attendance Rate >95.0% 94 % 93.5 % >95.% Dropout Rate <5.0 % <5.0 % 9.7 % <5.0% Suspension Rate <3.0 % 4.3 % 3.6 % 3.5% % Percent of Students Meeting Univ. of MD System Entrance Requirements 86.4 % 70.6 % 71.0 % 88.4 % * Data: “Schools at a Glance 2012-2013” Montgomery Poolesville Blair Biology, Calculus (AB and BC), Chemistry Chinese Language, Comparative Government, Computer Science, English Language & Composition, English Literature, Environmental Science, European History, French Language, Human Geography, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Music Theory, Physics C (Mechanics and Electricity & Magnetism), Psychology, Spanish Language and Literature, Statistics, Studio Art, U.S. History, World History, U.S. Government & Politics (AP NSL) For students who are passionate about literature, history, languages, art, theatre, music…! A unique, flexible, and challenging course of study Cohorted, enriched sections of 9th/10th Honors/AP English and Social Studies; 11th Grade Social Studies Junior and Senior seminar classes Field trips, artists-in-residence, workshops, speaker series Specialty electives such as such as Law, Film Studies, Mock Trial, Debate, and Musical Theatre Course Requirements: Humanities Focus (4) English* (3) Social Studies* (4) Foreign Language (1) Fine Arts (3) Additional H&A Electives (may be in any of the four major humanities or arts disciplines and electives) (.5) Junior Seminar (spring of junior year) (.5) Senior Seminar (fall of senior year) *all H&A students are enrolled in special cohorted classes of English and Social Studies Course Requirements: Arts Focus (4) English* (3) Social Studies* (4 or 5) Fine Arts (3 or 4) Foreign Language (.5) Junior Seminar (fall or spring of junior year) (.5) Senior Seminar (fall of senior year) *all H&A students are enrolled in special cohorted classes of English and Social Studies Off-Campus Experience We believe that these experiences are critical to the understanding of the humanities and arts in culture and society Students must complete one off-campus experience during the program: An internship A study abroad experience A university summer program (arts focus students may also use music lessons or art experiences for the OCE) Private art lessons ( Arts Focus Students) Senior Independent Project The Humanities & Arts Program capstone experience is called the Senior Independent Project (SIP). Students choose • extended research essay (18-20 pages) OR • major art project with a short research essay (8-10 pages) • Prepares students for the independent research, writing, and oral presentation skills expected by universities • students give an oral defense of their work to a faculty panel Extended Essay Examples “The New Suburban Marketplace: New Urbanism, Retailing, and Community in the Internet Age” “A Bullet-Riddled Defeat: An In Depth Analysis of the Failures of the Merida Initiative in Dealing with the Mexican Drug War” “Who Gives a Tweet?: The Social and Psychological Impact of Social Media on the Mobile Generation” “The Final Solution: An Analysis of German Passivity towards the Jews during the Holocaust from a Historical and Psychological Perspective” Short Essay/Creative Projects Samples “A Comparative Study of the Keyboard Preludes of Bach and Chopin” (Piano Performance) Portrait Art Examined: An Exploration into the Psychology and Brain Science of Facial Recognition (Painting Portfolio) “Women of Will: The Outspoken Women of Shakespeare’s Comedies” (Dramatic Performance) Class of 2013 Statistics 57 Graduates H&A GPA Avg.: 3.61 Avg. # H&A AP: 5.35 Students are currently attending Princeton, Cornell, Kenyon, Drexel, NYU, Boston University, and the University of Maryland. How Do I Join? Applications will be available online in January of the 8th grade year; the application should be submitted to the guidance counselor together with the registration form for the next year. Application packets may also be submitted directly to the Program Coordinator. Students will be formally notified of acceptance into the program. H&A Program Contact Information Michelle Hanson, Coordinator (301)517-8173 The ARTS “The ARTS are an essential e l e m e n t o f e d u c a t i o n . . . mu s i c , dance, drawing, painting, and theatre are all keys that unlock p r o f o u n d h u m a n u n d e r s t a n d i ng and accomplishment.” William Bennett •Art •Music •Theatre •Dance •Family and Consumer Science Foods & Child Development •The Arts cultivates skills and discipline. •The Arts strengthen academic performance. •The Arts challenge student to think about themselves and the world in creative ways. •The Arts make learning come alive. •The Arts provide leadership opportunities. •The Arts open a wide range of careers. The ARTS Art Foundations of Art Studio Art/AP Studio Art Painting AP Art History Fashion Drawing & Design Ceramics Photography Theatre Theatre Advanced Acting Play Directing Technical Theatre Musical Theatre Family and Consumer Science Cultures and Cuisines Food Trends Child and Adolescent Development Education Internships Music Chorus Chamber Singers Concert Choir Songwriting (Pre-AP Music Theory) AP Music Theory Rock 101 Concert Band Symphonic Band Jazz Band Percussion Ensemble Guitar Concert Orchestra Symphonic Orchestra Chamber Orchestra Dance Dance/PE Dance as a Fine Art The ARTS Art Clubs and Exhibits Chamber Singers and A Cappella Concerts Concert, Symphonic and Jazz Band Concerts Concert, Symphonic, and Chamber Orchestra Concerts Theatre Productions Dramatic and Musical The Festival of the Arts The Child Development Lab School Whatever career path one chooses can be admirable, but if you really want to be all that you can be, be a teacher and affect eternity. Child and Adolescent Development 1 Advanced-Level Child and Adolescent Development 2 and 3 Lab School for Pre-K Children Advanced-Level Education Internship All Subjects All Grades All Schools Foundations of Education College Classes – 4 credits Partnership with Montgomery College LEARN LEAD INSPIRE “The secret of life is in the ARTS!” Oscar Wilde Carla Ingram Arts Resource Teacher 301.279.8589 The mission of the Thomas S. Wootton Science, Technology and Research Signature Program is to provide an environment in which each student is challenged to excel personally and academically through a comprehensive educational experience in science, math and research. STARS fosters problem solving, leadership, and an appreciation of science through independent research that is supported by rigorous classroom academics. STARS provides students with a small group environment, while maintaining all of the resources of a large, comprehensive school experience. ●Freshman Cohort ●Extensive Science Club Selection ●Science Lectures and Extra-curricular Learning Activities Students participate in outside lectures each year. Students take additional years of science and math. Students take 1 semester research class. MANY internship opportunities are available Community service opportunities AP Sciences, AP Computer Science, AP Calc AND Multivariable Calc available Multiple sections of many APs to make scheduling of electives possible Individualized, science-focused academic guidance for STARS students Performance and Participation AP Calculus BC mean score: 4.47 with 101 participating 2012 mean: 4.73 AP Calculus AB mean score:4.32 with 134 students 2012 mean: 4.40 AP Statistics mean score: 3.94 With 97 students 2012 mean: 4.10 College level Math Courses & Beyond AP Calculus BC AP Calculus AB AP Statistics Multi-variable Calculus Differential Equations Mathletes Interstellar Online Competition County Math League American Mathematics Competition International Mathematics Olympiad University of Maryland Mathematics Competition Continental Math League Princeton University Math Competition AP AP AP Biology Chemistry Physics Total Students 154 140 34 2012-13 Average AP Score 3.62 4.87 4.68 Intel Semifinalist Siemens Semifinalists- 3 last year! MCPS Science Fair Awards Biology Olympiad Semifinalist Chemistry Olympiad Semifinalists National team member Physics Olympiad Semifinalists BioGenius Finalist for Northeast region Physics Bowl Competition Year 1 team-1st Place Year 2 team- 1st Place Chemathon- Held at U of MD for multistate competition JETS (Junior Engineering Team Score) Grade 9/10 and 11/12 were BEST in STATE Competition held at GW School of Engineering All students take Research Project (.5 credits) in order to prepare them for research internships Minimum of 4 science credits (honors/AP)many take more! Many students complete off-site research through an internship Out of class lectures- 3-5/year Community Service Involvement-bake sales, Fall Festival, March Madness, etc Overall 3.0 GPA for science Contact For additional information and STARS application : Visit the Wootton website under "Signature Programs”(STARS) Wootton Math RT: 301-517-8174 Wootton Science RT: 301-279-8594 For STARS Program: The Academy Of Information Technology @ Thomas S. Wootton HS Presented by: Monica Mattey – AOIT coordinator The Academy Of Information Technology Academy Mission: Our mission is to support the personal and professional success of youth by creating careerthemed learning experiences; and building partnerships between high school and businesses. Academy Vision: Our vision is to provide highly-qualified graduates who are prepared for college and for careers in information technology Academy Structure Enrollment: Limited to 50 students each school year Program Sequence: Students select pathways to content areas within information technology, such as: – Programming – Networking/Hardware – Information Resource Design Meetings We have homeroom meetings. – Attendance is taken We have scheduled speakers to enlightened our students on career choices. Visit the website to see up to date information It can be located on our homepage under special programs (AOIT-Information Technology) Student Internships All students are required to do a paid internship during the summer of their Junior and Senior year. Students will actively look for internships that interest them in the field of study they have chosen. Mock Interviews are set up for students to learn the process of interviewing with local businesses. College Level Course Students are required to take the necessary courses within the pathway. Recommended that they take a college course during their senior year. As a result, Academy students are prepared for post-secondary studies in information technology. Scholarships Our 2011 graduates received $16,000.00 worth of scholarships One student was given the NSA Stokes Scholarship. Full tuition to any college of his choice and a guaranteed job with NSA upon graduation Maryland is the National Cyber Security Headquarters for the nation. Over 100,000 jobs expected to be filled. Dynamic Employer Partners Employer Partners: – Lockheed Martin – Montgomery County Public Schools – Cisco Systems – InfoStructures – Montgomery College – Intervise – Booz, Allen &Hamilton – TalentShip, Inc. – IBM Early College Access Programs Early College Access Programs College Institute A Partnership in Excellence between Montgomery College & MCPS since 2002 Wootton High School Gaithersburg High School Kennedy High School Seneca Valley High School (Kennedy and Seneca Valley joined the partnership in 2005) CI Program Coordinators and Staff Dr. Jay Bass, Wootton School Counselor Ms.Amy Evans, Wootton’s Dual Enrollment Program Assistant 12th Grade Level Administrator ◦ 2013-2013, Mr. Joseph Du Boyce Primary Objectives To provide high achieving seniors an opportunity to earn college credits while still a high school student. To provide further opportunities for students to demonstrate maturity & responsibility To offer challenges beyond AP classes To support the success of the students participating Students’ senior year is enriched by: • Becoming academically and socially oriented to college • Expanding their academic reach beyond the AP level while still in high school • Selecting college courses that build on the AP classes of interest • Enjoying more freedom in their course schedule College Institute Course Selections Working together with students, MC, and Wootton administrators and staff, various course offerings are generated. Many academic departments participate, including: • • • • • • Anthropology Business Computer Science Criminal Justice Engineering English • • • • • • History Math Meteorology Philosophy Political Science Psychology • • • • Sociology Speech Theatre Women’s Studies Universities at Shady Grove (USG) Classes are held in classrooms or computer labs with state-of-the-art technology and equipment The CI program is housed in Building III, USG’s LEED Gold Certified Camille Kendall Academic Center, which was constructed to be both energy efficient and environmentally sensitive. ( Satellite campus encompassing the innovative partnership of nine Univ. System of MD universities, USG offers more than 60 of the best and most popular degree programs from across the state. ( Student Eligibility Students will apply for the program when they complete the scheduling process with School Counselors in the middle of junior year. The eligibility requirements are as follows: • On track to complete primarily all high school graduation requirements by the end of junior year (17 on average) • Achieve a minimum score on the verbal/English & math sections of the SAT (at least 550) or the ACT (at least 24) • Earn a minimum weighted GPA of 3.5 • An Appeals Process exists for highly motivated students with strong academic records whose achievements fall slightly below the criteria cited above Benefits of this program Extends opportunities beyond the AP level Experienced college faculty work with students during their first foray into the college experience Small class sizes, typically no more than 20-25 students per class Opportunity for students to earn college credits that can be transferred to their future college or university (students have earned an average of 6 credits in the past) Courses taught at the nearby Universities at Shady Grove (USG) campus in state-of-the-art “Green” classrooms Transportation provided by MCPS bus to and from USG Enhances college admissions profile Schedule planning, course registration, guidance and support provided by Wootton College Institute staff during junior year Financial Aid available through Montgomery College specifically for high school students concurrently enrolled For More Information, check out our websites The Office of Dual Enrollment Programs artment.aspx?id=23873 o o Scroll over the Special Programs option Select the “College Institute” link We ARE the Wootton PATRIOTS.